PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

Hi Pooh,
EVP is supposed to regulate menses & improve our skin. My menses is still haywire but my skin condition improves tremendously


Heard that Donggui will have to regulate menses. ROM actually has donggui it. Now trying to drink ROM every night.
hello all

yes, GLA is Evening primrose oil, it has made a lot of improvement on my skin, it is glowing now, does not help with regulating my cycle though. but i got more cervical mucus lah, i think i got preggy naturally the other time coz i took the GLA,initially i took clomid, didnt work, so i stopped and took GLAs and i conceived naturally, what a miracle!
no preggy woman cannot take GLA coz it has prostaglandins which makes the uterus contracts, that was what the net says. anyway, after giving birth u can take, and u will see results after 3 2-3 weeks of continuous use. And the brand is Shaklee GLA, take once a day only. U can get it at Guardian or Unity Healthcare. pse ask for 15% discount or else they wont give! it is $52 bucks, real X compared to the other kind of GLAs coz it has borage & sunflower oil and vit E, so give it a try for those NON-pregnant woman pse!

i bot 1 too..but not too sure if can take during menses. i've irregular menses and pcos too..initially tot of buying another brand of evening primerose oil but the lady there intro this to me..telling me its gd..i also did ask for discount..think its 15%..
Hello all,

I've been with the miscarriage support group these few mths. I had m/c last Oct - was abt 6 wks then. It was my 2nd pregnancy - I hv a 2 yr old gal. Few yrs ago, I saw a chinese physician at Jurong East, she ever told me that I hv PCOS and I've to do P4 & HCG test as soon as I conceive. But since my 1st pregnancy was smooth sailing, I didn't pay match attention to the PCOS symptoms & also I was ignorant then. I didn't realise that PCOS will increase the chances of m/c till now.

I still get a little depressed on & off, but today suddenly in the midst of reading some magazines, this PCOS thing strike me again. I would like to find out if anyone here has a good gynae to recommend who has experience in high-risk pregnancy? And also would monitor patients closely especially pple like me with PCOS? I intend to gather some gynae's information 1st, hoping that in future if I would conceive again, I'll hv a few good gynaes on hand, then can decide whom I want to use.

Sorry to hear abt your loss. You're not alone.
You may wan2 join the support group...there're a few woman like you & we actually share & encourage each other....http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/22127.html
Hi gwer. I am now seeing this gynae at gleneagles, named Dr Fong. He was the one that help Pastor Sun (The singing pastor) to deliver.

Quite experienced in high risk pregancy and PCOS.

Number to call: 64686522
hello qwer,

Tks for yr support and encouragment")
Ya, i am seeing a gynae that specialises in pcos at Gleneagles too, but not Dr Fong, he is with Dr Fong, same clinic, dont know whether i can reveal his name

He solved my frd's repeteant miscarriages abt 5 times, and when she saw him, she managed to sustain the pregnancy and now has 2 kids, amazing! He is a fertilty specialist.
I am taking a break now coz he said to, my d & C was on 19 Jan so i can try again after my next period, which i just got it, so going for a holiday in march to make babies hehehehe.

But are u overweight qwer? How did u manage to conceive the other time with yr 1st baby?
i'm oso having PCOS. actually PCOS can tell from ultra scan or blood test?

celine and faridah, does ur doctor gives u metformin?
hi ed, not yet on metformin, but he will put me on metformin if my insulin is high, i will have to take the insulin test on 11 march then if high i gotta take that. but i heard it has helped some people to conceive.
I think I know who's your gynae. Is he a Professor whose charges quite expensive?

I'm not over weight. I'm 45kg - ideal for my height. I also dunno how I conceive that last time with my 1st child. Everything was smooth sailing.
Hi ladies,

I'm a fellow PCOSer. Currently I'm seeing a gynae and have been on 3 courses of clomid. Today is the start of my 4th course.

I'll not be able to monitor if I have follicles as I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks. I think I can only tell when I ovulate (if I do ovulate at all)

My friend recommended me a gynae, says 2 friends who have PCOS went to him for treatment and now they're due!

If after this course of clomid still no news, I think I'll go and try this recommended gynae.
Anyone heard of Dr Charles Lim from Mt E.?

I go to Charles Lim, his fees q reasonable. But his clinic is usually v crowded so you'll have to wait a long time, even with an appointment. Also, because he's so busy, he doesn't take much time to explain things to you.

But if you don't mind his bedside manner, he's well-informed of PCOS and infertility.

Under his guidance, I conceived twice.
gynaes! gyanes! gynaes! gosh, during our mothers'era, they dont even have ultrasound! and still gave birth to healthy babies! as human evolved, so did diseases too!

I gotta go for my insulin test, sigh, hate going for all these tests!
Hi Chatz,

Thanks for the info. I think I'll give him a try when I come back.

Will let you know after my visit with Dr Lim.
Hi, Wishbear,

Cool! Let know know how it went? I think Dr Lim is usually q patient on the 1st visit, except if u're the last patient on a sat (which I was!) :p
hi, Wishbear,

even if you hv the 1st appointment, i find that you still need to go early & queue at the door, 'cos they go by first-come-first-serve. So i'm usually waiting at the door by 8.15am (clinic opens at 8.30am)

actually, it makes good sense to be 1st patient for 1st appointment, 'cos he usually orders blood tests etc. which will take up the rest of the morning.

Hope this helps.
hi there

i think catz or chatz conceived on metformin the previous time rite? can u tell me how long it took u to conceive on met? i am on met know for 2 days already. tks
hello ladies ... ;P went back review on 1st march.. was so happy that my left ovary was clear with cysts & right side with only a few left.. at least its getting better liao..
and i can ovulate myself last cycle.. was really happy but abit sad though i
"failed" my mission but nvm.. started 2nd cycle of clomid yday.. gettin all ready to start my battle already..

catz.. got lastest pic of little bb?
Hey mei mei, congrats that your PCOS seems to be getting better
Good luck with the 2nd cycle!!

Latest baby pix ah? Got lah.. his blur blur passport photo!!! Blame his Dad and granddad for the unflattering shot!!!
hey catz
yr baby iss soo cuteeeeee, ahhh
so lucky!!!

ok, i think tat was chatz that conceived on met, hopes she comes online soon
hi catz.. OMG!!!!!! he's so CUTE & CHUBBY leh.. :p
can i pinch him huh... wahahah
hw many months he is now?? 3mths?
Hey Meimei, he's 2 and a half months already.. haha, his cheeks are super chubby man... so he can smile when he's on his back but if he's sitting up, he cannot smile..hehe.. gravity working too hard on his tau sar piah cheeks
Hi pooh25,
Just saw your posting from last month.
What's ROM?
Have u been able to ovulate on your own the last few cycles?
hi pooh.. i juz take the metformin lor.. for 2 mths.. ;)

hahaha.. catz.. he is really very cute leh.. when my turn huh... lolz me goin to start battle soon liao... :p today CD5 already lor.. all gear up... wahhahahahha
Hi, Faridah,

Sorry, was really busy in the office. I was on Metformin when I got pregnant. Took me about 2 months then... I was taking Metformin 3 times a day.

But now I've been on Metformin for 4 months liao. Still no news of No. 2 leh.

hi, Catz - your son v cuteeeeeeee!
hi chatz

tks for the reply
u mean u took met soley without clomid, and it took 2 mths for u to get preggy, hmmm, ya me taking 2 times a day lah, gosh it was bad at 1st, felt like puking, now better.

really hoping for a babe soon sob sob
faridah, don't give up hope
Luckily you don't feel so bad on the metformin hor?

Chatz, good luck with your TTC this time round! Hv resumed normal relations already... not being very careful as I'm highly doubtful that I'm all that fertile anyway.. hehe.. Thanks for the compliments.. thought he looked really sotong in the piccie.

Meimei, wah gear up ah?
Like gonna attack your husband like that!
Hi Tidy Fairy

Sorry i mean DOM. I started taking it last menses. But the latest cycle is 35days, so it actually helps, will continue taking it and see how.
hi faridah!

My wife got the same conditions as you..PCOS..been trying to look for a specialist for her until i came upon your postings...you mentioned that ur Doc who specialize in PCOS is not Pro Ng, but works at the same clinic as Dr Foong. That leaves the other doc..who is an indian..but based on his medical profile..he is not a Prof.. confused by your clues..care to give me a clearer clue.?? is he Prof Chris Chen?? hope you can clear my doubts. Thks
hi dady

if u are keen, u can bring ur wife to c chinese physician at jurong east - ying chuan medical hall. i was diagnosed with pcos and seeing christopher chen now for ultrasound and at the sametime eating chinese medicine to induce ovaluation.
hello daddy wannabe

yes, he is a professor, just never indicate it, but i know he is. If u read his profile, u will know more, and moreover i work in SPH and i do know of his past achivements.Some docs dont wanna be known as professors
Just to share my own experience

I was diagnosed with PCOS after my 1st miscarrriage. my gynae put me on HRT + clomid. my cycle regulated after a few cycles but menses flow was scant. So i went to see chinese physician at Thong Chai (Infertility Unit)
http://www.thongchaimedical.org/infertility.htm, the cycle remained regular and the flow improved. Now, I'm pregnant and just passed my 1st trimester. After i found out about the pregnancy, i continued seeing the physician and at the same time, received care from gynae (they said it's ok to see both concurrently).

After what i've gone through, I would prefer to see chinese physician over the PCOS becos I feel that the healing is more complete. That's just my personal view.


I took the brew type. bad thing is, it's terrible to drink. good thing is, you know exactly what went into the pot...only herbs and nothing "extra"...
