PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hey dawn,
Don't be sad, as long as both of you are comfortable with the decision, then it's a good decision.

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread, but definitely not new to PCOS. I tried this physician at Jurong East for 4 mths - was previously seeing her for 4 mths as well but stopped when i had to go for laparascopy - and she has referred me to dr fong yang for IUI treatment.

is anyone a patient of dr fong, or heard of him before? my appt is for this sat, so am trying to gather more info before my consultation. i've been to quite a few docs and i hope he'll be able to help me conceive.
ya, dawn, cheer up
I guess your hubby has a point?

summer, sorry, haven't heard of dr fong. think there is a thread in this forum about him?
Hi Dawn,
Last time when you take clomid, does it help to regulate your menses? These 2 months I have been taking clomid + my chinese medication so I do not know which 1 helps me for regulating my menses.

Okay in this case you wait for a few more months maybe you can conceive naturally without going thru IUI?

Hi summer,
I think I saw the name in the thread, is he Dr Fong Chuan Wee from GlenE. Maybe you can check out from here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/162800.html?1132136936

FYI summer, there is no 100% success in IUI or IVF, I think no matter how good is the gynae is, I don't think they will dare to give a 100% guarantee of the success but don't feel dishearted just give it a try. I'm now trying for OI and maybe will combine with IUI, I really hope this cycle will be able to succeed. If not will try another cycle again. I think just have to relax and don't give yourself too much stress. All of us here understand the stress you are going thru, sometimes I also feel very stressful, now just have to leave everything to faith.

All the best to you
thanks gals for cheering me....feel better liow...think is the PMS yesterday which make me a bit weepy!

siew lei, yes, when i took clomid, though din conceive, cycle was about 30 to 32 days.

I have heard quite good comments about Dr. Fong Yang from other threads....he seems quite good leh.
Hi All,

im new here, and im also having pco...but its kinda funny, coz i dun have the weight gain and excessive hair. but i have a pitutary tumor which gives me increased prolactin...they suspect either that causes the pco, or its together with pco...

im also trying for a baby...sighz....so far they told me to try naturally first....im on cabbergoline for the prolactinoma at the moment....think its to supress prolactin and allow the eggs to come out. Did you gals get clomid straight away or they asked you to wait a while?
Hi bbunny,
i was given norhisterone to bring on menses then after that menses was given clomid. Then I conceived on that cycle of clomid. so not much experience with the drugs.
Hi Dawn,
In this case do you think you should continue taking clomid maybe you can check with your gynae? Although the clomid/chinese medication help to regulate my menses, I don't think I ovulate cos during the 2 cycle I have done the ovulation test, it is always negative. The chinese sinseh said sometimes the testing is not accurate but I feel that I'm not ovulating.

Tomorrow will be seeing my gynae to check on the growth of the egg after the 3 injections will update you gals again.
siew lei,

I never had a single positive test on the OPK when I went on clomid the last time. I used like so many sticks somemore. But then again, I may have tested too early. There is something about the OPKs being inaccurate with PCOSic (invention of new word kekkekeke..) ppl rite?
btw, good luck with the dr tmr.

Btw, dawn, when i took clomid that time i also din have menses for like very long leh. I think the ovulation on that cycle was like CD40. I didn't even know I had ovulated.
Hi ruggles,
Thanks! I really hope that the test is really not accurate.

Before your ovulation, you should have like egg white mucus, do you have that during that cycle when you take your clomid and when you have successfully conceived? (so envy
Hey siew lei,
Don't envy.. ur turn will come.
I was so miserable during the time I envied everyone around me...
I think miserable is an understatement. I was depressed man.

I actually dunno how to see the EW mucus thing lor.. but i did notice more discharge, but definitely was not egg white or that consistency that they say. That was why i didn't even know I ovulated and it was by sheer luck that we managed to kenna.. keke. After I confirmed the pregnancy, I looked back on my BBT chart and realised that my temp did show the dip and increment, then it actually remained a little higher than my usual temp. That was all the indication i had.
I am not taking clomid until the SO-IUI at KK, cos I read that if take too many cycles of Clomid will cause ovarian cancer. they reccomend not more that 6 cycles of clomid. I have oredi taken 2, so have to "ration" lor.
ruggles u are so lucky! kena the 1st time!

welcome bbunny..
how do u know u r PCOS since u r not over weight or hariy? did u do any blood test?

Siew Lei, keep us updated! will cross my fingers for you! the OPK not accurate for us cos PCOS pple have high LH hormones...
Hi dawn,
Ya I think you are right should not take too many cycles, I think all these medication has some side effect.

I just came back from my check and my egg has responsed to the injection and I actually ovulated today as the test is positive. Tomorrow will be doing theIUI, my gynae said still not late for doing it tomorrow cos my hubby go back to work liao.

Aiyo pray hard for me hope it will succeed for 1st attempt, I hope I'm as lucky as Ruggles, pray hard
Hey, just noticed something interesting..
realise that Catz is usually the last post before the thread is archived??? kekeke...
Hihi everyone

wow ruggles....you must be so so happy and excited with you coming bundle...u must take more care...

hihi dawn...mine was a long long story....coz i didnt have menses for almost 2-3 years...the doctors never suspected anything during those time...then finally 1 nice enough doctor decided to do a blood test, then found i had very high prolactin, then from there, they did all the testing.....but that time still young, never expected to get married, so never really consistently take the cabbergolin, so never really had menses...

now 5 years later, they say got pco...do i dunno if its coz i never took my medicine, then cause all the eggs to get stuck, or is it just part of it...

abit upset, but im still not taking my cabbergolin regularly leh...the side effect not very nice...always tired and lethergic....sighz...

so hoping that if i start taking regularly, i can get preggie without the clomind and everything else...

maybe i should try tcm??
ruggles, thanks for being there for us...even though u have graduated!
my secondary school best fren jus gave birth yesterday and i went to see the baby...so cute!

Siew Lei, will pray hard for you tomolow!
hope the sperm will meet the egg!
Tonight went to see the Sinseh at Hougang...wah so many pple...I went at 845pm , tot very late liow...aiyoh got 5 or 6 couples in front of me...after i came out at 945pm also got another 4 patients waiting. good business today. I actually went on Tues night at 930pm after my lesson at NTU...but she had not much business that day....they told me she went back at 845pm liow....dunno why everybody came down tonight.

bbunny....other than taking cabbergolin, are there no other alternative medication?
must try to take that regularly lah...
maybe lesser dosage so that u wun be tired? can try TCM also...this is my 1st cycle trying TCM...not sure if the results are good....will let u know.

My collleague had very high prolactin reading too and was given some pills to take - i hv to check what pills they are if you are interested. Btw, she consulted with Prof Ng Soon Chye at Gleneagles.

She was supposed to start on her 2nd cycle of IVF in Jan and found out she is preggy in Dec!! Doc was surprised she's able to conceive naturally as he and 4 other docs she went to said the chance of it happening is only 0.1%, but she did it.

Good luck!
Hi everyone,
Can i join in the talk??

Me too have PCOS! Can anyone tell me where i can buy OPK without goin thru internet??
Hi summer,

I think the OPKS at pharmacies are really expensive leh. I know you said w/o gg thru internet but I have to recommended you this site that I bought mine, www.testforless.com
Quite cheap. I got like 15 OPK + 3 Preggie strips for US$17+ incl postage. comes in about 1 week. Inconspicuous somemore.

I think I sometimes more scared than excited arh..

you gals have been there for me all this time also. thanks!! no such thing as graduated or not one lah..
Hi gals,
Thanks so much!

Finished my IUI this morning , really hope will have good news. My husband's sperm count has increased so much and I actually don't believe it. Last time around Sept 05, the chinese sinseh wants him to check his sperm quality and count and the report is not that good. After taking the chinese medication and consistently taking vitamin E for 6 months, there is really great improvement. Really hope that my egg quality is good too so the sperm can meet the egg in this cycle and no rejection

Hi Dawn,
Has to be patience for taking the chinese herbs ok, I'm sure it will help. I will be going down to see her tomorrow and will continue taking the herb and hope everything will be fine.

Wish everybody here and myself good luck.
Hi ruggles,
Tks for the website, cos i dont have credit cards, tat's why cant order thru internet.

Hi Summer01,
Sorry for late reply :p. Ruggles already provide the ans...

Thanks for sharing! I used to buy OPK from pharmacy and it's expensive.


I started buying OPK sticks from the JE sinseh. It comes in a pack of 10 and costs $20 - cheapest so far. Trouble is you have to travel all the way there, unless you have friends staying nearby who can help with the purchase.
Hihi to one and all

thanks summer01....can please help me ask her? ask her also if she was diagnosed with pco at the same time....wah...so encouraged she conceived naturally...

hehe...ruggles, dun worry...when the time comes, all the instincts will kick in...

eh...question...i bought a opk too, but i dunno how to use, as in i dunno what day/date should i test if my menses is totally upside down....from dec till today...i cant recall (but i dun think my menses came yet leh).....

i dun think im preggie either, coz the kit say negative, but ive been eating super lots, tired lots and pee lots too...sometimes feel sick.....but the stick say no leh.....hhmmm...maybe i just got a big fat worm in my stomach from all the sashimi ive been eating....haha
Hi Siew Lei,
rest well and relax..

maybe you shld test again in 7-10days. your symptoms sound preggers leh.. i was like that the last time. Hungry a lot (suddenly hungry one), very tired and pee A LOT. keke..
hi gals,
i'm also with pcos, and after 6/7 cycles of clomid, 3 different gynaes, and 1 m/c later, i conceived naturally and now into my 5th month of pregnancy

1st time i tested also negative, then i persistently test again in a few days, and got a positive sign. hopefully it's the case for u also!

re: OPK
i used OPK together with follicle monitoring in gynae's ofice, and it seemed to be quite accurate. got positive sign in OPK when the follicle grows.
Hi Gals,
Thanks so much for all the wishes. Today a bit sian when I see my temperature drop, yesterday it went up to 36.78 but today it drop to 36.18 do not know like that means no hope liao.

Hi ruggles,
Last time after your ovulation, did your temperature stay up all the way then you confirm your pregnancy?
Hi Siew Lei,
My temp was generally about 0.1-0.3 degrees higher than my basal, after conception. It fluctuated a lot, but, it stayed above the basal line (according to fertility friend's diagnosis).
I think it doesn't matter if it drops but it should stay higher than your basal temp.
siew lei,

which DPO are you at? is it an implantation Dip?
usually it occurs between dPO 4 to 9. Looking at ruggles's bbt chart...her implantation seems to be on DPO 6 or 10.

Jia you....don't give up!

Mum2b, thanks for sharing with us!
I'm now only at DPO 4, I hope still have some hopes but today my temperature seems to drop slightly less than my basal leh...a bit sian. Let see whether tomorrow it will go up. Just have to pray hard lor
I also have PCOS. I have had 2 failed IUIs since, but Praise God! This third round is successful! I am pregnant!

I want to encourage all of u who are TTC to hang on and don't give up hope! I was very discouraged after my 2 attempts and after tt 2 rounds, the clomid tt i took was not effective and my follicle size was too small. It was the following round that I am now pregnant, 5 weeks!

I think it helped tt before my IUI, my hubby and I BD the night before.

Wishing all of u the very best!
Hi Beloved,
Thanks for your encouragment, my husband also said to me if this time we fail will try again. I think I have prepared myself for next round. The temperature go up slightly today but I have a feeling this round will not be successful just hope the next try it will be successful.

Congratulation to you and take good care of yourself
hi hi ladies .... sorry i have been absent for over a week ... heheh ... hubby took me for a short holiday in cambodia 'to take my mind off things and destress' or so he says ...

a big hello to everyone that i haven't met previously too

ruggles ~ when you finished your course of norhisterone previously, did you encounter any strange symptoms? i've been having really bad cramps and stomach pains through yesterday ... maybe it is a sign that AF is coming?!?!
Hi beloved
Gong Xi Ni! So happy and u create another hopes for us!

Hi nahlyn,
I am also taking Norhisterone (2 weeks) together some hormo pills, gyne advised i got to take 1 mth. But through the course, i also feel bad cramps like AF coming but cant come type of feeling!
Hi siew lei,
must have hope. when i was on clomid that time, i also thought that that round sure dun have. test after the 2ww yah. after that then decide the next course of action. meanwhile don't think too much yah, dun stress for nothing. dun keep staring at the temp chart.

btw, my hubby also had v bad sperm quality during that time (dunno whether now got improve cos once I got preggers we did not follow up on that already)so, no matter how small chances are, must have hope k.

norehisterone only made me sleepy and a little headache/ nausea i recall. No cramps before AF.

congrats and take good care of yourself. rest more, sleep more.
Hi ruggles,
Thanks so much for your encouragement, I hope I'm as lucky as you. Really hope the 2 week waiting period will approaching soon.
Hi bbunny,

No prob. I will check with my colleague on the pill. Btw, ruggles is right. I think you should wait for another wk or so to do another test. The same colleague was tested positive after 3 wks of missed period. The longest I've heard was 1 mth, no kidding.

Me saw Dr Fong Yang on Sat. As the other thread says it, he is very patient and surprisingly soft-spoken. He did a scan and confirmed my endo is back, albeit mild, and i have slightly enlarged uterus; normal size is 60mm while mine is 74mm. Heard of anyone with similar problem but went on to conceive successfully? I have also retroverted uterus, but doc said it does not deter fertility.

I need to start monthly injections for abt 2-3 months which will set my reproductive system to menopausal stage so as to allow my uterus to shrink back to it's normal size, and also to clear endo at the same time. If all goes well then i need to conceive within 6 mths, via IUI, otherwise, will have to start IVF again.
siew lei,
no matter how much u wish, 2ww will arrive in... 2 weeks... kekeke...
<font color="ff6000">Patience</font>...

retroverted uterus is v common. I also have that. Usually it reverts itself when the foetus develops and pushes the uterus outwards. No worries on that. Generally not v big issue.
even if it doesn't turn by itself with the devt of the pregnancy, there are ways to encourage it to turn.

The only troublesome issue i had with it was that it made me go toilet to pee A LOT (like almost every hr sometimes at night!!!) during the early stages of pregnancy cos the uterus have not fully turned back and it think it pressed on the bladder or something.
Hi summer,

I had SOIUI at KK and paid abt $1.3k. My friend did IUI with a pte gynea and paid abt $600, I think.

I had to inject myself with puregon to aid ovulation and it takes abt 10 days or so. Once you follicles have reached the optimal size - between 15mm to 18mm - then you'll need a final jab to for egg maturation 24 hrs prior to semen transfer.

On the day of transfer, you HB is required to produce his sperm. I know most docs encourage masturbation, but if that doesn't work you can still buy male factor (special condom) to collect the sperm (retail item). The process takes abt 5 mins or less to complete and you're ready to leave after abt 15 mins.

I think the diff between the 2 procedure is, IUI requires little or no injections as you are given clomid pills to self ovulate hence costs slightly cheaper.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for info. I feel much better after reading your message. Now, my only concern is to make sure my uterus will shrink after the injections. It seems that each time when i see the gynea, something new comes out of it

Btw, when is your EDD? It seems there are a lot of preggers this year. Must be a baby boom year

hey, so many of us online!!

my EDD is 2 June. jia lat, baby boom means next time very difficult to get sch and everything... *stress*
