PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

hi all, tks for the advise
ya, honestly i have thoughts of killing my baby, geez, didnt know there are others out there who have the same depressive feelings like me

i am really looking forward to having my baby coz for PCOS ppl it is hard to conceive, eventhough i did manage to conceive after a year of marriage. Geez funny how our hormones react, gosh! my mom told me to stay with her for 2 weeks so dat she can take care of me, but my hubby does not want. think he has to stay on his own lah for a while. cant always think of him! must think of myself and the baby too! tks for once again for the advise

faridah, no no it is very common to have these feelings but MUST TELL YOUR DOCTOR/NURSE and husband/mother. It's very common to feel very trapped when baby comes.. so make sure you are comfortable with the arrangements after birth. For me, my mom and husband were very supportive. I guess I was super depressed 'cos my skin was full of bad bad bad acne.. so please hor, read up about this and make sure that the people surrounding you during postpartum are aware of depression (reading up will help).. take care please!! So worried for you!
hi catz, tks so much for the advise
i really appreciate it, my skin is also very bad, lots of acne during this pregnancy, everyone asked why?! i said dont know! geez! and my gynae doesnt want to induce me just yet coz everything looks ok, i really want to induce, i am 38 weeks plus already sob sob. what can i tell him so tat he will induce me?
faridah....must juz hold on awhile more....maybe you boy too comfy inside...wants to laze around longer. very soon u will be able to hold him in your arms. my sis was also 3 days late....my best fren 1 week late too. do take care!
hi faridah, does he know you're feeling a little depressed? Maybe he might do something for you. My acne just went away.. I'm taking Yasmin birth control pills. Better than Diane 'cos no bloating. Please get your depression treated. I know how bad it can feel.. a close friend has suffered depression and it was very painful.
hi everyone ... i'm new to this thread and this forum too actually ...

i was recently diagnosed with PCOS - my gynae started me with 50mg clomid, which unfortunately didn't really help ... and am currently taking progyluton daily and 100mg clomid ... hopefully this works better and i would have better news when i go back to see my gyane next month

it has been kinda depressing and disappointing as hubby and i have been hoping for a new addition to the family soon ... but we're still hopeful that there will be success one day ... soon

good luck to everyone else who has PCOS and is trying too ... and i'm looking forward to sharing experiences, regimes, remedies etc with you all.

Hey Catz,
just a recommendation, I used to take Mercilon. Not bad also leh. No acne, no bloating, no weight gain, no nothing leh... I mean I've never tried anything else before lah.. btw, u finished BF-ing then you go onto the Pills??

welcome to this thread!
Hi faridah, just be patience. I 've clients who're with her baby for 40wks and just delivered a few days ago. Inshallah yours is coming out soon. Just relax and doa yang banyak and hope for the best. Everything should be fine.
nahlyn, good luck to you.. there are a lot of miracle babies in this thread.

ruggles, I took Mercilon too but I need Yasmin/Diane for skin control lah.
Yes, I stopped bf-ing then I went on BCP.
catz ~ thank you ... yes can see the miracle babies and so am hopeful. fingers crossed ....

ladies ~ does anyone have any recommendations about seeing TCM, any feedback or experiences to share? i am thinking of consulting one.
welcome nahlyn!
I am going to see a Chinese Sinseh this saturday, recommended by one of the gals on this thread...will let u know if she is good!
Hi Siew Lei, you going down this sat too? I din have time last month until this saturday...u going early or late? how do u feel after taking her medication for this period? I think my AF has gone haywire....oredi 60 days liow, no AF. *sigh*...will see what she says. I had wanted to go last saturday, but she was off until the 9th Feb...chinese new year break bah.

ruggles and nahlyn, sure will keep u all updated!
hey girls, i wanted to check if any of you had been prescribe progyluton to take previously, and if so, had you had any side-effects etc?

i was prescribed it over the weekend by my gynae but have been having on-off headaches since monday and bouts of nausea too ... wonder if it is the side effect ...
nahlyn, sorry i only took clomid. why don't you call your gynae's office and ask them? usually the nurses are very friendly.. take care.. hmm.. wonder if you're pregnant. i got very bad headaches when i was preggers. GO AND TEST!
what is this progyluton? taken for what? also have not heard of it b4.....so sorry can't help you but hope these are positive symptoms!
Hi nahlyn,
I also only used clomid. But from what I read, proglyluton seems to be a hormone for regulating menstruation leh..
catz ~ hehe .... i wish i was preggers ... but seriously thought am not. i did call my gynae up .. and she suggested that i change the time that i took progyluton, from morning to night so that i sleep through the effects. so far it seems to have worked

dawn & ruggles ~ it seems that progyluton is a medication for hormone replacing treatment. i wasn't ovulating with clomid 50gms and my uterine lining was very thin so that's why my gynae put me on progyluton to try to regulate my cycle - not sure if it helps with the uterine lining or not though.
Hi nahlyn,
I was put on norhisterone, before I took clomid and it was also a hormone (progesterone based i think) to bring on the menses before taking clomid. Maybe they are similar. Cos I had some headaches with it too.
dear all
i have just given birth to a cute baby boy weighing 3kg last monday, 6 feb at 1425
Catz: me staying with my mom, so dont feel so depressed
she has been a big help!
Faridah, heartiest congratulations! Do share with us your birth story and your little son's name! Yes, mums are THE BEST! There's nothing like having your own baby to appreciate Mum! I also thank God I was staying with my mom.. she was very understanding and helped out sooo much. Take care!
Congrats Faridah!
great to hear that you are doing well! do pop by to share you stories....waiting to hear them!
faridah ~ congrats congrats .... take care, rest well ... when you have time, drop on in and share with us your wonderful stories with baby

ruggles ~ they sound pretty similar ... it is definitely used for hormone replacement therapy and it contains estradiol valerate (which i think is a replacement for estrogen) and norgestrel (which is progestins) ...

dawn & siew lei ~ how was the visit to the tong yi?
Hi dawn,
I went quite early is in queue no.2, how about you? Last Saturday is quite quiet cos lot of her patient came on Thursday (9th Feb)and she told me she work until 11p.m.

This time I went she want me to go for Hormone and Progesterone level test for my next menstruation cycle. If the hormone or progesterone level is low, she can prescribe medication to improve it. She told me if these are low, it might be the cause that I'm unable to get pregnant.

I told her I'm trying for the ovulation induction soon, she is quite okay and she just want me to continue taking the chinese medication even if I conceive. I have been taking the chinese medication for 6 months and I think it did help to strengthen my body and my cycle seems to be shorten a bit instead of 40 over days, now is 30+ days (this may also due to I'm taking clomid + metformin too)

I will be seeing my gynae coming Friday for my 1st injection.
when I took the norhisterone, I also had giddiness and tiredness. My gynae actually gave me MC (i think was 2 days) to rest at home to get used to the effects of the drug.
Hi siew lei,

I went quite late that day....about 4pm...and there was a queue....we had to wait about 40mins for our turn. She asked me who introduce her one...i oni know your dialect name....and your surname....and alamak....so many surnames with 'chen' that day....and all sound the same to your name....so dunno if i told her the correct one! haha

she gave me some medication to induce my AF cos almost 70days liow....and told me to chart my BBT properly and show her before she can make any proper diagnosis. Brought my DH's sperm anaysis there....she says quite ok, so temporarily he doesn;t need to take any medication. I juz drank her TCM....god....it is so bitter! ARRRGGGGGGG......but must tell myself "liang yao ku kou" lor !

you mena u going for the IUI is it?
i wanted to go for it in December...but clashed with my hols to taiwan....then from them my AF went MIA liow. I think i better get my system in syn b4 i try my IUI.
ruggles ~ waaaah ... no such luck for me lah ... i seem to be adapting ok now that i switched it over to take at night ... only thing is that have started breaking out quite badly these few days ... sigh ....
Hi Dawn,
My chinese name is "chen xiu na"

Ai yo so sorry forget to warn you about the chinese medication so at least you are prepared. Somehow now I have get used to the taste.

Did she teach you clearly how to chart your BBT . Just continue to chart until your mens comes then you start a new chart. That means the first day of your mens start a new chart (and draw a big "X" only the heavy flow consider 1st day)

I'm going for Ovulation induction first if this cycle is not successfully then will combine with IUI. You can refer to this websites (from my gynae) about the procedure of ovulation induction: http://www.ivf-treatment.com/faq.htm

Wish all of us here good luck and hope we will have a good news soon
Hi Siew Lei,

ermm....i think i chose the correct name for you among the list! hee hee...

I have been taking my BBT for about 2 years liow....haha...but oni seriously charting during my first 3 cycles in 2004...after that....I lost discipline...oni take my temp on some days to check if ovulated or if AF is coming...din record down the temperature. Din know she want a full chart to analyse....so now have to go back to charting liow. Find her form difficult to chart...see the lines until blur....usu i will use the online prog on the fertilityfriend to chart...easier.

I was supposed to go for IUI last december but clashed my my holiday to taiwan...so i gave up that IUI cycle....but the AF MIA till now....so maybe march or june. What do u use for ovulation induction...is it clomid?
Hi Dawn,
The procedure for Ovulation induction is on the 3rd day of my mens cycle, I will start taking clomid till the 7th day of my mens. On the 8th day which will be tomorrow, I will be given one ampoule of Gonal F (75 units), under the skin of my tummy (abdomen) through a 27 gauge very fine needle. This is repeated on day 10 and then day 12. On day 14, I will go to see my gynae, I think he will do an ultrascan to check the growth of my follicles etc.

If this procedure do not result in pregnancy then the gynae will recommend the ovulation induction together with IUI.

Hmmm I just wander why you are not trying the ovulation induction first? I heard from my gynae lot of his PCOS patient try the ovulation induction, they result in pregnancy but I just do not have so much faith that this time round it will be successful hmmm, sometimes I feel that having a baby is like miracle to me.

Yesterday I attend my poly friends gathering, most of them are pregnant except me so just feel a bit depressed. Anyway I will give whatever way that is opened for me and if it still fails then will just let nature takes it course hmmm..
Hi siew lei,
Dun get discouraged. I felt like that when everyone around, (including my own sis) was pregnant around me. Stay positive and optimistic yah.

Donch lazy and start taking temperature properly arh...

I also think the fertlity friend one is v easy to use and very clear somemore.

U using the BBT kind of thermometer? I used the ear type when I was taking temp. Fast and easy, don't feel so tedious taking temp everyday. Wake up 1st thing in the morning is to pop it into the ear and it beeps in like 3s. Used to drive my hubby nutz cos I sometimes wake up like 3am and I'll automatically put the therm in my ear and go beep.. haha.. according to my gynae, he say whether 1 decimal place or 2 doesn't really matter one.
Siew Lei,

Understand what u going through....also felt depressed at times but maybe ruggles is right...we must be positive. I have taken clomid for 2 cycles in 2004 but not successful...

ruggles...thanks for ur encouragement...how's ur pregancy going? is it end of 2nd trimester oredi? got scan boy or gal?
i used the normal thermometer...given by our school during the SARS period..haha....2 decimal places....also drove my hubby crazy...cos it beeps every 2 second!
hi dawn,

i hate the silly sch therm leh.. cos it beep so loud and so long leh... yah, just use the easiest thing that you are comfortable with and that should make the task a little easier to continue.

Just a success story for you: my sis had a friend who went for IVF and is successfully preggers and is expecting a son sometime in apr/may. So don't give up!!

yah, i'm finishing my 2nd trimester liao. In my 25th week. My pregnancy so far has been good. No nausea, pretty good appetite, just that I had bouts of diarrhoea and caught the cold a few times. I am starting to feel tired again now that i am getting bigger.

Already scan liao. We are having a boy.. keke.. and everything is normal. Now just trying to psyche myself to not fear the epidural pain. (I'm a weirdo, more scared of the epidural than the thought of the labour pain...)
Hi Gals,
Thanks so much for the encouragement. Ya! should stay positive. Today I went for my 1st injection. My gynae do an ultrasound and see lot of small eggs, found 1 egg at my right side is around 9mm. The injection will help the egg to grow to an appropriate size.

There is some pain of the injection and the nurse taught me how to do it on my own on Sunday and Tuesday. She know it is not easy therefore she give me a letter so I can seek my neighbourhood GP for help ha!

Ruggles take good care of yourself and really happy for you. I hope my turn will be coming soon. My gynae said if my eggs do not response to the injection then after the next Thursday scan will need to increase the dosage. Have to pray hard everything will go smoothly
ruggles....haha....u are like my fren! she so scared of the epidural jab and the IV drip insertion...even more than her labour. cos she took epidural, she say she really din feel a thing during her labour...no pain at all.
wah...got boy is good! most impt is it is healthy rite!

Siew Lei, jia you jia you...hope the egg grows nicely.
keep us updated ok? I will be still going down tomorrow afternoon to see the chinese Sinseh, cos she wants to see if the AF coming after giving me the inducing AF medication.
yah, that's what everybody say about the epidural. my sis say that u can feel the intitial pain thingy but relief is instantaneous. She is having her second one and will go thru epi again for the sheer relief it provides. aiya, when the time comes, i think if really cannot tahan the labour sure will go for the lesser of 2 evils one i think.

Have a great day today everyone!!
Hi Dawn,
I will be going down next week so did the medication help? I hope your AF will come soon so you can start your IUI too. I'm thinking to have to OI together with IUI, very scare just the OI alone not enough anyway will talk to my gynae again next thursday. Wish both of us good luck hope we will have good news soon
ruggles.....but hor my fren says cos she take the epidural, she din know when to push, cos she can't feel her lower part.....all numb, so dunno if she is pushing or not.
after giving birth, she also can't believe she has given birth! she says it is so unsatisfying..... but what to do, she so scared of pain!

Siew Lei, my AF coming tomolo, cos i juz saw some spotting juz now.
will take my temp properly next cycle onwards! not sure if i should start my IUI coming cycle or wait till my cycles are more regular?

i thot the midwife will tell u when to push and they actually hook u up onto the machines to track contractions? i think as long as the baby come out is satisfying liao lah.. i not that type, must have pain then good one.. no pain is good.. keke..

IUI must wait for regular cycle one? maybe with luck you'll kenna this time around le? Good luck!!!
ruggles, oh they told her when to push, but she dunno if she is pushing...
so got scolded by the docs. she says she feels like role reversal...she always scold pupils one, now kena scolded by the nurses and gynae.... for not pushing hard enuff. haha.

no need to wait to be regular, but tot if regular, maybe mean that i am in a healthier state to carry the baby?
When u delivering?

my edd is 2/6/06. So I'm hoping that baby will come late. If not very loogi on the maternity leave.. keke.. actually i also dunno wat it means by pushing leh.. I nvr very successful when trying the push poo poo out when I'm in the toilet also..

eh, like that then dun wait for menses to be regular liao lor.. irregular menses doesn't mean not healthy wat. remember, the conception may jumpstart your system then everything may become normal again leh. IMHO lah.. I am that type kan chiong one lah... wait and wait must wait until when?

Hi Dawn,
Wow happy that your AF is coming soon. I agree with ruggles, you can start your IUI this cycle.

I'm also very kan chiong type, really hope this cycle got good news. I have been taking clomid for the pass 2 month still no ovulation although my AF is more regular. That's why this cycle has to take clomid combine with OI, I hope can do the IUI together too don't want to waste any chances.

I got 1 friend who has been trying for baby for about 9month and no good news then she try the IUI for the 1st time and she got it, so happy for her, really lucky woman
Hi, dunno if i will be so lucky leh. I also took 2 cycles of Clomid in 2004. ok I think I listen to the 2 of you, will take my clomid tonight! and go for my IUI this cycle.....

thanks for the encouragement!

and ruggles, yah, really will lugi the holidays hor....and if do IUI now...the EDD will be november...will also lugi all the holidays! haha...but who cares....as long preggie can liow.
like my hubby say, got then good liao, if really must loogi holiday then loogi lar.. gain more in the long run mah!!

Good luck!!!! So excited for you!!!!


*sigh*...so sad...juz discussed with hubby....he wants to put IUI on hold cos he feels that i should "bu" my body till the menses more regular 1st...so will continue taking the TCM
