PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.


Wow.. that's abt 3 mths from now. You must be vy excited. Hehehe... whatever it is, PM Lee must be vy happy bcos you are all responding well to his call to procreate for the nation. Pass your good luck to us and hopefully we can all start another threat on New Mommies!

Hi Ruggles,
So happy for you lah, now just count down for your EDD lah....take care okay
Don't worry so much about not able to get sch lah, I think still not that bad
Hi ruggles,
I use the fertility friend to do the charting have a feeling that our timing is all out..ai ya don't want to think about it liao, prepare for the worst at least not so sad when the result is out in 2 week time ha!
hey Siew lei,
yah. prepare for the worst, hope for the best. that way u won't feel so disappointed but will be super happy if kenna.. =]

but i don't understand wat u mean by timing all out. your doc checked that your follicles were developing well right?
Hi Nahlyn


Siew Lei is right. Our education system might have changed by then, you never know. Dun worry, be happy.

Siew Lei,

Doc told me it's challenging for PCOS patients to monitor our BBT , so I think it's best that you stash away your thermometer for now and await good news. When is your 2WW due? I'm so exicited for you.


The medication is Bromocyptine but I hv to come back with the name that is commonly known to all. Gimme some time, ok? My colleague is on sabbatical leave and does not read emails everyday.
Hi Ruggles,
Ya my gynae check on my 14th day that the follicles is at the right size I think maybe around 20mm and he also test for my LH surge and it is +ve so we have our IUI the next day, we also have a BD after the IUI but never have any BD before the ovulation day. Just thinking might be a bit late liao heee..

When I use fertilityfriend, it predict my ovulation on my 13th day so a bit confuse lor ha! Anyway nevermind lah, just try again if cannot succeed this round, not everybody so lucky one lah so I doubt I have such a good luck
Hi summer01 and siewlei,
Thanks for sharing wif me, now at least i know the procedures.

Siewlei-Hope u will success this round and spread your baby dust to us..hee hee
siew lei,

did u key in all the extra info like CM condition etc when u use fertility friend? then again that tool is a predictor only lor, your gynae check follicle size is a better guage right? + he tested your LH surge also? so that's like more accurate then a program on the internet where u key in things yourself mah.

I also happen to BD after ovulation leh... it only means that your chances of a boy is much higher lor.. at least when u BD after O, you know that the egg is sitting there waiting liao, the spermies are not swimming aimlessly with no target..

all about timing and faith. I read a book that talks abt conditioning yourself and using complementary treatments. It recommends that you have to imagine/ visualise the swimmers reaching the egg, fertilising it and then will the embryo to burrow nicely into the uterus and stay there. Will Power is mighty!!!
haha...wow the thread is quite busy today! Siew Lei, I also quite excited for you....hope you will succeed! BTW, check with you, after your AF, the chinese sinseh will give you some herbs to brew right? after finish, must go back and see her and drink some more? is it drink until ovulation? did u also take clomid for this cycle other than the injections?

ruggles don't worry lah, teachers have priority to get their children in their own school! so no problem one! hee hee...unless u don't like ur own school!

summer and summer01, welcome and so sorry i can oni go online at night to check the thread so can't chat with you all!

hey ruggles....what session u teaching...how come can go online one? *wink wink* got do job or not?
IMHO, it's true.. i was trying to be positive too by imagining the sperm really meets the egg and grows into fetus when i did get pregnant. i also read it somewhere that this positive thinking kinda helps.
ahem... er...
got do work lah..

btw, i teach much older students...

many more years to go b4 can consider them coming to where I am. by that time i think the kids want to get as far away from us as possible liao... kekeke I think i also dowan them in the same sch lah.. wait they naughty everyone will come looking for me.. v stressed arh..

so how's everything on your side?
hi babes.. so long didnt come in liao!

ruggles, hw r u and junior?? keke

ok.. juz to update u all.. went gynae on Monday and had a scan.. my left side is almost clear and rite side still got alot of cysts.. and have took 3cycle of clomid liao.. @ least it regulate my AF, gynae saw a 16mm egg on my left side and ask me to try liao.. heee

btw wat is the correct size for a egg?
Hi Ruggles,
Thanks for all the encouragement, okay I will think postively now
Luckily I get to know this thread and I think it really release my stress after talking to you gals

Hi Dawn,
Yes I take clomid for these cycle too. My gynae said (touch wood) if these cycle fail, he will want me to increase my clomid to 100mg and plus injection, these is to stimulate 2 follicles instead of 1.

I have seen the sinseh for about half a year, it takes time I believe. Remember I mentioned before that my sister's friend who has PCOS get pregnant after taking the chinese medication alone, she told me to continue taking and be patience.

Yes you have to take even after you have ovulated cos there is medication for after ovulation one and difference stages has slight difference chinese herb. Sometimes she will say something like stop taking these herb if your menses come. Last time I don't have egg white mucus but after taking her medication for 1 to 2 months, I saw egg white mucus (that time I have not started clomid yet)

If this time I did not get pregnant, she wants me to do some blood test on Hormone profile A and Progesterone. She said if these are not enough sometimes it can also cause miscarriage. There is chinese herb to help to regular all these too. I believe taking chinese herb will have less side effect rather than taking so many western medication.

Maybe I just a bit impatience therefore I try the IUI now still do not know whether my egg quality is good or not. Sometimes egg quality is not good enough it can also be 1 of the reason not be able to get pregnant. She said it is okay for me to try IUI etc, if I take the chinese herb maybe the success rate is higher (really hope so) anyway I will just continue taking it

Hi Mei Mei,
Ya the correct size of the follicies is abt 16mm to 20mm (happened to read from 1 of the website)
hi girls ....

wow .. thread is getting very very active these days ...

anyway .. for all of my earlier concerns and complaints about headaches, nausea and severe stomach cramps and pains from taking progyluton for 1 cycle, i declare that henceforth i shall not
... cos it really did help regulate my cycle ... just 3 days after i finished the course and i was spotting last night and this morning, so AF is on the way!
i've never been this excited to see AF on the way ... heheh ...

i will be starting my course of 100mg clomid shortly .. so please everyone, keep your fingers crossed for me that this round works!

oh speaking of OPK ... i had bought a BBT from the US when i was there in September last year and have been charting my temperature very diligently for the past couple of months, but i can barely see any spikes or dips in my temperature. so yesterday when i was at the pharmacy picking up from antihistimines, i saw a different OPK by clearblue - which is exactly like a pregnancy test kit (urine testing) which is supposedly more easy to use and quite accurate on showing if you are ovulating ... trouble is - it is horribly expensive ...
.... kinda tempted to buy and try later this month ...
thks siew lei ;) good luck to ya too huh

sofar gynae had not increase my dosage of clomid so currently takin 50mg with metformin :p am very happy that metformin clear my PCO again.. keke

hi nahlyn.. good luck to u too! i was like u when AF reported! never feel so happy rite..
Hihi to everyone

sorry for the long delay in reply...thanks for the info....yep...bromocriptine is the other option to cabbergoline....

now im trying to be more regular in taking the meds.....hehe...hoping can get preggie...

no leh...still no sign of positive....dunno why got all the funny signs....haha...maybe really got big fat worm??

my AF also not here since end dec/early jan....hmmm.....
bbunny, my menses was also missing from Dec to Feb...i took medication to induce it to come...so now juz finished my AF.
i am taking Chinese medication starting last month, hopefully can make it regular. You can take your temperature...if it is not high...then chances of preggie is liow. If more than 37 degree celcius...high chance of preggie.

haha, ruggles...i dunno why i tot u were pri. skool teacher...
must be a mixed up.
How's your boy boy? starting his kicks? i think i must try your positive thinking strategy....but always so busy....go home, plonk and sleep liow...where got time to do the power visualization of egg meeting sperm? immediately after BD? haha or whenever u r free?

Siew Lei, i think i will diligently try her Chinese for at least 3 months to see the effect lor....Hope you succeed this month!!!! so that it will motivate all of us!

Hi Mei2....how u know our metformin clear your PCOS? I have taken for more than 1/2 year....other than weightloss....i dun see much difference in me leh...my AF still very irregular. how much dosage of metformin u taking?
I really think that the OPKs at pharmacies are really really expensive. Really cheaper to get them online. I think they work the same. Those from pharmacies just have nicer packaging only.

mei2, dawn
we are good. baby's developing fine. and his movts are really strong nowadays. No more the short pokes but the kind as tho' he is swimming and turning around inside.

i think any time when u are stoning then u can do the imagery lor. ie, after BD, think the sperms are swimming v fast. then at nite think that the embryo is burrowing etc... keke..

siew lei
I also benefitted from all of you when I 1st found out about my PCOS condition.

Stars for everyone, for being so positive and encouraging!!!

These 2 days I'm down with flu and temperature shot up like 36.82 yesterday and 36.98 for today and in the afternoon it goes beyond 37.00 I think I'm having fever.

Doctor give me some anti-inflammation medication, I also took delcogen for only twice yesterday and don't dare to take anymore.

Tomorrow is Friday liao heee...counting down for another 1 week plus
hi dawn

hw i know metformin clears coz i went for scan and saw that.. not much on my left side but still got alot on my right.. compare to the scan i did in last year Nov
it did help me b4 last year b4 i got preggie.. so i know it works for me lor ;) as for weightloss.. hmm i find nothing much actually leh.. so sad! but @ least it maintain lor.. keke

thks ruggles for ur stars! hehe me oso tryin to get preggie again after 2 losses..
Siew Lei, that is great news!
some pple tot they were running high fever when they were preggie. Hope this temp will stay high for another week!

Hmm....mei2 my gynae din really scan for me leh....in fact my blood test also din show that i am PCOS, but other symptoms like : very hairy, very irregular menses, a bit plump...points to PCOS that is why i am on the metformin medication. Is your menses regular or beeen regularized by the metformin?
My weight drop to 49kg now...and maintaing lor...so that is something good hee!

ruggles...ok, everytime i stone or daze i will do power visualization.
i think u got an active boy boy! My fren's one also like that...keeps moving and kicking until she cant sleep everynite. Last week she gave birth, when we see the baby, really very busy, can't keep still for a moment....keeps moving about, looking around, stretching his hands and legs.
Hi Dawn,
Really hope so it is a good sign
Today the temperature still around 36.92 but I'm down with flu so I think it did affect the rise of temperature hmmm...
Must wait till my flu is fully recovered and the temperature still maintain then it will really be a good sign for me

i'm sure you'll be able to conceive soon if you continue to take the medication regularly, bcos if my colleague did it so can you. i keep my fingers crossed for you.


your weight lost is a result of metformin? what's your dosage? i took 2 pills twice a day. doc said i'm supposed to lose my appetite hence will lose weight, but of it happened. thot i can lose some weight effortlessly
dawn, my AF is still not regular though with metformin but still come abt within 2mths lor

this few times its quite regular coz i took clomid oso.. my blood test and scan shows am confirm PCOS lor..

siew lei.. good luck ya ;) no stress wor... keke
hi summer01,

I am taking 500mg twice a day (so total 1000mg), it really reduces my appetite....so i eat reallylittle nowdays up to the state that mum will nag at me. so quite skinny, all my old clothes hanging lose on me. my pre-married size.

lings, mine also around 40 to 70 days...it varies....so difficult to pinpoint the ovulation like this. hopefully the TCM will help me make it regular.

Siew Lei, hope temp stays high high high....
Hi Gals,
Thanks, ya my BBT temperature still staying high today, keep my finger cross, another 1 week plus to count down
hi dawn,

i had the same dosage too, but it didn't curb my appetite at all. if anything, i experienced metallic taste in my mouth for a while and ate normal. AF used to be as late as 12 days and it has been regulated since i started taking metformin. let's hope it'll remain the same this mth as i've stopped taking it for a month.

siew lei,

when will you know? will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Hi Summer01,
Thanks so much. My gynae said wait till next Wednesday if my menses did not come and can do the test already. Really critical period for me now
Hi ruggles,
Have a bit of abdominal pain, when I cought I can feel slight pain at the right side hmmmm very scare is not a good sign. Don't dare to walk too fast or run feel like something heavy in the stomach. Appetite also quite weird, last week craving for food, this few days lost a bit of appetite... Anyway just hope for the best at the moment
u know something, when i conceived, during the 2ww, that time, I had this very bad stomachache lasting for about a week. GP said it was due to the large intestine fermenting the sugars that i ate at night. But mine was more to the lower left. It's like pain with no poo poo type. very painful. the pain settles when i settle down, then whn I change position the pain shoots. I was told to keep off fruits for a while.

craving/ lost of appetite... good good.. keep it up kekeke...
Hi ruggles,
I'm now bloated with stomach gas but with pain at the lower right side.

Thanks for your encouragement, each time hearing what you have said, I feel much better heeee..
Siew Lei, your symptoms sound good! keep up the good work and jia you! pls also take care, dun move around too much.

i check with you hor, last time when u take the chinese medicine, did it cause spotting? This is my CD 16...and i just found myself spotting, very light bleeding, dark red blood. Is that normal? I have not spotted b4 in between periods. any gals have this experience?

summer01, at least your menses got regulated...mine still very long cycle.
Hi all,
I'm new to this thread. I'm taking metformin too, 2 in the morning and 3 at night(500mg each). I feel bloated too, really hate this kind of feeling! Is there any stuff we should avoid taking? Any chinese herbs to take?
hi pekochan! Welcome! other than bloated do you have diarhhea too? i have quite bad diarrhea, which prob explains why i lose weight.

i read that we should avoid sweet stuff...high carbo food!
Hi Dawn,
I have lot of brown discharge before my menses and I heard my sister's friend has other symptom and she checked with the sinseh, the sinseh said is normal. You may asked the sinseh of your spotting. All people has different symptom better check it out

My temperature drop a bit today to 36.76. Today is dPO 11 already hopefully it can substain and have good news
Now I'm a bit scare that my AF is coming, stomach cramp now and I poo just now...very scare when I poo I see something red...cannot imagine
hi dawn,
i do not have diarrhea, only bloated and feel tired in the begining.

o must avoid sweet stuff n high carho food ar..hw come leh?
hey Siew Lei,
temp drop a bit is okay. as long as it stays above your basal temp. Dun stress. Do the power visualisation thing that I told Dawn about.

we each benefitted from metformin in our own ways - my AF regulated and you lost weight. doc told me some of her patients managed to conceive naturally after a few mths of metformin. GOOD LUCK!

siew lei,

dun worry, i think it's looking good as your symptoms look positive. most importantly, think positive


pcos patients are advised to cut back on carbo rich foods as they are high in sugar content thus leading to weight gain. if you absolutely must take carbo, then stick to complex carbo like wholewheat, wholegrain, etc. the rule of thumb, any carbo that starts with WHOLE is safe to eat, but in moderation bcos excessive consumption also leads to bloatedness.


can PCOS be diagnosed thru blood test too? just curious.
hi hi gals....today the spotting become very heavy....like the first day of AF like that...
wonder should reset the CD to 1 or not? *scratch head and sigh* now my AF really haywire liow....

Siew Lei, as long as your temp stays above the base line, should be ok! how long is your luteal phase usually? 12 days or 14 or 16 ? Hope your temp stays high!

I read some where PCOS patients can't take sweet stuff or high carbo cos we are PCOS usually due to Insulin Resistant.That is why we are taking metformin, to make our cells more sensitive to insulin.

You can try to imagine insulin molecules as keys to unlock all the keyholes in our cells to open the doors to allow glucose (sugar) to go in to be metabolised by the cell. We PCOS gals have too little keyholes in each of our cells.....so when we take high sugar /carbo food....the cell cannot absorb the sugar. Cell thinks we have not enuff sugar, produce more insulin....a lot of insulin floating around...but cannot open the doors to allow sugar in cos not enuff keyholes. then the unused sugar also converted to fat since we not using them as energy!
too much free insulin floating around our body can also cause the cysts to develope in the ovaries....hence we get the many cysts!
haha....very confusing hor...
aiyah, juz don't eat so much carbo and sweet stuff lah!

summer01, can take blood test also! I think the LH/FH ratio will be very high... This test is usually done on the 2nd day of AF.
siew lei.. cheer up ya.. dun stress urself right nw.. everything will go smoothly..
good luck!

hi summer.. yup.. can be check by blood test

dawn.. if its like the 1st day of AF. then consider as CD1.. CD1 is when u see red and no longer spotting
Hi all,
I've read that the insulin resistant issue results in the body producing more androgens (i.e. male hormones)than usual thus leading to cyts. But the traditional PCOS is not the insulin resistant ones leh...
that's y I always think maybe many of us here are not PCOS, just show some symptoms, so the doc treats the symptoms lor...
Hi Gals,
Thanks for all the encouragement. Yesterday night I have a rather bad cramp and bloated with lot of gas. I'm having a bit of constipation now too and this morning I feel really nausea like something in my throat make me want to vomit. I hope all these are a good sign. Temperature drop to 36.65 but still above coverline

Hi Dawn,
Don't worry, sooner or later your AF will be much regular, do you still continue taking your metformin. Are you going down to see the chinese sinseh this saturday, I'm going down this saturday.
Siew Lei, we will keep our fingers crossed for you.
feeling nauseous is a good sign. hope to hear good news from you! I wanted to go down to the chinese Sinseh last night but my lessons ended very late, by the time I reached Hougang oredi 1030pm....so din go. Maybe thursday nite....want to check with her what is the cause of bleeding....

ruggles...yah, i also read some PCOS are caused by too much estrogen, but large percentage of the patients are still Insulin resistant.

hols coming soon...so we can rest! Baby getting busy now rite?

mei....thanks! hopefully, this cycle will run properly.

Hi dawn,
Baby is very busy, I am getting tired man... starting to feel sleepy all the time... Zzzz...
Thank God it's Week 10..!!!

siew lei,
good ..good.. vomit good.. nausea.. VERY good...

your next wed can test is today or next week???
