Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

kids CONGRATS!!!!! such good news!!
playmat, hmmm... i never really thought of that since there's already 1 in the house, maybe i'll try to use some kind of makeshift one cos bb is now 7 months, after a while he won't want to be confined to the area once he starts crawling right?

CSI: hahah. bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairsss (that's all i know of the song).

EmQ: do they have interest free installments? that would surely sweeten the deal
i think most of the time re-surgery is "free", so one friend joked bitterly that he got 2 (or was it 3?) surgeries for the price of 1....

Hi hi!
Been too busy to pop by but saw the discussion on Lee Hung Ming. I had mine done by him too but I didn't do lasik. I had SEVERE myopia, over 1000 degrees in each eye so he put in implantables for me. He was great and good bed side manner. I was sad when he moved to Gleneagles because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to afford seeing him there so I'm with another doc at TTSH.

I guess if anything were to happen (hopefully not!) then I'll go over and see him. My friend thought he was too plasticky cos he smiled so much but I liked him. Then again, my friend was a guy so figures!

Kidz! Congratulations! I kinda want another one but now with both twins sick, I'm like do I really want to add a third one into the fray!
Thanks every one - we're very excited too

Isobellies: "Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs. Bananas in pyjamas are chasing teddy bears..." that's all I learnt from my nephew when he was 5 -- like 7yrs ago and I still don't know the whole song

Angel: Yeah, our kidz can all play together next time
Btw, been meaning to ask if you know your opposite neighbour smokes? Now and then got some person smoking in toilet and smell fills ours too so we wonder if downstairs the guilty party...
Kidz, Mr Chua's family does not smoke but below us (#10), there's a family with an old man (the grandfather) who likes to stand at the kitchen and smoke, even we get it sometimes!!
isobellies, kidz,
I learnt that song from my brother when he was 4 (?? thereabouts)...and that was like, 13 yrs ago. hahaha. And I also dunno the whole song. Only remember "Hi B1, I'm B2" and vice versa. hahaha. "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" a teenager then, it felt like the most DUH programme on earth. hahaha.
I did my Lasik with Dr Lee about 4 years ago after I had my girl. Found really troublesome with glasses as I cant put lenses too long hours due to dry eyes. My girl pulled away my glasses everytime I put them on. So my hubby encouraged me to go for it. Of course sponsored for it too!!

No regrets since then. I rememebered I did both eyes on the same day. Took 3 days rest and went back to work. I remembered I rested for 2 days and almost have full vision after that. But of course, my degree was like 250 each only.

But for the 1st year after I did it, I realised I've some night blindness when I drive. But now the effect since to have gone. But this is one of the setback I heard most of the ppl will get it.

My colleague did with Dr Lee too 2 years old just before he left TTSH. Her power was higher and her age was older, so Dr Lee kept 50 degree each eye to prevent "lau hua yen". She's a real fussy woman but like Dr Lee very much.
She lagi brave, drove back to the office immediately after the surgery cos we had some VIPs in the office that day!!

If you have intention to do it, more worth to do it now when you are young.

I did a calculation. On average, I used to change a new pair of glasses each year. The total cost of my glasses and lenses per year is around $500. If you are now 30 years old & the lasik can last you for 10 years without the need of putting glasses, why not.
Isobellies: Actually yes, we have accepted some parents with older babies. Just that we wanted to catch them as young as we can.

Generally babies can start watching "Your Baby Can Read" or "Baby Signs" VCD from 3M -- it gets imprinted on them and thus easier for them to respond appropriately when they have stronger muscle control @ say 6M

Personally, I only introduced baby signs to my girl when she was about 9M and by 11M she was actually responding with comprehension of what I was signing e.g. drink, milk, bath. But only after 13M than she began to sign back to me.

Angela: Not required to bring baby but you may if you don't have alternative child-minding arrangements. We just ask the you bring baby out if baby is fussing too much. Note that the seminar room is a 3-tiered lecture theatre-style place (miniature model) i.e. got semi-circular fixed wooden tables. Chairs are like office ones though so easy to move in and out of seat. Not like last time at SIM, we always have to swing ourselves in and out since chairs are connected to the table...

Nursing room @ SMU: They've offered us their security room. Need to approach the security guard @ ground flr and they'll bring mommy and baby to the room. They'll stand guard or something like that to ensure mommy and baby has privacy. Otherwise, do bring breast-feeding shawl
Pet: Wa say... so long ah... I'm not sure lor... cos I was never successful with BF. Only BF #1 for 4 wks & #2 for 6 wks... actually come to think of it, menses only came when baby abt 3mths hor... wah, what a long wait.

Wish I can do lasik now... on the verge of getting new glasses cos #2 tore out one & another pair has problem with the UV coating (vision blur)... so wearing a very old & ugly pair at the moment.

Kidz: I'm also curious abt the rate diff between Prof & Dr... HB says probably both Prof la.. since they are specialist... just that Dr Lee never change title lor. Yeah lor, I was just talking to HB over dinner, why dun he go now, since he does not need to wait what... also, less painful to pay $3.6K now & then pay mine later. No queue, just need to call 1-2 wks in advance... so I suppose it's almost immediate after you decide on it. Now trying to coordinate the surgery so I'm also free on his MC days... =D

Iso: Did not ask about interest-free installment, cos did not know there was such thing for surgery! The Staff Nurse only says pay by cash, cheque or credit card. I heard re-srugery is free within a year, but am not sure about Parkway Eye Centre, whether they practice it too.

HB showed me today's My Paper.

Lasik Forum @ The Lasik Surgery Clinic (Paragon Medical). Tomorrow, 7pm or Sat, 7pm. RSVP 68361000.

Excellence Eye & LASIK Center (Camden Medical Centre) 656566888
Charges: $1300-$2500 per eye + pre assessment $98.

Looks like a lot out there. Must do more research first. I've long heard about Dr Lee... but not familiar with all the other names so far... maybe will check with my colleagues who have done theirs.
Baby Signs: I've introduced Baby Signs to my gal since she was 5 mths old. Just keep showing her the DVD lorh. hehs...then at 8 mths, she could sign "milk". But that's abt it so far...hahaha.
morn all...
my DS sick.. flu. then i blur blur gave him pueumo jab. then whole night fever... i cold sponge him already. still hot leh.. gave 2 doses of panadol already.. fever still no subside..
i very worried..

i show my DS. he not keen at all.. haha
i also show him brainy baby series. he more keen in his limbs n bumper mat prints than tv.
but he simply loves CNA channel.. dunno y.. he'll pay attention when the news is on. so weird...
kidz: Congratulations!!! It's really good news!

Yeah I've had kidney stones twice! Bent over in foetal position by the side of the road while waiting for taxi, until a Samaritan drove me to Gleneagles emergency. So drama. When I passed the stone out, it was sharp little devil, only 2mm. Gave me so much pain. Imagine it squeezing through my ureter tube all the way to the bladder. Shudder! I think ovarian cyst pain is probably something similar, just different mode of causing pain.

About baby signs, I wonder whether the baby will learn to talk later cos there is no need for him to communicate through speech since he can sign? Any reports on this?

EmQ: My menses took like 8-10 months to come back cos I BF till 8 months. Anyway, after giving birth your body also will take a few months to get back to pre-pregnancy state (hormones and ligaments). Your HB should do now so you will know how good the doc is, then go back for yours later.

Prof and Dr are both specialists, so both are technically Dr in title. But the Prof gets his Prof title cos he is attached to university and probably does teaching and has a certain standing in academic research in his field. So in a way Prof is a step higher. But doesn't mean his bedside skills are better.

I went to the Lasik Surgery Clinic in Paragon Medical. Satisfied customer. Although the girls there might want to sell you eyedrop solution. If you want I still have packets of it left. I can give them to you.
aiyo so cute! maybe he will become an anchor one day
but being sick is not cute
poor thing..

wow, 3M! now i feel a bit "behind", haha. but thanks, will sign up!

a lot of reports say it won't delay speech because you're supposed to say the words as you sign. and i guess you're not really teaching the baby a repertoire to communicate with a deaf person, so he should still want to learn to speak/communicate anyway? but i think everything can be taken with a pinch of salt, some babies don't speak till 2Y or later, even without signs right?
Re: baby signs, I used to do the sign for 'milk' with my boy but he refused to do any signs, preferring instead to 'say' the word or show me with his own actions, so I stopped bothering since he can clearly bring his message across to me.
hell yeah, especially since from the first time he started his own 'baby sign', it was very clear exactly what he wanted.... lol

how was the shop?
My baby is already 14mths. From about 9mths, she started asking for 'nan nan' whenever she's hungry & wants milk (badly enough). She can communicate quite effectively now, by bringing us to the things she wants or nodding & shaking her head when we ask her something. When we give her instructions, she'll respond or act accordingly... but cannot articulate the words yet. Can only call 'pa pa', 'jie jie', 'ma ma' ~ for paternal grandma, 'auntie' ~ for maid, 'ah ma' ~ for me, 'go', 'take', 'ball ball' ~ for both ball & balloon, etc.. will signing still help?
Somehow I feel her verbal development seems slower than her elder sister. However #1 coud not crawl at 9mths & only walked at 15mths. #2 crawled at 5mths+ & was already toddling around at abt 12mths. But she's one cautious baby & will not let go of our hands (have not fallen down yet!). Only last week, she was playing so hard with her cousin that she forgot she might fall... that she began to walk on her own. Now, she's running liao! I want to faint... she's not the slow & steady kind lor... just chiong...
EmQ: so cute!! i think as long as she can communicate effectively or can make his own signs like sleek's boy, that's all that matters! i think signing is more to help bbs to not feel frustrated when they can't communicate their needs and wants.

sleek: shop was not too bad, E likes the Hipp biscuits! they don't sell much food though..
Chobee: Wah 8mths no menses... very shoik hor... would love that man.... but then again, if it does not come, it means I can't do my lasik for another yr! OMG! Now that I've mustered up courage to go for it, I can't stand the delay man... sigh...

Iso: I guess so... I've not seen the baby sign DVD... but I continue to use simple signs with my elder girl, e.g. 'love you', 'thank you', 'please'... Sometimes when I send her to cc late & she runs into her classes, we sign before I leave (can see through the windows). I think that kinds of pick her up... esp since she's the sleepy sort in the morning... ;-p
hi pp... dunno whether u all remember me?? i seldom pop by here cause always forgot where to find this thread.. erm..cause the thread under the free items section..a bit weird.. :p from now onwards will remember..

have always been in the loop esp of some of u like petrina.. cause u my multiply contact. wanted to tell u this.. i think ryan look so cute!! so cuddly.. i wanna bite him.. so chubby. Congrats!! He is 6 months old!!

sorry to hear abt ur suspension.. really think that is a lot of kpo pp.. kpo for the studpidest thing they can think off.. and a lot of rude and inconsiderate pp in the forum.. u all should look at the longcchamp bag thread...

that's my birthday gift this yr... who else wanna go.. more pp go got disc??

catch up w u gers again... really hope to meet u all...

petrina we really should meet up.. i am staying at blk 13 and my baby gwen is 1 month older than ryan.. can play together..
emQ; yeah dont need to worry la, as long as she can bring her point across to you, that's all that matters. unless you can see that she is unable to communicate well through her own methods and gets frustrated, then perhaps you might want to actively pursue baby signs.
some mums dont get their menses till 18m while they are still nursing, while others start after only 3mths. Lasik is nothing to be scared of, like others have mentioned, it is over before you know it.

iso: yeah, their shop is so small, so they have not much space to bring in alot of stuff, but personally I feel their range of food stuff for kids is the best that's nearby for us, since most organic shops cater for everyone, not specifically for kids.

welcome back jeannie
thanks sleek...

Re: Baby signs
WOw.. CSI fan... you baby very smart leh.. can sign milk at 8 months. My baby same age as isobellies.. cnat imagine her signing milk to me next month.. :p

emq.. ur No.2 can crawl at 5 months +?? very fast.. good pyschomotor skills...

lasik at paragon..heard some negative comments.. not sure whether true or not..

SNEC got some pretty good feedback..
jeannie: ya i agree. think the only thing my bb can do now is to kind of lift up his hands (sometimes) when he wants to be carried. i doubt he can sign anything soon, if at all :p

plus the sign for milk not easy right? must be able to open and close palms? think E can only do that if he's trying to hold the biscuits to eat :D
jeannie: #2 was born very small compared to the #1... so we wonder if it's because she's slimmer, so more agile. #1 was clumsier, we had to put her in Gymboree to 'force' her to crawl!

#1 was more advanced linguistically. She could say single words before her 1st birthday & was speaking in complete sentences before 2. My colleague was shocked when she said, 'Mummy the train is here' at 21mths. HB was late in fetching us one day & instead of waiting for him, I decided to take the train to meet him. My colleague was with us & she stared in disbelief. #2 is more of an observer. She can play quietly. If #1 is ever quiet, you can be sure she's up to mischief!

Mummies: I've got another name for Lasik. Colleague recommended Donald Tan. He was from National Eye Centre (I think), but not sure if he's still there. Anyone has any idea or heard about him?
ooh, i did mine with donald tan! he apparently doesn't do lasik anymore cos he's now the CEO of SNEC!
he's quite high profile because he's in the news from time to time and was the one who "discovered" the baush & lomb worldwide infection thing, and even had a boy who was going blind come from canada to see him (they wrote in to the forum to thank him & SNEC).
he's got fabulous bedside manners and i love the way he speaks, i was always so in awe of him :p

how much "further" behind was 2 from 1? i would think that the complete sentences part is something they learn from their parents/caregivers?
if they're only spoken to in broken english, they wouldn't know how to string together a sentence properly right?
Baby Signs very useful when started early as most babies can pick up signing faster than they can develop speech. But parents must not sign without saying the word outloud. Otherwise babies don't get to hear and learn the word to aid their speech development. As baby begins to develop speech, parents may encourage them to say the word while still signing i.e. don't stop signing altogether. This way baby will pick up pronunciation of the word and parents can thus wean off the signing. That's what I'm doing and it's working - BUT babies do differ. Generally, I would say the package of watching YBCR, baby signs and reinforcing by encouraging her to repeat the words after me has been very effective in helping her develop her comm skills and for me to understand her needs better.

Chobee: Kidney stones twice! I can't believe it -- so painful! And you tried to get a cab to hospital -- double ouch!!
jeannie: hihi, u pm me ur contact. then we go jalan jalan.. working?

ryan fever 38.8deg.. how? shldi bring him go kk now?

iso: hipp ruskits so sweet n tasty... i ate whole box. haha
Iso: Donald not doing lasik anymore? What a pity...

I dunno le, #1 & #2 sitaution quite similar le.

#1 was looked after by maternal grandma (who speaks Eng) till 6mths. Then looked after by paternal grandma (speaks broken Eng & broken CL) till she enters cc at 18mths.

#2 was looked after by paternal grandma & maid (previous maids were Fili & spoke gd Eng) till now. She'll probably go cc at 23mths cos I'll be on ML till then. She was supposed to go at 18mths, but that will coincide with my delivery of #3, CNY, etc... so decided to delay cc till 23mths when I return to work.

Or it could be a matter of different character. Cos #2 is more quiet. She observes more & picks things up very fast. #1 on the other hand talks non-stop. Often we had to beg her to keep quiet on car rides. Sometimes we realise how quiet & peaceful the house is when she goes out to run errands with the grands.
emq: i personally feel tat it's abit irritating for kids to talk non stop.. even if they r our own.

but on the other hand, it's good to be able to socialise.. introvert also not good..
u noe, last time my hb was so angry wif his bro for disturbing him tat he taped his bro's mouth.. haha... so my hb could study in peace.. then hb tied his bro to the chair..
my mil found out, so angry, whacked my hb.. haha

gave me an idea manz...
no lah...not smart lah. haha. that's the only sign she knows...other than "bye bye", "hello". I also find the "milk" sign not easy coz need to open and close palms. So when she first did it, I took a double take. Thot I saw wrongly. But after making that sign, she opened her mouth and aimed at my boobs (when I'm carrying her). Happened a few gotta be she's signing "milk" lorh. hahaha.

She can't really talk yet...only "ba ba ba yah yah yah"...but, she's cruising (walking by holding on to furniture etc) already. She could stand at 7 mths. But she couldn't really crawl then. So we sort of "forced" her to she can crawl quite fast lah...I heard that for those who are more physically advanced (stand, crawl, walk earlier), they tend to start talking later...coz they are busy exploring their surroundings (hence the crawling, walking), that they forget to learn to "talk". Dunno how true lah. hehs.

But...Baby L has 4 teeth now! heehee...4th tooth sprouted out...and I've bene NAPPING for 2-3 hours each night...coz I think it's irritating her so much that she keeps waking up every few hours. Haiz. After it sprouted out yesterday, last night was my first night of straight uninterrupted 6 hrs sleep in a week! hahaha....feels goooood....

how's ryan? did u bring him to KK in the end?
pet: whole box?? heheh. how, did u go KK?? poor boy!! how come got fever?

sleek: i have some of those at my home here, they're good! was wondering where they got it from..

EmQ: that reminds me of my colleague, who said that he and his wife sometimes have to bribe their daughter to not talk so much!

CSI: oh 7 months can stand already? E just turned 7, and is starting to pull himself up, although he can't crawl proper yet. i was wondering whether it's too early to be "standing". he's very busy the whole day on his fours, rolling about, doing plank and downward dog yoga poses....
CSI: i din go... cause i feel no point. go also they'll juz cold sponge him. waste time n $.

iso: pre inoculation flu + post inoculation fever.

i juz finished recharging my "batteries" from 8-10am... damn tired.

small baby fever down to 37.6deg after last dose of calpol given at 8am.
big baby still having 38deg fever... *yawnz*
Pet: Hope you manage to get some sleep at last... I got up & tot still early.. then realised 9+ liao! Need to go to work... sigh... hee hee...

Yes, agree... we can't stand it when she's in her non-stop mood. When #1 gets very excited about something, she blap non-stop. Our friends find her entertaining... but they only spend that short car journey with us or that afternoon with us.
Actually come to think of it, #2 also blap when she's very excited. When we went to the Singapore Flyer last week, #2 was quite sleepy.. but the moment she got on the capsule & saw the lights as the capsule ascend, she starting bla-bla-bla, singing away! All through the 30min ride... & by the time we get into the car after the ride, she just KO flat...

Iso: Yeah lor, we bribe, we threaten, we coax, whatever... when she gets into that bla bla bla... HB told her once if she wanted something (can't remember what it was, but she wanted it badly), she has to stop talking for 10mins! & She did... we had a good laugh man...
your welcome pet, you know i totally forgot about that time when you preg... old liao everything forget!

iso, you mean mega bloks right?

sleek: Depends on what you are looking for. MegaBloks are cheaper compared to Duplo (Lego Jr). I personally think MegaBloks are better buys. During sales, they sell for under $20. I like the Disneys ones... ranging from $19.90 to $49.90 during sales. Normal ones are cheaper. But Toys R Us having Lego clearance at Suntec, starting today for Toys R Us members, I'm one but no time to go today, working till 8.30pm. Sales open to public from tomorrow. Will probably pop in to look-see cos #1 has lesson there tomorrow.

Mummies, with 2 yr old gals, any suggestions for birthday present wish list? I need to get something for a friend's gal, budget abt $60. Dresses difficult, cos not confident to get right size. Guess only can get toys but dunno what.
