Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

CSI Fan,
yes, we are one and the same.
There aren't that many boy girl twins on sixth avenue.

Wow, Chobeemama, you have the makings of a spy, you managed to find my blog too.

So busy today. Took the day off to help with the kids because got no help today. Haven't even managed to get any work done.

I used to live in Holland V too Petrina! Until the house got too small cos of the twins.
ya. my plc also too small. but hb not willing to shift out of this convenient plc.

so we're still searching slowly for a suitable plc in this same area..
Ondine: your name is unusual so that's easy. Not spy lah.

Pet: yeah I like this area too. Right now we are renting our flat still cos the housing market is rather high. But our rent skyrocketed so much in the past two years. Sigh. I'd like to stay around this area too, but it's expensive.
just tonight this couple came to view a pram that I am selling, the mother rejects it cos she feels the locking mechanism is not good enough for her to be leaving the pram open without her kid in the bus.... wth does she think she is doing with the pram open without her kid in the bus anyway (mothers like these give us a bad name!!) ??? angry la, what a lame reason to reject the pram!!!!
Talking about pram, once took 106 (bendy bus) and at HV, a Caucasian dad pushed his Maclaren buggy onto the bus with baby still in it i.e. open. Didn't realised the bus's entrance was that wide. But it being a bendy bus, he had room to "park".

Pet: Take care. It's tough being sick while still breastfeeding. I had bad bout of flu when my girl was below 6M and I take stronger antibiotics so I was struggling with the bug for a month.
Sleek: don't be angry lah. Sometimes buses are not that crowded. A few times I also went up buses that can accomodate my pram, like 106 or the new 105 where they have space for wheelchairs. But of course, when it's crowded, then "zi dong" and close it. Once a bus driver of an old type bus told us no space, so we closed it before boarding. Maybe the mom didn't want the pram so she gave any excuse.
Good morning mummies. How's everyone been?

Welcome to our thread Ondine. Your twins must be really adorable. Hope to meet them someday.

Sleek, there are many 'cheapo' people around. I am helping my sis sell her good conditioned toddler carseat, already priced very low to clear space yet some people can PM me to offer $5 to $10 for it. Gosh!

CSI_Fan, how's bb L? Miss her smiles!
Kidz: It's very common for parents in Europe & other western countries to take their gigantic buggies (and even huge dogs) on board a bus or train. Those countries are very pram/ wheelchair friendly. I guess it is in their culture to do so. In fact, most buses are equiped with platforms that lowers to street level so that a pram or wheelchair can roll on with ease! No one bats an eyelid when parents do that. In fact, bus & train drivers wait for prams & wheelchairs to be comfortably aboard before they drive off. I just wish our transport system is as efficient & convenient as theirs. Then I can sell off my car... hahaha... save cost...

sleek, angel: Let's cut the 'buyers' some slack... I mean in this days, everyone is trying to cut cost and make their money stretch. Some are just so tactless and 'unreasonable', just let them be la... I mean if they so fussy they should have just gone to the shop & buy a brand new one or so hard up, just wait for a free one lor... =D

When I bought my a 2nd hand baby pram, I also asked the mummy if that was the lowest price she'd offer. When she told me, yes, I went to view the pram, found it suitable and just took it home. However, when we met, it was clear to both parties that she would not lower the price and I would not bargain further. If both are happy, the deal is sealed... if not, then so be it lor, no need to get upset la... Maybe it's just our culture to try to bargain...

BTW, angel, is your sis still selling the car seat? I'm looking for another one. I'm actually looking at a brand new one cos my #1 used hers for 5 yrs before we threw it away... if they can last that long, no harm getting a brand new one... however, I can consider a good 2nd hand one. Would love it if it's pretty... hee hee... cos hardly indulge in #2... and with #3 coming, I'd like to give #2 something nice to call her own. #3 will use #1's baby one for the first year... ;-p
Angel: These people might as well ask your sis to give away the carseat free! Imagine they can even afford a car and still so cheapo.

I remember my case too. As I shop at lot at Carrefour, I was collecting Carrefour stamps to give to my helper, so she can exchange them for a pot to send home. So I saw Carrefour stamps "given for free" listed under the FREE items thread, I contacted two mothers; one wanted me to transfer $1.50 for 4 stamps. Another asked for postage stamps in exchange. Hmmm...those stamps came at no costs and yet they are selling...Feel rather disheartened. In the end, we managed to make it without their "help" (I bought a lot of baby formula, hehe), even had one stamp extra, so I gave it away to someone there.
I'm not angry the mother doesn't want to buy it, afterall I rather not sell it to her. Rather I'm upset at her stupid thinking, the pram is so light, if it's open without anything inside, of course it will still move even when you're pushing it while locked on my tiled floor! Anyway just venting my frustration, I'm happy that my pram didn't go to such a person, hahaha :p

HC: do you know there is a new ruling that we cannot bring our open prams up the bus, with or without kids? Cos sometimes we do bring Jordan up the empty bus while still in the pram (after seeing the ang mohs do it on crowded buses even!), but recently the drivers have told us to take him out and close the pram.
Sleek: Is there a new ruling? I'm not aware. Just last Sunday we took bus 105, and it was ok to bring up the pram opened, cos that bus was designed for wheelchairs. Then we took bus 36 on the same day, and as the bus was not meant for wheelchairs, we had to close it and carry baby. Just a bit of last minute scrambling, but usually bus drivers are nice enough to wait.

The mother probably wants the option of keeping the baby in pram while bus is moving, so is concerned over the lock. Or else she has some other reasons. Maybe didn't like the pattern of the car seat but too embarassed to say. haha... Don't worry. Another buyer will probably come knocking soon.
Mommies, I'd like to make an announcement.

My institute BTI at Biopolis is having a charity bazaar for to raise fund for MILK (Mainly I Love Kids)

"MILK is a charity organization, which reaches out to disadvantaged children in the hope of developing them into contributing members of society. These children come from troubled or low-income families, suffer from chronic illnesses, physically challenged and often caught in a downward cycle that their circumstances destine them to".

Details of the event:
DATE: 22 Sept 2008 (Monday)
VENUE: Matrix Theaterette, Biopolis. Next to MOE, Buona Vista
TIME: 11am - 2pm

In addition to the usual food and drinks, we will be selling handicrafts, have a stall for Wii games, maybe manicure, and a flea market to sell old stuff. I will be sewing bags, like laptop totes and baby pouches. All proceeds will go to MILK.

If you are free that day, please come down and support us. This event is not open to public due to licensing issues, but I can spread it by word of mouth. People from other institutes and tenants from Biopolis, and also MOE will be there, so it's not a strictly internal affair. If you are interested, pls PM me, and come as my friends. You can also help by contributing some old unused stuff to the flea market.
guess there are a lot of weird people out there in the forum, heh. i've even seen people wanting to sell magazines like her world??? some people are just so "eng".
Sleek: Is there such a regulation? It's so anti-family! Against the govt's policy! Instead of moving forward, they are regressing! If there really is such a regulation, I'd like to write in to ask them for their rationale!
Angel: the carseat looks still rather new. $45 seems reasonable. But I've never bought a carseat though, cos no car. Think cos you put there price negotiable so people think can nego till $5. :p
I know what you mean about moms who think that selling on the forum is a way to make a profit and they're very fussy and difficult. I heard of this mom who refused to buy a box of milk bags from another mom because the box was dented, even though the bags were still sealed in the box.

Hope you're feeling better Petrina. Breastfeeding and being ill blows. How old is your boy? I'm still breastfeeding and people say a lot of stuff about it. Sigh.
Chobeemama, yah lah...these people can really 'bargain' but they must also see the goods they're buying mah! Some chicken rice already costs more than $5 a plate...sighz.

Ondine, you're online too! Nice to meet you. I used to be in the noble profession too...until I have my twins...but they were delivered premature last year and both didn't make it
Btw, they were also B-G twins, named Joash and Ashley.
I really don't know if it is an actual ruling, but it could have something to do with the ruling for bicycles on public transport, I just mention it cos I have been encountering bus drivers who tell us to close the pram up!
thks all. i've more or less recovered.. my saver is the piriton medicine.. hehs... the only 1 i can take anyways..

ondine: my boy is approaching 6mths in 10days.. so exciting... i intend to bf till he dun wan.. to save on FM.. haha.. a cheapo mom here. ;)

sleek: abit sian hor. but lucky she came over, otherwise u'll waste time n effort bringing the pram over to her.
ruling - so far wif or w/o ruling, i always close my pram b4 boarding..
cause there will be ppl commenting if i nv do so.. rem the ST news on stroller wars?? hehs
anyway i tot it's easier to carry if the pram is folded.. cause steps mah.. unless the wheelchair type bus. 1 step only. also inconvenient to carry open pram? personal opinion.
Angel, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with your twins. It's not really something one is able to get over fully, I'm sure.

Now that you've left the noble profession, what are you doing? I'm thinking of taking some time off next year because the burn out is massive for me trying to juggle work and the twins at the same time. And maternal guilt makes it even harder to stop and take a breath!

Petrina, my sentiments exactly, especially when I'd have used up formula twice as fast! So, as long as they're ok with taking breast milk and I can still keep up with them, I'm going to. Although people have implied that my children are malnourished because they're small. I'm like 'they're small because they were born small and they're twins!'

Very spot on about the weird people out there!
petrina: glad that you're better! yeah I agree about the pram thing too, it's normally very hard to carry it up the bus while open cos of the center bar in between, but aiyah whatever she want lo, she looks .... to me anyway , haha

eh, today went for j's class, and J wanted some milk for the fun of it and the teacher commented that it's good I am still nursing. I said cos it's so convenient; anywhere anytime can nurse!

ondine: your twins are not small at all, my boy is very slim now too as compared to the 1st 6 months but that's what fully breastfed babies are supposed to be like! And you're really great at keeping up with nursing your twins even past their 1 year, since many give up nursing early even only 1 child. Don't let the naysayers get you down, cos since you still want to and can, breast is still best

Many people think that we mums who breastfeed our children longer than the 'norm' of 1st 6 months are quite overzealous and unnecessary, but they dont realise the hurt they cause when they make comments eg 'you should stop, enough nursing already, your child can go on formula, etc'
wish u speedy recovery ah...
you not cheapo lah, think you will kenna "seperation anxiety" if the day baby R dun wan moo-moo cow liao... kekeke...

*hugs* u are a very strong mummy..

Hiya! welcome. breastfeeding twins! not easy, i must say! i wanted to do tandem nursing but just could not.. trying very hard to continue breastfeeding my no.1 while preggy with no.2.. but Physically and psychologically not up to it... so sadly, one day, my elder daughter and I just called it quits..
Sleek: Maybe to avoid confusing us you want to check if there's really such a ruling against opened prams on buses? Or an urban legend may start...
something untrue told often enough till it's assumed to be factual. I can just see this leading to someone starting an online petition on SMH
You are spot on though about the ruling that allows foldable bikes on board buses and even the MRT. I saw notices at stations that LTA is starting a trial. It's restricted to off peak hours and must be foldable bikes though.

EmQ: You're right about the public transport system being more friendly in Europe, etc. I was surprised to see a man pushing his full-size bike onto the subway in NY. And lotsa parents pushing babies in prams in and out too. Most impressively, as they didn't have lifts in the subway stations then (2004 I think), other commuters were always ready to extend a helping hand to lift the prams up the stairs. That's a gracious society that Singapore's not -- yet, I hope! I mean most of us have likely witnessed drivers who still drives off when elderly passengers are making their way to their seats. Even when I board and am carrying my girl they may not wait till I sit down

Talking about this, I find the new wheelchair friendly buses dangerous for able-bodied people. The high step going up to the seating at the back is dangerous to go up and down. Going down is worst when there's already lotsa people waiting at the exit and I have to steady myself from falling off the top of the step when the bus pulls to a stop...
Coolmama: I'm still bf my girl (18M) and want to let her self-wean. My husband also says I may be the one suffering from withdrawal should she stop one day
It's just such a good bonding time as well. The other day, she had one arm around my back while bf and halfway through, I felt her "scratching me". Looked down to see her cheeky smile and realised she was tickling me. That led to a tickle match which mommy won of course!

Back to urban legends, I recently researched for a speech about words. Found out it's actually an urban legend that one of the Eskimo tribes have >400 words for snow -- reality is around 4 words only! Alamak, and I first heard this during a lecture >15yrs ago and must have told hundreds other people by now
One more post before I go back to bed

Choobeemama: I'm keen to go support the charity bazaar. Is the Matrix Theatrette in the building nearest MOE? Otherwise how to get into Biopolis? I've heard there's a bus (free?) but no clue to the facts.

Other mommies: Anyone keen to co-organise a garage sale at one person's location (an ideal, quite easily accessible one) or rent a stall @ flea market? I got bags of stuffs to clear. Some I'm donating to my organisation's thrift mart @ TOUCH Ubi Hostel but we don't drive and I can't lug all to my office for them to collect when they visit. Or anyone keen to pooling things together and able to send down to the thrift mart? They train intellectually-disabled adults to be independent and running the thrift mart equips them with life-skills e.g. public speaking (talking to customers lah), social etiquette (like in customer service). Also allows mainstream community opportunity to interact and get to know this special community better.
your office is marine parade is it? so it's either drop off at marine parade or ubi? a bit far.. i have stuff that i want to give away that i just packed up! unlike some of the people on the forum, i can't be bothered to sell clothes for like $2 a bag, ha ha...
usu i donate it to church and they hold a jumble sale, or donate it to MINDS at margaret drive, closer by

how long can u actually bf while preggers? just curious

so sorry to hear about what happened, tears well up in my eyes everytime i hear such stories

i once saw a niche for 4 babies whose birth date was the same as their death date, i almost burst out crying on the spot...
do any mums still have pampers new baby (yellow/ green pack) newborn or S diapers, my friend is looking for some? let me know
talking abt graciousness
today i went ica to collect my DS new biometric passport.. i was carrying my son, my hb was carrying the pram up n down the stairs.. 2 policemen walked passed us.. chatting away, nv offer any help..
yesterday i went keypoint to buy air tickets. i wanted to go starbucks at concourse. so many ppl walking ard me. i carried the pram wif my DS in it. bag hanging on the stroller hooks. all 2 ppl walk far far away...

then i went hb's ofc to "fetch" him, when i was abt to carry my pram up, one ofc guy immed offered help.. so nice.

so many diff types of ppl in spore.. haiz... n the mrt wif priority seats? bah.. useless. today i went up mrt, i saw 2 preggys standing.. plus i was carrying son. nobody let any of us sit.. so sickening...

isobellies: can bf as long as u need to. in the magazine this mth, there is this lady who bf while preg. then delivered. now she bfing both children..
i told hb, i also wan.. keke. imagine, how much $$ i can save manz.

coolmama: ya lor.. i think i'll be the one having separation anxiety.. haha. i m glad tat my DS still wan me. so i better feed while he still wan..

btw, recently my DS has been peeing lesser.. i scared he not drinking enuff leh.. i think only abt 4-5wet diapers a day. max.. plus ever since i started solids on wed, he hasn't poo since thurs... i fed him minimal plain barley water to help.. today he pee more abit. milk consumption seems more too.. past few days he seem to drink lesser.. cause thurs nite he slept frm 2am-7am.. 1st time. then last time back to normal.
i need to observe tonight n c how..
happy - he slept through
sad - worried abt his milk intake

nitez all...
Yupe, can breastfeed all the way!
wanted to continue nursing my elder together with the baby cos as like kidzkidz, both my gal and I really enjoyed the nuring r/s, but I could not manage to.

gracious.. spore will not be in the next few decades lah... very sad but very true...

Baby R starting solids, milk intake sure drop one mah... dun worry... wah.. so fast... he has reached the stage of eating already... from now onwards, non stop feeding for u liao.!
Isobellies: I'm @ Bt Merah, our headquarters. But our direct service centres all over Sgp i.e. Couselling + Adoption + Youth Services in Bt Merah, child care in Clementi + Hougang, Diabetes Support + Home Care (Elderly) in Toa Payoh, Day Activities Centre (Elderly) in Geylang Bahru, etc. Your Marine Parade reference is the church building right? That's owned by FCBC which founded TOUCH in 1992. We are independent and our services are non-religious -- accessbible by all. Grown a lot over last 16 yrs

Back to donated items: my colleagues and I would bring few bags of small items to work and those from Ubi Hostel will pick up when they need to visit HQ for business. But I haven't been able to do so ever since I need to bring my girl to infant care every working day. No driver's licence, no car, no arms!

Pet: Constipation is always worrying, stools must be expelled to get rid of toxins. Hope baby R's better. You are right about people not giving up seats. When I was about 8M along, I took the MRT back at about 10pm. Stood in front of two guys (one 40+, the other 20+) and they just chit chat, then proceeded to discuss about me. 20mins later the older one asked if I wanted to sit down, I replied loudly "Of course!". He turned to the younger one and told him "Young man, you can afford to stand."
One Sunday morning I stepped into train filled with youths who just came out of church service, all listening to iPods, reading bible. I stood for 10mins before the girl in front of me closed hers and offered me the seat.

That said, my collegue who's quite a blur sotong was watching this lady standing in the MRT. Finally he offered her his seat and told her "Sorry, i didn't realise you are pregnant." She glared at him - he was wrong about her state of health!
gracious singaporeans
i think sometimes pple also are afraid of making the mistake of thinking pple are preggers but they're not! it happened to a friend of mine with a fat woman. he was soo paiseh.

sleek: thanks ;)

kidz: oh ok, think i might just donate my stuff to my church cos these few weeks q busy, not much time (or car) to run around...
kidz: Thanks for your support. Biolpolis is a cluster of buildings behind MOE. Matrix is one of them. To get there, you can take a free shuttle bus (pink) from the bus stop outside MOE. Note that it's not the one for public buses. Just walk a bit more downstream, and you will see the bus stop at the foot of the slope. But it operates at certain hours, i.e from 11.30am-2pm. Otherwise, you can just walk up the slope. It's not very far. I do that everyday even when pregnant. But if you have bags of things, then better take the bus. Once you reach there, you can ask around which building is Matrix. There are security guards, and people out during lunch.

For your old items, I think you can also donate to Salvation Army. Last year our institute held a Freecycle. We brought our old but still usable stuff to work, and put them in a common place for people to browse and take home. The rest are donated to Salvation Army. This year, we decided to hold it again, but to encourage people to pay a token sum for the items like in a flea market. The proceeds will go to MILK, and the surplus items will be donated to SA (I suppose) again. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Anyway, everyone always has extra stuff at home.

Talking about gracious people, sometimes I get offered seats, sometimes not. Sometimes aunties will outrun me to seats, or there will be people directing me to take other vacant dests, while remaining comfortably seated in front of me. But I will always take the seat if offered, even if for 1-2 stops, cos otherwise the offerer will feel embarassed and people will wonder why he didn't get up. Well, there was once a girl offered me a seat when I wasn't pregnant. haha...cos of my extra tyre.
Hi Kidz / Chobeemama
What are the item does they need?
Would like to donate my stuff but not so sure what kind of items benefit them...

About giving seats to preggies = I DEMAND for it when I am preggy - be it on MRT or bus (106). Just ask for it - especially young man or gal.
It may sound too assertiveness - but i am tired loh... hahahha

Limangela: do you mean Salvation Army? I don't know what they need though. You might want to contact them or check their website.

As for my institute's bazaar, anything goes as long as it's sellable/usable, i.e household things, clothes, shoes bags, electronics. The money that is made from the sale goes to MILK. And for unsold itmes, I think either it gets donated to Salvation Army or other charity, or you can take it back (if you can stay till the end of the event; ermm...I have to check).
RE: Donating Items

My hubby and I always cart the items which we no longer need or using monthly to the Salvation Army along Pasir Panjang Road. You can just place your items in the big donation box next to the main gate. The staff will go through the items, sort them (even clean them if necessary) then re-sell them at their Salvation Army thrift stores. All proceeds from the sale of your donated items will go towards funding their youth rehabilitation programmes. It's a very worthwhile cause so we've been faithfully doing it!
Dear all mummies, i've gotten the tickets..
$21.60 after 10% disc + Sistic fee $3 = $24.60 per ticket.

Pet - 2pcs - $49.20
Flower - 3pcs - $73.80
Chobee - 2pcs - $49.20
sleek - 2pcs - $49.20

chobee, u may wanna collect frm me at HV?
flower n sleek, i'll pass to u when i c u.
Hi Pet,

Thanks so much! I can pop over to your place this evening after work, if it's ok. I'll PM you.

Hui Ching
Angela: Generally, they'll accept what's in good condition. I know our Ubi Hostel's Thrift Mart started accepting and selling clothes which are purchased up by low-wage foreign workers e.g. domestic or construction. But they price everything quite cheaply.

Angel: To me, Salvation Army is too "well known" so I prefer to support the lesser known thrift marts. Also SA Sgp tends to price their things quite high - especially at their bigger outlets. You can find similar items at their heartland stores priced lower -- and sometimes these stores' staff will even give you further discount at the till.
But still itz a bit of a put off to price things differently at different outlets NTUC and Mc practises this too!!!)

Mommies: JTS that there are the other category of thrift marts or non-profit business establishments which are directly operated by the benefiaries -- besides ours at Ubi Hostel, I think MINDS does too (think one of their two thrift marts). This type doubles to provide training for them.
Plus, that non-profit thrift marts run by expatriate volunteers (like @ Minds & SCWO) tend to stock better quality and even brand items @ very reasonable prices. Good bargain hunting grounds. That's why when overseas, I always pop into thrift shops when I come across them -- there's bound to be great finds at even better prices. I've collected lotsa softtoys or even tourist souvenirs (like sets of handpainted fridge magnets in Hawaii). All said, at the end of the day, I just love a good bargain!
sleek: wow! i was just going to post a message to ask what i should do with all my old bottles, and now i know what to do with it
I took my twins to Playdays today. A Playgroup at Sunset Way. The twins had so much fun and they made such a mess doing finger painting although most of the paint landed on me and my clothes!

Just wondering though if anyone was interesting in setting up a group there. The only sessions not full are 9.30 on MOnday and Wednesday and I work on both days! Anyone keen to do one Friday mornings at 11.30? I need 3 more people I think to open a new class since I already have 2 kids!

Here's the website for you to take a look at.
Ondine, my boy is attending the fri 3pm class, he just started this term. You can't make it for that time? The 11.30 session is too close to his lunchtime.
Ondine, my ger's PD, Dr Yvonne's clinic is just 2 doors away from Playdays but she's too young for it. What sort of progs do they have?

Hi angel
saw their website - got baby bubbles for our little ones from 6months onwards...

Hi Ondine
what a interesting place & programme they have.
but my boy is 6months old hence we can't form the class ... sad for me... anyway, wish you luck on gathering more kidos..

