Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

flower: that was a long time ago, after a mini gathering since it was nearby, not purposely go. anyway like Melody I was not impressed with that Pat's .. but like I always tell melody, the school brand is 1 thing, what's most important is the teachers & mgmt at each individual center.

Flower, it was during one of the gatherings/ exchange. no special arrangements made
Don't think the fees are too X like Eton house but it's not too cheap either - mid range (I like it that there are glass panels for parents to peep through - no matter where they are in the class rooms, we can see them +, the teachers.. so we can 'tell' how the teacher interact with the kids while some schools we can't even look in, not to mention peep).

Petrina, i haven't been to your blog since the last time but will do so .... he looks so adorable sleeping like that ... i love it when they are zzz ... looks like angles!! when my boy wakes up, he's the exact opp.!! getting cheekier n naughthier these days ... sighz...

Sleek, the hooks are with me ... lost my voice again so didn't call you... sorry ah! ... paiseh took so long ... anytime you want to meet or drop by somewhere? jst sms me, k?
Flower: Yeah, I think my girl's one is in the mid-price range (air-con environment too). But we had only two options for infant care and this was the better one. We're glad we did though coz everything's turned out nicely and she loves going there everyday. Even on weekends she'll pick up her little bag-bag and says she wants to go to school.

Above these, we find the principal and the teachers to be very helpful and dedicated - maybe also coz my girl's not too much trouble (I hope!). They frequently update me about her progress or the antics she's been up to
. The centre is also in MCYS' PEPS (Parent Education in Pre-School) prog so they get funding to organise parenting talks in-house. They also have gym class and swim activities built into the curriculum at no extra charge for infants.

We plan for her to continue in this centre till K2 since she's already got friends there. Think there may be a discount off the fees when she continues. Only kink in our arrangement right now is transportation as we don't know how to drive and there's no direct bus service for us to get there.
baby 11042008 (apple), please stop posting inappropriate entries in our thread, you have already had your previous nick banned and yet you still persist in continuing to do these type of acts.
Hi all,
Recently was quite busy with my baby coz send maid back to agency and have to take care evrything by muself. Hope everybody is doing well..

Will like to chk with the mummy here, I remember there is a mummy here saying that she have the huggis Dry supplier contact number and remember that the mummy mention that the supplier is having a promotion now as the Msize is selling at $15. Coz I will like to buy some also.. Can anyone remember who the mummy is?? hee.. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">Anybody wants to order GOO.N diapers?</font> I need to order 4 packs for delivery by next week. Let me know if you like to ride on my order. Do collect from my place at West Coast Court (opp. Clementi mosque). I'll place my order next Mon afternoon so PM me what you want by lunchtime that day. Will ask them to deliver by next Thu/Fri night coz I need to bring some on my visits to friends next week -- lotsa baby girls born these two months so GOO.N diapers been a wonderful gift

Mommies who like more info do visit the supplier's website You can actually register for an account there and click on the option to request for a sample. Basically GOO.N (Jap made/brand) is thinner than Pampers and as soft as Nepia (the other Jap brand). It's got a higher waist than Nepia though so it's been a bedsheet saver since my girl likes to sleep on her front quite a bit.
I think the Newborn to M sizes are priced quite okay but it's more ex from L size onwards.
kidzskidz - me again, i wan order 1 pack Goo.n "S" size! Mine finishing soon, cant order too many cos my ger will outgrow soon but i love the softness. Noticed they increased by 40cents. : p
voted liaoz!

Last night, as I was going home (going up the lift), saw my ang moh neighbour (new neighbour) carry 2 big boxes/cartons of Huggies Dry diapers. heehee...almost wanted to ask where he got it from, (who knows right? may be cheap cheap) but coz he's a new neighbour...I pai seh to ask. hahaha. maybe next time when I see him again.
Koori: Have ordered one pack of S-size GOO.N for you.
Will let you know when it's delivered to my place. I didn't keep track of their prices -- I guess the increase is across the board? Must be to factor in the petrol cost for their "free delivery"...

Flower: Drypantz L-size is about $16.20 when on offer @ NTUC. There are about 36 pcs. Still cheaper than GOO.N but we're sticking to the latter coz the elastic on their L-size pull-ups are "friendlier" on my girl's thighs and tummy.
Hi pjc,
Yes is teacher Lydia, I agreed with you that she is the best teacher in the centre. I think she can speak pretty well as compared to Esther. Anyway, there is this chinese teacher pretty new to the CC ~ personal view she cant take good care of the kids.

Anyway, I am not sourcing for CC liao.. thinking to place my ger for playgroup and travel via school bus to in-law's place at Jurong west. I realised most of the playgroup that c/w school bus are full for Year 2009. Guess I am just too slow.... Chwee Chian can be quite out of the way once my office shift to Eastern part next year.

Any comments for Faith Methodist Church Kindy/playgroup and ClementiWood Kindy/playgroup ?

I have heard of good comments on Raffles too but also not cheap either ?
Hi Mommies -- FYI: Nepia diapers on offer at NTUC. $39.85 for 3 packets. NTUC only carries M &amp; L-size diapers and L and Big-size pull ups. This is a Japanese made diaper. It's not as soft as Mammy Poko but definitely not as chunky as MP either for the same absorbency.
pet: hahahah WTS 1 teething monster aka baby J for US$10, anyone WTB? :p that poor boy of mine must have been in pain last night cos he kept crying pitifully in his sleep.

iso - I forgot to tell you I voted for ethan already. happy boy, kept trying to get attention yesterday

If you are looking for Child Care, you may try my girl's CC. It's located in Toh Guan, TT International. There is a schoolbus that goes to Jurong as well. Let me know if you need more info.
Hi Flower,

Thanks. At the moment, I am not looking for CC yet. But Toh Guan still abit out of the way leh cos my office is at eastern part. Am trying not to travel up west then back to east again if I am placing her for full day CC.

Now sourcing for AM playgroup, at least I can drop her then sch bus back to in-law's place at Jurong
Anyway, can share how much is the fee ?
oki: as most of us hv 1 child below 2yo, I dont think we will be able to share with you fees for playgroups yet le.

Pet: you never post anything besides refresh, you think this is your personal WTS/ WTB thread ah? :p
no... i was hoping someone reply when i say i'm bored.. haha
then i can reply.. then to kick start a conversation

like now lor...

any updates? isobellies, ya i m bored.

sleek, i think ryan also having stranger anxiety

today i went for talk at grand plaza hotel wif my mom. all e old aunties machiam nv c baby b4.
all ask for permission to carry ryan.
then while i was having my makeover session, i realised that my mom allowed a total stranger to carry Ryan!
in the end, my mother instinct kicked in, i stopped the session halfway and took back my son.
he cried so badly n started to drank like there's no tomorrow... he totally drained my brts out...
i cried along wif him...
*nv happen b4 unless he kenna scared*

now, i m battling wif him. drink 4 2hrs, in between break 10mins.. burst into tears in slp..
oh dear, poor ryan! hope he doesn't get traumatised by this event.. does he go out often?

i also don't like strangers touching my son. i'm not v anal about sterilising everything, but strangers are a no-no because you never know where they've been! i'm more concerned that he might catch something because then sure suffer!

oh i didn't see your previous msg! thanks, hee
pet: that's not stranger anxiety, that's STRANGE (aka weird) stranger!!! but seriously, he got a shock that's why he kept wanting to nurse and crying so much, hope he's ok now.

iso: same same, some ppl are just rude, touching your baby without asking the baby or yourself. I don't touch other people's babies without permission so I certainly don't accept it. It's just like people touching your preg belly, grrrr!
did that actually happen to you?? lucky no one did that to me, i just got a lot of stares, until my mum was like, haven't people ever seen a pregnant woman before?! heh.
isobellies: ya lor. i so angry. i juz latch him on n on.. in the end he drank so much he slept frm 9pm-4am then wake up for feed.

sleek: haha.. i noe he kenna shocked. i came home my hb scolded me. in turn i scolded my mom..
i fed him wif the jing feng san. he felt better n slept longer also.

they asked permission. but my mom felt tat it's ok to let them carry lor. i dun.. unless i noe the person.. even relatives overwhelming also quite traumatizing. dun say a ballroom full of strangers.
iso: no strangers but friends touched my preg belly, but even so, they didnt ask permission and kept touching my belly repeatedly even though I kept telling them not to. :S

pet: hahah yeah your mum shouldn't have let a stranger carry him especially in such a strange, crowded situation. If you notice, even I dont anyhow just carry ryan unless I ask him/ you.

Oki: actually you can start sharing with us now
so, what should we do if a stranger approaches? say:
- excuse me, who are you again?
- are you kidding me?!
- dude, you are SO NOT touching my kid.
- have you washed your hands?

seriously though, the only polite thing i could think of was "oh, he's not feeling well, better not"

any ideas??
iso: haha... i like the 3rd line.
aniways, it's over. but i gave my mom a super strict warning.. if it happens again, tat's it... barred.. haha...
hihi...haven't been in here...busy busy. haiz. stressed out with maid issues too. sianz.

wah, pet, I also wun let anyone touch baby L when we're out...much less carry her. It happened before, when she was just 2+ mths old at church. We were walking towards the canteen (coz my ILs were there, so go say Hi). This lady walked past "oh so cute!", then suddenly hand stretch out to touch her face. Wah Piang!!! Your hands clean or not? Came from canteen leh? Eat got wash hands boh? hahaha...HB 'scolded' the lady. Literally pushed the hand away "Excuse me, pls don't touch. She's still young."

Basically we dun care if pple view us as over the top, so gan cheong for wat etc...coz if anything happens, it's US who will suffer along with baby. Not the stranger who touches...So...too bad for the stranger lah. hahaha.

Even HB's colleagues. They can "forcefully" just "eh eh" come and carry baby L. I didn't even hand her over. I kept holding her towards me, close to me. But this colly of hb's can still just 'eh eh' carry her out of my arms. Wah...that time dunno what to do, coz sekali offend colleauges. But lucky thing that one was a familiar colleague and he's quite erm, plump. So got a comfy "chair" for baby as he carried her. hahahahaha. But after that, we decided NO more. haha. Anyone want to carry, we just say, "no lah. she needs to feed. Hungry."

I SO like your 3rd statement.
If it's towards strangers, i'll say "feeding time" or "change diaper time" and walk away.
CSI_Fan, same here, stressed out with maid issue this week
Maid's been acting up (AGAIN! This' her 3rd time in 3 months). She wants to be sent back to the Philippines as basically, she cannot get used to life here and misses her family terribly. So today I took urgent leave, waiting for agent to come pick her up. It's really not easy having a maid, we treat her like family, she takes advantage of our kindness. My maid is full of pride, cannot even take any reprimand or correction from us. She can pull a long face for days just to put up a silent protest! So hubby and I decided, enough is enough. No more of such nonsense. We'll let her go, re-structure our lives a lil and send Dana to an infantcare. (We don't have mums and MIL to help)

Now sourcing out good and affordable infantcare centres around our area. The one KidzKidz's daughter goes to charges premium rates ($1500 a month! even with subsidy of $400 from govt, it's still a staggering of $1100). Last resort is I quit my job to be a SAHM...So burdened
CSI: ya lor.. so sickening leh.. those strangers.. how i wish i was so firm like ur hb.
my hb's colly also.. super close to us though. but she'll tend to be very overwhelmed wif my son tat she's so squeezing him.. haha
she has some eczema so i feel abit worried. but i dare not reject her. so i let her carry. after tat i'll clean his limbs.

i'm avoiding all family functions now.. though i wanna c my grandparents, i can't. cause i very scared of my aunties..

angel: it depends on whether u trust those infantcare or not.
if ur salary is really lots, then it's more worthwhile sending her to infantcare or get a day nanny.
if u hb dun rely on ur salary for house maintenance, i suggest u try SAHM for at least 6mths-1yr of DANA. afterwhich her immunity is stronger then u send to infantcare.

perhaps any SAHMs have helper at home? can be nanny for DANA?
same here. maid, tell her what is wrong, she everything "yes maam, yes sir". She attended colleage, so shd be okaay...but still. haiz. Then tell her off a bit more, start to black face, and even cried! faintz...she already has a good time...everyday at my parent's place, no need to do work just look after baby. But she just stares at baby. This morning, supposed to feed baby breakfast. But my dad was sitting at the sofa (baby's seat is usually placed in front of the sofa coz sofa is used like a backing as she tends to jerk backwards...). Maid can just "tuu" and dilly dally walk ard the house. Pretend to do dunno what and keep walking ard the house, but never feed baby. Hello?? Baby hungry already! Just tell my dad "excuse me" etc lah...she "tuu" ard to wait for him to get off the sofa. What if he doesn't get off coz say, he's on leave today so no need to rush to office? Then wait till when to feed? aiyoh....

basically, my maid does not interact with baby at all lah. She's darn good with the housework and cooking though. Haiz.

My hb is also considering infant care. THere's one at his workplace in Woodlands. Right in his bldg. So he's going to check out that one today. It costs $800 after subsidy...*pain*

Unfortunately, MIL is already looking after both of BIL's sons. My mum is still working. And I can't afford to be SAHM. haiz.

yah...sometimes dun dare to reject them. So must always have a towel or sanitizing wipes ready on hand, to wipe baby's limbs and face. hahahaha...last weekend, my cousin's wedding. All my cousins and aunties want to kiss her. Like, all the foundation powder, lipstick...yucks! but what to do? cannot reject mah. so they hug and kiss finish, quickly wipe off lorh. hehs...
CSI: cham lor.. this nov is my cousin's wedding.... i think Ryan will be abt same age as louisa by then... my mom asked me to prepare myself liao. how?
i think i'll go n greet my relatives then disappear to feed Ryan.. then dinner start then reappear again. then intermission disappear again..
hope it will reduce the amt of kisses n hugs.. haha
re strangers touching your kid randomly, I find it's great to use a carrier, as they normally don't try to touch him when he's inside, but when he's just in our arms or in the bus seat... aiyoh, I also wish I am garang enough to tell them off, but I normally just give off 'dont touch him' body language. The worst is relatives, colleagues or friends though, how to tell them off without causing problems. Luckily now jordan knows how to choose people and even complain if he doesn't like them.. haha

angel and CSI: you might want to consider The Little Skool house infant care at Ulu Pandan CC, it's abit pricey at $1388 before subsidy but I went for their open hse and I really like their environment (so soothing and sweet) and the principal's attitude &amp; mgmt style. If not, can always consider PCS ghim moh, which is significantly cheaper la.

pet: eczema is not contagious la.
ooh, diaper changing is a good excuse! shall add that to my "list" of excuses, haha.

but actually, i don't mind close friends carrying, because i think it's also impt that the baby is not too sticky and gets used to different people. so far the few people who have carried him all ask for permission first, and usually i'm already tired from carrying, so i'm like PLEASE! TAKE HIM!! luckily so far those pple who carry him haven't been kissing him either, but i will start practising my shock-horror look in case someone does :D
during dinner, pple will come up to u and ask to carry one....and the "excuse" would be "you need to eat. Let me carry so you can eat". hahahaha. Worse ah. Can only hope Ryan zzzzzz after you feed him (coz that would be like, after his dinner feed of solids, right?). Then you just carry the sleeping Ryan. Anyone wants to carry, say " sleeping. Dun disturb pls." Hehs...
alright mummies
what is a nice way of saying "keep your sick kid away from mine!!!"

my nephew (who spends min 12 hours at our place so the ILs can look after) has a bit of the flu. not major but still.
yesterday my SIL made him hold my bb's hands, i said, but he's sick!! she said, quite ok lah. ?!?!
today my MIL did the same (hand holding thing), and my hubby told her off.
i'm not anal when it comes to making sure everything is sterile, but when germs are concerned, it's a whole other thing...
i would like to have told my SIL "ok, if E gets sick, then you come and help look after ok?" but i think probably the best would be to say "better safe than sorry, i don't want him to be sick"? what do you think?

I think it's a thin line to thread. I've encountered it a few times. Tell them, they will give you the "why you so high and mighty?" look. Then next time, wun even go near to play with you. Sianz...Otherwise, there will be comments like "your standard very high ah".

So, if I see but cannot offend/not in time to prevent, then I'll wipe my gal's hands and mouth/face after she comes back to me. Probably can't prevent 100%, but at least it's minimised to the best that I can lah.

Even got comments that "aiyah, babies need to fall ill so can build up immunity. So clean not good for them." True...I agree...but my baby is only 7 mths! Wait till she's at least 1 y.o. lah...haiz.
