Mummies staying at Clementi / Dover / Commonwealth

angel: yes, reserve the slot for me pls! thanks
have also pm-ed you

yuene: heh, did you guys purposely buy the flat since it's so near to the mrt?
hi angel, congrats on ur baby dana! She looks so sweet! Wow, nice to hav hubby photographer yeah.. Can take nice nice pic for u & hubby. Can i join in e family portrait photo taking too? Welcome syphide! Clementi 364, i always go central, mayb c each other b4. =) for e gatherin, i vote for 17 cos mon is my bday! =P wan to "take off" from work & house chores & kids & laze laze laze whole day!
Sleek: Sorry for late reply -- this thread moves too fast. Yes, I'll be clearing time off to join next wk's gathering. And NP, I'll bring some S size Huggies Swim Diapers next week. But can trouble you to spare my girl one M size? She just used up last one on Wed for waterplay in sch. I haven't replenish as am thinking of getting her reuseable swim diaper from either Bum Wear, Milkaholics, etc. With babies this age, the biggest fear is they need to pooh while in the pool...
coolmama: I am fine with thurs if everyone else is. happy 'early' bday to you, hope you have a great day lazing and relaxing. will you get a chance to go for a massage?

kidz: I will exchange 3M for 3S, please don't just give me the diapers
hehe, I dont know how true but my swim colleague told me before that somehow babies seem to control their bowel while in the pool.

Btw, perhaps the mums who are going for the gathering would like to pm me your mobile nums so I can pm/ sms everyone flower's address after the gathering is confirmed and in that way, we don't have to trouble her so much since she is already so kind to open her house to us. Also I can add it to the thread list but the numbers wont be posted here.
sleek: Yup, hb's choice. More convenient to travel, according to him, so ya lor. Live with the noise. I'm just worried about in the future, when bb arrives, because the bb room is facing the main road, so it will be very dusty and noisy.

Coolmama: I also always like to go Central, like to eat the pork porridge at the hawker centre! BTW where do you stay? Probably we got see each other before but just dunno who...
heyy i'm new to this forum and thread, would like to get more involved with other moms in the area (i stay at pasir panjang, but practically clementi)! Do you guys organise play groups regularly? i have a daughter who is about 23 months and she loves meeting other kids, but rarely get the opportunity!
hello to all the new mummies.. welcome!

only manage to check thread while baby is zzz and sometimes, half-way thru' posting a reply, baby wakes up or something ... so pls. excuse me if you don't see my reply - reply when i can grab the time... hee .. would love to join you girls at flower's place ... but have something on & errands to run so maybe another time ... have fun! and keep us posted on what's happening!!
hi angel,
I want!!! Pls. reserve a slot for me ... if dh not in town, than i will go ahead with baby myself! hee ... many thanks!
welcome sarah...

sleek: i any date also can.

melody: which date more convenient for u? we r open to all dates.. hehe
the more the merrier?
provided flower dun faint when she see so many of us.. haha

btw, anyone wants to potluck? or shall we order delivery instead? MAC/KFC/BK or tapao?

Since you gals are coming over around 2plus, dont need to order la. Maybe we each just prepare some light snacks like cakes or biscuits for tea will do. I'll provide the drinks. I see if I have time, I'll try to run down to IMM to get some donuts if you gals like.

Sleek, I've PM you my hp no. Pls SMS me once the date is confirmed cos I dont have time to come in here over weekends with 3 kids all at home, dont even have time to breath!!
welcome sarahdewinne, we dont have a regular playgroup set up as our kids are of different ages, some as young as only a few days old like lovely dana and others > 3 years old.

Re gathering: yeah melody which day will you be free, Wed/ fri? petrina: potluck or tabao is ok with me.

angel: I am fine with doing on weekday if my hb can take leave and if it's not too much trouble for your hb.

flower, yes I totally understand, that's why I thought easier if only 1 person ie me liase with you rather than everyone.

14 June is most likely my gal's vaccination (going by her current date, and given that the jabs have to be at least 1 mth apart, the June one is likely to be 14 June). The weekdays before 14 June is fine...coz I just need to take leave lah...kekeke... After 14 June, I can only make it on Sat, coz hubby will be back at school...
Hi Angel, can you reserve I slot for me too? Would love the 14 June (Sat) one, in the afternoon. Tks! (BTW, I'm the Honorary member, hehee!!)

Been really busy lately as DH is out-station, so had to manage the business and my home (the princess)! Only manage to log in late at night to read, but too tired to 'contribute' anything. ;-)

Congratulations to you Angel, for little Baby Dana. She is so sweet, and looks so alert. I've read about your story earlier, and really my heart goes out to you. Now that you have a real treasure on hand.. I'm sure the feeling is nothing comparable to anything in this world! Happy bonding with your baby!

Congrats Petrina, you finally make it!! I can read that you are becoming a better and better mom with each and every day! Congratulations to Baby Ryan too, on his Full Month.. Its a little tougher at the beginning, but it is 'Tough Fun', right? Heehee!!

My gal is now almost 9 mths, and cruising already.. She keeps falling onto her face, or knocking her face into something; really dunno wat to do. Also, she has difficulty to fall asleep in the bed time now. I dunno y, it seems like she just refuses to go to sleep, and want to keep on playing and climbing.. Sigh!

Then when we make her sleep, catch her and hug her tight, she will cry and struggle, then keep 'digging' her ears until abrasion and bleed, or scratch her neck till red... Sigh! Also she do not like to sleep in the afternoon now, unlike previously when she will nap for about 2 -3 hrs. Now, just nap 30mins or so, wake up want to play. Even we keep letting her 'exercise', but still refuses to sleep at bedtime, even though she's really visibly tired liao. Sigh... Anyone with this problem? Do they really have difficulty to sleep at 9mths?
hi Angel
it's confirm for me... Any sat in June is good for me - as by this time - I think I will regain my figure liao... thanks.

hi petrina
thanks for your tips on fish recipe...
i just need the excess BM for BB...

hi sleek
thanks - you are rite - i cant judge the volume of BM but i just need the excess EBM. Think I hv sufficient BF for BB but not excess like I used to be.

hi sylphide & De winne
Angel: Tx! Yes, the family photo shoot will be fun.

Yuene: You'll be amazed at what babies can sleep through. In fact if you visit friends in maternity ward, check out the nursery -- you'll find some babies screaming and others happily snoozing away. My girl can sleep with the TV on. In fact, a friend of mine told us that for their 1st, they tip-toed around while she slept. Now she's always saying "too noisy", "grandma, you talk loudly". For their next two they just let the normal noises abound and didn't have problems. Sounds logical, right?
Most important is to ensure child is securely swaddled up to simulate the womb which the baby is still "connected" too and also to ensure their transition to our world is not too sudden. This is one of the reasons bean-sprout pillows are advocated by our elders, to place over the baby to provide a light weight to keep them cosy and snug. Also why using sarong sling initially can provide the same benefits for baby. Food for thought.
CharmMama: I think charm's current sleeping problems are temporary and due to her starting to cruise, my friend told me it's very common apparently, happens when babies start on the big milestones. Just let her be and watch for her safety, she'll prolly grow out of it once she is adept at cruising.
But the next big milestone like walking, she may start this cycle again.

kidz: I got your contact num.
To all newbies: Belated welcome!

Sleek: Can, we barter trade then
So gathering confirmed for Thu? I can bring the following foodstuffs: Old Chang Kee favourites (sotong ball, curry puffs, spring rolls, etc.) or other pastries from Hans.

Flower: Is there a bus service to your place or its more advisable to take a cab there? If the latter, how easy to get one out as well? Coz your place just a couple of stops down from mine.
2nd Gathering
Location: Flower's Hse
Date: 17th april, thur
Time: Approx 2pm

1) sleek
2) petrina
3) coolmama (just come after 230pm)
4) kidzskidz
5) Flower
6) Melody?

Kidz: I know we can take 154 to the bus stop along ave 6 to AYE. Or else 52, 99, 105 to the bus stop just past the ave 6 junction. But both must walk about 5-10mins depending on how fast/ slow you walk.
Sleek: Tx for bus guide. Hmm, think I'll take a cab coz gotta carry baby, her stuffs + food. But I'll be working in AM and so will pick her up before going to gathering.

Anyone wants to share cab? I'll be near MOE building so from there can swing by Dover before going onto AYE. PM me if keen. Timing should be about 1.40pm.
Hi Gals,

So the gathering confirmed on Thurs?

Buses outside my apt :

154, 188, 196, 963.

SMS or call me if you need help or got lost.

Sleek, pls pass my contacts to the mummies whose coming.
kidz: i stay near MOE building... can we share cab? but i'll need to swing by clementi central to get some cakes for gathering as i have some leftover cake vouchers frm ryan's full mth... so i think i better use them. - bengawan solo...
u all dun mind hor...

if not then i'll take cab myself..

charmmama: ya... getting the hang of being a mum. yest i went over my friend's plc. i watched the DUNSTAN baby language DVD. so weird... my boy dun seem to be making the correct sounds for various needs...
i was thinking of getting the DVD. but after viewing, i dun think it's very applicable to ryan. though it's rather applicable to my fren's daughter.
how is it so?
Hello mummies,

Sorry missed this thread for a long long time...

Anyway, interested in the photo shoot. Can provide me with more details to my email [email protected] or text me at 92343789.

Many thanks and take good care.
mummies, I was away at work the whole day and my mum tells me that BB Dana did not poo the whole day! And I realised her skin is peeling around the back of her neck. Is this normal? How can I help her regulate her bowels? Am worried she might be uncomfortable...
angel: Dana drink FM? or BM? FM need to feed lots water.. cause may have constipation. BM, shld have poo...
she finished her black poo yet?
skin peeling is common. but i feel abit early for Dana? as she's only 1-2wks old...
I already spoke up for you in that thread. Angel, to avoid further complication, let's just take this photography discussion to email since there are apparently so 'eat already nothing better to do people' in this forum. Also for baby Dana, skin peeling is very normal cos babies are in 'water' for 9mths so there is a protective layer of skin that will peel off after birth, you can use the calendula or a normal bb moisturizer on her. As for her not pooing, if her meconium (black poo) is all gone and she is on FM, do you give her water to drink daily? Take care!
I spoke up for you in that Thread too. I agree with what Sleek mentioned. Let's keep our photography discussion to email. You may email me at [email protected].

Ignore all this nonsense and put all your attention to Baby Dana. Don't let this affect your mood. Enjoy the weekend with your darling. Take care..
I'll pop by that thread after I post this...

Wah, East Coast ah...far leh. But I guess if the rest all no objection, I'll go along with the plan lah. Heehee...

Yes, let's take the discussion to email lah. you have my email address?

Skin peeling:-
Pet, when did Ryan's skin start to peel? Louisa's skin started to peel when she's 4 days old. Skin peeling is very normal. According to my MIL, she says if BB's skin peels within the 1st week, it's usually coz BB was carried to at least 39 weeks. So those babies that are late or exactly on time kind, their skin will peel 'earlier' lah, coz they have been in water (amniotic fluid) much longer compared to those babies that decide to come out earlier...

Not poo-ing:-
Angel, you might want to trial and error on the brand of FM that you are using (if she's on FM). Some brands might result in constipation for some babies. Since she's only a week old, I think not poo-ing for a day is not normal.

If she's past 1 month, and she does not poo for 1 day, I'd say "Monitor first". Louisa now poos every 2 or 3 days (on BM) but PD says it's normal...just dun let BB go beyond 5 days without pooping...hee...
Thanks mummies for speaking up for me and for the advice on 'Skin Peeling'. Tomorrow I'll rub some moisturizer on her neck and see if it helps.

Yes, Cecilia, I was back at work from 8am till 6pm just now. Really miss my bb Dana so much and keep calling home to ask hubby how she is.

CSI_fan, Dana is drinking Similac Infant Formula. So you're suggesting we change the forumula right? We're feeding her plain water in btw her feeds already yet she's developing constipation. She is only exactly 1 week only today.
we're kinda worried, should we bring her to a doc?

Sleek, Dana never had 'black poo' - when she came home, the 1st 2 days poo a lot - yellow ones! I was commenting 'whah, poo so many times'. Now no poo at all!
Btw, I think all of us would prefer not to travel to east coast. Think most of us don't drive or hb dont have car either.

Angel: maybe she poo-ed out her meconium in hospital, hehe anyway yeah I am not very good with babies poo on FM but think 1 day is not so good esp since she is so young. However, if she is not straining or seems to be in any difficult, can hold off on rushing to the doc first. I know it's difficult cos she's so precious and if you're really worried tmr, you can call Dr Yvonne See at 64635001 fm 9am - 1pm (they want you to call for appt to see her, but will see you on the day itself).
Also what about calling all those FM company for sample or getting from docs instead of buying so many tins so you can find what works for Dana and what doesn't.
hahaha...sometimes ah, we gotta be careful what we comment, she dun poo at all...hahaha...

Yup, you may want to consider changing brand. Some places (think it's GIant) do sell small small tins (if not suitable, throw away also not so wasted...). I understand that some babies have constipation when they drink Similac or Mamex Gold. Some babies have constipation (or other effects) when they drink other brands. It's different for each baby. Maybe you shd try a small tin of another brand and monitor...Still no improvement, then bring to doctor. If bring to doctor now, doc will also most prob suggest changing formula (unless there's other symptoms as well).

constipation: when she does poop, check if it's those lumpy ones or not...coz my PD did mention before, lumpy poop = constipation. If a few days no poop, then 1 day poop watery / mustard-y type, it's ok. Not constipation...
Hi Angel,
Not to worry, i think the moderator will read our postings and understand the situation.

My boy's skin started to peel few days after he came back from the hospital and i was told it's normal so don't worry about it. As for the No pooing part, you may want to call your doctor to check. When i have queries, i call the PD and check with him before bringing my son to his clinic...

Don't be too stressed with reporting issue, next time remember to buy a pair of clogs to 'hit the small people'!! haa ...
Should you be questioned by the moderator, all of us here will vouch for your innocence. Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Angel, ignore those really 'nothing better to do' ppl. I think we just converse in email lah. Will PM u, cos I hve received many spam mails after revealing my email in this forum too.

Guess I wont be checking this forum often now, except for a few items which I am still waiting for delivery. I wont be buying from this forum much too now. So many restrictions, then what exactly is this forum for? Also, so many busybodies around, sigh! I think this forum is more like wanting to do business only. They only allow ppl who pay a tribute to sell, but mums, esp. those newly registered ones, who have extra or pre-loved items to exchange of sell, they block. Which means its just a 'one way traffic'! Sigh!
All mommies -- I just read the outpouring of support for Angel's "suspension" case. Thank you for responding so actively. I think we now just wait for moderator and chinchow to respond. But I must say I'm surprised by the passion in some of your respond -- er, make me wonder if some of you got "hei se hui dang an" kind
i.e. very fierce leh. Quite funny (haha type I mean) but then again I'm thinking as mommies we also want to be good examples as much as possible so let's not use too much strong language lah.
. Hope you agree.
First,welcome all new mummies!!!

sorry, was too tired to on pc yesterday.... went to zzz at 10.30pm....

Sleek: thanks for the advance wishing.
I have pm you my contact.

Angel: Have helped send to chin leng abt you being report. hope it will be ok... *hugs hugs* dun worry and be blue over this ok? little baby need happy mummy to be happy.

anyway, maybe i missed something, how come you back at work so fast? no maternity leave?

All babies will "shed" their skin, some sooner, some later, so not too worry unduly. its a normal progress, just moisturise her as usual.

For pooing, agree with the mummies, FM normally will poo more than baby on BM. Cos BM are more digestable and easier to absorb so they may not poo so much. Some FM too. Apparently, FM and babies got "compatibilities" one. you can try changing her FM. my pd also tell me max babies go poo-less is a week. So gotta monitor Dana lah... by the way what do you mean by "She is only exactly 1 week only today"?

I am "in" for our east coast gathering. but cannot go in june already right? so i go in july can? cos my hubby only available on sats... maybe we can go east coast park together after that?

It seems like your baby is over-stimulated. cos my elder had this prob b4. try to work out a routine and ritual for her bed time.
Ariel, tats my gal's name, will refuse to zzz and cry and struggle, and want to stand and walk ard. PD told me it can be a milestone thingy,like wat sleek mentioned. but also can be cos of over-stimulation. We had a fix time for her to sleep so an hour before she sleep, no running about, TVs, too exciting playing. then, bathe her, go into bedroom, off the white light to orange light, on soft music, read a book/sing soft and gentle nursery rhymes, then go sleep....sometimes i drift off to sleep too... keke.. and after just 3-4 days, no more fighting at bedtime.

I think no need to swaddle her. at 9 mths they are pretty string and resistant can be forceful. just hug and pat her, if she resist, put her down gently, hug and pat her. speak in gentle and softer tones too.. so to let her understand tat its time to "off-engine".

I love the hawker centre food too! I love the hokkien mee and Kuehs. but i eat more often at Teck hin.
maybe we can go eat there and drink coffee one of these days. ;)

As for the gathering at Flower's, everyone bringing something? What are all of you bringing? thinking what to bring... wat time will you guys be staying till, by the way?
Ha, it just shows that we are ppl who wants justice to be done. Cannot understand why some ppl are just so 'busybodies'.

Hi Sleek, I hope its just temporary, cos she's keeing us awake too! Heehee! But its fun lah, making everyday seem like a new experience in life again. Heehee!

As for peeling, Angel, its really normal. My gal 'peeled' for almost 3 weeks, until she changed her skin in time for her full month. Heehee! Whereas for poo, if for 1 or 2 days, then its still ok. If you are really worried, bring to the doctor lor, they will insert something into her anus, then the poo will come out 'automatically'. Shouldnt be a big problem, if just for 1 or 2 days. She's just slowly getting used to 'outside' life. Heehee! My gal also had same problem, then we so worried, bring to doctor. In just less then 1 min after the doc inserted the thing, she pooed! Wasted the money! haha!

Petrina, dun 'push' baby Ryan too much, just be natural, sometimes the children will learn certain things themselves at their own pace. We sometimes gotta 'see how it goes, and follow the tide and our gut feel'. That's my opinion lah. Cos I dun believe in 'pushing' my gal too much. Just give her wat is necessary for her age.. and see how she develops. If she's smart, she's smart. I'm trying not to be a kiasu mama. Heehee!
petrina: I think that dunstan bb language is for parents who are really stupid and I think you're not 1 of them. Most of the time as a mum who's primarily taking care of her bb, you will be able to slowly figure out your baby's cries, signals and behaviors for when they are tired, hungry, etc. Why need some person who wants to make $ tell us how to 'listen' to the sounds our babies make?!?? My SIL gave that to me as a gift and it didn't apply to my pumpkin at all cos he didn't cry in the 1st 3 mths except for milk and the 1st dvd is only for that time period!
sleek: hehe, my hb slso scold me for relying on tat so much. but really, sfter i heard his wanna burp sound, i burp him super long. n i m giving him ridwind b4 each feed. he burped alot of times. n farted lots too.
less cranky, i feel.. but other than tat, it's useless liao...

charmmama: not pushing ryan. i juz wan him to be less cranky at nite..

CSI: ryan shed skin only recently leh.. frm 3wks on.. too late?

kidz: fierce posts? cause i dun like those busybodies... tat try to ruin other ppl's reputation w/o finding out the real reason.

angel: dana prob pooed finish her black poo. mine also 3rd day @ home yellow poo liao.
try NAN? i heard it's similar to BM... some bb's constipate on various brands.
i think u shld get samples frm PD.. they shld have. take more. so u can test which is more suitable.
but as CSI said, if not inconsolable cries, then no rush to PD yet...

angel: photo location can change to west side? i think abit difficult for me n sleek...
hard to carpool cause we may have different destinations later..
i juz read the posts u all made over at the other link...

kidz: now i noe wat u mean... fierce manz... i think i very gentle liao... haha
Dear Mummies

Good morning. Even though it's a weekend, all of you really rallied around me - I'm so so very grateful. I told hubby what happened last night and told me maybe we should call off the shoot as I do not want to get anyone of you into trouble
but hubby says why let some 'narrow-minded' people disappoint so many of my good friends in the forum? From now on, we just have to rely on email to communicate to be prudent.

Bb Dana finally poo-ed this morning - a small hard yellow lump. Must be constipation as she was trying very hard. I'll try to feed her more water in btw her milk feeds. This morning, after her bath, I applied bb lotion on her neck creases, hope that'll help with the peeling.

Do have a very good weekend with your familes and please DO NOT let my issue affect your mood ya? I'll feel very bad if it does. God Bless.
think you should consider changing the brand. Its good that she finally poo but it shouldn't be a "hard lump" thou....
And forget to add, try giving baby dana a daily massage. it aid in digestion and bowel movements.
Hey angel, don't worry la, Chin Leng (as far as I know from his previous posts) is a very reasonable fellow. And anyway, he doesn't ban IPs. ^^ Glad to know Dana did her poop!

Coolmama, Teck Hin is which one ah? Too many coffeeshops around the area liao, I blur ki... But ya, I don't mind meeting up one day and have a kopi =)

Goodness, I think I'm getting fat! Today 3 separate people asked me in church if I was pregnant. Each time kena asked I stunned =S
