Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Good morning everyone
Finally got chance to come online liao...How is everyone doing? Miss out all the fun and chatting. We got a filipino maid and she be coming this sat. *cross my finger* hope that she's good and manageable. Think next time i can go and join your macdonald outing.
the 3th kid is my sil's dd. My mil is helping her to look after her. I thought of getting a part time maid too but we need more help on looking after the kids. I also pro breastfeeding. I breastfeed my eldest girl for 16mth. THink it good to breastfeed if you can.
Welcome to this thread. You don't need to be sahm to come here too. Everyone is welcome to join in.
It's ok. Take your time.
I also not sure how am i going to cope with a maid. It really something different for me. Hope i can get used to the idea of another person. I still havent get used to this idea yet. Think i will also be like you. Wendy you working? How you manage to nurse your girl so long?
Your girl look different from the time i saw her. So cute. hehehe. I will also be buying the bag. Will place my order later. Can help me collect too. THank you!
I also the short tempered type. Me also thinking of going back work next year. I more jia luat. 3 over years never work liao. Don't know how to adapt.
Congrat for passing your theory.
How's your work? Hope everything ok for you now.
Morning mummies

Babybarney & Aryanti
HaPPy Birthday To U!!! Happy Birthday to U!!! Happy Birthday to Baby & Teee...
HaPpY Birthday To U!!!
next time i ask my boy to sing to u two hor..heheh..he's practising this song for the past few days..hahaha

hehe..celebrate over a romantic dinner w candlelight & proceed for your bb making plans..heheh..mabbe u will get a "long awaited b/d gift" on ur special day? Hee

Hee..of cos big tummy doesn't mean gd..most imptly is tt u r healthy & maintain positive mood thruout ur pregnancy & even after giving birth!
As for bf or fm..for myself, i pump exclusively for the 1st few weeks but like what normal mil would go for fm at night so bb able to sleep thruout..not sure whether true..cos after using fm for e last feed, my bb did sleep thruout e night..& whether bf improve e immunity..i dunno whether useful ..cos even though my boy took my milk for 8mths, he still get sick easily..even till now..:p
hi de_luxe..

i use bf and formula for my 1st son..he suffers from nipple confusion initially..had a hard time to get to latch on..but when he finally latch on,my supply drop due to stress and not much i partial bf him for 5 mths..

as for no 2,i did use ur mum method..seems like all mums has same method hor..the last feed i pump out cos i scare my supply will drop after go back to work..basically now no 2 is on total bf unless MIL cannot heat up ebm in time for his feed..

To me..i am happy that my bois has taken my bm..hope my ebm career for no 2 will be successful after 6 mths
here is no 2 pic - 1 day old
Hi mummies,

Tis thread is sure moving really fast... Can't catch up.. notice got a few new nicks.. welcome...

Poshies : it is driving test.. have been busy with it n also my boy hiaz... now learning his toilet training.. so he is abit grouchy n not cooperating.

Thanks Babylooneytunes...
<font color="0000ff">garfield,
not problem...

hi jenie,
sure no problem can help u collect... i found my gal look more like boy lah... how ?!?!?

hi baby &amp; Aryanti ,
happy birthday, i can get my boy to sing along with ivfamily's boy...

hi venus,
ur boy look different from the pic at msn hor.... getting more handsome... next time we can match make them.... haha since they suppose to be born on the same day... haha...

hi angela...
u went missing... ic... so how is the result.. "pass" oh dear remember me... that my driving licence so long already... now wondering whether i still remember how to drive anot.... oh... how come grouchy , me lazy mummy, as the cc to train my boy...</font>
Venus, your baby is so cute, how i wish to be a little baby. kekeke

Angela, you have really MIA for so long liao. Must really go for Mac gathering when you are free hor.



Ur kids are so lovely! Thanks also for sharing re bf vs fm.

I'm also pro bf, so was quite surprised when my mom mentioned mixing. She'll be helping me w confinement, dunno if this may cause some conflicts. I hope i dun have to deal with this and nipple confusion... will be very stressful man... Very tempted not to have any formula or bottles in the house for at least the 1st few wks so that this wouldn't even be a possibility. Practical??

poshies i read that sometimes need to wake the baby up to feed... u didn't do that?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Venus,
don know ur boy so "HOT" haha... how my gal look like boy... now no one want... haha</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi deluxe,
my gal sleep beside me at night... and i lay down n feed her one.... not so much of carry and feed... so at night when she want to drink, i just offer her... then i dozen off... sometime forget i'm feeding her... haha... she will suck till she is full then she unlatch herself and continue to sleep... she will not wake up one... she can stretch for 5hr.....</font>
Hi deluxe,

try to relax. Dun stress yourself else if might affect the BM yield.

If Bm is not sufficient initially or too tired, then use ur intuition as to using supplement with FM anot.

i used to tell lots of stories on brushing then show him live examples of us brushing and using his fav cousin as an example.

so that might be the reason why he brushes teeth
<font color="0000ff">morning....

hi ivfamily,
ur boy don wash teeth meh? i though school have brush teeth. my boy told me they brush after bath or before can't remember... now i will let him brush with me, then bath then we go to bed...</font>
Morning mummies

Venus cute ur no 2..ur no 2 is born same mth as Poshies's girl??

Not sure whether in sch really got brush teeth a not leh..cos the box for his toothbrush &amp; toothpaste is always dry i presume not loh..
he dun really like to brush his these days, I'll use a cloth to wipe his teeth instead..sighh..wondering how to get rid of the tar stuck behind his teeth.

Well..i tried ur method..demostrated to him, showed him tt I brushed my use..v diff to convince him to brush teeth..:p
Poshies :
hahaha me also one lazy mummy too but jus tat the cc doing the training now n when i go fetch him he won't be in diapers so i hv to keep close lookout tat he doesn't anyhow pee n later slip n fall (^^,)

Btw... care to share with me (if u could remember) how did u cope when the CC was doing the training? During weekends did you also let your boi go without diapers? How long did ur boy take? Cos the CC hv urinal, when come home my boy not keen to pee on the toilet bowl lo.. hiaz.

Baby barney :

Sure sure... I will try my best to join u all for the mac gathering hehe.. i also need to chill out hehehe
hi all, been busy with all the boys birthdays, my inlaws' birthday and various kids' birthdays...wahahahah

i'll try to catch up soon!
Event: Swim date atv FloraVale
Date: 27 July 2008 Sunday

2) ivfamily+ hub+ boy
3) wendy + terence + 2 kids + helper

**SRY I cant make it, have plans for birthday.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Hi Ivfamily,
at 1st mine also dry dry, then i ask... now i'm sure Gerald used the toothbrush, coz he told me after bath he will brush plus the toothbrush is worn out.. had already change 3 toothbrush for him as he like to bite... feedback to the teacher.. or maybe ur boy in PG smaller group... btw this morning the teacher in charge of opening the school is either sick or late... no entrance... had to left my boy with the China teacher with the auntie and cleaner... this is the 3rd time already...

Hi Angela,
my boy took only 1 week to get used to the idea of toilet usage... but they are accidents... especailly when he nap... so during that period... will bring extra pant for the teacher to change.. one advantage of letting the teacher change when my boy is older.. as he can speak very well..... so i got little problem... i think he is diaperless in school.. he told me he don want to wear diaper at home... just the initial... u must keep asking him whether he want to go toilet... i don force him to pass urine on the toilet bowl... he can urine on the toilet floor or the portable toilet..... but he is still on diaper when he sleep... i'm too tired to wake him up to go toilet... so i just let him be....

hi venus,
ur boy very handsome hor.... did he still miss my boy's train... haha...</font>
poshies...heng..he din miss ur boy's train liao cos he has plenty of train to play...SIL keep buying trains for him *faint*
deluxe - just sharing: although i managed to tbf, i did standby a tin of formula then. i didnt use it at all though. although u must have the determination to achieve tbf, u cannot b too hard on yourself either. and what if your milk comes in late? u still need to feed bb something right?

Iv- i brush my kids teeth the moment they are out. at least use a cloth to wipe. then when i introduce baby's toothpaste, they like the taste -_-" *faint* so they did not mind us brushing their teeth. we introduce floride toothpaste at about 2yo.
Baby barney and ayanti
Not sure whether im too late.Happy birthday. Hope your wishes come true. Ayanti hope we will be hearing your good news soon.
Me still using the first teeth toothpaste for my gal. I don't dare to use flouride toothpaste coz she still don't know how to throw out the foam.
determination is quite important especially the 1st month coz the initial period is tough because you need to build up the supply so must always feed and feed or pump and pump. But don't stress yourself.
Wow justin so happy going to school.
Thank for helping me to collect
<font color="0000ff">how come the thread slow down....

Hi Angela,
my boy was 2-1/2 when he start school then toilet train, as the nanny who is taking care of him previously was too "busy" can't help me to train....

Hi Jenie,
no problem... now we just wait for the confirmation....</font>
<font color="0000ff">morning ....

how come the thread slow down.....

Hi Vivi,
me still thinking... can u pm me ur mobile no...</font>
Hi mummies
hmm..this thread is indeed post per day..i shall make it two for today..hee

I was abt to ask u..whether the gathering still on boy is coughing :p so if i were to bring him go..mabbe not joining u all for swimming..just let him play around instead..
When will u confirm??

Been using a cloth to clean his teeth since he dun fancy using the toothbrush..the toothbrush set which I brought to sch is always dry..yet to ask the teacher abt it..keep forgetting leh..
anyway, he's still ok w e cloth to clean his teeth though diff to clean them at times cos he will either close his mouth/bite..:p

ur boy is so cute..somemore pose for the old is he already?
<font color="0000ff">haha...
so must post more rite... see whether i got time... just had my lunch going to pump....

hi venus join us this sun lah...</font>
Hello everyone,

was directed by poshies to this thread. Thank's Poshies
I am a SAHM wth 1.5 yo twin girls. Just moved to JW and hopefully can meet new friends here. Can I join your gathering as well?
re: gathering this sunday.

So time fixed at 6pm ya.

SMS me at : 92270558 cos i seldom log in nowadays.


can no problem. Can just play water, playgrd.

Hi Venus,

will try to upload pic of my gals later to let u see
not really similar just like sisters, unlike identical twin.BTW, your boy is going to apple tree? there is one apple tree near my block and was thinking to let my twins go there too. May I know which class he is in? can they take 18mths? what kind of activity they hv?

Hi to all mummies here too
I will join your next outing coz this sunday I am not able to make it. looking forward to get to know you all.



yes,my boy is now in apple tree class at Jurong spring cc which is near my inlaw place.Think u better check w apple tree cos the group now belongs to yr 2005 babies..

activity..singing,drawing,playing etc..dun really c the actual situation in class.i only accompanied him for 1st day and quite a messy situation liao. u knoe the usual crying bouts of kids etc..
