Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Swim Date ::
Date: 27 Aug or 10 Aug 2008
Please choose your preference date.
Time : Morning or late evening?
Venue : Floravale condo - near Gek poh
poshies..on maternity leave for 3 mths..din put out of office still have email lor...

mine is natural delivery mah...where got time 2 go office and put message lei??
hmm..dunno cherie's mum leh..saw e father & mother b4..but didn't acknowledge each least Theodore (dunno whether name spelled correctly) parents did smile at me when they brought him this morn.
Oic..i tot u wanted to get for your boy..hee..wondering why put on for young! preference between 27 July or 10 August..I'm ok w both..just keeping my fingers crossed tt my boy is in gd health then..heheh..else cant join u all for swimming

heheh..even after putting out of office reply for my email, i came back 3 mths later with abt 1800 emails!! Can imagine e time I need to spend clearing it!

ya getting for my son, cos we are going hokkaido this oct.

Afraid that his lips will dry cos he always has dry lips during winter season.. Thats y need it.
<font color="0000ff">Ivfamily,
izt... how come... luckily mine don have... if have i think i will fainted.... 1 day i can have about 100 email lah.....</font>
Good Morning to all,

This morning my gal suddenly cough quite badly, dunno what's wrong.


Thanks for giving alternative date for us.
Hi ladies!

Gosh... ur emails sounds like what i had to endure during previous job. Wkends also must check email, else will be bombarded on mondays.

Will be starting work next Tues, contract job for 3mths, might extend till Dec. Glad to have something to do and earn some $$$! Will revert back to SAHM after birth

vi i'll give the swim date a pass, no kids to bring to pool yet!

Can kids use Vaseline for the lips? Maybe Avent would have? I dunno abt this kind of stuff.

iv yes, glad we're comfy w Dr Kee.. else would have to go gyne hunting... lol..

I finally bought 2 maternity skirts yesterday. Cannot tahan liao, had wardrobe crisis in the morning. More and more of my bottoms can't fit. Either can't zip up or tight and uncomfy when buttoned. My tops are still ok though. I think it'll be difficult to have enough clothes to wear for work, can't live in my shorts and T-shirts all the time liao.

At the moment, still trying to hide my tummy cuz we haven't announce yet n i dun have a lot of baggy tops. Once OSCAR all-clear, dun need to hide liao. Then I wouldn't mind wearing my stretchy tops.

The salesgirl yesterday tot i've reached 4 mths when I'm only at 12th wk.
Didn't know my tummy looks so big... *sob*
long time nv post liao as i have been very busy during the weekend cos kenna sabo by colleague either take leave or no show and i kenna OT and do alotsa stock check.(damn)

I can't join on the 27th maybe 10th will be able to make it but cfm when date nearer ya.

U got a lovely gal over there btw i also want to order tat bag leh but dun noe wat design,color and size to take leh.Any recomendation?

you have got a beautiful gal.... must bring her along for gathering hor.


So long din hear from you. Must be tired for you even sat still have to go back. how's your job so far? still can cope? Must take good care orh!
Pretty old is she now??

I have considered seriously to go work after my 2nd delivery. Was wondering how's the feeling like when a SAHM become a working mum?? Mummies, please share with me. I am so attached with my little dayan now...totally glued to him!! haizz...wonder if i can take the separation anxiety or not??
No work on sat but then weekday got OT but not compulsory unless those big shot ppl want us to check the stock else can dun need OT.

Seriously i prefer to work then be SAHM as i am short temper but then seperation anxiety cfm will set in no matter wat status as we brought them to the world and really miss seeing their cute and lovely face+antics eventually.
Intially I became a SAHM is becoz i couldn't get myself away from her but as my gal became older and naughtier and my finanical is getting very strain hence tat why decide to go work and another reason was my HB quite anti social so tat why prefer my gal go socialize tat earlier.
I totally forgot abt this thread! LOL!

Garfield, its been so long since I saw you online and in forum, hope you and baby gal is fine =)

Poshies, your gal really cute! And I tot you have a son only.

Vivi, I dont mind joining you to swim date as hubby will be away AGAIN for 2 weeks, just keep me posted on the comfirm date and timing.
hi all jurong SAHMs,
can i join u? am from lovely jurong west mummies thread. im a SAHM now but just a temporaily one

ur ger is cute, nice meeting u at don mummy's house
Good Morning to all,


Welcome to join us here


Thanks for the Invitation.

Event: Swim date atv FloraVale
Date: 27 July 2008 Sunday

Gathering on 27th July, Sunday
<font color="aa00aa">Time: early morning or late evening</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Floravale condo, near Gek poh</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi baby,
Nice talking u on last sat... Too bad, my gal sleeping that day so din bring her along, then can not stay too long as she is not ard to help me to clear... Haha my boy love the incomplete cupcake..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Aryanti,
Nice meeting u at Don mummy place on sat... Ur gal very indenpent lah... Not like my boy... Haha... My gal only 3 month old... And I'm totally bfg her.... So need to leave after 4hr.... Haha... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi softpillow,
Nice meeting u... Too bad... My boy need so much of my attention can't really talk to u..</font>
I am also short-tempered type one. And i feel that i dun do a good job as a SAHM. Dun know how to patience. I intend to go back to work when my 2nd baby turns 3months old. Wonder how much will it cost if i sent them to a nanny place?? Aiyo, the thought of letting others take care of my children..i feel very sad. But to give them a better life, and to prevent myself from gg nuts...its still better that i go out to work.
Vivi, why dont you post at LJWM thread, I bet a lot of moms wld luv to join. *Just a suggestion.

Event: Swim date atv FloraVale
Date: 27 July 2008 Sunday

2)Aryanti and Mimi(TBC as it fall on my birthday unless diff day)
Poshies, nice to meet you too. I saw you and I didnt know who you were. I ask Eileen then she tell me. Hehe. My mimi if got frens and toys can be independent BUT at home always wanna disturb me 24/7.
Aftn mummies
How was everyone’s weekend?

Oic..hee..but at least ur son will b willing to put on e lip balm..unlike my boy..brushing his teeth is already very do u manage to brush ur boy’s teeth?

Hehhe..actually my email, majority are spam usually I’ll delete all &amp; only untick those which are not for reading..cant afford to go thru one by one..waste my time.
Wow..ur bb girl is sooo cute..feel like pinching how is her sleeping/drinking habit like??

Deluxe sign mah..this goes to show tt e bb is growing well in your tummy..unlike me, my tummy was rather small..even when I was abt to give birth..there are many pregnant ladies at 5/6 mths with tummies so much bigger than mine..

U will get used to working life one worries..though staying at home for sometime will make u really attached to ur kid but then again..being away frm them does make u miss &amp; appreciate them my case, I know I cant be a sahm..prefer to work &amp; come home to spend quality time w my boy rather than I get frustrated w spending the whole day w him at home. Initially, I was really worried abt leaving my boy at the cc..cos he cried like dunno what when I left him there loh..but now, he’s coping well..happy &amp; simply bochap abt me when I leave him at the cc every morn
Wow..someone celebrating b/d leh!! Hee..celebrate w us lah..hee..

Event: Swim date atv FloraVale
Date: 27 July 2008 Sunday

2)Aryanti and Mimi(TBC as it fall on my birthday unless diff day)
3) ivfamily+ hub+ boy
<font color="0000ff">hihi all,
just realise alot of mummies don know abt the bb bliss card giving out to Southwest mummies

Baby Blisscard @ South West celebrates the births in the South West District. One of the many initiatives under the "Family Bliss @ South West" package is the Baby Blisscard, a specially-designed limited-edition cashcard with a stored value of $38.

The Baby Blisscard @ South West aims to :

Raise awareness in the South West District of the national agenda to promote marriage, procreation and the family
Instil a sense of community spirit among residents in the South West District by creating a platform for them to celebrate births
Support the District's grassroots organisations in their outreach efforts, especially to residents who are parents of newborns
Create a unique branding and identity of a "pro-family" South West District
Baby who fulfils ALL the following eligibility criteria will receive one Baby Blisscard:

- Born on or after 1 July 2005

-Reside in South West District

- At least one parent must be a Singapore citizen

Application is open throughout the year and must reach us within six (6) months of the birth. Click here to download application form.

here is the link to the form

remember to submit the form before your bb hit 6month old</font>
Thank for the concern we r both doin quite well.

Me have order liao but then do u mind help me collect???
Me order the big backpack but if MOQ nv meet then will be small backpack lor.

Dun think too much anyway when the times come then u decide again lor and if finanically is still k then dun worry too much ya.
hello all!

iv big tummy = good? hmm... dunno leh, guess i scared i'll be stuck w extra "baggage" after birth bah.. me beri hiao.. hehe..

jas is it possible for u to make a slow transition back to work? e.g. start w part-time or flexi-hours, then go into full-time then both u and ur bb have time to adjust.

Me, i hope i can be SAHM cuz i'm typically not a kid person. Just dunno wat to do w them and i'm also not patient. I know many pple say it's diff w ur own kid, so i'll wait and see. Hope i dun go gila... Actually my hb is a lot better with kids, just hopeless w housework and cooking. But he earns more and there's no way we can survive on my pay alone.

poshies thk for the info... now have to go and find out if NTU is in the South West district.. lol

Just wondering, did any of u use both bf and formula? Everything i read discouraged the use of formula cuz of nutrition and nipple confusion. But my mom today said i shld mix, day time, bf, night time formula - not so tiring. She said that's how i was fed and no problems. True or not?? I tot exclusively bf for 6 mths is best?? Also i'm wondering why EBM works since it has to be bottle fed anyway, wouldn't there be nipple confusion too???
deluxe - i pro-bfd de. i'm still nursing my 2.5yo.
but objectively speaking, it's very much a personal choice after reading up.

it's encourage to bf at least 6 mths cos it provides optimal protection for the bb.
also, bm is most gentle on bb's stomach.

your mum suggest mix is bcos most ppl has the conception that bm is watery and wont 'tahan' the bb throughout the night.
and u will need to bf more night feeds. hence more tiring.
but some tbf bbs still do sleep through the night.
i suppose is how u impose bb to follow routine.

just sharing my experience.
both my bbs were put to breast within 10 mins of birth.
both were bottle fed before in nursery at the hospital before discharged.
they did not have nipple confusion
i tbf my son for 18mths and i'm still nursing my girl now.

i think it's hard to avoid bottle. u still need to give water right?
i know some books say tbf bbs dont need water cos of the high water content in bm, but sg very hot lei...

all the best!
jas - why do u say u r not doing a good job? r u being too hard on yourself? how old is your older one?
i'm just thinkin could it be the preggy hormones that's making u having all these thoughts...
take care k.
i suggest late evening, cos hopefully it will make the kids tired then they will zzz early... hee..

Event: Swim date atv FloraVale
Date: 27 July 2008 Sunday

2)Aryanti and Mimi(TBC as it fall on my birthday unless diff day)
3) ivfamily+ hub+ boy
4) wendy + terence + 2 kids + helper
<font color="0000ff">Hi Garfield...
Sure i can help u to collect... think most properly will collect from Tiong Bahur.... haha... since I will be going to my in law place over the weekend...

hi delux,
i can see the difference between my boy and gal... my boy was on more or less 100% FM due to my medicial reason... now my gal is on 100%BM, even though I start work, she is still on 100%BM, she had take less than 2 day of supply of FM only... the 1st day when she born, coz my c-section, too tired to feed her and 1 day when she is in hospital for phototheropy.... my gal is so chubby... based on the photo... and she is well even though kor kor keep coughing infront of her... my boy is easier sick... now i had mix my extra BM to my boy.... he is getting better now.... btw... my gal can sleep for at least 5hr.... last time for my boy even FM, max is also 5hr.... so not much a problem... but the only problem is sometime my gal din wake up to drink, i had to wake up to pump... so i rather she wake up and drink.... haha...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Wendy,
wow din know u still bf... so good... hope i can last that long...

hi jas,
don worry.... my temper is terrible... keep screaming at my boy.... yet... he still want mummy... very very funnie...</font>
