Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

<font color="0000ff">just finished pumping, supply getting lesser.... haiz.... think i must be more diligent..

Hi deluxe,
I had PM my real name...

Hi Ivfamily,
this morning raining meh???

Hi Wendy,
haha so i c.... then like to minic each other.....</font>

poshies got ur PM, thks!

babybarney hope u dun have to work too late then!

BTW, who's SAHM and who's FTWM here? At first when i came upon this thread, i tot everyone's SAHM cuz of the thread title...hee hee

wendy yah i know! we just viewed an apt, it was so stuffy and hot inside, so glad that it already has air con installed else we have to do it ourselves. Normally i dun sleep with air con but i think i might need it later on.

ivfamily I've only been away for 6 mths, not that long. My hubby used to work at NTU for 7 yrs and left to join another company, which then retrenched him 8 months later. He found a new job in Melbourne but it wasn't the job he wanted so we always knew that it would be temporary until a better job comes along. He sent out many applications and it just so happened that NTU offered him a job again. We could have also gone to Washington DC but after weighing the pros and cons, NTU seemed like a better place. So here we are, making one big merry go round. For me, it was a nice change of environment and the perfect reason to quit my former job which had very long hours, not so fantastic pay and high stress. So far it's been ok, just very xian of packing and unpacking!!

Got the egg tarts! Yummy! But the price has gone up tho... felt the pinch but still can't resist.

Oh if any of u are working at tg pagar area, the jap place i went for lunch has a gd value for money set lunch. For $31 u get a salad, hot appetizer, chawanmushi, rice, miso soup, 2 main courses and dessert. The place is called Sui Japanese Dining at Craig Rd.
Welcome back! Its nice to be back home right? Me is a SAHM since the birth of little Dayan.

Also pei fu you too. Got to work, study, and taking care of 2 kids. For me, sure mental breakdown one la.

Everyone wants to meet Brenda. Me too! Our super mommy! But all of you super too! Anyway, Mummies are super! hahaha...
hi all,
haiz~ rushing for a lot of birthdays...

wahahahah... ddun need to psycho, i'm sure slowly u can get the hang of it too... just need to believe.

i leave my kids often with my hb be it for a short walk, swim or to run errands. The kids can cry, still gotta sleep without me around...hahahah.

yah lah!! when r u going to say yes to my date?

AY! u also managing well with two leh... how come not sharing? tsk tsk...hehehehhe

yah... when younger one knows how to miss his siblings.. it becomes another headache.
<font color="0000ff">morning all...

hi deluxe,
glad u got the pm..... keep me update hor..

Hi Jas,
when thing happen, i believe most of us here can handle it one...

coz my study and no 2 is all not planned... haha but i still manage through and this coming aug is my final term so happy...

hi brenda,
think it is a matter of time when it going to happen to me... glad ur hubby still willingly to take care... mine... haiz...

Morning to all,

Probably will not be logging in on thur and fri. having course these days. kekek... can NUA liao
How to keep vegetables fresh for a week? If i never use for 2 days, the vegetables died liao! Waste

Brenda &amp; mummies,
3X Cheers!!!!
jas my mom used to buy these green plastic bags specially treated to keep fruits n vegs fresh longer. Have seen them at cold storage, not sure if ntuc has. Think it's made in Japan. The packaging is white and transparent with pics of vegs n fruits. Can't remember how many bags in 1 pack.
jas- thks for the enouragement to all mummies *muck*

keeping vege fresh
- got try wrapping in newspapers or ziploc?
Hi mummies
late posting today for me..

ic..heheh..i tot u hv been staying there for a few yrs..indeed, go one big merry go round &amp; back to NTU..hee ..but gd in a way tt at least u can travel &amp; experience the diff lifestyle

Agree w u..i guess all mummies are super woman in one way or it mentally, emotionally, physically..hahah...
btw, sorry..unable to help w e veg..cos I rarely buy veg..&amp; when I do, it does get rotton in the fridge easily..hee..

yaloh..u also another super women..somemore juggle studies as well..think if i were u..dunno throw e books to where already..hee
<font color="0000ff">morning all....
yesterday very quiet hor....

Hi Ivfamily,
haha...... nope lah... where got super women, I don do much housework.... never wash toilet, never mop the floor all throw to hubby to do....</font>
Morning mummies
yaloh..e thread so quiet these few days..where did all e mummies go??

Hehe..then ur hub is nice enough lah..for me, i only do a bit of the housework..heheh..wet ones, my hub will do..cos my hands are sensitive to can only do dry chores..
wah poshies ur hubby very well-trained wor.. willingly do housework... mine, wait long long.. if i dun ask, it will never get done and if he does do it, only do it any old how, not properly cleaned. Now that i'm not working, he lagi never do anything
<font color="0000ff">hallo...

hi ivfamily/de luxe,
not that he is well train, just that he can stand the dirty, and i don care, for me just make sure the place i sit is clean can already the rest of the place dirty is okie.... haha so he do since day 1 i better don do if not it will fixed... haha</font>
Im back again. Hehe. Busy and tired this past week. fionne was sick again and now my little one was sick too. Brought her to nuh on monday for her sensitive nose and wed for her speech delay and ent for checking ear. Doctor said most children who cannot pronouce properly may be due to water inside the ears so she suggest going for check before going to speech therapy. I waited 3 hours there and spent over $200plus seeing 3 different doctors. Actually it quite a good checkup at ent coz the doctor said her frequent running nose and block nose is due to sinus. There is some water inside her ears too so may affect her hearing. I still need to bring her for a detailed xray and hearing test again 2 weeks later.
My hubby also wearing green too. My hubby also suggest employing a maid now. though mil and i are not comfortable with the idea but agree we need an extra hand in looking after 3 kids. Otherwise our lives will be miserable and no freedom. I still trying to get used of the ideas coz i have a phobia in having a maid at home. May i know what wrong with your maid that you need to send her back.
welcome back singapore. Im a sahm with 2 princesses. One is 3 years and the other 6mth old.
I also agreed you are super mummy. I think i hate the idea of picking up a book again. You dont have time to pump in office. Jia you jia you. Hope your supply will pick up again. Did you try fernugeek.
At least your hubby can help you to look after the kids. For me it quite difficult to have a break for myself.
How are you now. Take care of yourself. Guess plenty of rest and water is the best cure.
baby loonytunes have u considered a part-time maid instead of a live-in maid? how come you have 3 kids to look after when u say u have 2 girls?

Just moved into temporary apt yesterday... will be moving to a larger one when it becomes available. Aiyo, the block under reno, so noisy. From 7plus in the morning they start using trucks and machinery to move things around in the carpark. Then from 8plus till evening, drill drill, knock knock, hammer hammer.... the noise drives me crazy.
jenie- i think the problem is with ME

every maid will have their set of problems.
i treasure my privacy too much
and i get very emo and paranoid ever since i got a maid.

deluxe- i also have 3 kids - my boy 4.5yo, girl 2.5yo and MAN 33yo...
Haha wendy then i have 1 kid too liao... the MOTH @ 37yo behave more like 7yo!

BTW, I wanna ask where to get nice, not so expensive maternity clothes. Do u buy maternity wear or normal clothes in larger sizes? And when is a gd time to start buying maternity bras? I looked at shops in Jurong Point and Vivocity, either auntie looking or nice but very ex.. almost $80 for a pair of pants. I liked a dress and pants but they cost $90 ans $140!! I dun even spend so much on my normal clothes leh! Also dunno if I will still be able to fit into them during 3rd trimester if I buy now..

Anyone tried Maternity Exchange @ Marina Sq before?
de luxe
During my preggy days i juz wear normal tee but 1 size bigger than usual but then i gotta buy pants cos working ma btw u dun really need buy those maternity pants cos there a new way I recently learn from my frenz instead of buy maternity pants u buy those long tube top and wear it at the belly area.

Something like this link but this item is actually specially for preggy but normal tube can also like that so u can save more $$$ tis way.

Btw as for nursing bra my advice is dun buy first until u have stabilize ur milk supply cos my cup size fluctuate during my preggy and nursing leh so instead i wear sport bra until about 1-2mths after birth btw nursing bra can get it cheap at either on the forum bulk purchase thread or moms in minds lah.
RE: LIP balm.

Hi mummies,

any recommendation for lip balm suitable for our kids?

my prev pigeon lip balm is more than a year already.
Hi Hi Good morning

Hehehe wooo... me lost le... hahaha the thread is moving fast sia

hahahaha... I pass my Final Theory Evaluation last sat... Waiting to take my TP Final Theory Test.... Hope can quickly finish the whole ting so sianz... lost all my freedom and burn my days...

I so slow and 'ben'.... so tedious for me hiaz
Paiseh for not able to attend brenda's kids' birthday bash. Feel so bad, cos i also miss out a lot.
Hi angela what are those tests for? U doing a course?

garfield thks for the tip, maybe go look ard at This Fashion bah.. my tops still can fit but bottoms are tight and uncomfortable liao.

Went to see Dr. Kee at TMC yesterday, he's very fatherly and take time to explain things to us. I think we spent nearly 30 mins w him. Will be going for OSCAR next Monday.
<font color="0000ff">Hi All...
Anyone miss me... so long din post.... haha busy with work and pumping... so can not log in often in the office</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Jenie,
no, I'm not taking any supplementary... don like.... just that I think I'm busy with work then forget to drink enough water... so my supply not consistent...
nope... me not supermummy.... keep shutting at my boy I felt so angry and upset abt myself...</font>
Good Morning to all,

I haven been posting for the past few days, hasn't been in the mood and also no lappy to use at home as hb is away.

How's everyone here?
<font color="0000ff">Hi venus,
din log in yesterday mah.... buzy with the new job scope... so many meeting and thing to do.... just come back less than a month, my unread email had piles till 300++....

hi baby,
how come???</font>
Gd morning mamas
Long time didn't post in this thread but hv been reading it ..hee..

heheh..same like mine, cant stand dirty flooring..think becos of my mil's influence..everyday mop the floor for at least 4 times :p

Hope u will cheer up soon! Dun be depressed for so long..not healthy for u leh!

Thks for your concern, I'm ok now..keeping my fingers crossed that I'll remain healthy..cos very terrible to be sick..&amp; still hv to settle the daily household, my boy..etc :p

Glad to hear that u r ok with Dr Kee..he's indeed very fatherly..very assuring..anything u are concerned abt, he will's whatever worries or concern, become no more..hahah..
Btw, suggest u not to buy maternity wear too soon..for me, i didn't buy a lot..wear my own stretchable clothes..even until b4 I gave birth! Heheh..cos my stomach was rather small..
Currently I'm fine w 10 where will e swim be held at?? How's ur boy? Hee..occasionally when I peeked at my boy, they will always be at the tables area..dunno doing what..hee..but seem to enjoy themselves for lip balm...hmm..dun apply for my boy leh..u do?

Hmm..what test is that? Sounds like driving test leh..correct me if I'm wrong
poshies...ur email small case compared to mine..i have 1300++ emails to clear on 1st day of work..

just imagine 1300+ emails for 3 mailbox explode liao lol
<font color="0000ff">HI venus,
how come 3 month still got email... haha.... i think i put out of office long long b4 start of maternity... so the mail open din explode

HI vivi,
i want to bring my boy to swim lah... where??</font>
Afternoon mummies,

Swim Date ::
Date: 10 Aug 2008
Time : Morning or late evening?
Venue : Floravale condo - near Gek poh

Thanks for the invitation for swim date. Im interested but is there any earlier date before Aug for swim date?
