Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong


Good Morning mummies,

Poshies, how to make this thread alive huh?

SUpermummy brenda,

So long din see you post leh, this friday night mac session?
<font color="0000ff">ya lor... baby...

think we shld have more topic.. then will bring the thread alive again....

been busy from the whole morning....</font>
Allo all
Wonder where r e regulars hor?? Thks to Baby &amp; Poshies for keeping this thread alive..heheh...

where r u...i almost forgot when our swim date is leh?? When again? Btw..really long time didn't see ur boy liao..almost forgot how he looks like..hope he is ok..or u r busy w ur moving of house??
How's Gerald now?? Is he still crying gg to CC every morn? Once I saw him while sending my boy &amp; he is ok leh...look really cool with his uniform as his jacket &amp; inside wearing some colourful clothes..hee

Oh cos I would b happy to join if u organise a meet up..think got to make this thread as alive as the other one is only thru meeting up..hee
<font color="0000ff">hi shylyn,
ya... my boy still cry.... i had to force him to wear his uniform... now only manage to wear his uniform with his own clothes inside then he don want to button as he want to show off his t-shirt...</font>
Hi everyone
Sorry mia for quite long coz very busy the past few week. Fionne just underwent an operation to remove her tonsil and adeno the previous week so she was on mc and my youngest girl started to sleep lesser making me having lesser time online. She has recovered and her snoring has definately improved after the operation. How's everyone doing. Hope everyone doing fine. Maybe we can have a meetup too. Have met up with the other thread mummies but not here.
Ya hor..think also not 'safe' to go swimming during this mth..heheh..anyway, I long long time didn't go swimming oredi..though almost daily go to swimming centre..
hmm..did u ask him why he dun like to go to sch these days? Was it becos of some changes at e cc or home?? Think there must be a reason for him crying abt gg to sch.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Shylyn,
i don know lah..... din really change much... except my school term start this week... but he had been crying before this week... then last week... he was sick for a couple of day..... but his cry very short one lah.... i call the school... teacher say he is enjoying his class... ask me to come like anytime during class, i will see him enjoying himself... haiz...</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi jenie,
how is fionne doing now... she is recovering... though u are busy with the new maid.....

do take care okie...</font>
<font color="0000ff">ya... hi venus... today early... coz havent pump... now going...
got ur sms.... so meeting this sun???? i confirm with u agian... now going to pump...</font>
Good Morning to all,


Fionne,you are a very brave, aunty is proud of you. Glad that you are recovering well. How are you coping with you maid now?

Poshies, i think there's once i send my gal to sch, saw that gerald is looking at me with his tutu on but i call him he dun ans to me leh.


Where have you been? Moving in to you new hse le?


Any suggestion?


How's your trip? Do post in your blog, im waiting to see yummy food and those nice nice places you have gone to.


Did you buy red and clothing for your son? Think i need to go buy one during my lunch... have not got any for my gal.


I saw you are in jw walker thread too, are you a regular there?

ANGELA, WHERE ARE YOU? How have you been?
hi all,
I'm back!!! ohhh.... quiet time?

k, k.. think i almost finish with my unpacking etc can chat more liao. So /b{Baby} no prob. with friday meet up.

My blog :

ur boy's crying... is it a phase thing?cos mine at one point of time was also fussing abt going to school.. every morning keep trying his luck to push his limit with crying/screaming/demanding etc. just to see how much we are willing to give in. When I called the teacher, she also tell me he's happily enjoying himself...haiz~

But there's also a time when he refused school becos of a boy.. he tried to tell me but i ignored. We got a shock when the teacher called to say he scratch the boy's arm.. there after, he's fine w going to school again.

Kids... super headache! super lovable!

jiayou jiayou with ur pumping...

ohhh... wish ur gal sleep much better from now...heheheh
Gd morning mummies

Hope little Fionne recover soon..take care..dun over tire and stress urself too much ok??

Hmm..then in this case, think Gerald is trying to attract ur boy also like dat..but when he cries, i'll ignore and let him cry till he's happy..hahah...dun like to give in to his cryings..else spoil him.

Brenda &amp; Angela
Yaloh..long long time didn't c the both of u posting...busy busy??

Luckily, on hand i hv some red &amp; white clothings..heheh...still thinking what to buy to contribute for tomo's potluck at the CC leh..what abt both of u??

Btw..saw ur girl this morn..1st time i c her in her cute!! This time, she's paying attention to the teacher..hee..
<font color="0000ff">hi baby,
i'm not surprise...he don greet u... haha he super super shy 1.... so all the relatives... also don greets.. </font>
<font color="0000ff">oh yes... it is morning izt... if his tutu is still on... meaning... he is still not happy.... haiz.... very ma fan</font>
<font color="0000ff">oh baby...
my boy have red and white polo t-shirt plus i think he also have white pant.... so no need to buy</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi brenda,
the teacher also comment, my boy is testing his limits.. he do it every couple of days.. .then he is back to normal... meaning willingly to go to school... there are no change in the classmate... except 2 pg gal join his class... but out of 2 gal, one is his ex pg classmate which he enjoy playing with her... - Cherish.</font>
Oh yes..i was asking how come my boy wasn't promoted since Cherie is abt 1 month older than him..&amp; there's another boy, whom I tot is younger (but actually older) also being promoted to N1..turned out tt my boy gg over to N1 in 2 mths time.
Btw..Gerald is in N1 meh?? Tot N2??

So Sorry, regarding the fri meet up, can i let you know in awhile as im waiting for my friend reply to meet me. I saw your blog, really so nice and make me feel like going on trip again.


Ya lor what to bring for the pot luck tml huh?
<font color="0000ff">hi ivfamily,
don know lah.... but i remember the teacher say my boy will be in n1 for this whole year.. next year he will be promoted to n2... there are 2 n1 class... did they mention which one... my boy is in n1a which is by ms sumi.. .then n1b is by ms ng... which is suppose to be a bigger class...</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi baby,
i don know lah... havent think... maybe today to jurong and see....

hi iv &amp; baby,
want to go jurong point this evening?</font>
RE : Red and white clothings
So good!! u gals have it on hand... i simply can't find white pants for my boy. And i dread buying and washing it... how to make them keep their white pants stay white?? hahahha

yahlor... my boys was ill then planning and packing for the trip so mia for a while.

ay...i forgot u r which mummy already leh...hahah, paiseh

do u hv problems with ur ILs when ur kids dun greet them? Mine not very happy w it

Cherish... hahhaha, nice name.

sometimes we really have to grit our teeth and bear thru such weird phases of growing up.

Thot u already planning to go Malacca? hahahah

Now my hb thinking of Ipoh *faintz*

He even commented mebbe we all can join the RC to those Kukup trip...hahahha, think we travel siao already

Mac meeting I also got to see leh... dunnoe whether i'm coming down w flu or my nose allergy to all the burning smell. I keep "ahchoo" since morning
Yet to decide what to bring leh..scratching my to JP later to look see...also dunno how much to bring also..heheh
what abt u? What will u b getting?
how old is Gerald again? Hee..he look quite big for his age..unlike my boy..*shake head*..btw, my boy is only in the 3rd Percentil...sob..sighh..
I'll be gg to JP later but wont be staying till evening..cos need to fetch my boy &amp; settle his dinner, bath etc..

No wonder lah..where did u travel to? So gd..did u bring ur boys along as well?? in laws always make it a point to ask my boy :Didn't call me?? Didn't call me??" and will pester my boy until he ask ur in laws to do so as well..
btw..Poshies got her name spelled's Cherie..not Cherish..heheh

I have no idea what to get also. Maybe cookies lor.

brenda, Do take care. Weather hasn't been good all this while.
The malacca trip, have to postpone liao. maybe going in sept.
<font color="0000ff">hi venus...
sure no problem... just let me know when i go n pick it up... i pay the balance to u cash can....</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi brenda..
no lah.... sometime he simply don greet them one... regardless who, my parent or in law... but they are okie one lah.....</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi ivfamily,
ya... he look mature... some pple though he is older... but his build is small... only the "look" look mature.... haha</font>
<font color="0000ff">i think by the rate i'm spamming the thread... very soon... i will promoted to member.... haha</font>

Poshies yr older than my boy..always tot Gerald is at least 4..hee..

Hmm..still thinking..heheh..mabbe later see whether soft pillow got suggestions..

Chat again tomo mummies..loggin off now!
