Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Morning mummies.

Sorry to inform that i have to cancel the gathering as i thought that my boy will recover from his fever, cough and flu since yesterday.

Hence, will reschedule to 17 August , sunday, 6pm or am

Please let me know ya

<font color="0000ff">morning....

Hi Josephine,
welcome to see u here.... though not all the mummies here is SAHM

Hi Venus..
u so 'guai' hor... ask for pple to post... u post... </font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi All...
my boy down with fever last night.... so worried... luckily today hubby take leave to being him to see doc... mummy can not take leave..... alot of report to do...

Hi Venus...
think i will go missing again...</font>
hmm 17 aug..i try to go..where and do wat huh?

well..i eat snake

poshies..u at home this sun? may go get the romper den go for lunch...
<font color="0000ff">hi venus,
yup... so be at home.... my mummy go malaysia to eat durian.... so should not be going anywhere.. plus now my boy down with fever..... confirm with u tonight... see hubby want to go to in law place to stay over night anot..</font>
Venus, thx, i will check with them. I am desperate to get them into playgroup or something coz i dun know how to entertain them as they are getting bigger and smarter hehehehe. So most of mummies here are working? What line are you all in? I used to work in IT line for 4 years.. Now give up liao coz of babies.

Hi Poshies and vivi, hope your boy will recover soon...
Aftn mummies
My boy is also sick..down w slight fever so brought him back home half way..he had already dozed off but woke him up to bring him my hub is a house nanny..cos later I still got to attend meeting.

Ic..older than my he’s now w Appletree was it? Did ur boy tell u what they learn there??

Hmm..I’m always impressed w those who hv more than 1 kid..cos to me, handling one is more than I can handle..cant imagine 2 at a time..hee..
I'm working as a civil servant

Its ok as my boy is also sick..think a lot of pple sick wonder today didn’t c ur is he??



speedy recovery for ur boy.

he is still having high fever, going to bring him to see dr later. Sigh. He was mc from sch since ytd. boy only tell me on his choo choo train(aka thomas and fren)..he wun say anything on his playground..wonder if he understand my questions bo
Hi Venus,

I can't help to feel guilty when I turn on the TV for them. Heard of so many negative impact from watching TV since young. Also I need to use TV to feed them. Bopian coz otherwise they will run about. But eversince I moved here I always turn on TV.. baby einstein all the time...

Hi Shylyn,

I sometimes also still wonder how come I got two at a time, can't believe it. I need a maid to help me cope. No support from parent/in law or anyone else. I guess those who can have more than 1 must have firm support.. especially working mums like you.

BTW almost of you are with bb boys? poshies/venus/Shylyn/Vivi..and who else got boy?
Good Morning to all,

I hasn't been to this thread for quite sometime.

Supermummy Brenda,

Are you busy also? How's your cameron trip?


Im a working mother with two girls. one in cc and the othewr is at home look after by maid. Im also looking for a playgroup for the younger girl to go.


My elder girl also falling sick soon... have been coughing and flu started ytd. sian.....

I'm a FTWM staying at Jurong
nice meeting mums here

my gal is coming 18 mths.

Just signed her up at MMI @ JW St. 52 there.
Anyone been there b4?
<font color="0000ff">morning all....

been missing since last friday.... those old timer will know i don log in over the weekend.... with my little boy around no chance to use the PC.... coz he will pretend to be like us.... will tell u... he want to use the PC too.. so I don on the PC when he is ard...

my boy had been sick since Monday... bot him to school.... before i can left... he start crying ... say he want to go home.... don want to stay there.... don like all the teacher that he used to like... no choice bot him home... actually want to leave him with my mil who taking care of my no 2 at my place.... when reach home.... start having very serious diarrhoea..... making the whole living room quite badly... then he sleep for the whole day... yesterday.... bot him to see doc... he is recovering... can play till morning.... today refuse to go to school again... had to leave him while he is still screaming aways.... haiz....

hi josephine,
i had a boy and a baby gal...

hi baby,
was told by the teacher a lot of the kid is having diarrhoea and some teacher also...</font>

when did you hear this? Then i better dun send my gal to sch liao. How come he sudden change of mood dun wanna go sch huh?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Baby,
this morning....

well maybe after a couple of day at home plus ... sometime i don fetch him back home (as I have class) then he will need to go to my mother place.... he kinda of miss me... just call the school, he is okie now...</font>
Hi Good Morning to Everyone,
Poshies, I think this thread is dead le, nobody come here leh.
Must do something about it le, do a gathering?
<font color="0000ff">hi baby,
on 23 aug... there is a baby bf seminer... might be going...

hi venus,
u want to go?</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi venus,
i think it is within a room, don know whether would ask all the father (that going to leave the room anot) haha.... yet to confirm ....

hi baby...
okie lor.... just to confirm... </font>
