Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

u started working olredi? so fast? I tot u wan to be a SAHM longer before starting out your MIL taking care of Weaver?

hey mommies, ask your hb to join the gathering lah, otherwise my hb don wan to come leh, he feel paiseh....
i ask my hb liao but he can't join cos he working leh...
ask yr hb don't paiseh lah, wat to paiseh?

aa, welcome! I am not SAHM too
i used mostly threadfin fish for her. Just to check will the chicken meat be quite tough??
your working hour so long?? You work in retail line?
Don't think my hubby joining.

me going with my hubby on 21st

Jan Gathering
21 Jan 05(sat)
Timing after 1pm

1 Poshies
2 moulinmum + hubby
3 mumbb + hubby
4 jenie
5. blurblur
6. Serrich
7. aa

ususally i pour hot water + little cool water and mix the powder first. Then dissolve already i top up with cool water until required amt. Sometimes will mis-q, if too hot i put under running water, if too cool, i just add a little more hot water.

u mean your hb will not be at home on tat day?
tat mean oni u hosting?

my hb veri shy w/ women, esp in the crowd of women, i don tink he can tahan so many women on tat day, it is better to hav another male company, otherwise he will be bored with women's topic.

so long din hear fm u, mia again.......actually wanted to ask u whether your hb coming or not, gd to hear tat he is oso coming, so can chat w/ my hb.....

no, the chicken is not tough, jus mince it properly will do, can give it a try.
wow.. poshies..u very e on ah?

hmm... am thinking of joining you gals..but my two children are already so big, 15 mths followed by coming four years old...

where is the location, ladies?
pai seh pai seh

no la.. that time went back to work cos my company's account very messy.. the person who took over me literally mess up the whole thing.. haizz.. even you hire the person also need time to coach ma.. so my hubby ask me to help lor.. (haha.. me and my hubby work for the same company....)

I of cos wanna be SAHM at least my bb until 1 yr la... otherwise cant see the "1st" of him liao..

my MIL.. think forget it la.. my hubby was taken care by her MIL when 1st 2 yrs.. so she quite relax one.. she scare my bb vomit or shit on her.. she even carried my bb without supporting his head even before 1 mth.. you think i dare to let her take care meh?

ask mummies here...
my bb jus started cereals for 4 days.. my MIL wants to feed him soup ( i dunno wad soup la..maybe clear soup??) can or not??? somemore say can feed campbell soup!!
oh ya.. i cant make it on that day
cos need to go IKEA to see wad furniture to buy for our new home.. (my hubby only weekend free... haizz)


if possible can i visit you during weekdays? i sometimes stay at home with bb also abit sianz... hahaha
hey moulinmum.. is me eh.. u know who? ger's mum ah.. kekekeke....

hey mumbb, did i meet u before? are u the one I pass the CNY clothes to u? cos staying blk 605 too eh?

i tink home made fish soup or chicken soup shld be fine, but not campbell soup, cos containing preservatives, not veri healthy....

OIC ger's mum, how come u chg your ID....
anyway, welcome to the thread.......
hey mumbb.. so how old yr girl liao eh?
feel free to bring her over my place and play with my girl eh... so near each other ah.. so looking forward to finding some play pals for my girl eh... hey, so getting her to wear the CNY set in 2 wks time?

since u r going to IKEA, can u pls chk for me the Ikea high chair, how much izit? Heard a lot of gd review abt tis chair, wanted to buy for jannah, but wondering izit really sturdy or not?
Let me noe, Ok, thx.

sure, no girl olredi 6mth++. Your girl is so beautiful n sweet, esp love her hair, is she born with lots of hair? my jannah's hair is growing at a very slow speed, wondering wat can be done?
hey mumbb.. I have the ikea chair at my mum place eh.. is good and convenient to use ah... as for sturdy or not, of cos not comparable to those $100 range type eh.. can consider to get ah.. is less than $30... can get with or without the table top..
hi blurblur,

im staying at 633 near pioneer mall. dun think can join u guys as got appt liao leh.. maybe nexttime lor.

So u stay 658.. where is it ar.
hey mumbb!!

yup.. i definately will help you to look for the exact price for the chair.. like wad elmobbger says.. is not really so ex.. but worth to buy lor.. intend to get one for my boy too!!!

today is the 4th day giving him cereals.. but so far so gd.. i mix cereals and FM together (1 teaspoon & 2 scps of FM) added up 150ml he has been takin well (in bottle) den another 1 teaspoon of cereal in bowl (much thicker..)...
but he likes to grab the spoon and swing it ard til everywhere is cereals.. hahah..

hahaha....Weaver veri mischief leh......u must be having a good time cleaning up the mess.....kekeke....
which cereal is he eating now? Hav u tried Dumex nutrifine, quite nice. Can oso try Nestle brown rice, my favourite.....

Perhaps can join us next hav u decided which hospital to deliver?
xueling, sure.. come come. i also v bored at home during weekdays.. but my home is messy if u dun mind.. and must make sure ur weaver dun seduce my julia! hahaa!

i been reserving the rusk for u, i wondering do u still wan it? If u do, i will pass it to u during poshies gathering. Let me noe, ok.
hello mumbb, thanks, can pass to me during the gathering.. hehe.. i forgot to arrange to meet u.. very busy past few wks.. hubby went surgery and julia just kanna jabbed...
Hi mummies
My pc has been down. Will not be able to go online for these few days. Now using my brother's pc.
Sorry I have something on at the last minute. May not able to make it for the gathering next week. so sorry will join next time.
hey mumbb.. my boy likes to grab things very much.. now finally begins to play with toys liao.. keke.. I now giving him Heinz's Baby First Rice Cereal.. cos it stated for 4 mth onwards.. the nestle start from 6 months leh.. so i nv buy.. maybe when he reach 6 mth den i change lor..


haha... hmm.. so fast wor.. cant wait to be MIL liao ar?? wooohuhuhuhuhu... oops :p my boy very guai one.. wun seduce her one.. :X
Sorry mums

I can't go for this sat's gathering cos i need to go back to work... sob.. sob... can't finish my work... real sorry... join u ladies another time
Hi mommies,
Sherilyn is sick ley. I dont think i can make it for the gathering as well.. Dun want her to spread her disease to other children also..
wow... so many sick bb......

well think if this is case we might well postphone the gathering.... coz Gerald is also recovering from his flu...
hmm.. so the gathering is off? maybe we can arrange after cny.. let's go to xueling's new place and help mess it up! hahaaa!

btw, i wanted to ask if anyone has the similac $3 discount voucher but breast feeding so can pass to me... my gal drinking similac.. very exp.. haha... thanks in advance!

mumbb, probably have to meet u some day to collect the cereal.

hope all the sick babies get well sooooooon!
Oh since Gerald also not well its better to postpone our gathering.

CNY gathering sounds a good idea! I am all for it! Hope that Sherilyn is healthy and well by then!
haha.. mounlimum.. i haven receive the keys yet.. also need to do abit of reno 1st.. even move also early march.. the reno company also need after CNY den start work 1 leh.. so sianz

CNY need bao ang bao.. i nv bao ang bao b4 leh.. any advice from any of you mah? cos all the while have been receive ang baos for 20 yrs..
xueling, just bao for ur relative's kids lor.. if budget constrain or many kids can give $4 or $6 each. If u dun have that many relatives can give $8 lor. Of cos, ur siblings can give more lar... Or u got any fav cousin or niece/nephew can give more also. Dun forget to prepare some spares for frens or neighbours etc.

OOps.. yah hor, ur place not ready... nvm.. u can be the 2nd one then.. hahahaha..

Serrich, give sherilyn a kiss and tell her this auntie ask her to get well soon so can go get many ang baos!
moulinmum.. i do have many relatives (my paternal side) lor (imagine my father got 11 siblings.. OMG!! but all not close one la..).. but hor.. ever since my grandpa passed away.. all disappeared liao.. last 4 yrs hardly visit... haizz what i scare is my hubby's maternal side.. very "kong bu" as mi hubby is the eldest grandchild (& only married).. erhemz.. so we die liao lor...

mumbb.. your jannah how old liao ar??
oh no, so many sick bb, the weather hav been too cold recently, better wear thicker clothes for your bb n drink a lot of water...., hopefully can get well soon.

CNY gathering, hand up for me as well.

moulinmum, no problem, any time....

hahaha....xueling.....i tink your pocket going to hav a big hole soon...kekek. My side oso big family, my mum has 14 siblings, then plus their children, grandchildren.....i tink uncountable liao......i can't even remember some of their names....can u imagine tat.
mumbb & moulinmum

haiz.. CNY will be a holiday for mi.. dun intend to visit so many relatives.. ours easy to count la.. we only give those closer to us one.. for my own family.. same generation one no need to give.. but need to give the elders & next generation (which my bao bei is the only 4th generation great grandson..) haha.. not say i wan to chiam la.. but seriously my relatives all very the hypocrites.. since young i doesnt like them liao.. even cousins also not close.. one of my cousins is 2 mth older den my bb nia.. haha so young to be an uncle..
hi xueling,

my jannah going to be 7mths old next wk, start to flip n can sit quite steadily w/o assist, very excited n happy for her.

I oso not veri close to my relatives, sometimes really at a lost of words, don noe wat to talk to them, anyway tis happen oni once a year, so still alrite, hav u buy CNY clothes olredi?
hi mumbb

wah.. yoru bb so gd ar?? can sit w/o assist liao.. i still waiting for my bb to sit on his own.. he knows how to flip (include flipping bacK) when he's 3.5 mths.. but hor very dangerous.. cos he will flip until fall from bed

bought 2 rompers for him.. haha.. den my fen also bought 1 set too (but too big liao.. cant wear.. haha) you buy liao ma?? i saw kiddy palace alot of cute cute one .. esp girls' wear.. near buy 1 gal romp;er for him.. oops =X
hi xueling,

my mil buy for her olredi, veri cute one, i oso buy 1 red blouse for myself so tat the whole family can wear red on tat day....
wah! heart pain.. yesterday went to kiddy palace and bought a cny romper and headband for my gal.. cost $30+! ggrrr... max-cool baby stuff also so exp! actually wanted to buy another romper but then it will be $50+!

xueling, u never buy the dragon romper for weaver?? hehehee..

hey, i wan to go west mall to buy something.. anyone interested to come?? west mall got tom & stephanie rite?

hi mumbb.. so nice if whole family wear same color.. your hubby is muslim right?? den he still follow your custom ar?

oh ya.. found the ikea high chair for you liao.. is $27 w/o table top.. it will be $6 (but is optional la.. ) i also intend to buy when moving house hehe


soli soli.. din reply your msn.. cos was busy attending my boi.. haiz.. thesefew days keep going out until now stay at home dun wanna slp again.. wan mummy pei him play..

i nv see the dragon romper leh?? until max cool one or wad ar? but if buy liao.. wear in cny onli.. so i rather buy those not for festive season one.. boi's wear dun have much choice though..

you got apply kiddy palace membership card?? next time buy cloth ask mi ma.. 10% dis not so much but at least can save abit $$ heheh

venus.. why he cannot wear red???
