Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

xueling, it's okie.. in the end i also din go cos look like going to rain.. i got the kiddy palace card.. can borrow from me.. actually i shd be going jurong pt tomolo cos need to exchange the romper i bought.. too big for my gal. yup, the dragon romper is under max-cool.

venus, the dragon romper v cool hor?? u go and pray pray, then say ur bb cannot wear red?? or is it under chinese horoscope??


It's ok to celebrate CNY for muslims as well, as long don't participate in their religious rites will do. Since he marry a chinese, so he has to observe the custom too.

thx for chking out for me the high chair, quite resonable price, will go down someday to chk out myself. Did u buy anything fm Ikea?

ya lor, the clothes at kiddy palace quite xx...jus buying the top alone cost $20++, then another bottom abt the same price, in the end cost much more than the clothes I buy for myself. How come the children stuff so ex, wher got so much $$$ to spent on children, really stress leh.....

so long din hear fm u, how's Justin? why cannot wear red, i'm curious too.

jannah has serious constipation n bleed when passing motion, my heart really ache everytime hear her cry....
justin is getting talkative..he like to goo and gaa with his daddy..

cos we r in mourning now for 100 days as hubby's grandma passed away just one day after justin's full month..

hence we all cannot wear red and cannot go to other people house.. cannot do much for this new year
mumbb.. i still haven buy yet.. need after reno den buy everyting together den send straight to my new home.. perhaps mid of nex mth den we shop again.. last week trying to confirm wad we need to buy lor..

your hubby also need to give ang bao right?? haha.. beside hari raya "green packet"

moulinmum, mumbb

certain clothes in kiddy palace very nice.. but boys' wear very limited.. so i din buy much.. (at least can make mi save abit of money la..) but hor i very tempted to buy toys for him.. cant help it but the Fisher price toys are very ex.. wonder we can get dis if buy fr kiddy palace though..

moulinmum.. you today going JP at what time?? cos wanna go out during late afternoon la.. haha

mumbb.. you jannah's constipation how serious beside bleeding???? got take papaya??

venus.. when bb start vocal very cute hor?? btw.. your hubby's grandma seen your bb b4??
seems tat your family follows the "rules" quite strict.. 5 yrs ago, my grandpa passed away jus after new yr .. i still allowed to wear a moroon color blazer (that time having ORD ceromony for my cca...) my father says as long i dun wear bright colors in the furneral area can liao...
xueling..yup very cute..hubby loves talking to him..

hubby's grandma din get to c this great grandson cos she hospitalize when he is born..anyway she got lao ren chi dai (senile)..she dun remember who is who..

well,that side quite pantang one..for example,after our wedding..we not supposed to attend weddings and funneral for four mths..i heck care liao..i attend at least 3 weddings :p
wah venus.. once bb start vocal very de cute.. but after he learn to scream (not cry)i buay tahan liao.. haha.. my bb also likes to "talk" alot.. and he likes ppl keep talking to him also.. otherwise he will cry one.. hohoho

btw.. dun mind if i ask how old is your hubby's grandma?? cos nowadays hardly have 4 generations of family liao.. (i miss my paternal grandpapa.. haizz..) new year you all stay at home?

sometimes old folks like to say cannot do this cannot do that.. cos pantang etc.. my aunt's son was born 2 mth before mi.. den her mum (my grandaunt) ask me not to send their family any full mth cake .. she say will pantang one.. say my aunt last time got miscarriages and blah blah blah... i also dunno them la..
xueling..justin would yell when he wan attention..if no one talk to him,he just lick his fist mahaha

hubby's grandma is 92yrs old year ..maybe stay at home and watch vcd ba.. cousin's bb is born a week later den justin..but my aunt(cousin's mum) still come for justin full mth celebration..if not for the funeral,i would go to my cousin's bb full mth celebration..
wah.. his grandma consider very long life liao wor..

your bb 1mth++ liao??? or 2 mths leh?? hmm..

today i at home dunno why very very sianz.. not say nth to do la.. but .. haizz..
jus went to POSB at JP to chg $2 new notes, in the end oni left $10 notes..*sigh*..

xueling, din noe tat u wan to go to JP oso today, otherwise can ask u along.
i feed jannah lots of fruits like papaya, apple, pears, banana n green veg, but still useless. Chk the PD n she give the lactulose, but not gd to depend on the laxative always ma.
Hi mummies,

My pc is up and running again. Finally can participate in this forum again. Wow didnt realise baby's clothing can be expensive. Bought 3 dresses for Fionne. All at 20plus.
hey jenie.. welcome back
wah.. where did you buy fionne's dresses ar?? Weaver still wearing from the gift sets one.. I only bought 4 sets (not gift set) for him... average abt $19+ each lor..

mumbb.. maybe can cut down high fibre food?? or is it FM? consipation until bled very jialat leh..

my hubby went to DBS (ard his office there) and change lor.. i think got quite alot $2 notes there.. some mroe the $2 is the plastic notes... i wanna keep also leh.. hahah
I bought Fionne's dress at kiddy palace, isetan and cerisi. Can't help wanting to dress our baby up especially when she a girl. My girl can't really wear the gift set because she quite big sized and some of the clothing are long sleeved which she couldnt wear coz she afraid of hot. How about weaver?? Is he scared of hot weather?
Hi mummies,
Just to check with you whether your baby will cry or scream in the middle of night with her eye still wide shut. My girl always have this problem at night.
jenie.. my boy also scared of hot weather.. he very easy perspire one.. if cry for 10 mins like that.. he will sweat like siao.. so very seldom let him wear long sleeve liao.. but on air con only during day nia.. night time only on to cool the rm den off le..

my boy will cry when he's aslp leh.. like having the nightmare li,e that.. pat him awhile den he slp liao..
jenie, give fionne eat some jing feng san.. it helps.. sometimes my gal kanna scared cos go out or tv... i put a bit on my fingertips and stuff into her mouth.. she sleeps better. u can get it at any medical hall. sometimes, it's becos of nitemares...

mumbb, u got bring jannah to see pd or not?? bled is very jialat already leh.. better see doc..
finally u r back....well, jannah oso sometimes will cry in the middle of the night, probably too much activity since they r at the stg of growing, normally, i will cuddle her n she will go back to sleep again, or can try thumb sucking as well.

high fibre food like wat? fruits n veg consider high fibre food rite, i tot it is gd for passing motion.

see pd olredi, she prescribed lactulose, a kind of laxative i tink, but not gd to always dep on it lah, i even try diff brand of milk oso useless leh, don noe wat else can be done, do u noe any chinese medicine or stuff gd for baby passing motion one.
moulinmum.. what's Jing Feng San use for?? my boy also very "timid" kind.. my mum also said.. today i entered the room jus after he woke up den he kanna shock den cry liao..
mumbb.. eh.. actually last time got one doc told mi lor.. but i help you to find the info in the web.. hope it helps

What can you do to treat constipation?

Massage your baby's tummy
Start at the belly button and then massage outwards in circles in a clockwise direction. Some oil or cream on your fingers can also help.

Only continue if your baby enjoys the massage and is comfortable and relaxed.

Move your baby's legs in a cycling motion
Place your baby so he or she is lying on their back. Hold their legs and turn them gently in a quick cycling motion.

This will make the stomach muscles move and, in turn, put gentle pressure on the intestines to make them move.

Give your baby a bath
A warm bath can make your baby relax so the stools are passed more easily. Once your baby has relaxed in the bath, you can also massage their stomach (see above).

When you wash your baby's bottom, apply some cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline) around the outside of the anus.

Don't use a thermometer to stimulate movement
Don't put a thermometer or anything else inside your baby's anus to stimulate bowel movement, because this may cause damage.

Check you are making formula correctly
If your baby is on formula milk, you should follow the instructions on the package carefully. Making the mixture too thick by putting in more than the recommended amount of powder can lead to constipation and other medical problems.

There are different brands of formula milk on the market, and they are basically of equal quality. It's best to stick to the same brand, because different formulas may require different dilutions.

Give cooled, boiled water
You can give your baby extra fluids with bottles of cooled, boiled water.

Preventing constipation

Once your baby is between four to six months old, you can start introducing more porridge and fruit or vegetable pures into their diet. These are rich in fibre and will help prevent constipation. Prune pure is particularly good for this purpose.
mumbb, u can try giving some boiled barley cos maybe too heaty.. dun give too much cos scared too cooling.. and dun put sugar in the barley. that time my gal also got constipation.. now better liao.. i also do baby massage for her everyday after her bath.. dun know it helps or not..

xueling, xing feng san is some powder stuff (herbs i think), to 'ding' the xin of the baby.. so not so easily kanna frighten..
actually the medical hall say can give everyday just a tiny bit on ur fingertips or on the bottle teat when feeding. but i only give when i see she cannot sleep properly or frighten..
Maybe i will go and get the jing feng san. I have not been sleeping well for the past few days because she has been making alot of noises every 2 or 3 hours. Normally i will just cuddle her or latch her but really tiring if everyday is like that.
how to try thumbsucking??
moulinmum n xueling,

thx, will try out the various method, see how it goes...

normally jannah will thumbsucking if she cry in the middle of the night, n then she can go back to sleep by herself, but not really a gd method in the sense tat bb can get easily addicted to thumb sucking since easily accessible.I hav let her try pacifier, but she having difficulty to accept leh...
i'm tinking maybe fionne wan milk tat why wake up in the middle of the night?
Like to chk w/ u, how many milk feeds is Fionne having per day?
Morning Mummies.....

wow so long din post but the thread since to be a little quiet.... all bz with CNY har...

so any CNY gathering??

okie just in case no time to just in after today..... at home with Gerald very very difficult to log in one....

Wishing all the beautiful mummies & your families "Gong Xi Fa Cai", "Xin Xiang Shi Cheng", "Shen Ti Jian Kang", "Wan Shi Ru Yi"!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!
I have asked the paed about it as i went to see a paed as fionne seem to breathe quite loudly and has a blocked nose. Paed told me she cried loudly due to her blocked nose. She said fionne has sensitive nose as both my hubby and i have it. But frankly speakly, i think she want milk most of the time as what you said. Fionne has around 4-5 times milk feed each day but sometime when she outside may miss 1 feed.
jenie, u mean u dun feed her when u are outside?? or she is too excited to drink?? my gal very punctual one... time up sure must drink milk if not can scream the whole house down.. hahaa..
haha.. Weaver also.. but hor.. his feed is abt 6-8 feeds/day leh.. average only can drink 150ml nia.. last time drink more leh.. ever since fall sick his feeds dropped very drastically leh.. now still sick.. haiz..

Chinese New Year that time visit my hubby's granny.. den got one auntie & uncle keep kissing his face (managed to coax hom slp jus b4 they came but in the end ganna woke up by the 2 ppl).. den come back home he's more sick.. SIANZ

Jenie.. which paed you go to?? anywhere i can do a head scan??
moulinmum... cos fall down too many times liao.. i scare got fractures mah.. may i ask you normally go to which PD ar.. ?

ya, better do head scan to play safe, wat happen to weaver, how come still sick?
Did u put Weaver to sleep on the floor instead since he is veri active?

jenie, can I hav the add n phone nr. of the PD u visit at jur east?
julia dun see a pd.. if she sick i just bring her downstairs to a gp.
but she is also seeing a specialist pd at KK for some health thing.. dun know if u consider that her pd.
mumbb, moulinmum.. actually i not been kiasu la.. cos the head got abit of bruise after last fall.. Although left in the care of my FIL.. 3 times falls during his care.. (Haiz.. maybe my DS not his true grandson??) although so far nth happen after taht ..

New yr time lor.. all the relatives see him cute den keep kissing him on his face.. come back home became worst liao.. ArGh....

Tried to put him on 2 single matresses b4.. but still can roll out.. My MIL rarely mop the floor one.. so i dare not to let him roll over thre floor lor.. -_-"""
Hi mumbb
When fionne is outside, i may feed her in the nursing room. However most of the time she is looking around the surrounding that she can't concentrate drinking. If i bring her the express milk, she only drink some only.Also i feel that when she's outside she don't really feel hungry too. Btw mumbb, how did u stop breastfeeding your jannah. Im thinking of stopping soon but doesnt know how to go about doing it. Also scared she don't want to drink formula milk.
Xueling and Mumbb
I visited a pd clinic in jurong east called Anne's Baby and Child Clinic. Address Blk 214 Jurong East St 21 #01-433 Tel : 65667216. So far i feel it's not bad.
i think the head scan has to be done in hospital. Maybe need to get a reference letter from doctor first. Poor weaver, hope he's ok.
just checking when your babies have teeth yet. My fionne still haven't grow any teeth even though she's going 8mth soon.
hi jenie.. Thanks for the info.. will try to see doc again next week.. Is te que there long or not?? keke..

The teething one maybe can check with poshies?? cos gerald got teeth liao..

really salude you can BF so long.. i thought of stopping at 6 mth leh.... btw.. mumbb.. you know how long the breast totally stopped production of milk?
xueling n jenie,

U can gradually replace 1 feed of BF w/ FM, if bb is fine w/ it, then replace one more feed w/ FM aft 3days n slowly increase the feeds of FM subsequently. In tis way, the BM production will reduce gradually n come to a stop eventually.
The less times bb breastfeed, the less will be the milk production.

why stop BF? BM is the best for bb, try not to give up if u can.

xueling...mmm...i tink abt a mth.
mumbb.. cos need to prepare to go back to work ma.. last time work part time that time.. my breast so engorged.. haha.. i will try as long as i can la.. cos weaver still like to latch on at night..

I so happy~~~.. Weaver starting to sit on his own liao.. Even my hubby witnessed it.. OMG.. still not so stable la.. but still can change his "crawling" position to "sitting"..
the queue is not really very long. Sometimes just 2 or 3 person in front. I think have to depend on the time u go too.
Now not working, that's y i can preservance for so long.Also i have been telling myself bm is the best for baby so i try to stay on it. I think i will give up if im working liao.
So weaver has not started teething yet??
Just thinking of stopping in few mth time when baby grow teeth. Scared that she bite too. Anyway sometimes when im outside, i have to rush home to relieve the engorgement coz i scared that supply will fall.Also im afraid the longer i breastfeed the next time she will not be willing to accept formula at all. For me, i really think it difficult to stop too coz my baby like Weaver like to latch on at night.
hi jenie.. Ya lor.. Not working BF much easier.. Now Weaver only 5 mths, so no teeth yet.. but he does like to bite alot.. sometimes is really hurt til i scream sia.. i dunno wad happen if he got teeth now..

Haha.. Think direct latch on babies have the tendencies of choosing milk?? Most of the night time i would really wana give him FM before slp so that he can slp longer at night.. but hor.. he can literally refuse to the state of "once the silicone teats touches his lips.. He cry & cry.." kind.. No matter how i coax him, still the same result.. (In the end also wasted alot of FM..) sianz -_-"""

but jenie.. did you EBM ma?? Last time i did pump out to maintain a certain lvl of SS but my hubby doesn;t like the idea of Frozen Milk.. not fresh lor.. hohoho
hmm.. when do babies have teeth?? julia has been chomping chomping and biting biting anything she can put her hands on.. if nothing then she will chew her fingers..
when i put mine in to feel, the gum is very hard... but i see no teeth?? is she going to teeth? how long does it take for the teeth to come out?
xueling n jenie,
i tink bb olredi so used to latch on to sleep, so veri difficult to get rid of the habit. Can b veri tired for both of u leh in long run.....
initially i oso let jannah latch on to sleep, but aft a mth i simply 2 tired, then I cuddled her to sleep instead.


voted liao, hope julia win.....yeah....
mumbb.. actually last time is FM @ night one.. but lately even night time also wanna latch on.. to the pt of rejecting bottles.. My hubby feed him also dun wan.. haiz.. unless must use crying controlled method lor.. (i cant bear his crying leh.. how how how??)
weaver so used to your smell olredi so hav to latch on to sleep. My mummy advice me not allowing bb to latch on when sleeping time otherwise bb get used to it. Luckily, i hear her advice, otherwise difficult leh. Seems like there is no choice but to use crying method, tat the oni way to prevent him fm suckle to sleep. Maybe the 1st time jus let him cry for a while n see how it goes, if posible ask your hubby to cuddle him to sleep. Try not to be ard weaver during tat time or else he will b seeking for u. If he still crying non-stop, then u let him latch on. Subsequent day, oso use the same method..... Hopefully, tis helps.........
thanks xueling & mumbb! hope julia wins too but anyways the prize is not really very good, just any piece of clothing from their shop. hehee.. i just join for fun.

xueling, it's in the website, look for contest. will tell u the steps to submit ur bb photo.

re: latch on to sleep
last time when i bf julia she also need to latch on to sleep one.. everytime no matter day or nite. yah boy, mumbb, very tiring hor?? esp when she can latch on and suckle for more than 1hr! so i switch to fm.
anyways, after switch to fm, she also need to drink milk then can go to sleep esp for the last feed at nite. but now she older, she can drink liao, play for a while on the bed then go to sleep on her own. of cos, i need to be ard her but dun need to carry or cuddle her liao. dun know leh, i also never train her, she just auto on her own one.. like the sleeping thru the nite thing, i also never feed her water or ignore her cries, she just one day sleep thru out the nite.

ya lor, veri xiong during tat time, got backache leh until hav to go for massage....
can sleep thru the night oso gd for mummy n bb lah.
how is julia, does she need to go to kk for further chkup?

re: latch on to slp..

haha.. tried that before.. but he can cry until 30mins still haven stop.. so xim dia.. but my hubby still can cuddle him to slp lor.. (but put him down on bed den wake up liao) for me he sees me only wan nei nei or carry by me.. (my hubby so angry sia.. everytime complain says "Not fair!!, see mummy for nei nei den daddy dun have he dun wan!!"

moulinmum.. last time my boy also can slp thru the night one.. but now cannot leh.. haiz.. Weaver always like us to play with him one.. *sighz*

Thinking of checkup.. Last time you mentioned to us that you have to go back KK for liver checkup den everytime ask the same qns?? you still go back ar?

mumbb.. when you BF is TBF or PBF (partial)? i also wanna do message leh.. hohoho..

Now Weaver jus got well from his flu and cough.. (finally....pheew~) The Urine Output also increase back to normal liao.. (That time really passed so little urine.. i thought wad happen sia..)
