Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

List is nearly finishing.... waiting for 1 and only..... keke... u know who r u... kindly reply...

okie since someone wanted to be in the daytime... so it is either sat or sun to cater for those like me working mummies...

so kindly vote for the date

Jan Gathering Timing will be 1pm - 4pm
Kindly indicate food beside okie
14 Jan 05 (sat)
1. Poshies - Wings

15 Jan 05 (sun)
1. Poshies - Wings


hahaha so u spot me huh...ya jelly is my frd i knw u attended her wedding but duno which one is u :p

so i dun need to send u my details rite?

hmm got gathering? where?
xueling, no lar.. that pic taken before xmas.. and before she shave botak! Where got grow so fast one? hehee...

Re: pap smear
Better to go for a yearly checkup since we are having sex regularly... Also, it will help to detect any early signs of cervix cancer.

Got something to ask u guys.. does ur bb cry v loudly if she cannot find u?? Mine got a habit of crying v loudly (not like her usual cry) if she cannot see me after a while. Then if i appear and carry her, she immediately stop and look normal. Can happen anytime, someone else can be playing happily with her and she can suddenly cry. Will not stop no matter wat unless i appear. How to stop her behaving this way??

Here's my update.
Jan Gathering Timing will be 1pm - 4pm
Kindly indicate food beside okie
14 Jan 05 (sat)
1. Poshies - Wings
2. moulinmum - cake

15 Jan 05 (sun)
1. Poshies - Wings
2. moulinmum - cake

i tink julia is veri attach to u n require your attention, probably can let her mix ard with other jannah oso like tis, maybe after sometime, she will be more independent, don worry......

venus, no problem....

Here's my update.
Jan Gathering Timing will be 1pm - 4pm
Kindly indicate food beside okie
14 Jan 05 (sat)
1. Poshies - Wings
2. moulinmum - cake
3. mumbb- curry puff or samosa

15 Jan 05 (sun)
1. Poshies - Wings
2. moulinmum - cake
3. mumbb- curry puff or samosa
hihi ...
so both date is okie with all... i put it on sat okie...

Here's my update.
Jan Gathering Timing will be 1pm - 4pm
Kindly indicate food beside okie
14 Jan 05 (sat)
1. Poshies - Wings
2. moulinmum - cake
3. mumbb- curry puff or samosa

BTW, we have a muslim in our group... so avoid pork and beef okie... i don take beef

Hi Bubbleling,
Jelly is the one who told me....
I also brought my gal to the pd immediately. Im also kiasu because I scared there will be internal injury.
My gal does not cry when she couldnt find me. Maybe for your baby she sticky to you. That's y she cry when she couldn't find you.
Here my update
14 Jan 05(sat)
1 Poshies - Wings
2 moulinmum - cake
3 mumbb - curry puff or samosa
4 jenie - jelly
hi mommies,

need advice regarding tis menses did not come for 6 mths olredi, izit normal?......quite worry..........

Do u all know that toysrus having sale on 30th fri? buy 3 get 1 free.. Maybe we can join up and buy together but must be roughly the same price range. can work out how to divide up the prices later.. i am interested in the F&P hippo walker i think the price is $79... how?

YEAR-END BIG BANG at Toys"R"Us. On Dec 30, buy any 3 items and get the 4th item absolutely FREE* (the lowest-priced item is free)!

*Terms & Conditions apply.

Only ONE day, Friday Dec 30, 2005.
*Terms & Conditions

1. Lowest priced item will be free.
2. Valid only on Dec 30, 2005.
3. Not valid with any other promotions or further discounts.
4. Not valid for purchase of electronic game system & software, VCDs/DVDs/CDs, batteries, baby products (including diapers, food, juice, bath & healthcare items), food items, Toys"R"Us Gift Certificates, and concessionaires within the Toys"R"Us stores.
5. All purchases made will not be eligible for refund or exchange.
6. All purchases must be made in a SINGLE receipt and in a SINGLE transaction.

i don tink i'm pregnant......its unusual to miss my period for so long........pls advice....

I donnoe wat type of toy is suitable for 6mth old bb, jannah get sick of toys easily, will not wan to invest so much $$$ on toys....

for me i still on partial BF/FM.. (now majority latch on all the time liao.. bb starting to rejecting bottles.. even EBM..haizz) my menses like nv come like that.. i only have some spottings for 2 days.. that's all..

if you have stopped BF den your hormones shld back to normal liao ma.. cos no bf your body oxytonin (hormone for BM) will be low, den your progesterone & estrogen (hormone for menses) one will increase den you will have menses liao (maybe initially not alot & regular.. but shld be okay after 2-3 mths).. anyway.. how long you have BF jannah??
Hi moulinmum
I will like to get a walker however i heard from the physio during my prenatel class that it is not good for baby. So I have been thinking very hard whether to get that.
Hi mumbb
I have missed my menses for 6over mths but im still breastfeeding my girl. I have checked with doctor before and she said it really difficult to tell whether the menses is coming.
Hi Xueling
Your Weaver is like my girl,Fionne.She also reject bottles during her 5th mth and the problem with her is she only want to be fed when she's sleeping. Really had a difficult time feeding her that time. Have checked with lactation consultant and doctor. Lactation consultant told me she on nursing strike. Doctor asked me to try using nuk bottle and somehow get bettle. Maybe you can try it.
xueling,jenie relieve to hear tat, tot something wrong w/ me izit..... going to be menopause...hehehehe

xueling , i've been bf jannah for abt 5mths plus olredi, quite tiring n lazy lah, don wan to continue, moreover she oso start weaning 2 times per day. Lunch time cereal, dinnertime porridge.
Hav u start weaning for Weaver?

i oso heard tat walker is not gd for bb, they tend to tip-toe if using walker in long run n may not be able to walk properly, btw, how many mths is Fionne now. Hav u start porridge on her....
wah.. i posted the msg but cable giving some prob..


I more interested in the Fisher Price Jumperoo instead.. but like Toy R Us no selling leh... ar..

jenie, haizz... I think mine is not on nursing strike leh.. cos feeding are still regular but he only want my nei nei (directly latch on ONLY) haiz.. manage to give 1-2 feeds on FM but cant finish his usual amt.. but still can drink BM after that.. (like purposely want to leave his stomach not so full to fill in my milk..haha)

mumbb, eh.. weaning not yet lor.. maybe start next week.. haven buy cute cute bowl for him yet (oops... excuses for shopping..) i already bought the rice cereal for him liao..(for 4 mths..) and i bought one for myself too (that one for 9 mth one..) cos like it seems on the package like very appealing to eat leh.. oops oops oops :X
hehe.. jus wanna post some pic of Weaver..


Weaver is wishing everyone Happy New Year!!! *claps legs*


On the top.. This what i mean by "crawling".. not perfect now.. but can move from bedboard to end side of bed... *sighz*

hahah....weaver veri active huh, he has veri big eyes n really staring hard at me.....
, trying to do cute.......

Better watch him out, veri dangerous, put some barrier.....

btw, how to reduce the size of the pic, teach me can......

1. Click on Start-> All Programs-> Accessories-> Paint
2. Open the file you would like to resize
3. Press "Ctrl W"
4. Resize your image by reducing the horizontal and vertical stretch equally.
poohy, ur boy look v bai bai neng neng... i wanna pinch his cheeks!

Wah weaver so active! xueling u must be v tired chasing after him... heehehe

Here's some pics of my botak princess!

See i can sit!

Mummy why am i a dutch lady??

Who are u looking at?

i can lie on my tummy... now if only i can actually MOVE!

Happy New Year everyone!
thk u blurblur,

julia so chubby n sweet.......feel like pinching her face......

Happy New Year to all the ah soh.......kekeke....

Happy New Year all mummies. May 2006 be a wonderful year.
Your babies so adorable.
Anyway better take precaution if you don't want to be pregnant so fast as you will not know when you ovulate.Fionne is now 6months old.I haven't started porridge on fionne yet. I have been feeding her brown rice cereal and oatmeal cereal. Btw mumbb, how u cook the porridge for her? I'm not very sure how to cook. I have prepare vegetable mash for her but she don't really accept it. She tend to give a vomit sound after i feed her so i stop after giving her 2 or 3 spoonful.
Mine is really giving a headache when i tried to feed her. I must make her feel sleepy before i can feed her otherwise she will look around and can't concentrate. Now she tend to bite me too.
jenie, ya u rite, so scare of accident happen....tat's why veri worry....i afraid tat i'm unable to cope if i hav two bb....headache.
Why don't u try to give Fionne EBM instead of direct latch on...

Normally, i cook the porridge over the slow cooker, then add carrot, green leafy veg, beancurd, chicken meat....
I will start at noon, n it will be jus nice for dinnertime.
It oso less troublesome than cooking over pot, cos i burnt it the first time n never wan to try it again......
But start feeding her one thing at a time for 3 days bef introducing another type to her....

Veg mash tend to be bitter, so maybe u can add inside the cereal or porridge n try introduce to her again...
Hi mummies,
There is this contest for babies Be a Bayb Kids Cover Look of the Month. You can go this website to take a look for more details.
Previously i have tried to let her take ebm but i have the same problem as Xueling because Fionne don't like bottle that time and I can't feed her myself and need someone else to feed her instead Anyway she more ok now but have the tendacy to look around when feeding her.
I have started her on porridge yesterday and she don't really accept it initially. I fed her 1 spoonful of cereal first and then the porridge and she took it.Have to try again today to see whether she take it. Quite difficult for us to watch the fire as we need to constantly keep an eye on them. Like you i cook using a slow cooker.btw do you have difficulty doing other housework now? I will try the veg mash again using your method and see whether she take it.
Tis thread is getting more n more quiet.....wher r the Jurong mummies.....

r u goin to enrol fionne for the contest?
haha...fionne is getting curious w/ the surrounding, so cannot concentrate during feeding, nevermind, be patient....
i tink porridge is plainer than cereal (sweeter), tats why she don show much interest, maybe u can add carrot, pumkin, sweet potatoes in the porridge to enhance the taste....

actually, i'm ok with hsehold chores as i hav a gd hb. He will do the laundry, wash toilets, go marketing. Sometimes he will help out in cooking n taking care of jannah as well. Overall, we will help out each other in maintaing the hse...
how abt u? Does your hb help u with hsehold chores...., do u hav a maid to help u?
hi hi

i'm still around... just returned to wk on tue, so siong to clear so much wk... so no time to come in forum.... miss staying at home.. *sign*

BTW, does any mummies need glass bottles? I've stopped bf already cos not conv at workplace, wondering if u gals wan, otherwise i'll post at marketplace. pls let me noe
Now getting really busy that it becoming difficult to come online. I have added potatoes, spinach to the porridge. Now i have tried adding scallop to enhance the taste. At least she do take but not as much as the cereal.
My mil has been helping to do the housework and taking care of my father-in-law. Now my FIL is hospitalized, i have to do the cooking myself. Quite difficult as i need to keep an eye on fionne and then cut the vege for her. My hubby cant help much as he need to go to hospital too.
Yesterday, i brought her to my mum's place. She cried so loudly on the way home. I have to push the pram and carry so many things and yet she want me to carry her. Feel so helpless then.
thank u for asking.i have plenty at home too as i took alot from hospital that time.
hi elobbger,
u r

i'm also ard but bz with year end....

hi jenie,
sound like a lot to carry lah.... how come she want to carry... she don like pram?
jenie, how's your FIL?

poshies, is the gathering at your place still on? Can post the details here?

elmobbger, WELCOME!!! I stay near Jurong Pt too.
Hi Giggler,
Sure no problem..... the gathering is still on...

Hi Elmobbger,
U R welcome to join us too

<font size="+2">Jan Gathering</font>
21 Jan 05(sat)
Timing after 1pm

1 Poshies
2 moulinmum
3 mumbb
4 jenie

We will be ordering KFC, Pizza (finger food lor) so we will be sharing the cost. Kindly indicated whether R your hubby coming...

<font color="0000ff">Any more pple coming...</font>

Hi Serrich,
Remember to bring ur maid along so can help to clean out after that..... haha

OIC, no wonder seldom hear fm u..., then who is helping u to look after your gal now?

sori to hear abt FIL, hope he recover soon.
Children tend to be cranky at times, so jus be patient....
i'm thinking maybe u can try to prepare more veg n freeze it in the ice cube tray, jus take out the require amt whenever u need. Tis way,u don hav to chop veg everyday n save some time....

I've problem dissolving the mamil nite powder, ther are residue stuck at the bottle n teat, pls advice.

my hb will be coming along...

welcome skyloot n elmobbger

me now wk day for entire mth, i'm looking after her in morn and nite, my mum help me look after in afternoon... very tiring...
Hi elmobbger and skyloot,welcome.
My girl is not willing to sit on the pram for too long. Maybe during that time when i was walking home, she was hungry so she quite cranky.She is quite heavy. Have to carry her and then push the pram. Also there is also alot of steps. Really quite stressful that time.
I need to check with my hubby before i can let you know then.
My fil was discharged from hospital yesterday. Still need to go for radiotherapy as he had cancer.
My mil can help me out now as my fil is now resting at home. She is helping me to cut the vege and the fish so really save alot of work now.
Btw if you freeze the vege, we just had to take defroze by taking outside is it. Sorry for asking stupid qns.

After freezing the veg, I will jus take out a cube of frozen veg n put into the porridge for cooking. Alternatively, u can take out all the different type of frozen veg n store in seperate zip-lock bags, then put back in the freezer again. It is not necessary to defroze as it is rather easy to take out the frozen cubes fm the tray.

Fionne has started eating fish olredi? wat type of fish u cooking for her?

aa, welcome on board
<font size="+2">Jan Gathering</font>
21 Jan 05(sat)
Timing after 1pm

1 Poshies
2 moulinmum
3 mumbb + hubby
4 jenie
5. blurblur
Hi aa,
U r welcome... actually some of us also not SAHM...

hi mumbb...
well... try to have a warmer water.... normally i will make the milk 10 min b4 giving to Gerald... so the water is hotter and then I shaken harder.... after that I will let the milk settle down to clear away the bubbles...

hope it help...

hi jenie...
i see.... well gerald also the same..
Jan Gathering
21 Jan 05(sat)
Timing after 1pm

1 Poshies
2 moulinmum
3 mumbb + hubby
4 jenie
5. blurblur
6. Serrich
7. aa

hi i'm back.. i chiong for work for the past 9 days.. so tiring.. work from 10-10 den still need to take care bb.. already so tire.. so nv come online. but i still online on msn.. haha..

i'll confirm with my hubby again lor.. see that time we got anything on or not......
