Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Chris, i m happy for you too! yeah!

May, I used the jab and mask lei... found the jab doesn't apply to the pain at all...... But the mask really made me feel drowsiness and "high"... ( I really dun know where I am! hahaha)

cuz mask and the thigh injection jab doesn't relieve pain as effective as EPIDURAL haha :p cuz once u are injected with epi really no pain but the drug and the thigh injection is like "illusion" of pain relief hee
Long time never log in liao. Just returned from hkg. Really quite tired bringing my little girl there. Me difficult to use internet nowsaday coz always been occupied. Hopefully when the holiday is over and everyone is working, i can have the use of the pc. How do you ladies let out your frustration and anger? Have too many troubles and don't know how to say it.
Do help me update my girl to 18mth or 06/05
Waiting for you to update us with the arrival of baby austin. Do take care and we will be praying for your safe delivery.
Haah, I oso now waiting for the arrival of my bb austin, dunno which day he wan to come out...

For let out frustration and anger, I normally either will cry or throw temper by throwing or slaming things...hehe...
Been feeling terrible upset now. I feel like im being trapped in a prison. A house that doesnt seem to be mine. Can't a man hear his wife complaining or grumbling? Why must he throw a temper and let his family know that im complaining about them and now everyone is angry with me. I have to face with everyone anger now and i feel so upset. Sorry for venting my damping everyone mood. Just feeling like writing down to ease the pain im experiencing now.
Hi Ladies
Long time didn't post here as well..wondering how hv all of u been? Now I'm back 2 my normal working hrs..had been clearing leave for almost half of Dec got to go back 2 reality..:p

Heheh...i'm counting down e days for your bb Austin's arrival..u must be kan chiong sia..take care & enjoy e delivery.

Dun b upset..things wont always b smooth..u r always welcome to pour ur feelings in this forum. Just make sure u feel better after doing so..^_^
hi all mommies,

happy 2007. guess many of us do not have the blues that many working pp experienced this morning after long holidays. HAAHAA.

hi may may,,
congrats. ur baby engaged. i am going for checkup this evening. hopefully have some good news..... have u stopped working ? i hope to delver within the next one week leh.

regards/ prisc
maybe u can vent ur frustrations by posting here, if not share with your sister or friends.

wow so shiok leh.. oni work like 2 weeks in Dec.. How i wish leh...
yeah vent ur frustrations here its okie we share share our ku yu le.....

prisc/ may
wish u all smooth delivery

shiok ah...
Hi ladies,
Thank you. Actually i feel happier after talking through with my friends and you mummies.Im the sort who like to write instead of talking personally coz im those type who cry easily. Paisek this is my weakness.
hope u feel better
hi jenie,
hope u feel better now.

hi etelle,
tks. went to see doctor yday evening. sigh. baby not engaged yet. if no improvement next week, then got to go for inducement on 16th. sigh sigh. weep weep.
Go ahead n voice out, there will be many ears willingly to listen to u....

Ya I have stop working le, my leave starts on 03.01.07. So now at home doing nothing, so boring sia, walk here n there, c if got bb things or anyting else for me to wash up...hehe...Oh so u visit ur gynae yesterday ah, I will be visiting mine tis evening...Hope ur bb faster engaged, n deliver smoothly b4 u go for inducement...I oso very curious abt bb progress now, dunno if my cervix open already or excited...
Etelle/Sept 03 Bride
heheh...cos becos of the maternity leave mah...didn't take my vacation leave yet even after clearing whatever i can, i still hv 2 days off in lieu..c when take..most prob during this mth..clear b4 forgotton..hee

Glad u r feeling better u, i'm e type who easily get hurt as my hub got to b very careful w his words..hee..guess this is a common weakness among women..dun blame urself for it ^_^

heheh..u r sure keeping quiet then..didn't even know u r oredi on better take this period to relax & enjoy yourself..go for facials, shopping etc b4 u get tied down..hee..btw, keep us informed abt the progress ^_^
Hi all..
just quickly pop by.

cheerios... hopes the blues leave u soon

those very soon to be mummies!!
have a fast n smooth delivery

hi all,
jem's down w fever... keep the thread going strong k... n happy chatting!
Hi all
Thank for your concern. Im ok now. Really very happy to have someone(you mummies) behind you. Had talked to my hubby and mil. Everything is better now.
Hi Jenie, glad u feel better now. Me too, i also cry to let out my pressure. haha

May, I was like u when i was pending the delivery hahaha.... curious and excited! But finally I went for the inducement!

Brenda, Hoping Jem is recovering from fever.... You must be tired and do rest more ya...
All Mummies
I went for check-up yesterday le, was dilated for 2cm just waiting for time to arrive...dunno by 11 will deliver or not...

So for u is went for inducement ah. How come? Cervix did not open?

Haha, I where got keep quiet...On leave at hm shack leg, ah, I dun shop alone one leh...facial ah, no budget leh...haha...
Hey May, i am counting down your delivery lei... excited as one new life will be borning soon! do update us ya...
Aiya, me fist time right, so dun know everything. I had my contraction for 3 days but it was not intense enough to let the cervix to open! I feel excited and worried so check with my Gynea. He suggest me to go for inducement if i really too worries, and also good for the baby... so.....
I think becos of the inducement, the pain is damn "shiong" and it took less than 5 hour for my whole labour process! The funniest thing was the Gynea never expect mine so fast and he was not there when my cervix fully openned. Becos all the pain killer and mask will not apply once the cervix fully opened, and i am concious. Aiyo, feeling terrible and scary as the gynae not there! Luckiest thing was the midwives there all are qualified and experienced. They consol me and help me along! Fortunately, my Gynae able to reach in time ( the pushing time).... WOW! SWEAT! haha
But May, u dun worry ya as i am sure yours one must be a smooth delivery!

One thing to share was! very funny one. I took shower and wash my hair before going delivery as i know we ( after the giving birth) cannot wash hair for few days ma! hahaha

What i can ask u to do now is, sleep as much as u can! rest as much as u can!
thanks brenda for all the best wishes.

wah may may, you will definitely deliver earlier than me. doctor say my son too happy to come out. still blowing bubbles inside. if you are bored, let me know, we can meet up for breakfast or tea since we stay near each other.

i am cooking tomato pasta for lunch today. one person-portion very difficult to cook.

regards/ prisc
Hehe, I oso counting down, getting more n more excited as time pass by...U have contraction for 3 days ah, I have contraction since last Fri, which is now a week le, n open 2 cm...So ur gynae is asking u wan to chose for inducement when u went for check up huh? My gynae ask me yesterday wan to admit n go for inducement or not leh, n if go inducing yesterday, by today morning I confirm deliver, but my hub chose not too, he say let bb decide himself when he wan to come out n c us...hehe...

haha ur son still blowing bubbles ah, my son keep bully me n kick me hardly here n there....wat's ur son name? Eh ask u ah, ur stomach is round or sharp? Hehe breakfast ah, everyday by the time I wake up already lunch time lor...hehe...I scare to go out without my hub leh, cos I keep having mild contractions ma, scare water bag when I am outside...hehe....

Check with u all, when doc scan n inform u all of ur bb gender, did anyone ask the doc how many percent that he/she confirm the bb gender?
May, My gynae just gave me suggestion lor, and i am the one who decide it. haha

Is it really got such thing to differentiate the gender by looking at the stomach shape????
Hi all

Finally back in Vancouver. Lots of packing to be done and lots of stuff to buy so will not be so regular until everything is settled.

And also preparing the stuff for my boy as he is going to preschool next Monday. Let's hope that we will not have separation anxiety.

@Karen: My place in Toh Guan is Blk 285C, the block facing IMM carpark.
during my scan gynae can see bb scrotum and penis so he confirmed its a boy lor. Detail scan will show the gender and mostly it is accurate. wow...really hope u deliver soon ah
unless bb is in distress if not i think let austin come out when he ready

u now in vancouver nice hor....thought u r waiting to deliver? or is it another prisc????

hope jem is fine nw. speedy recovery jem...
Hmm..wondering whether May is in the delivery room now a not..mabbe can hear bb Austin cries when i go home tomo...heheheh...
Haha, I still not at delivery suit leh, still at ur hse downstairs...hehe...

Ya lor, so I let Austin decide c when he wan to come out lor, yesterday oso got mild contractions for 4x but today dun have yet...

Oh, so u actually decide to go for induced urself one ah, icic...Dunno leh, old ppl say sharp stomach is male, round stomach is female. But gynae scan mine is boy but my stomach sometimes round n sometimes sharp. Most ppl c my stomach as round lor...I oso dunno...Remember last time when my mum was pregnant with me, her stomach is sharp one, but turns out I'm a female, hahahaha...
Tat time went for detail scan the nurse oso can c bb scrotum n penis, then tell us is boyboy...The nurse still point to us that Austin leg open until so wide n waiting for us to view his pte parts...haha...
Etelle....this is another Priscilla...currently outstationed in Vancouver. I am staying in Toh Guan and have a 3 yr old boy, Kai'En, sept 2003.

Currently trying for #2 and hopefully a girl.
Please add me to the table. Thanks
<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Age (as of 06)</TD><TD>No. of chn</TD><TD>1st child (MM/YY)</TD><TD>2nd Child(MM/YY)</TD><TD>Add</TD><TD>Occp. </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>AngelaO</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jerald 12/05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Brendali</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jerome 07/04</TD><TD>Jayden 07/06 </TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>dal</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jezoir 4.5mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 24</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ethan 02/06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jo (Bliss)</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Walt 22 mths </TD><TD>Xander 6 mths</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Karen </TD><TD>26</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jiaenn7 Months+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Toh Guan </TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Little_Nana </TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Kaelyn 5mths+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Prisc</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>01/07</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Aspialle </TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ted 22 days</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL Dr</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Austin 01/07</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Carole</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Clarissa 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>West Wood Cres</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ivec 04/06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>jenie_1979</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Fionne 06/05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>sept03bride</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Caleb 10 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>happychris</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Amber 11/05</TD><TD>Dora 11/05</TD><TD>JW St 24</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>venus_77</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Justin 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>doggies_mummy</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jun Heng 09/06</TD><TD>Jun Wei 09/06</TD><TD>JW St 93</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Priscilia</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Kai En 3 years old</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Toh Guan </TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

pls help me with those in blanks....then i can update the chart....

who haven't given me your ds or dd date of birth pls do so
Hope baby austin will be out soon. Good luck to you. Have a good rest while you are in confinement to avoid future problems. For my case, my gynae also confirm and show us the hamburger(a term the gynae give for vaginal) when i went for the scan.
Good luck. Hope to hear your good news. Me also hoping to have 2nd one too and hopefully can hear our good news soon. Me don't have preference for girl or boy. Just hope that he or she is healthy.
Thank. I think crying is also a good way to let out our pressure and stress. Just that my hubby don't really like to see me cry too. He always say my dd follow me because she also like to cry.
there's no one living in jurong east here?

so u decided to give birth at Mt.A?

i think the stomach shape not accurate one..
Oic..think Austin also prefers to remain in e comfort of ur Ivec but too bad, his parents decide to 'force' him out..hee..yup, he was induced as wonder i hv yet 2 hear any cries..

RE:Stomach shape
For my case, rather accurate leh..cos mine is sharp &amp; frm my back view, cant tell i'm preggie..heheh...even when i'm abt 2 due, my stomach is still small..some 5/6mths preggie bigger than mine sia.
Jacqueline....isn't Toh Guan near Jurong East?

Etelle... I am 34 (as in 06). Will fill up the other blank if I became pregnant with #2. Trying now. husband's side all boys, I thought for a change, it will be nice to have a girl. Can also dress her up. haahaa
Dear Mummies
Does anyone knows if I can informed the hospital customer service counter to keep my stay at hospital Private &amp; Confidential? Tat means if anyone go n ask counter with my name n ic, I don wan the staff to disclose my ward n room etc...Unless the person I wan to stop goes to every room n look for me la, then tat can't helps...

I oso hope Austin to come out soon...I so anxious to c him. Haiz, u ask me to have a good rest, I do oso hope to have a gd rest n nobody come n disturb me, but some problem occurs to my family, my father strike gong tao n currently is disturbing all our lives including my sis n bro n mum too...His aim now is me cos I going to deliver soon, just scare tat he will go hosptial n disturb my new born son or during full mth celebration he will come up my hse n mess things out...very fan ah....
Wish u good luck in ur 2nd one too....Hope to hear gd news from u soon ah...

Ya I decided to go to Mount A.

Ya lor, he's too comfortable inside my womb liao, as I sleep until afternoon then wake up nowadays...hehe...How come that time u induced him ah? Issit ur due date over or wat ah? I can't remember le...

Re: Stomach Shape
Ya for shylyn, I can c her stomach quite small even when going to due, n it's sharp, so is boyboy....
wow..envy u sia..indeed must rest..cos when Austin comes, u wont hv e luxury of sleeping until aftn..heheh...
We decided to meet Ivec on his edd cos no point waiting if after a week &amp; he still had to b induced cos cannot stay too long in e womb..not healthy, according 2 Dr decided to induce..since its a sooner or later issue. come ur dad strike gong tao? Did u all try 2 look 4 a doc for him?
For me, i have so problems in my first pregnancy that's y to me healthy baby more important. Also i like to have a boy too. But my hubby only want 2 children, so sometimes i rather my girl to have a sister coz at least can be closer together. Maybe for me i have a brother and my relationship is not as close as those with sister. I always envy those with sister.
Maybe you can speak to the nurse about it. I hope noone can disturb u coz we women really can get post natel blues easily so a good rest is very important.
If induce, we need to diao shui or not one ah? Oh ya, u say then I remember le, u deliver on ur edd...Staying too long in the womb not healthy ah, i oso dunno leh...But I guess if by 11.01.07 Austin still not out yet, n on 11.01.07 I have appt with Dr Kee, then he may wan me to do for inducement ba.
I only know is due to busines rival in Thai. Dunno wat happen actually oso. But ask chinese dao bei gong, confirm say he ganna gong tao lor. Can oni cure if bring him in person to cure, but is impossible one lor, already in gong tao liao where will listen to u one. Now he's playing alot of tricks to disturb our lives one by one lor...Keeping calling me n my hub, but we refuse to ans his call, cos we know he's trying to tiao bo li jian...very vexed...Just scare he come n disturb me in hospital or during full mth celebration.

Ya lor, I understand that we women can get post natel blues easily especially I'm those that is easily affected one. But I wonder if I speak to the nurse at hospital, they will put into their computer record to remind any other nurse not to disclose my whereabout or not...
wow this to happen when u r going to give birth...gosh....i think can just tell the nurse no matter who come also dun let them know ur ward lor....dun be 2 affected le...concentrate on austin's arrival ah....
austin must be very comfy inside lar tats why dun wan to come out.
I was also induced earlier cos bb's umbilical cord is near to the neck area. A med was inserted thru vaginal, then my gynae went to burst my water bag and put me on drip.
Think can inform the nurse that u do not want any visitors and u do not want ur details to be revealed.
Then as for full mth celebration, maybe hold it somewhere else and dun tell ur dad
jenie79...I only have a bro and we are very close to each other. He dotes on my ds alot. He is also a very protective bro.

May, can inform them not to disclose your whereabout to anyone and not to say that you are in the hospital.

When I deliver my first boy, I told them not to disclose to anyone as I want complete rest and I will inform my family where I am so they need not tell anyone. Do not be too stressed up too, just concentrated and enjoy your bb,
Hi Jac, I am in Toh Guan lei.... You lei?

May, u r right lei, me had pre and post natal blues ( esp post one) ,,,, Nad find really cannot control my emotion..... ( scary ) I think mostly becos of i not yet adapt to my new role (mother )after giving birth to a new life to this world.....

So inorder to burst the water bag, must have drip one or depend on case to case basis? I don have extra budget to hold it else where n even we dun tell my dad, I scare he may know the info from else where cos my mother elder sis is very close with my dad...We all dun like my mum elder sis neither...

Prisc Neo
I'm rest assured that at least u tell me can inform them not to disclose my whereabout. Unless those that I informed myself on where my ward n bed is la, then they can approach me straight away without going through the reception.

Ya, most ppl may find it hard to adapt to the new role of being a mother, especially the begining period where we are not use to bb cries n dunno wat they actually wanted...But everyone have to learn as time goes by lor, I'm sure all mummies can overcome tis pro...

Prisc (Little_P)
Hey, u go deliver le issit, how come no posting from u?
