Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Oh ya I got a mix-up. $410 to $550 is for childcare, and infant for NTUC is charging $650. But for 2 to be put into infant care really not easy leh..($1.3k)..Have to bear for another 5 mths then can transfer them into toddler class le, then will be cheaper oso le...

aspialle, r u staying with mil too?

I am feeling sick to stay with my mil lor.... sian, she like wat u said lor, love to involve herself in most of the things ( i think she dun understand what is privacy)
me not staying together with in law but a few blks away only loh

u knw now i stop latching my boy liao, then bb stop weaning will keep on crying rite, so he cry until his belly button pop out eventhough we try pacify him...then my MIL says:"so many adults still look after until like tat ar" tat she shoot my mum, me n my hb liao lor
on being sahm, i think there are definitely sacrifices to be made and no best of both worlds lor. Even if hubby gives u money to spend and buy urown things sub concisouly we 'think" before we buy...Hmmm have to depend on your lifestyle le...

for me i have no problem being with one cuz hubby pay for my parents allowance and then he give me money to spend and insurance i never buy alot also so no prob lor.... so weigh the pros and cons and then make a decision. you must have peace with the decision u made lor. For me when i resigned and become sahm i was sooooooooo happy le. So i made the right decision lor. If you have alot of qualms about being one and feels hapier working then work lor...

infant care
think withpros around should not be a problem at least "ill treating" will not happen cuz governed by mcys mah..
Morning mummies!

May and Etelle, ya and pay until numb liao...all times two...haha...but also double joy lah...
yah...already booked childcare for then can save a lot liao...

aspialle, NTUC infantcare JW is at St 65, and there is one more opposite jurong point, i think they charge S$600. As what Etelle said, can check mcys website for details...if u plan to go for infantcare, must book earlier in case all full.
my mum says she will help me look after for one year ...ignore my dad's nagging...then i dun need look for infant care nw, maybe later
If ur mum is willingly to take care for u, tat's the best le. For father side, really at times can't help that he will grumble...Like last time my mum help to take care of my sis son, n my father nag alot too...

Haha, ya lor, double joy too...Sorry for me to ask, urs is a twins ah? I forget le...

Oh u mean culture test ios for testing for infection ah one...icic...I also did one test abt a mth ago, by collecting the bai dai to test for infection, issit the same as urs?

Me onli become sahm since july tis year... I have onli 1 boy turning 1 year old tis week...

I knw ur MIL good mine also not bad lo.. jus tat she is too old, traditional mind liao and insist tat I dun knw how to take care of my boy and will survive him lo...

She is also a bit not hapi tat I stop work to look after my boy lo...

Me headache lo... Sometime every weekend(1 of the day) go her place hor she start her tingy then I get reali stressed up and feel so miserable..I try not to let my hb be sandwich in between...I jus dun knw lo...Me feel so no confident and start worry

She also like to get involve herself in things lo...
Karen, hmm I face the same prob but i a bit lucky onli cos me dun stay wif in laws...

Haha me working reali hard to ignore her tingys haha... n also to read up more and build my own won't be affect by her lo...

Tink hor 18mths is toddler liao...hehe correct me if i m wrong hor... mummies...
i too dun wan hb to be sandwich but everytime she will comment someting i dun like loh...she has been nagging y i dun let bb sleep in sarong...always say same ting when i go over her plc...sianz
hi may may,,

should be the same. the only way i know it is culture test is because it appears on the kkh bill.

nowadays keep on raining, cannot wash baby clothes. haiz
how come i never do that test le? take bai dai go test???? weird...

yeah lor keep raining the clothes wun dry le...hee it would be good if sunshine and rain can come on the same day but differnt time haha come when we wish and go when we don't need them haha wishful dreaming me...hee :p

mmm not easy having insistent mil it becuz bb keep crying when over there when bb wants to sleep thats why she ask u to use sarong?
Hi Mummies,

me now temporary SAHM. Jobless for almost 2 months liao. Now still looking for a job.

I need some advice on adding cereal to FM when feeding bb. How do you all add? I mean now I am feeding him 5 scoops of FM so how much cereal shld I add?
cos my bb likes people to pat then sleep, but i dun like sarong loh....prefer bb to get used to bed, my bb likes to kick a lot and fumble to sides often so if put sarong a bit dangerous loh

me also looking for job, hw old is ur bb?

Ted happily bathing
my son intitial stage also requires to pat and for the first 3 mths of my maternity my mum comes over and takes care for me. She used sarong also le..but she will click the other end to prevent him from dropping out but usually wun one cuz they still soooo small...Mmmm cuz hor pat pat will take longer time then using sarong think that's why ur mil hear him cry maybe displease???

cont'd to be SAHM lor hee :p good mah spend every moment with jayden
the FM i posted in JW thread le..i don't mixed the cereal to match the formulae but rather formulae to match cereal le...cuz hor normally after cereal 1.5 -2 hrs my son will cravefor milk le..
HI all... haiz~ me still busy with preparing the upcoming festives... Friday, Dong Zhi... Sunday, Christmas Eve dinner... Monday, Christmas programme.. then New Year Party... then hb's birthday *faintz*

still wanna let u gals noe of this goodie goodie promo


2D /1N stay + 2 Theme Park Tickets* @ $69 Nett

Applicable at Costa Sands Resort (Downtown East) & (Pasir Ris)

Valid from 03 Jan 2007 to 29 Apr 2007

link :
Ted is 2 mths only

ya...but does ur child sleep in sarong now? MIL is looking after SIL child ard 1 yr plus, still sleeping in sarong nw. Really dun like the idea of sarong if he get use to it then quite troublesome if i bring him to travelling next time

Cannot lah. I will go crazy manz. hehehe. No lah, cannot depend on hubby income only for long term lor. Thanks. I saw ur post in JW thread.
i not ntuc member u got alot of programs good no plans le..

my son slept in sarong and on the bed for 3 mths le during my mum's stay but my son din get addicted to it le. he can sleep anywhere lor. after my mum left i let him sleep on the bed and he is okie le....and weekends when i go my mum or in alw they put him in sarong he also can sleep le..

haha wun la...hee :p where will go crazy hee...if u find job who take care of jayden???
Another promo

Taka talking hall from 27th Dec to 10 Jan

Children Wear Fair
This is a special opportunity to take advantage of the bargains during this fair! With up to 50% off, you'll have your fill of bargains in children's merchandise from apparel to accessories.
Hi ladies,
Long time never post liao coz hubby back from outstation and on leave and so have been going out lately.
Re: infant care
That time i read in the paper from someone who post in the forum that there is one infant care who did not have enough staff to look after the baby and the babies are left there crying. So it good to have one reliable.
good that your mum is willing to take care of your baby. At least i feel is better than mil coz you are able to tell what you don't like to your mum. That's why i decide to look after my baby myself.
Sure alot of lobang which is good for us to get good bargain.
har? those lobang cos i gotta plan my calendar for Jan/Feb... i always plan outing in advance then gotta list down all these to make sure i dun miss out.

I still hv the SIntex Factory sale to go from 21-25 Dec, BH to get some good meat for Christmas dinner.. only manage to go Nature's Glory last week to get HT stuff... SEE, I'm going abit haywire liao..hahahaha

Takashimaya, Talking Hall... think it's Basement 1. It's the same level as the household department.

hahahha... i'm still trying to find time to go into ur blog n see if got any different between ur Jayden and mine anot!
hi brenda,
any idea when is the children wear fair end? Hehehe. Thanks! Me lazy mummy, since now no job so spend some time editing photos n doing up a blog for him lor.
u plan outing every week is it?? Hmmm i never make it a point to check out sales and all that le..but the sintex sale may be going cuz want to stock up pillows and bolsters to surround my kiddos bed hee :p
Hi Mummies,

Sorry to intrude. Thinking of sending my girl to a playgroup when she turns 18MOS. Does anyone have feedback on Loving Development Centre at Blk 660D #01-344 Jurong West St 64?
yah lor... month end i'll start to plan for the following month event so that there will be an even distribution of activities like outdoor for the kids, visits to PIL, visits to my family, my church events n hb's preferences.

Oh... i dun like shopping!! so i'll keep a look out for such sales n promo stuff then stock up. hahahah, save time, save money.

hi rasintan,
sorri, can't help cos never been there. Hope you find an ideal playgroup for your gal
finally got time to go thru the past posts :

good for you that the caregiving problem is solved!!

hahaha... sweet talk ur daddy, promise him that u'll clear some leaves on thursdays so that he still gets his wife back every now and then!

U then weird!!! hahahah... din take culture test means u r not showing any signs of infection.. GOOD!! i was infected twice n not only i hate the test, i hate the treatment!!!

HI all,
Where r the rest har??? all busy prepping Christmas like me arh??
culture test??? i did one test then tested got strep b le...maybe that one is culture test but not take bai dai mah...its take specimens from the v wall right? haha :p
Hi all, pai sei lei, can anyone tell me what is culture test? for what huh?? :">

Aiya, me sian la, close to year end la, it also is my company's year end closing. So tide up with work lor... But i did some Xmas shopping too... heheh
Went to shop in Rafless City last Tue, Robinson having 20% for member lei, but too bad i am not and so happen my friend ( a member ) did not bring along her membership card.... so buy nothing in Robinson...
There are fews shops there having sale too...
Oh ya one thing wanna to share lor. Actually I bought a card holder for my HB in Tommy and found out there were a few scratches on the leather case when i got back home. I was so sad as it is going to be my HB Xmas present ma. So hor, I went down to the shop the next morning, some more i waited the shop to open for almost 1 hour to ask for exchange lei.... Too bad there was no more stk for the card holder that i want. Finally I change to a wallet for myself... hehe
I find their service not bad lor, at least the sale promoter did not say much when i return the card holder to ask for exchange lor..
hhmmm mebbe diff doc got diff ways? For me my pap smear is yah.. like urs, take a swap from the v wall.

but during preg, i was having very bad headache etc, then gynae says wan to check on the discharge, aiyoh! insert some instrument to collect, i screamed!! hahaha

but i think hor... both might be sent for the same kind of test?

hahahah erm... hate to remind you but that eans u've yet to gotten ur hb's present n it's only a few days away :p
All mummies
Wah, I have been so stressful recently, stress on work, cos still left another 5 more working days for me to clear watever things I have to clear and to teach the temp staff on my work. Think I have to bring back 2 of my mins back hm on fri and do on sat le, if not really cannot finish my work liao...Especially yr end, damn many quotes and contract for me to do...

I tink etelle mentioned that swap at v walls, is the same as wat I have gone through. I remember I told my gynae that recently I have alot of green discharge, and I ask him is that normal, then he do that test on me. I ask him what he did, he say he is collecting the bai dai for test of infections. Therefore, I assume the test he did on me is call culture test lor.

For bb clothes, I have wash long ago n kept well into those tier plastic cabinet le...hehe, 2 days ago just wash the bb cot mattress cover nia...hehe...

Haha, where is ted looking at while bathing?
For Infant - 2 to 17 mths
For Toddlers - 18 to 29 mths
For Nursery - 30 to 35 mths
For Child - 36 to 48mths and 4 to 6 yrs old
i sooooo excited for you le...Austin is coming....see can strike Christmas or 1st Jan or not :p

so u taken up the job le??
hi Brenda,
wow, you have so many activities lined up.

hi may may,
don't be stressed. ur work will be over soon, and ur baby out soon....
not sure whether you or me will give birth first?

to al the mommies here,
do you all drink sugar cane juice and coconut juice in ur last month?
I took both sugar cane juice and coconut juice now...hehe, ya lor, dunno who give birth first hor, our edd just a day apart nia...U mentioned where u're going to deliver? KK right if i'm not wrong?

But can't help to be stress leh, too many things to settle...Even just now oso work until 7 then go hm, if not Mon still need to help my boss for tender...

Haha, you r more anxious than me...hehe, don worry, when austin is out, I msg u...hehe
I don hope for a X'mas austin, I hope for a new yr austin..hehe..but just scare it won't be the case cos edd still away...There's another mummy edd is 27.12.06 leh, reaching soon...

Oh, so ted loves to focus on things around him, gd hor...
sorrie's the tab;e..very busy...overlooked..

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Age (as of 06)</TD><TD>No. of chn</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd Child</TD><TD>Add</TD><TD>Occp. </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>AngelaO</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jerald 10 mths+ </TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Brendali</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jerome at 28mths</TD><TD>Jayden at 3mths </TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>dal</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jezoir 4.5mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 24</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ethan 9 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jo (Bliss)</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Walt 22 mths </TD><TD>Xander 6 mths</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Karen </TD><TD>26</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jiaenn7 Months+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Toh Guan </TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Little_Nana </TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Kaelyn 5mths+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Prisc</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>NB 2 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Aspialle </TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ted 22 days</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL Dr</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Austin edd 11 Jan 07</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Carole</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Clarissa 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>West Wood Cres</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ivec 7 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>jenie_1979</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Fionne 17 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>sept03bride</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Caleb 10 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>happychris</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Amber 12 mths</TD><TD>Dora 12 mths</TD><TD>jurong west st 24 </TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>venus_77</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Justin 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
long time since i posted..pop by to wish everyone a very Merry Xmas!!

Also keep me informed when u give birth hor..hee..dun wanna be surprised by bb's cries..^_^ btw, dun b too stressed lah..take ur work easy..look forward to the long break coming ahead.

Kindly amend..Ivec's 8.5 mths old oredi..

So who's edd is 27/12?? heheh...share the same b/d as me!
