Mummies in Australia?

mngo: like semi-D

is there security guard in apartments? like condo? good thg abt townhouse is at least theres a backyard for son to run ard and let out steam. i dun thk i will be driving out to find places for son to play, everywhere will be too far away

townhouse here is quite rare. cos is like cottage lot. small. most of us lives in houses aka bungalow.
else is villa.

high end apartments here generally are equipped with security systems from gates to lifts and doors.
You can actually rent a "unit". In melbourne, we are renting a unit, which means 6 small houses sharing a common drive way, but each unit comes with a garage and a small backyard. However, it does not have a garden in front.
Hopec, Yupz!! tts wat im talking abt!so what do we call tt type of house?

Gals, now im worrying abt hw to keep my son quiet on the flight. what did u gals do to keep them entertain? did u take the night or morn flight? Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night to cry and he toss and turn a lot b4 he sleeps. so hw to survive the night flight? if its morn flight, he will be active, hw to keep him entertain in such a confined space?!
the unit tat hopeac is talking abt - for us in perth is called Villa
My experience for my boy as follows

1st Flight - June 05
1 hour only. Day flight. He was 6 mths old. Carried throughout flight. Cranky when flight was about to land.

2nd Flight - Feb 06
7 hours to Melbourne. Night Flight. He was 14 Months old. Slept thru-out in Bassinet till land.
1st hour, i carried him to and fro.. played for 30 mins or so until he was tired.

3rd Flight - Mar 07
5 hours flight to Perth. Day flight. 27 Months old. Played and eat for 2 hours plus. Slept for 2 hours plus. Let him walk up and down the flight.

4th Flight - Jul 07
2.5 Hours to Phuket. Day Flight. 30 Months old.
Played and eat throughout flight. Let him walk, and also watch show. Brought toys onboard

5th Flight - Nov 07
2 Hours to Kuching. Day flight. 35 months old.
Played throughout flight. Got coloring, story books , cars etc etc. Brought PDA with his fav movie clip

6th Flight - March 08
1 Hour Domestic flight to Miri. Day flight. 39 Months old (3yr3mth). Brought PDA with his fav movie clip. so basically movie enough to last thru flight.

7th Flight - May 08
5 Hours flight to Perth. Day Flight. 3.5yrs old.
Played througout. Big and sensible to know about surroundings. Think we got computer to entertain him.
mngo: yr boy all along can sleep peacefully n thruout the nite? the A380 only flies at nite and i was hoping to get it coz gt more spacious seat for him to sleep, hes too big for bassinet i thk. hw bt when the seatbelt sign lits up in the middle of the nite, do u need to carry him out of bassinet?

yes he could sleep thru-out. but tt was the only only time we had long haul flight
it seems we din carry him up, until seatbeat for landing. cant remember why - but i think according to the crew, there was not a need.
mngo, thk i get the morn flight. Dun want to risk him waking up in the middle of the night and scream his head off. Geez...imagine all the dagger stares frm the passengers. Thk will bring the laptop to play his dvds...
Hi mummies in australia,

didn't know about this thread until today. our family came over last May07. we are living in brisbane. like it here except for deadly UV rays ....:eek:)
Hi cutie!!

woah..brisbane!! can suntan everyday! Oh ya...Oz rays more potent, slap on UV protection! U there for studies? work?
Hi Peachy,

super lazy to put on sunblock everytime we go out....not just the face but everywhere. now all our clothes are all covered unlike in SG where we can wear more sleeveless ones.

we migrated here after getting PR and hubby found a job. i have a 3 yr old gal and 7mths old bb boy....SAHM in SG/Aussie. wat about yourself?
how long have u been here? sydney/Perth/melbourne/brisbane??
Nope, me still in Spore. will bt moving to sydney end of the yr. Hubby will be studying there. me a SAHM as well! i have a 20mths boy. Me nw packing and packing, getting ready to move...*sweats* Hey, hw did u manage to settle both kids on the flight there? am so worried now that my boy might make a lot of noise coz he cant sit still. argh...nightmares of boy running up and down screaming and passengers shooting daggers at me!

Theres a lot of places to visit in brisbane rite? i rem gg to movie world donkey years ago....

My gf is moving to Sydney same time as u too! Lucky for her, her hubby managed to get trsf to ofc over there. She's going to be a SAHM over there. She got 3 kids. She's leaving next week, same time as me but I'm going to Perth. I'm panicking now cos haven't finished packing tho I already got 1 shipment out more than a week ago.

Hey, u really dun worry abt your boy making too much noise on the flight. I have been on flights which babies get cranky during the flight n most of the time, the other passengers r quite understanding. This coming trip to Perth, am taking the 0100hr flight. Am keeping my finger crossed that my baby (11mth old) will sleep thru. My older girl wld probably sleep too, wakes up in time for breakfast on board.

Woohoo! Another SAHM in Sydney! I will be leaving in mid dec, and will prob be a full flight. Decided to take the morn flight coz at least passengers will be awake...wun be so annoyed by fussing kid. *cross fingers* Wow...yr fren has 3 kids! hw on earth did she manage? very pei fu! some days i feel like im gg bonkers with 1 kid!

Seems tt theres a lot of mummies in perth!
hi all

Found this thread by chance. Would need the help i can get from all that has been staying perth.

I will be transfer to Perth for work after cny next year. Anyone know of a 1 or 2 room bedroom for rent not to far from west perth, like osborne park or areas around? Budget not more than AUD$200 a week.

I'm a single mom with a 4 year old gal. would like to know any mummies would like to babysit too?

Know any freight forwarders that is not too expensive and reliable?

Thanks in advance
if you are transferred, you may wanna ask your office to help you with accom.
normally they rent by apartment - whole apartment. if you want to rent by per room, then you may wanna share with students - under student accomodation.

do check out on but generally the rule is that you have to be there personally to get rental.
hi mngo
how's life it very hot now? did u meet ozziemom...had she delivered??

i'd safely delivered a baby boy, Qusyairiy, on 11.11.08 @4.09hr @TMC. that's had not be on tis thread lately...althou 3 weeks had passed but still bz preparing for my 2nd doter for childcare enrolment....sch starting next weekk...yahoooo
hi mngo
thanks for replying. co is only helping me for the first month while i settle in. Yup did look in the the website but like you say has to be in perth to look at things.

know any reliable childcare centre?
hi - life is good. going to be very hot soon! lately weather has been crazy. sometimes v hot . sometimes cooling. and raining.

i hv not met ozziemum nor hidora. haha so near yet so far
reliable childcare?
as long as it is NOT ABC Learning. i guess will be ok

good ones has a waitlist of 1 year. not so good ones ... depending
Hi to all mummies here. Was with the 'Mummies in Sydney' thread, but not very active. Just said 'hi' to Angelic over there too. Now chance upon this thread.

Where will you be staying ?

U sure keep a very good account of your boy's travel diary. I will be bringing my 8-mth-old girl to spore later this month. This is her first flight and I foresee a challenging 8 hrs for us.

If u need to put your boy in desperately, think
you can put in ABC if they have a place, cos anywhere else will also be full and would be better than the 'not-so-good-ones'. Then meantime, just enrol in another one good one.

ABC Learning is fine although they are in a bit of trouble, just go to those that will stay open, by now those that will remain open would have already informed the parents.

Actually, they are not bad. Most of my friends have kids with ABC and to her they are good, no complains. Just assess the situation.

Maybe u want to try Bownti International (if u calling them, just mention Helena, they just did shipment to Perth for me). Other agencies that I know r Astro & Asiatrans.

U coming over wz a kid on your own can be tough in the beginning. Do let me know if u really need help.

Congrats on the birth of your baby boy.

I've been busy wz my move to Perth, so din come in here for long time. Its coming to my 3rd week here. Slowly settling down to some routine. Have not started to look for job yet, hubby quite keen for me to remain as SAHM. After CNY then see how. If my older girl is ok in sch here, I'll prob consider going back to workforce.
hi hen
thanks dear..great 2 hear fr did u bring the whole hse there..wat did u shift there n how much was the cost???
hi ryatie,

Almost tempted to ship the entire house there!!! But decided that we don't want to spend too much in shipping cost and since AUD drop so much, rather come here and buy some of the stuff. We shipped mostly clothes, shoes, kids toys, books, golf sets, a dining set, a garden set, a writing desk, Ikea step cabinet, massage chair, kitchen ware, some electrical appliances, ... We took up almost half a container n cost us almost S$4K.
Hi everyone,

I am a SAHM in Sydney. Delivered my second baby in Aug in SG and just came back to Sydney last month. Now easing into a routine w my 2 active boys. Not much time to read emails/forum honestly... but wish to know who's already here and keen to meet up, pls PM me. No harm knowing more friends here.

Oh yes, read briefly abt pple wanting to ship things over... SingPost can do surface mail (by ship) and it is very cheap, costs $4+ per kg and takes approx 1 month to reach here. Simply pack into boxes and bring to Post Offices. We shipped 5/6 boxes (toys, DVD, books, clothes) and costs us <$500 only. Much cheaper compared to freight, unless you have big items.

And yes, AUD dropped so much it is worth buying over here... not like us when the rate was 1.3 (yucks!)...
hi hen

thanks i will checked them out as they are not too far from my office.

Hi mngo &amp; manta

i have registered her into Starbright, somewhere near Osborne Park. Seems not to bad of a place. Will be heading down after CNY. So much to do..Sigh

Thanks again for the help and info. Keep them coming as i'm so new in perth.
hi piglet
oh! ok. when u are ready to be here, let us know. i can give u my number. sometimes we can meet up for weekends

Anytime u need help, just email me. When in Perth, do get in touch with us. We'll most glad to know more people over here and get together once in awhile.
hi mngo,
There is a restriction on the size of the parcel to be sent via singpost... anyway xmas tree are in abundance here, so could be cheaper buying here than shipping.
AusPost will be handling the boxes as well, so glasswares are sent at own risk. My boxes were a bit tattered when they reached finally (some kena quarantined too, cos got wooden toys). I guess the best items for sending are toys, books, clothing, DVD, and those things the kids will need. The rest can be bought here...
if that's the case, maybe can consider get a container and fill it up, then save money buying in Oz. Heard that prices of things going to increase in Oz next year due to exchange rate. So if u all considering to buy expensive things, better buy before the year-end, maybe can save few $$.
i agree with u. i will get a container.
Else, i wont know wat to do with my existing stuffs. would be a waste to throw them away.
hard to sell them too.
hi mummies,
haven't login in for such a long time, so much to catch up. hope u all have a wonderful xmas holiday.

u r back in sydney?

how's the housing price back in sg? thot of selling my house also ...
Hi Happy New Year to all mums!

Can anyone help me find out the cost of Bellamy's Organic Milk Formula Step3's selling price in OZ supermarket?

Gg Perth during the CNY period and intend to stock up and bring back SG. SG selling S$42, if BP S$34, checked the Bellamy's online shop@ A$20 before shipping cost.

Wanna check if it's cheaper to buy straight from supermart instead of online (cos need to arrange delivery to accommodation before i arrive OZ).

no idea - i am not living in sg now leh.

starbright - is a new childcare. looks not too bad from the paper.

just happen to come across this thread, I have just moved over with hubby and daughter of 3yr, glad to find mummies from Sg.
<font size="+2"><font color="#D87093">Hi,

I'm conducting the pumpkin patch Australia all along with the assistance of my friend to send it back to Singapore for me. However, as she is going to be relocated to another city and not free currently, need to look for mummies currently staying in Aus whom is willing to help me to receive and send the box from Pumpkin patch in australia back to singapore.

This could take quite a few orders since I'm org sprees during the sale period (now). if u r able to help me, pls PM me with your conditions, eg. service fees, etc, additional costs in order for me to assess the viability of conducting further sprees</font></font>
Hi ,
I appreciate the flexibility the forum has provided us, including being able to post with nice huge big font. But i think all of us here has got pretty good eyesight (with lasik, specs, contacts), i dont think we have long sightedness?

Or anyone here has? lol.

Much as we like to help you out, some of us here are FTWM, we have no maids to help us out after work. Guess we don't have the time to sort it out.

Post Office here is not within walking distance nor at your doorstep. We have to drive , just to reach a post office. This will incur us petrol $.

I'm pretty sure the mommies here will like to help except that everyone is tied up with kids and working.

After we reach home still gotta cook, do housework and take care of kids as we cannot hire maids here nor have wonderful parents to help us with the kids.

So unless you can pay us a substantial amount of money to make us leave our work and kids alone, it's gonna be hard to find anyone who can help you out even though you may be willing to pay us service fees..

Dear mommies,
Am so glad to stumble upon this forum. I've many questions that hopefully can be answered by the helpful moms here.

I'm going to Perth in Feb, staying between 3-6mths together with DH, 4yrs old son and 8mths old daughter. Any suggestion which suburb is suitable or accomodation choice available? Preferably near to amenities like shops and parks as we won't be getting a car.

As it's end of summer and autumn, do I need any warm clothing for the children?

