Mummies in Australia?

I checked out Astro International Movers, Geometra Worldwide Movers, Bownti International Pte Ltd and Helutrans Singapore. Am considering betw Astro and Bownti as their rates r the lowest right now.

i see...tot milk powder will be more nutritious since gt added calcium, vitamins..etc. sigh, if dun have i guess i have to turn to fresh milk too.
The milk powders in australia normally come in 3 types. The 0-6 mths, 6-12 mths and 12 mths and above... They do not have milk powders for older kids and etc.

The fresh milk for kids has extra vitamins as comapred to the adult's one. They even have DHA added inside the kids's fresh milk.
Great!! tot its the normal low fat fresh milk tt we adults drink. more assured now.... =) Thanks for the info Hidora! Was having a headache wondering whether to ship boxes of milk powder over...haha.

How long have u been in Perth?
has anyone here use Astro MOvers before? They charge lower rates and only take 2 wks to deliver to fast. But wondering whether are they reliable.
Hi mummies
long time no hear...currently me waiting for my delivery next month can't wait...wonder how's the rest....

the milk thing was very infomative la....
juz wondering how the sales of house in PERTH now...has it went down...cos last month was checking out the price was steeper than early tis tot since the ozzy dollars went down the price of the house will go down too....

Hi Peachy
welcome to the which part of sydney u moving to???

But even for kid's fresh milk, selection is very limited. Currently only Pura Kid's comes with DHA and extra vitamins and calcium.

I moved over to Perth since last June.. But have been coming back to Sg for holidays.. SAHM, so can fly around. But every time come back Sg sure fall sick.. The humidity and climate of Sg is pretty bad for my sinus.


We are not hunting for houses yet. Gonna wait for the recession to hit in to see if prices may drop even more.
hi hidora
can tell me if the market goes down cos' currently sourcing for house near riverton...hoping to go there by next yr end...
Hey ryatie

havent confrm where am i gg to stay leh...will have a temp place to hse first then look for our own accomodation. Hubby will be studying there so prob will stay near school

u havent shift to Oz yet? May i ask which movers are u using?


i hope Pura kids is available in Sydney. To be on the safe side, i better lug 1 tin of milk powder case he cant get used to it.

Air is fresher over in Perth huh! Qte rainy over in spore recently bt still hot. electricity bills soaring with the a/c on almost every afternoon n nite.
i'd not shift yet but my hubby intend not to bring too much stuff over..seems his not tat worried...but for me i think..half container also not enuff...i remmeber reading tat 1 of the mummies shifted almost whole house stuff into 1 cost about 5-8k if i not mistaken....
hi Peachy,
How long will you be in Sydney?

If it is not very long, could it be more worthwhile to get a place fully furnished? And just bring over your clothes only.

Will let you know if my hb inform me... Heh... I know nuts about property... so he's the one who is keeping track.


Pura should be available in Sydney as it's one of the big brands. If your kid is not very old, you can still go for the formula.. they got Heinz, Bellamy Organic, S-26, Nan and Karicare. I was using Bellamy Organic cos it's pretty cheap and simply because it's organic.

Actually during summer/ winter time in Australia, your electricity bill will also be expensive.. Temp is about 40 deg on average in summer... It's simply unbearable! We bought a portable aircon just for summer. It starts to get warm around Nov and last around March... Then when winter comes, it becomes too cold to bear.. So you tend to use more hot water, and on electricity blanket and heater.

Yup, air is definitely better in Australia.. Esp Tazzie. When you touch down in Australia, you can actually smell fresh air.. But in Sg, you smell exhaust fumes.
hI Hopec, hidora and ryatie

will be there for ard 2 yrs. Wont be bringing furniture, just clothes, toys and small electrical appliacances...wun be needing a container..i hope!!

My kid is 19mths, old enuff to take fresh milk. Just tt i have been giving him powder milk all these while coz its gt more nutrients than normal milk. So prob will change to Pura when i reach there. can save $ too, GainIQ expensive man...

Yupz...shipping not cheap, trying to find the best deal still.Since i dun have a lot to ship, i estimate it shld cost me ard $1-2K. Hope theres enough time. *cross fingers*
Hey gals, just wondering, what do u do during public holidays? Drive around Oz? Are there any must go place? Interesting place for our kiddies?

Since your kid is 19 mths, can still go for the stage 3 milk powder. I gave my son stage 3 until about 2 yrs+ before I make a switch to fresh milk. The milk powder and fresh milk are about the same price here. One can of stage 3 (900g) is about $12 - $20 depending on the brands. Pura Kids is $2+ for 1 liter.

For us, during weekends or holiday, we go to places like the museum. It has a lot of things like dinosaurs which will definitely attract kids and entrance fee is only $2. You should check out if there's any museum near your area. We also go to places like the aquarium, the wildlife park, the national park, the beach, the vineyard and etc. Driving normally takes about 45mins to 1 hour.

Here's some the the places we went around in Perth.
U wanna stay at Riverton? Good area, within the good school zones. Prices if i remember is 350 Per week.

and because the interest rates are coming down and we've added govt grant for first home buyers, i thik house price will go up again!
actually i give my boy Toddler milk though he is over 3 years old. He likes it in bottle so i dun bother to quit him also . I'll try freshmilk another time
Hidora: wah...looks like u went a lot of places!!
looking through the pics...hehe, can visit them if i get to go perth.

Seems tt u gals are all in Perth...nobody in Sydney?!

We didn't really go around much, but we try to make an effort to bring kiddo out for walk as he's stuck at home through out the weekdays. Because of the traveling distance, sometimes it's quite hard to go anywhere when you have to factor in time for feeding and napping for the kid.

Frankly, Sg is much more convenient and places of interest are cheaper too. So whenever I'm back, I will try to bring my son around. At least in Sg I can travel by myself whereas in Perth I gotta rely on my hb to drive us around.
so i hv the same problem as u. rely on my hb. lol
but i always think that there are stil lots of places to go , which we hv not explored.
true...spore very small, easy to get ard. at least i can still drive to the nearest mall, walk a bit, buy lunch and come back in time to cook my son's lunch and feed. dun thk i can do that in sydney...gosh, gg to be prisoner for at least 5 days a wk.

Celtricia: shes a mummy too? hehe...was wondering where are all the sporean mummies in sydney!

There are many places to go... but the traveling is a killer... Like if we wanna go Margaret River, it will take like 3 hours to drive... even to Swan Valley from our house take about 45min to 1 hr. Sometimes when you wake up a bit later, eat your lunch, do some marketing, it already 3pm. Then can't go any where cos most places close at 5pm on Saturday and not open at all on Sunday...

At least in Sg, I don't have to worry about shops not open on Sunday.
HI Mommies...

do u have any problem finding schools (be it childcare/ college) for your kids?
I tried many childcare and gosh.. all fully booked till next yr end. some even told me that I have to wait for at least 3 yrs! as for pvt college.. the parents here registered their kids before they turn 1.. so again we have to be put on waiting list and their waiting list is sooo long! so now i m having prob finding a childcare and even college. sigh..
can share ur experiences? not too sure how their schooling system work here..
by the way.. i am staying in gold coast.
Hi Peachy,

Yes, she's a mother of 2.. she juz went over to sydney in early sept tis yr.. n is still adapting to the environment there.. heehee.. so am gg over to visit her as i've another fren who is there staying near her as well.. n our kids r almost of the same age..
Celtricia: woah lucky gal, gt frens over there! Can ask if shes interested in joining this forum? at least gt pple to share experiences! hehe...and i can learn from her 2!

Hi San, not planning to send my kid to childcare esp after i noe how ex it is... ard AUD$60 per day ya?!
ANgelic: MOI! haha...nt yet bt soonz...will be in sunny sydney by end of this year! Whereabts in sydney are u in? I havent found a place yet...sigh. Hwz life? adapted liao? Im dreamin abt the sydney fish market and all the fresh oysters and fish!

I was wondeering whether to pack in my slow cooker, sydney selling those? reasonable price? need to use tt to cook porridge for my son...
Hi Peachy!
Currently I am renting a apartment at Rhodes. Life so far so good.. tiring at times cuz I am looking after 2 active kids! I am sure you will love the fish market!

I think you should pack your slow cooker.. I havent seen any around yet though I heard they are available. Not sure about the price, sorry! Please PM me to chat
Given tat WA is so huge, almost half of OZ, travelling 45mins - 1hr is considered near. Maybe we are used to travelling long distance.....
U are right. Pple started queuing before their kids turn 1. Over here, it is the same.
If you want to put your child in private school, esp the better ones, yes. U need to be on waitlist for years! Esp good ones like Grammar School.
Here, it is Wesley, Hale tat's very popular for boys. And Penhros for gals.

I was trying to enroll my boy for Kindy in some Anglican Private schools, but was full. In the end i got him in one of the "quite ok" private Christian school for Kindy. In fact, of the 2 campuses, 1 is already full.

At the same time, i put his name with Trinity College for High School intake. That school has only year 4 and abv, but no place for my son even years down the road.There is a q even for 2019 in Trinity.

I just emailed to Aquinas, and waiting for their reply. See how. IF good, prob will put my boy there in year 4.

Ya traveling for 45mins - 1hour is already very good. That I know.. But like I say, after doing marketing, eating lunch, attending to the kiddo's needs, there's not much time left in the day lor. Then after traveling there, you are left with like 1 hour to see see around before sun sets or the area closes for the day. Unless we can forgo our weekend marketing trip, then we will have more time to go around.. But it's quite hard cos I need the food for a week's meal.
mngo: nt worth it to put in childcare unless theres rebate like over here in spore. just have to take care by myself

Mummies: do u thk staying in a townhouse is better than apartment?
maybe your boy is still small, thats why by the time u all are ready, sun almost sets.
when my boy was less than 3, we spend most time at home. If not, we will cook his lunch, bring out to feed him.

Now, we actually do our marketing on Thurs night. Sat morning 9am, we will go to do Asian grocery shopping. Then bring my son for his weekend class. So by then his class ends, it is 12pm. At least still got a bit of time.

We changed our schedule after realising that weekends grocery could not fit our schedule.

If you want to do grocery shopping, Coles @ Freo does open on Sun.

I would say tat there's good and bad of both countries. For one big diff is convenience of everything. So far i can only see it in HK, Sg as a city. For the other countries i went, it was not tat convenient.

Franky speaking, i think i've got more time here than when i was in SG. Back in SG, we all reach home earliest at 730 (if lucky), most times 8pm, then have to settle dinner at foodcourt where we had to wait for 20 mins for a table.

By the time our dinner ended and all, it's 930. No time to even shop or do grocery shopping.
Saturday lagi worst - everywhere is pack and crowded ! that's wat i dreaded most
when u meant townhouse , u talkig abt really townhouse or u talking abt house?

if i hv a choice and money, i will prefer apartment for security reason. but it cannot be just any other apartments, it's gotta be in good area.
