Mummies in Australia?

u gg to stay 3-6 months in houses or hotel or motel? IF houses - it's hard to get rental these days. If motel/hotel = it's expensive. And hard to get around if you are not going to get a car.

Maybe Hidora can tell u more abt it.

Unless u stay right next to a huge comprehensive mall , you cannot find anything under the sun at one place at most times.

Will be good to bring a little warm clothing. u can buy here if not enough.

Thanks mngo..

We're PR, stayed in Melbourne before but DH can't stand the weather and also looking at place nearer to home. That's why this is a 'scouting' trip to Perth.

Looking at short term rental apt or units. Hotel will be too expensive..
Hi ladies

it has been a while since I logged in. Life in Perth is good so far .It is so hot now though..Today it is 40 degrees...can melt .

SY : oh..if it is a short trip, think you can get those holiday apartments. I think they have short term leases ..but they are a little pricey.

You would also need a car...can buy a second hand car..then sell it back when you leave. I heard of some ppl who do that coz it is cheaper than renting.

Mngo is right about buying things, coz i find to get the best deals and good stuff, you may have to travel around the city to do your marketing.

there are quite a few SMH mums on this forum and we meet up once in a while, so do let us know when you arrive.

sunnygirl -> u make me so envious leh.
i am not SMH
and i miss out on the outings leh. hehe
We've got a few good suburbs here.
If you want apt / units, for north - u may consider places like Mt Lawley area.
South - u may consider Applecross, SouthPerth, Attadale area. These are near city. Units ? do u mean villa units or apt units?

u can check out at

heee..nvm..we meet up next time on weekends..think once autumn kicks in, we should go on another family least not so hot. Maybe this time we go Point Walter for BBQ?
Saw my name mentioned here... LOL

Hi Sy,

It will be nice to have more mummies in Perth!

Basically, staying in the city will be good as you are near to everything and do not need a car if you do not want to travel out... Last we check about 2 wks back, Mounts Bay apartment got some good rental offer. But of cos, it's not a very big place, maybe like a 1 room or 2 room apartment... However for short term stay, it's bearable. I used to stay there. There's a CAT bus that drives you into the city and Kings Park is just behind.

And don't worry about clothings... Every year, autumn just comes later... In 2007, it only starts to get more cooling towards end of March. In 2008, it was in April.. I'm not surprised if this year is April again.. Weather is just starting to get hot, bush fire hasn't even started yet... :D

So you have lots of time to get warm clothings here... Places like Cotton On for kids sell very cheap winter clothings. Best and Less also sell cheap and good fleece, below AUD$5!

If you want to stay in a suburb where the rent is cheaper and the place is bigger and close to BIG shopping mall, it will have to be where I'm staying... Cannington..

But this area is not the safest suburb to live in. Normally, the closer you are to train station and big malls, the more thefts and burglaries there will be...
Thanks a lot mommies for the info. Now busy doing homeworks with tips fr u all..

Definitely looking fw to some company when i go over.
U will sure have companies.
Let's see...

I think We've got at least 6 or prob more mummies in perth (including myself)
Hi Mommies..

can give some advise on giving birth in Aus?
I am currently residing in Gold Coast.. ar.. dun think they is any hospital like our TMC in SG which just specialise in giving birth.. hmmm ;(

can anyone adv (estimated) how much it will cost to deliver a bb (by c-section) in private hospital?

both my hubby n I are both having a big headache if we should deliver in Aus or rtn to SG.. scare nobody to do confinement for me in Aus.. but returning to SG would also cost quite a bit for the air tkts and also having to register the new bb for PR again.. sigh..

My fren who gave birth at Private hospital for C section set her back by 15-20k. but she's no a PR.

Air tix will cause so much lesser than giving birth in private hospital - unless u have insurance.

Why not give birth in Govt hospital? If you are a PR, everything is covered by the hospital. Ozziemummie delivered both her kids (c-sec) in govt hospital, and I will be delivering mine as well in a few weeks time.

I personally know someone who is working as a nurse in a private hospital that specializes in delivery, and if you asked him, he will prefer his wife to deliver in a govt hospital anytime. To him, govt hospital has all the best equipments as compared to a private hospital.

Also, if there's any major complications, the newborn will still be sent over to the govt hospital. It's like delivering in a private hospital in Sg, should anything major arise, the newborns will be sent over to KKH.

We decided to give birth in AU cos the fees involved in applying for PR for the newborn is high, not to mention we will lose the baby bonus here.

If you want to deliver in private hospital, you need to have private health insurance that covers delivery.
Hi Mngo,
yup.. i am PR..
wow.. delivery in pvt hospital is sooo ex? heard from my friend its about 7-8k for c-sction but didnt know its so ex!

Hi Hidora,
as i am staying in gold coast.. i have heard alot about negative comments on giving birth in gov hospital.. i.e like u only get delivery by mid wives.. they encourage natural birth.. u would not know ur c-section doc until the day itself and its done by any doc on stand by..
also heard that their services is v bad.. not like our local hospital here. (these r only a few of the -ve comments i have heard..)

so which i why i got put off n scare off by all these on gov hospital.. sigh

can u also share if anyone will be there to help u with confinement? tks

I'm also taken care by midwives. If there's no complication in your pregnancy, you will be taken care by midwives. And yes, they encourage natural birth. For example, they will only induce 10 days after the EDD. And if this is your second delivery, you can actually go home 6hrs after delivery under early discharge program. Or 24hrs at most.

For c-sec, can get ozziemummie to give you more info. From what I know, she had a pleasant experience at the govt hospital. But of cos we are talking about WA here.

If you have private health insurance, it's not very costly to deliver in private hospital.

My dh is helping me with the kids, and I'm not really going to do confinement. Didn't follow any rules for No 1, so not going to do so for No 2. But if No 2 is healthy and well, I will be going back to Sg 2 wks after the birth of No 2 and stay in Sg for a few months. My mom will be helping me with the kids then.
Hi i'm looking for a mom whose nick or name is mel hall. her email is [email protected]. anyone knows her? She owe me $ since last nov n yet to received anything news though been emailing her a few times. she seem to hv gd deals on fisherprice n vtech toys n ship them to singapore. She frequent this thread too...

Anyone pls kindly help. Thanks
hi hidora,

tks for your advise.
only hopes that the gov hospital is as good as the one in WA. ;)

i see.. yes prob i will ask ozziemummie about c-section.


I do not have health insurance, guess it will definitely cost alot to deliver at pvt hospital then.
Dear mommies,

I'm back fr a short trip to Perth to check out the place. Changed the initial plan to relocate there on this trip but think it's quite a nice place to settle down in the near future.

We're planning to rent first with plan to buy if the price is right. Besides the suburbs montioned by some of the mommies: Mt Lawley, Applecross, St Perth, Attadale and Cannington, could I also check with you all Willetton and Rosmoyne?

A friend recommended them because of proximity to good public school. Heard it's hard to gain entrance unless we stay nearby.

Or is there other suggestions for other area with good public schools from other moms?

Appreciate your help very much.
This is my own opinon

Mt Lawley is convenient. The bulglary rates @ innaloo and yokine's very low. But tats at north.

Applecross / South perth / Attadale houses are overpriced. Very expensive. Cannington ? I think is canning vale is it? Cannington like wat hidora said - near to big mall but not a good area.

We've got a mummy living in willetton. Both Will and Rossmoyne have good public school. But then u pay high price for living near to good school.

We've got mummies here who put kids in private sch cos not wanting to be tied down by zonal location.

Leeming is also not a bad school

Am renting in Willetton area at the moment. I quite like this neighbourhood, my girl likes her school (good mix of locals n Asians) n I think its convenient place to be in. To get into the local schools here, you have to stay within the boundary, else its up to the Principal whether they got vacancy to take you in. This is an established suburb, so you won't find many new houses like in Canning Vale, Southern River, Success, Atwell,... Some other suburbs like Winthrop, Bull Creek, Bateman, Leeming are where Asians tend to go for.
u relii du ur researh well...

any body staying @riverton or shelley..any good sch there..the hse price ther has gone up by a lot...
mngo, u must be referring to me as the mummy living in Willetton. LOL.

I think ozziemummie also staying in Willetton now.

When I was looking for rental last year, I also looked at Riverton n Shelley. Not easy to find anything there as it is as popular as Willetton n Rossmoyne due to surrounding good schs. The houses with river view very expensive.
hi mums, can I ask if any of you know the price of bellamy's organic milk powder in perth? I'm heading back there to visit the in-laws soon and wondering if it's cheaper there as compared to here.
hen wonder the price went up so scratch head..cos last yr the price was only abt $250k n above but now the hse is abt $399k n above..wah piang more holes in the pocket...

anyone of u rent out ur plc in sg??cos i intend 2 rent out ...

where r u ??long time nvr heear fr u..muz be bz with the kiddos
dear mummies
haven't login here for ahwile. need more help and info again.

As i would be going to Perth by end of march'09, please help me scout for a 2 bedroom apartment around Victoria Park. Would like to rent and price range not more than AUD$250.00. Anyone know any reasonable alright childcare centre? Know there is a ABC and cuddles around the area.

I actually have a reservation for my 4 year old at Starbright (Osborne) but because my current office is at (Ascot) and would be moving to West Perth at some point in time. Thought the distance is abit too far. Anyone know how long of a drive is it from Osborne to Ascot?

Now i'm toying with the idea if Osborne or Ascot is a better? Please advise.

Dear Piglet
there is a website which really will help you to find.

The law here says that the actual tenant/occupier has to view the house himself/herself. I am sorry but i guess you do have to make a trip down to rent the house. When you view the house and if you are interested, you have to fill in a whole lot of information about yourself. IT is not like in singapore where people can view on behalf of another person.

Also, for current market, it's hard to get a rental of 250 per week (2 br) apartment.
Ascot and Osborne park = distance away.
You may want to consider staying in belmont area or watever.

check the location at googlemaps
Piglet please refer to this message

Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 8:53 pm: Edit Post Print Post
if you are transferred, you may wanna ask your office to help you with accom.
normally they rent by apartment - whole apartment. if you want to rent by per room, then you may wanna share with students - under student accomodation.

do check out on but generally the rule is that you have to be there personally to get rental.

It's rather hard to get any apartment with the price you have in mind. My friend is renting a 1 room apartment at abt $300 a week. Staying in Perth is not as cheap as what people may like to assume...

And reading back on your previous message, you stated that your company will help you get a place for the first month. One month is sufficient for you to find a place here yourself. Even if the law permits, it's impossible for any of us to do scouting for you since by the time you come, the aprt may have been taken up... And frankly, none of us is staying in Vic Park.
Dear all

Thanks so much for the information. Think Belmont is a better suburb for me as i think its not too far away to the city at West Perth. I understand its about 15-20 min drive.

I have been browsing at the website you gals have suggested, yup saw couple of nice ones but too early to do anything till i go down. I would be heading to Perth by myself first by end March.

Yes, my co is providing the accom but only for the 4 weeks. So hopefully i can get accom and childcare within that month.

Anyone know if Cuddles Child care is good or average? Will not be enroling in Starbright as its too far.

Know where can i get a second hand car too? Not too old, something less than 5k perhaps?
I've heard of Buggles Childcare. Not sure if Cuddles is the same or not.
2nd hand car? If you want, you can go to perth gum tree website (but becareful of scams). If not, then, you go to Victoria Park (along albany highway) to check out. There are a lot of 2nd hand cars and some cost less than 5k.
5k Cars are normally 15 yrs old.
Not too old ones will be 7-10k there abt.
Else check out
Hi Piglet,
There's a Cuddles near my place too... but don't really like the one here. I know someone working there, and with insider's info, she doesn't think much of it either... But then again, every centre is different. I guess you will have to go down and see for yourself... and ultimately ask whether you like the centre or not. Unfortunately, there is no perfect place...

As for a second hand car, I know someone (a Singaporean) who is leaving... and she's selling her car. she sez it's a Toyota Corolla (can't remember which year)... she's selling for $3500. If you are keen, I can check if she still has it or not...
Hi Andrea

Please check with your friend is she still has the car? I would be keen to have a look at it if she has not sold the car yet but i'm only coming down end of March'09.

Thanks for the info on the childcare, i just wanted feedback for you mothers out there. Not looking for the best of school just an average one so that i can have peace at work and she has a great time at school.

Hi Mngo & Hidora

Thanks for the tips.

Hi Hen

I think i'm going to use Bownti for my freight. Who did you liaise with the last time?
Hi tried the other SAHM Perth thread but doesn't seem active. I was told that there is a sizable S'porean population in Perth but I think we are scattered so far and wide, haven't really had the opportunity to meet! Moved over with 2 kids (3,5) and hubby about 2 months ago. Would love to meet up over tea/coffee or at the playgrounds with the kids. We are renting a place in Applecross.
Hi Andrea, the SAHM perth thread is on Sgmotherhood under "mums 2007". Yay, good to find pp with kids of about the same age! We like to pop into parks to let my 2 boys run around and release steam. THis is probably one of the major attractions of perth --the great availability of parks, playgrounds and huge open spaces for kids. Had a look at the BubHub thread --wow looks like a couple of u have been here for a while now! It takes a lot to "remove" the Singaporean-ness in some people but for others, they are dying to lose it ASAP.
Hi Octopus

which parks do you usually go to? I agree with you that's one of the great features of being in Aus... rather than brave the throngs in crowded shopping areas in Singapore...

You can email me at [email protected]
so long nvr heard fr u..guess u'd settle how's ur kids adapting..

i'm coming over 4 a week in early seems tat it's not easy to get job in oz when ur in there any other ways? din u move 1st there then find werk??
Here's a list of playgrounds in Perth. I've been checking some of them out.

Personally I think its not easy to get a job in OZ while u r still in Sg. But then again, there are people who managed to get one before they come over. I came here, then I find job. Oh, its tough to find job in 1 week, better chance if you stay here for at least 1-2mths.

Hi Octopus,
I moved here last Nov. My kids r 7 n 1. Am living not too far from u, am renting at Willetton.

thanks for the info. my hub suggest that he goes n find a job there first n once he'd settle down then my kids n me would go over.

with regards to the rental, how long will the process be before u can to move in to the rental unit???
