WA property prices will fall before they get better, with a sustained recovery kicking in as late as 2013, a real estate investment source predicts.
Property Observer says prices could fall up to 8 per cent more in the next 12 to 18 months before a strong recovery fuelled by the resources sector and infrastructure projects. The prediction bucks homeowner hopes that Perth property prices had bottomed out.
It follows a 7.3 per cent price drop in Perth's house prices in the past year - the biggest fall in Australia - based on data from RP Data Rismark.
A Property Observer spokesman said local price declines had accelerated recently with a 1.5 per cent reduction in April alone.
The online group's Property Clock - where 12 o'clock identifies a market's property price peak and 6pm the trough - suggests Perth's market is at 4.40pm.
"Perth is very sensitive to interest rate rises, so if there is another interest rate rise, it will push the clock back to 2pm, which means it will take longer for prices to bottom out," the spokesman said.
A report by appears to back the prediction of downward pressures on Perth property prices.
The survey nominates Perth and Brisbane as the least affordable property markets in Australia at a time when 87 per cent of WA residents said bills and expenses had increased.
But while West Australians generally find it hard to get on the property ladder or move up it, many seem to be fussy about the types of homes they are will to buy.
About half would not buy a home that did not give them a decent amount of space from their neighbours, according to the survey.
A similar number would not buy a home that did not provide every family member with a room of their own. More than half were unwilling to live further then 10km from their ideal location.
National statistics from the same survey showed that 94 per cent of Generation Y respondents were prepared to give up luxury brands to achieve the great Australian dream of home ownership.
Analyst David Chalke said Gen Ys were the most optimistic and seniors the most concerned about housing affordability.
"Despite the economic ups and downs of recent years, there is no sign whatsoever that the dream of home ownership is weakening," he wrote.