MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

Hi, are your kids interested in robotics?

My friend owns a company doing robotics training using Lego NXT. We attended one of the course conducted by him a few months ago and find it quite interesting. Now they are having some holiday course and I am keen to enrol my boy for the Robocamp on 8-10 Dec. Anyone interested to join in? If your kid hasn't done robotics before, you can enrol for one day first and then decide whether to come for the next 2 days.

Go to this website for more details:


Just to share, my son was in very careless during SA1, I did a post-mortem. He lost 8 marks for 4 questions of this type 8-2 = ? + 3 and together with a few other careless mistakes he got Band 2. I then made up many questions of the same style, just changed numbers, printed many pages and he practiced until it became a robotize response. Problem sums were the same style, just change the subject and numbers. Getting cooperation from the kid was a challenge but I did it anyway. Then a month before the exam we practiced those past year papers. This time, for SA2, no more careless mistakes but I found 2 big fat mistakes that appeared that he did not fully understand the concept behind the sums.

You mentioned about your kid tried to memorize how to solve maths problem, I did that when I was declining in my sec 2 maths, at that time I was not mature enough to practice on my own and I did not have tuition to forcefully make me practice. Hope that you can find the right tutor if you do not wish to DIY.
Hi sorry to gate crash but need advise from mummies whose kids has experience P1. If there is mummies whose kiddo in NYPS, would appreciate any feedback.

Pai seh to appear a bit kiasu as I see my gal quite laid back and lazy. Most important no sense of urgency. So I decided to gear her up only this very last min.

Plan now is
Wed 4-5.30 at My think Tank for Maths
Sat 1 - 2.30 at Jiang Education for Chinese
Now sourcing for weekday pm class for English or Creative writing.

Need advise if you have recommendation for centres in bukit timah, bukit batok or CCK. If you have tried the above 2 enrichment centre, would appreciate feedback too
Hi mommies! Happy New Year to all of you. This thread has been rather quiet for quite a while. How time flies and now our dragon kids are in P3 already...
Hi Mummies,

Our kids are in P3 time flies.

Hi Lim,
My son is definitely not a DIY person...if I dont sit beside him, he will be day-dreaming.
He is weak in his compo (Eng & Chinese).
His recent CA1 results dropped...I expected it because there is a drastic change from P2 to P3.

Fm Term 2 onwards, the teacher will be focusing on open-ended comprehension, composition (Eng), Materials for Science. Lots of stuff to teach to prepare for SA1.

Hi VQ/Rimilyn/Dorothy/Wen
Hi Hippo,
My son was encouraged to take up CCA, but since it is not compulsory at P3 yet, I didnt let him take up any. Furthermore, he just switched to morning session this yr and adapting to the change in session and additional subject.

Hi Lim,
My son has Chinese tuition since K2 because we hardly speak Mandarin. His tutor comes every Sat and the focus is on 作文. May send him for creative writing class if he cannot improve in his compo (Eng).
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>
Long time no chat. I had been BUSY since my elder DD started P3 this year! She is put into the Top/Best, Jin1 Yin1 Ban1, P3 Class in sch! Form teacher said, getting a 85/100 in this class, is consider as FAIL! I was SHOCKED!!! 85% is still in band 1 leh! But lucky, my DD is alway 95 n above! Heehee...

My DD joined Library Club as CCA. She loves books. She likes e activities too, Story-telling, making handicrafts, etc in the library!

And bcos she is in PM session, i can make lunchbox for her to bring to sch. This year, i need to make 2. Another for my niece who is in the same sch as my DD! My niece is always looking forward to receiving her lunchbox! Bcos she will be thinking: Dont know what will i get today?? Hmmm... Hahaha....
hello all, am just back from our holiday in tokyo...was a good break

Janet, hehe your case sounds familiar. i must manually push button then he'll work. his chinese grades have dropped. he used to score above 80 in the past but his recent test results of 69 is worrying. it seems he has lost interest in that subject. He is also not concentrating during his chinese enrichment class and always not doing his work. i'm frustrated coz i know i need to do something but dunno what.

VQ you very lucky your gal so capable. for me if my boy can maintain P2 grades i happy liao. he joined science club this's fun for him and i think good for expanding science knowledge.

he is now in AM session and every school day needs to wake up 5.45am to catch school bus at 6.15am. we figured there's no significant diff if we drive him so gave up that idea.
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>

Tokyo? WOW!!! It's amazing that u go there during this short sch holiday. FUN but tired ya!

For me, at this moment, my DD is still very keen in going to sch n enrichment classes. I hope she wont lost interest.

She is so busy fm Mon ~ Fri. Mon, Wed n Fri, she has tuition classes in the evening. Tue n Thur, hv to go to sch early for sup class.(In their sch, sup class is only for this best class!) Fri, must be early for CCA.

I told her i want to withdraw her fm the enrichment classes but she said a firm NO n told me, She is fine with it!! So i let her be!
Hi mommies !! so glad to see this thread alive again !! I have been a silent reader most of the time but very happy to see that this thread is moving

VQ, I feel so guilty after learning about your DD's results ..... as long as my DS can get band 1 I happy liao :p

Not sure if you still rem me .... my DS also in the same school as yours .... his results in P3 also not as good as P2
. My DS is also in Science Club !! Can share what class your DS is in ? Mine is in 3E.

Bet you had a good time in Tokyo
Did you go free and easy or with tour group ?
VQ, hehe...u know i japan-seow...can't resist visiting the country again. we left b4 the holidays on thursday midnight and back on it's 6D5N. intended to let my boy skip friday class but lucky the school has swimming carnival that day. good that your DD is enthusiastic about school. if she continues this good attitude you dun need to worry liao. boy is in 3F and he has friends in 3E so maybe they know each other? Lucky you, 3E's form teacher is good leh.

we've been to japan F&amp;E couple times. this round we visited Nikko and it's so can consider
Hi mommies, I am new here. Have a p3 girl too.
VQ, really admire u lei. Got such good DD. You lucky that no need to worry &amp; scream.

Wen &amp; EHYmum, after reading your posts, I suspect my girl in same sch as your boys lei. HPPS right? Ha, if right, then I finally found ka-ki liao.
keyt, welcome. and you're's hpps. which class is your gal in? good to know fellow mommies.

wah this thread really pen down the phases of our babies entering school. first it was parents' anxiety of getting them to their choice schools, then come the stress of them coping in P1. think P2 was relatively easy and now P3 we start to get worried about their falling grades liao. ok maybe only boys...but it's good sharing and hopefully can learn some tips from VQ
<font color="ff6000">Mommies,</font>
how u know i did not worry or scream? I SHOUT!! Hahaha..... Cos my DD very scare of me, i raise my voice then she kuai-kuai liao!! Heehee...

Not that i lucky! Bcos my DD is lonely n only child at home for abt 6yrs. No one to play with her. So her best activities is doing assessment books or read books! Everytime, after she completed her assessment books,She will start to panic n asked me: Mommy, Mommy! What should i do next? I completed this booklet again!

My fren commented my DD is weird! Hahaha... The problem is i did not force her hor! She requested herself! Of cos, i would rather she 'play' with books then watching TV!

Wen, I still hv the F&amp;E plan, u had planned for me, for my Japan trip leh!! Heehee...
Hi Wen,
I'm relieved this was a CA1, or else sure faint.
It was a blessing in disguise...bcos I got to know his weaknesses and have drawn up a daily time-table for the new term...hopefully his grades will improve.
Wen, my girl in 3G. Ha, small world lei. Maybe they know each other becoz 3F and 3G are mixed during chinese lessons. You are wrong la, not for boys only. My girl grades also sliding down lo. Don know why &amp; wat to do. Maybe its a great jump fr P2 to P3 and morning sch also makes her blur blur. Still not so used to it. Me too! Waking up early each morning and feel blur too.
Janet, you really good to sit down and think ways to help your darling. Daily time-table may be a good idea to start with.
VQ, I'm quite shocked to know that your DD loves to spend her time on doing assessment! Mine seems like no time for assessment lei. How your DD manage her time huh? Is she in morning or afternoon sch?
I planned a timetable so that I know how to go about his weak areas. Hubby is attending to the younger one, no energy to focus on 2.
Wen &amp; Keyt,

Your kids are doing better than mine as they are in better classes .... me so guilty now

Wen, I'll go check with my DS if he knows anyone from 3F :p In fact, he loves Tuesdays as he can stay back in school ..... makes him feel so grown up
I do agree that his form teacher is good this year !!

I've just resigned and told DS that maybe I'll go to his school to teach then everyday we can go to school together, have recess together, go home together .... guess what his response is ?? NO NO NO ..... hahahahaha

I did try giving a timetable before but did not work leh

My DS is the only kid but he does not like assessment books leh.
Dont mind me saying that, but which kid enjoys assessment books ? Mine will start complaining and whining when I go to Popular book fairs.
EHYMum, my girl also enjoys Tue, can stay in sch till evening mah. Aiya, all the same la. Don't compare. Think we must look at the positive side of them.
I also did not give timetable to my girl. But tell her must start doing homework at 2.30pm. She reaches home at 1.30pm.
Assessment Books!!!!! Hein, give up liao. Just tell her got time then do lo. She only managed to touch the books when exams are round the corner. She did to boost up her confident. Ha..... this is called 'zi qi qi ren'

Janet, you lucky got helpful husband. Mine is every weekdays just come back from work late and sit in front of his computer till sleeping time. Weekends he complains tire, Hein. He can only spare about an hour plus every Sunday to coach my girl's mt.
EHYMum, keyt..maybe you pm me your kids' names so we can kaypo if our kids know one another ;p my DS chinese just average and he stays in 3F during MT class. i dunno where the MT strong kids go to.

actually i think my boy don't even know all his classmates given that there are 44 kids. i wonder other schools have so many per class or not.

Janet, timetable can't work for my DS coz i myself keep forgetting to instil. when i remembered, he as usual tries to get the better of me and says he needs to sleep by 9.30 every night.

VQ, i read your post and realise you say the school only give supplementary to best class. what about the rest ah? thought they should be the ones who need it more mah. in my DS school, all P3 has supplementary classes but i do wonder what's it for. to catch up on syllabus or as an enrichment? i dun recall attending such classes during my time.

Don't have to worry ..... just say


pm you liao.....

I have a feeling that we are living in the same neighbourd as my DS also comes back abt the same time
Wen, pm you liao. My girl goes to 3G for mt, but I already talked to her mt teacher to transfer her to 3F. Stress lei, she complains. But her mt teacher said must wait till after SA1 as the sch only reschedules the classes twice, after SA1 and SA2. so now no choice lo. No, not all sch have 44 students per class.

EHYMum, you don accept pm right? I can't access to your pm. I stay in Clementi, you lei?

Why VQ so quiet?

Anyone has younger kids going to P1 next yr? I have a boy going P1 next yr. Hein, more stress and worries next yr.

My children sleep quite early. On bed around 8.30 to 8.45pm and will fall asleep between 9 to 9.15pm. Of course, weekends sleep later, an hour later than school days.
If he doesnt help out, I can't.
Besides, I'm already the one planning daily/exam timetable as well as buying assessment books.
My hubby can sit in front of the PC until way past sleeping time, then pig out.

I make my son take a nap at 330-5pm, regardless of whether he has finished his school hw. Or else there is no way to revise his subjects with him at 8pm.
Hi Wen,

Ops!! ..... His name starts with E

We are at Ulu Pandan ..... now wondering how your DD can reach home earlier than my DS
By the way, are you a SAHM ? I'll be one very soon
Also, you should not have any stress leh since hpps don't really have CAs in P1s .... just topical test .......
Wow, yr kids sleep so early...mine have never slept early since baby stage. The lights are out at 10pm after brushing teeth and packing school bag, but he will only snooze at 11pm.

You're really intending to be a SAHM ? Yr kids will enjoy yr presence at home very much.

I cant remember if my son has CA1 at P1, but only remember how stressed I am when he went to P1...esp he being the older child.
Hi Janet,

I've been wanting to be SAHM for a long time liao but DH not fully supporting cos he worries what will happen if he gets retrenched. With 2 working, at least when one is without a job, the other can still make $$.

However, recently, the work environment has become too political for me ..... it's not for me so have decided to resign.

My DS does not agree leh ..... says I should work else we got no $$
I was a SAHM since 2004 but this year I got a helper and return back to work in the morning when my children are at schools. I teach English to adult foreigners in a private language school. Sometimes, I have assignments in the afternoon to teach enrichment programs in pr schs, more on Maths and thinking skills. I am very happy to go back to work and I love my present job, love my present life than being a SAHM. But, now I try to work when my children are in schools. I took up the afternoon assignments because wat I teach also benefit my children, HA........ Bad right? Teach because of my own children advantages! Lucky, I am not a full time school teacher huh. HA......... But, I still consider myself a good teacher la. I put in all my effort when I am teaching.
Some men prefer their wives to work to help out with the expenses...saying things like wife studied so much, why quit.

I think it's ok to benefit your own children...if I have the time to take up a diploma in pre-school teaching earlier, I might do it because I want to benefit my kids at home. But now, no point bcos my older one is already in P3 and younger one in K1.
EHYmum, can try pm me your DS name again? i curious leh...coz start with E very difficult to guess ;p My friend's DS in 3E so definitely know your DS.
Do you find more areas of English to focus now ? My son is weak in Cloze grammar/vocab/comprehension), Synthesis &amp; Transformation (basically connectors) and Comprehension. Assessment books wise, there are more areas to concentrate on.
keyt, good for you ..... at least you've found something that you enjoy doing and can bring in $$
Furthermore, the hours look flexible so you can still spend time with your kids.

True ..... in fact, my parents also did not agree to my quitting without a job as they find it so sayang ....... but after a well, they've agreed .... as wat my mum says, qiang shi zhuan bo buan de. As for weeknesses, mine weak in comprehension. Also thinking very hard how to improve ..... but during the teacher-parents session, the teacher told us that reading is very impt which I know and I've been making him to read but he is still reading thoese bear family books

Wen, ok, I'll try again
Reading is very important and helps the kids to write compo...but my son doesnt read and even when he does, just glance through. As for comprehension, I have been getting him to do one open-ended &amp; 1 MCQ every week.
This title is not bad,'Comprehension Graphic Stimulus Cloze' by Rosemary Allen....have been buying this title since my boy was in P1.

Hi Lim,
I agree with you 100% - is the best website for past yr exam papers
EHYMum, got it! But i think the kids dunno each other.

Mommies, SA1 timetable out liao...I hope I find a way to help DS at least maintain his marks!
Many friends told me reading is very important too. But, I have a friend whose kid reads thick books but still did not do well in English. Don know la, very confused too. I think it still depends on how a child reads. If a child reads fast to know the story, then cannot improve much. But if another child reads every single words on the book, then he will sure to improve. My girl also glances thro books to know the stories, so she is still quite weak in writing compo. Making many grammatical mistakes. The best is to sit beside and ask them to read aloud, but hein, where got such time lei.

Huh, SA1 time-table out already? So fast, now only week 2 lei. Schs nowadays also siao, very 'pa-shu'.
I saw the SA1 timetable yourself, I hope to boost his marks esp since there is oral &amp; compo.

I agree with you, my son reads fast, so how to improve ??? The whole idea of buying a story book for him to read is to let him develop a habit to read but if I have to sit beside him, what's the point ??

SA1 time-table is out. In a way, it's good bcos mothers like us will know how to prepare the kids. My son's oral exams will start end of April.
Hi hi mummies,

I thought the thread was going to be dead. When I dropped by again, I was shocked I missed out so much.

Like most of your kids, my kid's grades fall at P3. I think it's common becos of the transition. From P3 to 4, it's not so drastic. Then P4 to 5, grades drop. Let's see if our kids follow this trend.

I'm more worried about my kid's Maths. She's ok for the common questions, but when it's more challenging, she seems to switch off. The moment she sees an asterix beside the question, she knows it's supposed to be a 'difficult' question and she doesn't try hard enough.

For English, it's difficult for me to spot her weak area. It's very random, although generally I don't have to worry about her comprehension.

My kid likes to read for content in the storybooks as well. I noticed that her grammar and vocab are not solid. So sometimes, I picked out the difficult words and asked her what that word meant. I did it more frequently at first to draw her attention to those words, then gradually, I let go, picking words out once in a while when I happen to see them. I thought it's more important to enjoy reading than to test her all the time.

The composition she writes are quite mundane. I'm still on the lookout for a good writing class for her.

Actually I don't print the test papers. I printed once, and I felt it's too much of a trouble.
Hi Rains,
I haven't had time to scroll through this forum until recently too.

A friend of mine told me the same thing too...P1/2 the same, but P3 will be a drastic drop and then at P4, the kid will be able to adjust by then. I certainly hope my son will be able to adjust FASTER.

I think we are basically facing about the same problems here. Now, I'm getting my boy to check up the dictionary and write down the meaning of the words on a flash card.
Hello Mummies,

I find that reading helps. My sis's kids they read a lot and her 2 sons are in the gifted program. In fact, for my younger nephew, my sis was not feeling well when he was in P3 so did not manage to spend a lot of time to coach him but he still managed to get into the gifted program. However, having said all these, the foundation is very impt also as my sister really spent a lot of effort with them when they were young.

I've also a friend whose son loves to read and he is also in the gifted program now.

For me ..... as long as my DS can go to a good class, I'm happy liao ..... don't dare to dream of gifted class :p
Can try reading jounal. Ask the child to copy some intersting sentences and expressions from the book to his/her reading journal book.
EHYMum, I same as you. As long as my girl can go into good class, I am very satisfied liao. I can even let my girl skips the gifted test if possible. I see very 'xiong' lei, and she is definitely not that type of naturally gifted. Ha.........
Don know lei, my girl also loves to read but see not much improvement in her Eng.
Lynn, I tried your method last yr on my girl. Still not much improvement lo.
Janet, checking up dictionary while reading book can't work on my girl, it only spoils her mood in reading.
So, the conclusion is- majority of P3 students are having the same problem, fall in their grades. Ha........ I just make this conclusion to make myself feel better.
Same here. I dont dare to dream of gifted class...just getting into a good class and maintaining reasonable results good enough.

As for the gifted test, I think it's madness and the test is very tough even at first round. I've heard of some parents who 'prepare' their kids for the gifted test. It's crazy bcos being gifted is supposed to be natural and nothing something to be prepared for. There is this gifted course, $3000 for 10 lessons. So what if the kid makes it to the gifted class ? He/she will be struggling to meet up with the kids who are genuine gifted.
There are some words in the assessment book which tends to be be I get my son to check up the dictionary.
At P3 level, most kids fall in their grades and now is the time to push a little and prepare for bian, I pity my son too but what to do ?
Hi Mummies,

I agree .... being gifted is something natural and cannot be pushed. In fact, my friend was complaining to me that his DS who is in the gifted program has lots of projects / work to do and they were complemating not sending him to the program as he had to go to hpps which is far for them but the boy wants it and it is stressful for the parents.

As for checking the dictionary, I try to make my DS check BUT I really really doubt if he'll rem after that
Getting him to check the dictionary is to actually to teach him to do so...for boys, I think it will be impossible for them to remember.

Kids in gifted classes face lots of stress, peer pressure &amp; selfish classmates. I heard of a friend who opted her son out of gifted test. Her son is chosen for the 高级华文, but she is ok to this.
Wah, my kid's principal said only 1 percent goes to gifted program, but how come it sounds like many people go gifted program? My kid's best friend's mother also said her neighbours' children from 'upstairs, downstairs, left and right' all go to gifted program. My husband said my kid can only go to 'lan3 duo4' program.

Oh oh, Janet,
The other day, my father drove us past Pei Hua. I said,"Oh, so this is Pei Hua." and I told my father that this is a school. But he and my kid said,"This is a church." I said,"No." They insisted,"It's a church. See? Got a cross." They were sure I made a mistake.
