MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)


I agree with the other mummies that your son's teacher is very rich. 40x$4.50 = $180.


It's her birthday. I promised to book a chalet this week but unfortunately, it's fully booked. And she was sorely disappointed. I felt really bad about it so I booked it on the following week. I thought exams don't set in so fast, but I forgot got Paper 1. I just hope that she won't play until cannot study la.

I thought it is off-peak period now, so chalets are avail...didn't expect them to be fully booked at this period.

The weather is very bad, do be extra careful during this period. Got Oral exam as well as Paper 1.
Yeah, I think the teacher is generous too because she likes to buy presents for the students when they score full marks, like pencil lead, mechanical pencils, highlighters, stickers etc... Sometimes I wonder is there a special class fund that she can tap on.... But I heard from my son that she can also be very sarcastic to those who don't do well. She is very results-oriented and keeps stressing that only intelligent students can stay in her class.

I also make sure that my boys have enough play time because they are very active and need an avenue to let go their energy. So I try to keep their weekends free for sports - Fridays for swimming, Sundays for football and the older one also has fencing class on Saturdays. BTW, I am letting him to follow the fencing school to Guangzhou for a week of training in June - not so much to make him a great fencer but rather to train him to be more independent. I feel that children with SAHMs tend to be too reliant on their mothers and that is not good for their personal development.
Hi Mummies,

Same here same here !! This is the first thread that I'll check when I logon in the mornings

Wow .... seeing how prepared your darlings are .... now I sweat
Furthermore last night I went for class gathering and did not do any work with DS *very guilty now*

I know that it is not easy being a SAHM .... see when I'll go mad
. It is a 24x7 job with no sick leave / no annual leave ....
The teacher is rather extreme in her style of teaching - rewards for those who can perform but unpleasant to those who don't.

I asked hubby this morn if I should use a relaxed mode this SA1 to try out - since son is already doing weekly exercises...I dont want to burn him out (myself included). Don't need to be feel guilty, there is still 1 mth.

Oh yes, SAHMs have to administer own medication and see the doc only when the medicine at home doesnt work. HaHaHa.

I brought my gal to see the GP this morn & met a teacher who was coughing badly and yet had to mark papers at the clinic. I was telling her that 3 parties have to see psychiatrist now - students, teachers and the parents.

I remember those days after school when I took my bath, had lunch, finish homework, TV and play. Kids today won't enjoy that anymore. They are really pitiful.
I find the teacher rather cruel - only 'intelligent' students stay in her class. Intelligence is what you're born with. I thought diligence matters more.

I miss the days when teachers only give remedials when they want to, play badminton after school or walk out of the school gate after 1pm.

And I miss the days when the policemen wear shorts.

Unfortunately, these days diligence is not enough and reality is harsh. And you need the right amount of parental support to do well in school. Those children who do well without parental support are the rare gems.

The teacher is on part-time adjunct scheme, any idea how are they being measured?
Hi mommies,
We go to swim weekly on Sat mornings and jog on Sun mornings. Not too much of relaxing, but to exercise. My children are food lovers, so need to exercise regularly to cut down fats. My boy in K2 now, is slighty obese. He needs to cut down but difficult. Nowaday, most children are at healthy weight. My boy looks the fattest in class. Once when he was queuing to enter the class, he drank water. A classmate teased him, "Drink so much, later you get fat."
I feel so bad and sad. So, hope he can slim down a little.
So glad to know your boy is learning fencing. My boy likes that sport too. Can advise me where your boy attends this course? Expensive? Is my boy too small to learn? Tks.
Good Morning Ladies

You are funny, I've not seen policemen wear shorts. HaHaHa.

Yr son is in the top most of the other students should be equally good. So what matters now is to be hard-working. Not many children at this young age will work hard by themselves.
A teacher I met at the doctor's clinic while waiting for my turn, told me that parents and teachers must work hand-in-hand and not leave everything to the teachers.

Kids can be cruel. My son was called 'vampire teeth' earlier bcos his teeth were crooked due to his cleft.
My younger one is also in K2. He is very fickle minded,so we told him that unless he gets NASA Bronze this year, we will not enrol him for the fencing lessons. (evil mummy, ha ha!)My older one is more focused when it comes to sports. He has been taking fencing lessons since P1 and now he is still very interested in it. Fencing is a very expensive sport, so must think very hard before you commit. Will pm you the details later or tomorrow.

Yes, it is very competitive in his class, even though it is just an unpopular neighbourhood school. That's why I have been telling him that he cannot afford to lose marks for carelessness. These days, it is really not easy to teach children once they hit upper primary levels. No wonder those courses like Mindchamps that teach children to be self-motivated, are so expensive....
You set high standards for your boys. Even though yr son may be in a neighbourhood school, his results must be good to be in the top class. Not easy to get in, and even harder to maintain.

My son is always losing precious careless marks...very heartache. I always remind him to be careful.
Mindchamps is expensive partially because it is opened by a property developer (hope my info is correct).

I'm also not so old as to have seen a policeman who wears shorts la. I was just being silly, missing something that will never happen again.


Adjunct teachers are teachers who have quit and rejoin teaching on a part time basis. What do you mean by measuring them?

I'm surprised that an adjunct teacher is so zealous.


I wish my kid is a food-lover. She is so skinny she's almost flat when you look at her sideway. I always call her 'sticky gal' becos she's as thin as a stick! She's the skinniest in her ballet class. And she is still wearing pants she first wore when she was four. The waistline doesn't change, just that it has become a pair of shorts! Every time she tries on something, it's always too short for her bcos she ought to put on some weight for her height. Her waistline is of a younger child's while her height is of an older. People always ask if she's 2 yrs older her actual age - at 5, my colleague asked if she's 7; at 7, people thought she's P3; now someone thought she's in P5. I'm so worried that her growth would be stunted.
I dont think you would have seen policemen in cannot be old lah. HaHaHa

My son's tees dont become tight...his become shorter and shorter and can still wear tees I bought when he was 5. I think as long as they are healthy, that is most impt.

My boy came back with his SA1 exam time-table difference to him, still as bochap. We started revising already, and I hope something will stick in his head.
Really hope our 2 kids can balance. Hope my boy can give your girl some fats, and your girl gives my boy some height. Ha........ My boy has to change his outfits quite often. For instance, now I have to change all his underpants that I just bought for him during this yr cny. Sigh.....
pm you liao. Tks.
Now seldom see Wen's and VQ's post. Wonder how are they now???
Today my girl's teacher gave them an oral assessment. Faint....., she got only 'developing' grade for her picture conversation. The reason is she used very few vocab and some grammatical mistakes. Aiyo, didn't know oral also must use good vocab to score. I always thought can express and say about the picture is already good enough. No wonder my girl is so afraid of oral. She also read too softly. Another Sigh.........
Ya, another anger to vex out. Today my girl did a wrong behaviour at home and spotted by my maid. She told my girl about it. My mum, who is staying with me, scolded my maid instead. Scolding things like, "you so big already also always make mistakes wat. You so big also can't change, how you expect her (my girl) to change. Huh, that day, I ask you to ........., you also say forgot........."
Siao liao, like that is siding my girl lei. How can my girl improve in her behaviour????? I was very very crossed at that moment. Sometimes, really can't understand old folks. I know she loves my children, but not in the correct way, right? Big Sigh this time ..........
My son reads very softly too, but come to talking, he is like a loudspeaker. I saw the annex section attached to oral mentioned 'use a range of appropriate vocabulary and structures'. Now I worry what that means.

Old folks tend to love their grandchildren too much. My son knows that my dad sides him and so he will 'bully' me when we happen to be at parents' place. That's why I dislike coaching him in his work there. Fortunately, my mum will step in and tell my father not to interfere.

You know the results of the oral already huh ?? Lucky the marks are not counted this time round so there is still time to drill them.

This morning I woke up and sweat ..... was thinking of the Science and Chinese tests next week ..... then I rememebered that the marks will not be counted and phew a bit :p

My DS is so happy today .... got swimming in the morning, then get to go to the Botanical Gardens this afternoon


Can I check with you .... do your darlings bring food to school for recess or do they buy from the canteen ? If they pack food, what do they bring cos I've run out of ideas .... most of the time I pack bread for him and he is sick of them already.
yeah, grannies tend to dote on grandchildren. my hubby said my MIL used to be very strict towards him and his siblings and to other children that she babysit. but now, she doesn't discipline her own grandchildren....
keyt and Jess,

Someone once said grandparents spoil their grandkids bcos they are not their children. Spoil also nevermind. I think it's true.


Actually, I packed bread for my gal in the morning for her to eat before school starts. Bcos she wakes up at 5am, she doesn't have the appetite to eat. So I pack bread for her so that she can eat on the bus or when she reaches school. Sometimes she doesn't even eat them till school is over. I give her money for recess so that she can eat something else.

I also don't have much ideas when it comes to packing food. I only spread margarine and kaya, or put cheese in it, or put ham in it, or toast. 5am too groggy and too short a time to do anything nice.

hi dorothy,

How's life?
227-28th Apr will be my son's oral exams.
I am trying to take it easy for my son's revision, but finding it hard to do so

I pack biscuits/sandwiches for my son to eat during recess. He refuses to buy food from the canteen bcos he only has 30 min.

Yr poor gal has to wake at 5am every morn ? She has to sleep very early every night.

Hi Dorothy,
Great to see you here
Do come and join us here when possible.

Granddads dont seem to discipline their grandkids. My father worked very long hours and had no patience with my bro & I then. He cannot stand the slightest noise from us. But now, my kids can make a lot of noise and yet do not get scolding.
My mum said she cannot discipline grandchildren bcos hubby may not like it.
Since 1st day of sch, my girl buys food from the canteen. Think becoz she is a food lover, so likes to eat different kinds of food.
Rec your pm already,tks. Eventhough my boy is interested in this sport, I won't let him take up too. Becoz its so expensive and moreover I don own a car.
Got a bad news to share. My boy fractured his right elbow last evening while playing scooter in the playground. I brought him to nuh and he needs cast for a whole month. He can't exercise at all now becoz sweat will make the skin around the cast to itch more. Neither can he write, draw or colour becoz he is right-handed. Sigh.... He is an very active boy, runs from his sch to my block after sch everyday. Now, he even needs to stay in class while his classmates enjoy outdoor and indoor activities. Don know wat to occupy him. Mommies, any ideas???? Tks.
Poor boy. I understand how it feels because my sons were just grounded last year due to chicken pox and like your son, they are very active boys. Maybe you can get him some books to read, someVCD/DVDs to watch, play board games with him or let him play computer/handheld games such as Gameboy or NDS, if you don't mind. My K2 boy also likes to play with figurines and cars, so I bought some to humour him.
My boy is quite easy with food. I usually packed buns, cereal bars or biscuits for my boy. He likes to bring home food for recess because he wants to have time to play during recess and queing up for food is a waste of time in his view. But he usually has a fairly decent breakfast, so he just needs a light snack during recess. Moreover, his school is nearby - he only needs to leave home at about 7.05am and reaches home before 2pm.

Your DD wakes up so early ! At the time, I'm still in dreamland .... I understand what you mean about the groggy part .... I wake up later than you at 5:50 a.m. also gong gong. Just wondering, wouldn't the cheese go bad if she keeps it till after school ?

Same here .... next week start all the orals, comp already *panick*


Oh no .... hope your boy is better now. Maybe can get him to read to occupy his time ? Looks like he will be able to skip SA1 ?

Same same ..... sometimes my boy will bring back whatever I've prepared for him and when questioned, he'll say that he has forgotton. I've a feeling he is too busy playing.

I'm sorry to hear about your son's arm. I've no experience in that so my advice may not really work. How about getting him to read some books like Geromino Stilton, Roald Dahl or Harry Potter since he can't do anything active now? These are the books my kid indulges in so I suggest them. Or explore a new genre that he likes? Recently my kid keeps bugging me to buy her the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' series ever since I bought her one. Maybe it's becos she can identify herself with the protagonist. hahaha ...


She's supposed to eat the cheese with bread (or bread with cheese) before school starts. It didn't occur to me that the cheese would turn bad if she keeps it till after school. I'll tell her about it later. Thanks!


My kid doesn't sleep early. She sleeps at 11pm usually, and one or two days in a week, she sleeps at 12 plus. She reads in bed while I'm busy doing my work at the computer, thinking that she's slept. It's difficult to force her to sleep. I've warned her many times about not being able to wake up the next morning, but they fall on deaf ears.
Hi Rains,
My kids are used to having me accompany them...a habit I am trying to wean off. After they sleep, I do the same and dont have any time to MSN my friends.

With the terribly hot weather now, I have to bear in mind what to give my son for his recess bcos certain food will turn bad after being kept for few hours.
Hi mommies,
Thanks for all your ideas. Now I am more busy lo. With his fractured arm, I have to feed him, bathe him, wear shoes for him, carry his bag, entertain him etc and etc.......
Like looking after a baby, but a little better that he can talk and tell me what he wants. Sigh....
Today went to nuh to change into the hard cast. Spent the whole afternoon there and reached home around 6pm.
The worst thing is he wakes up very often in the middle of every nights to complain itchy. Just now before he could sleep, he complained about the itchness again. He has sensitive skin with rashes frequently. Sure to feel very itchy with cast lo.
I got panda's eyes already........
The itch could probably due his arm on the way to recovery or because the bandaged arm area is very hot due to the weather. Poor boy and poorer mummy.
The hot weather isnt' helping things either. I've been bathing my gal more often and also putting lots of Cuticura to cool her.

Will calamine lotion work ?
Hi Mommies,
I was very angry and surprised what my boy told me today. He said his sch teacher calls him "one hand boy" since the day he put on cast. Oh my God! How can a teacher say that! She is cultivating wrong concept to the children that they can call names to abnormal people. And how can she give nickname to my boy! Sickening teacher!
We are not adv to put anything on the skin around the cast. No choice, I need to give him more console these few weeks.
My girl is having eng P1 on Mon and mt P1 on Tue. Exam mood is coming, I mean for me, don't know how my girl feels, she was still playing as usual just now. Worries.........
Hi keyt,

my dd (same age ) also fractured her elbow during CNY..but it was the left elbow so she was still able to write and do work..In her recent appointment in early april.., the dr says the fracture's healed..but it was indeed such an ordeal..through the operation to insert the wires (she cried and howled non-stop when wheeled into the OT)...After that it was the consistent itch that she kept whining ..and when finally had to remove the cast and pulled out the wire at the clinic, she screamed so loudly that other clinic staff came in to a kaypoh as well. though it was supposed to be quite painless..

yes, jst try to pacify and distract the child..though my dd still ended up trying to scratch her skin .
Oh! Your dd went thro such difficult moments. Poor girl! So is she considered totally recovered now? But I don't understand why she needed the op? My dr told me that child's fractured can recover by itself in almost all cases.
Hi mummies,

I just came back from chalet. My kid is having her Paper 1 on Monday or Tuesday. She's not sure and the teacher only gave them timetable for Paper 2. She's sleeping now though. Got a bit of sunburn.


The teacher is very insensitive. You should ask for the teacher's name and email this teacher to let her know how you and your child feel. This is what I do when my child comes home to tell me her unhappiness at school. If I deem it hurtful and may be detrimental to her self-worth, I will email the teacher in charge. Usually, matters would be resolved after 1 email.

If it's not resolved and the teacher seems 'unrepentant', I may email the principal. The principal will forward the email to all teachers as usually, I also won't mention names. On one hand, I would like the school to take a serious view on the matter; on the other, I don't want any teacher to be marked down during the appraisal. In teaching, you can do a million good things and go unnoticed, but just 1 stupid complaint from a parent can get you into big trouble.
Today when the teacher called my son 'one hand boy' again, my son asked her to stop (I taught him to do so to the teacher). Do you know, she even said to my son like that,"I want to make you happy. When you recover, I won't call you this name again".
When my son insisted her to stop, she again asked stupidly, "Then how you want me to call you?" My son replied to call his natural name. Then she said to him, "No problem."
Siao right? Since beginning of this yr, she has been calling by my son's name wat!!!!! Think she is making fun of my son but he is too small to feel it. Me boiling inside.
The teachers have no email address. If I want to complain, must either call or write in. I have ever complaint about this teacher on other matters to the principal. Think she is taking revenge or she has marked my son already. Sigh......
This time don feel like complaining though she has overdone it. Scare she will mark my son further.....
Confuse of what to do.........
How could the teacher be so mean to call your son that??? She should be setting an example to the rest of the class. Can't believe how insensitive and brainless she is.

We as mothers are going through EXAM STRESS. Just wondering why we are stressed, most probably from the school. No stupid kids now, only lazy and careless ones.

My son just had his EL oral this afternoon. It was done after school as teachers are rushing to finish the syllabus b4 SA1. The class was split into 2-half doing CL oral and the other half EL oral. His classmate told me the CL oral is tough...and he got panicky. Maybe I will wake him up a little earlier 2moro morning to go through with him again.
sad.gif exam after another every week until 18th May.
Keyt, your boy in kindy school? which one is that? That teacher is mean.

Mommies, I'm boy just got back his MT test result 53% nia...worst than last test. I don't understand why his MT grades keep sliding so steeply. Slide somemore means fail!

He said today's SA1 MT compo was tough...but he wrote 101 words so I think it's going to be disastrous since more words means more mistakes!

Next week he's having Eng and MT oral. Yep, I'm experiencing exam stress now.
Hi Mommies,
my boy is from PCF Clementi. Think his teacher must be mentally unbalanced, maybe due to stress, sorry to say that...
My girl has not got back the MT test result. She also wrote many words for today MT compo. I faint when heard that because her sentence construction is quite terrible. I also think that more words means more mistakes for mt.
The most terrified for her is oral. Both eng and mt are equally scary for her. Don't understand why, she is a chatterbox at home and with friends lei.
Hi Mummies,

My boy has been skipping class since Monday. I also panic now cos he has been having high fever and has not been preparing for his exams. Today wanted to send him to school but this morning his temperature is 41 degrees. His form teacher actually called me on Monday morning and asked me if we want to bring him to school just for the listening comprehension as he can't retake that.

On thinking abt it, I decided not to as he was sick, didn't want to pass the virus to other kids. Furthermore, don't want to let his condition pull down his marks.

At least your kids have finished their compo and spelling and listening comprehension, I still have to worry about them

Last year, my boy got chicken pox just before exams and missed his oral and listening comprehension tests. But his teacher still tested him when he returned to school.
Sad to hear that your boy has to skip both eng and mt P1. How is he now? Why the fever is so high for so many days? Has the temperature gone down today? Bring him to paediatrics if he is still having fever. Once my girl got fever for almost a week, I brought her to GP twice but could not recover until I brought her to see a paediatric. In my opinion, GP always take things for granted. Paediatrics are more professional and cautious.
So, how to compute your son's results if he missed the listening section?
Hi Keyt,

The doctor that he saw, though is a GP, she has paediatric certifate / degree (not sure which is the correct term).

DS went back to see her yesterday morning, after that had to go for a blood test. Lucky the blood test turned out ok but doctor called me and told us to monitor closely in case he has fever again.

I'm really very greatful to my parents who went about bringing him rush here and there for the past few days as I'm still at work. I could see her tired my mum was when I went back last evening.

He did not go to school again today and he is going to miss his English Comp and Chinese Comp. I understand from the teacher that they will just take his oral (which is next week) and written paper into consideration. For e.g., if the total for oral and written is 70 marks, his overall percentage will be based on 70 marks.

This morning just went to school to collect his worksheets for him .... hopefully can do something with him over the long weekend.
Nowadays, the children can get very high temp for many days. My younger son's classmate was absent recently from school for 10 days due to high fever and my nephew who is in P1 also had high fever recent for about a week. I wonder are our kids getting weaker or having poor immunity or the virus and bacteria getting more powerful?

And now we have this swine flu spoiling everybody's holiday plans.....
Hi Mummies,

My gal's Chinese and English Paper 1 ended today. I've been fretting over them for days. My gal simply refused to practise her compo writing. The moment I put a compo pic in front of her, she dozed off. I beat her with a clothes hanger also no use.

She came back telling me that she ended with phrases I don't approve of. Nevermind. I console myself that I also didn't write well when I was in P3, but my teacher said my Chinese compo surpassed Sec 4 standard when I hit P6. So there's still a few years more to go for my gal to practise. And she's a Chinese. It's in-built already. hahaha ... sound very ah Q huh? I also tell myself that language is something that should not be forced. She'll grow to like it, and hopefully that'll take place before P6.


I thought your boy is in pri school, that's why I suggested you emailing the teacher. Kindy and the teacher is so cruel. How can? If it were me, I'll go to the principal. Little kids have high EQ, but also cannot abuse like that. Worse comes to worse, I will change kindy. It's not like it's primary school. Changing kindy is easier and has little impact on the academic. My gal was in a PCF nursery below my mother's place and she was ostracised by the other kids. A very unhappy 4-yr-old who could only regard a girl bully as her best friend - the rest of the kids didn't understand her nor talk to her.

I switched her to a church kindy. She was happy there and has happy memories of that place still.

Otherwise, talk to the teacher yourself. Your boy very poor thing leh. Mummy asked him to tell the teacher not to call him names. It must have taken alot of courage on his part.
Sorry to hear your son having high fever. As a parent, I understand your worries and also being a considerate parent in view of the swine flu.

My son's EL & CL compo will be held next wk, followed by EL/Maths/Chinese and Science. The EL and CL oral carries 15marks and 20 marks respectively. I dare not dream of my son scoring high marks in his orals.

The flu and virus bug is very strong now...SARS was bad and now swine flu is even worse bcos the symptoms may not appear and it spreads FAST. I am keeping my kids at home as much as possible. But as long as we go out, we will take a bath the moment we reach home.

I dont think my son will be able to do well in his compo either. The recent practice papers he brought back are tough and he had problems doing them. Will make him go through a few sample copies and revise those he had done earlier. WORRY AND STRESS NOW !!!
My son's challenge is to complete the EL compo within 45 min. His has too many ideas and usually writes about 200 words. But it takes him about 1 hour or more to do so. So I have been telling him to condense his ideas and try not write more than 5 lines for 1 picture.
hahahaa, Jess,

I know I know! I was like that when I took my A levels, except that my case was I had ideas for all the questions. Couldn't make up my mind which one to do. My Chinese teacher told me to just focus on one question and do just that. Forget about the rest.
My son's Chinese tutor told me he has a lot of ideas but if he wants to put them down, it won't be possible to write so much. It's really a challenge to have to pen everything down within 40 min. Next 2 days will be "allocated" for his Paper I.

When is the last exam for your kids ?
Hi Mummies,
My girl is having mt oral tomo and eng oral on Thur. Following week Tue to Fri are the 4 subjects P2. Last day on 15th (Fri). Just scolded her before bed to stop worrying about oral. She is so stranged. Not afraid of all papers except oral. She kept nagging about oral and asked me to go with her tomo for oral. Sigh... made me crazy till scolded her at last. Ha..... it worked, and she stopped her nags and fell asleep. Sometimes, don understand why I talk nicely and explain to her has no effect. Must scold then can see result. Furthermore, she is a chatterbox and a good speaker. Sigh.... try not to scold her before exams also failed.

dear Mummies,
my son told me many times, that he didn't want to live anymore.
This only happen to me during my JC time. So sad that he so young only, feel the stress already. I am the only mummy facing this problem?
