MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

I think the concept of "teach less learn more" is good but unfortunately not all teachers understand how to do it appropriately. And it is not easy to implement such profound policies nation-wide. There needs to be a lot of mindset change. I suppose one issue is that the some children already have a headstart before they enter primary school whereas others do not even attend preschools....
Dear Rains,
Question about "cream of the crop" class for most schools, I wonder whether there will be turnover. ie. the chance of non cream students getting into the cream class at P4 or P5 when they become creamier.
It is very challanging to get into the one and only creamy class, a pity that most schools do not have A, B, C class streaming anymore. That way it is very fluid, there is always hope to jump from C to B and finally to A.
hi biyan,

There are schools that do what you said (A, B, C). Most schools don't becos it's very challenging, draining and demoralising - physically and emotionally - for teachers teaching the tail-end classes. But actually, there's some truth in the Chinese saying,"san sui ding zhong shen" (loosely meaning 'your destiny is determined at 3 years old'). Personally, I've never seen any child going to a cream class at P4 or 5 if the child was not recruited into it at P2 or 3. Basically, the children in the best class are taught more and faster becos they are able to absorb more and thus learn more, on top of the fact that they don't waste teachers' time on discipline and other petty, admin matters. So it's pretty hard for children in the average class to catch up with them. Most teachers teaching the best class would also stretch them by teaching them things learnt at higher level. For eg. at P2, they learn to write compo for P3. So you see, it's difficult to get into the cream class the higher you go.
HI Mummies,
Long time didnt log in here.

My son's English Paper 1 requires him to write a compo. His teacher told me to focus on the 4 which they did in class. So I have been getting him to do some memorizing work. Also have to teach him to write zuo4 wen2 for next wk Paper 1.

In his school, the cream of the crop are kids in the top 5 classes. They have extra homework for every subject.

My userid has asterisk for the fun of it lah.
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
I just came back fm Beijing! Had climbed The Great Wall of CHINA!!! Came back as a Hao3 Han4!!hehehe...

I lugged back tonnes of Chinese books for my DDs. CHEAP but Heavy! hehe.. i bought a dictionary of Chinese Bi3 Hua4 too!!! Funny hor! BiHua hv dictionary also!!

<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
u get what i mean, the last time i said u r a very smart lady to me??

C, u answer the ladies questions so professionally!!! Good!!! Great to c u this way!! Keep it UP!!!
Hi Ladies,
I did not login to tis thread veri veri long le

Well, my gal's sch had streaming @ P2. They have 3 top P2 classes based on their P1 results.
Their classes are go by nos, ie 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.... so the top 3 classes r 2.2, 2.4 n 2.6, then the rest r the average classes.

U not bad wor, not onli lugged back tons of Chinese bks n oso lugged back HK, hee...
<font color="ff6000">Tling,</font>
No choice lah! HK is my LIFE!!! The chinese bks r so cheap n good!! Dont buy, wasted!! hahaha...

WOW! These 2 weekends will be BURNED! Cos DD got to stay at home to prepare for SA1!
hi VQ,

I haven't logged in for some time. Been really busy and tired. I was so busy preparing other people's kids for exams that I overlooked my own gal's Chinese Spelling exam. The poor gal!

I'm in the job, so naturally I'm more aware of the environment and what the field entails. It has nothing to do with being smart. You yourself are a professional mother. I would fail compared to you, and the rest of the mothers here, if there's a report card for mothers.
I have been through it and I know that it's not easy being a full time working mum, plus the fact that you are now expecting. I am sure you try your best to do your part as a teacher as well as a mother. Do take care of yourself too. Someone told me a couple of years ago that most mothers do not take care of themselves and they take it upon themselves whenever anything goes wrong with their kids but most men don't think that way....
Thanks, Jess,

I suppose like it or not, the Singapore society is still a pretty much women-do-everything society. The men expect the wife to work to help support the household, but at the same time, they still expect the woman to be the traditional wife who looks after the kids and does the household chores.

On our part, we are the ones who give birth to the kids, so naturally, sadly and stupidly, we have this natural instinct that we're more responsible for them.

Recently, I realised my kid has been lying to me on her schoolwork. She got her friend to help her do her work and tried to pass it off as her own when I asked her. I'm so disappointed. She's only eight and she's resorting to tricks that I didn't even think of until I was much older. She's become very disinterested in schoolwork and is only interested in reading. She reads at the expense of her schoolwork. And she always has some completed worksheets not submitted when I'd asked her to hand in the day before.

This is not the first time she's lied to me. I'd told her she would have to go stay with her grandparents if she lies again. I've decided to let her stay with my parents after the June holidays and I've also decided to strip her of all priviledges and luxuries. For one, I'll stop her ballet. I didn't want to stop it becos I know it's difficult to go back to ballet once you stop it. But I think she's too much and will not learn if I continue to give her all the sweet things and no bitterness. If she continues to slack in her studies, I'll also stop her piano.

I feel so lousy as a mother. Now I understand why there're some mothers who give up on their children when the kids are only in P1 and P2. You just feel so helpless that your kid is becoming so unbecoming. I can't bring myself to beat her. My sister had screamed over the phone that I ought to cane her when she heard all that she's done. But when she came face to face with her, she said,'It's easy to cane a boy. But it's so hard to lay your hand on a girl ...'
Just yesterday, one of my dd's classmate's grandfather confronted me. and complained that my dd instigate other classmates not to "friend" his granddaughter!

I said tht we should bring this up to the teacher to be the mediator. as kids may interpret situations according to the own idea. Anyway, now i abit worried that they may confront/scold my dd when I am not around.
I think it is rather common for one child to tell another "don't friend so and so", the grandfather is just over-reacting. The children will probably forget about it in a few days.

I can understand your disapppointment as a mother when your child behaves badly. But I think it may not be a good idea to send her away because she may feel that you are giving up on her now that you are expecting another baby. Maybe you should make use of the holidays to spend some quality time with her and counsel her. Since she likes to read so much, maybe you can try to choose some books and read together with her. Or you can encourage her to keep a journal to write down her thoughts. I think she can probably write quite well since she reads a lot. Kids being kids, they like their parents to do things with them.

My boy loves to read too and he likes to tell me about what he reads. So if I sit down and discuss about books he has read or read a small section with him, he will be very pleased. When he feels good, it is very easy to chat with him about school etc...
I agree with Jess that it's very common for kids to engage in this 'don't friend so-and-so' squabbles' and that the grandfather is overreacting. If you're worried, just email the teacher to let her know. But since your daughter is the 'perpetrator', most likely the teacher will get your daughter to apologise to the other child instead.

Thanks, Jess,
I just feel very discouraged and disheartened that I've not brought my kid up well. I do feel that the older kids on the schoolbus might have influenced her to a great extent on the bad stuff. She picked up alot of undesirable habits and words from these kids and thinks they are normal, but it's beyond me to stop these kids behaving these ways. She's growing up too fast for her age. It reminds me of what we used to say in our teenage years 'zhao shu zhao lan' (the earlier you mature, the earlier you rot).

I also resent the fact that my kid believes in her teachers more than me. You wouldn't believe it. Her teacher said that having a fringe will give them pimples on the forehead and she combs as much as her hair allows to be on one side so that her short fringe will also be swept along to one side, which makes her look weird and ugly. My husband had to refuse to take her to board the schoolbus unless she revert to her original look. Her maths teacher is teaching her all the wrong methods and when I try teaching her, she just throws them all out of the window.

At eight, she still needs someone to feed her. If not, she refuses to eat. My husband and I refuse to, and don't have the time to, give in to her spoilt eating behaviour, but my parents would patiently feed her and chase after her to get her to eat. I thought perhaps if she goes back to my parents' place, she would at least have decent meals and not get so thin.

Like you, I'd thought she would write well since she enjoys reading. But her spelling is still not good. She's very careless and can't be bothered about getting the spelling correct. She's very lazy and hates to do anything that involves any labour, and that includes writing. I'm very perplexed why she's like that.

As a child, I loved reading Chinese books and I loved writing and had always strived to get every word correct. I also loved to do anything that's got to do with Chinese, be it practices, assessment books or test papers. I would want to score as close to 100 marks as possible becos it was my best subject. My husband excelled in Maths and Science and he said he enjoyed doing the same - the more industrious the better. I don't understand what she's thinking. The moment you ask her to sit down and write something, be it MCQ or anything for any subject, she starts to doze off, or reads on the sly, or packs her toys. As I type all this, I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with her. I do believe that a normal child would behave the way my husband and I did - he or she would enjoy something he or she is good at.

Thanks, Jess, for sharing about the part on getting the kid to discuss about the books he's read. But actually, most of the time, I don't have time to read the books she reads.

Oh mummies,
Try to keep your child away from 'The BFG' by Roald Dahl. It has tons of poor spelling to illustrate the BFG's illiteracy. My husband asked my kid how to spell 'okay' and she said 'okey' - the way the BFG spells it. At least wait till they are old enough to discern the wrong from the right spelling.
i agree with <font color="ff6000">Jess</font>. Some parents or grandparents r over-reacting over these children.

My DD is a class monitress. 1 of her job is of cos, take down names of children who r noisy when the teacher is not around. There is this girl, who is very talkative n alway challenge my DD to write down her name n she keeps on talking. My DD just write down her name n she cried. She told my DD that she will tell her mother to scold my DD. My DD was terrified! Bcos this mother is those "one kind", only her daughter is the best n guai girl!! My DD n i ever saw her scolding other children who "disturb" her daughter!

My DD told me abt it. I told her, her form teacher had chosen her to be the class monitoress. And she had also went to the training n course for Monitor. She is not in the wrong when she took down that girl's name when she is indeed very noisy! I told her if that girl's mother ever confront her after school. Tell her to wait for me.(Bcos i fetch my DD fm sch) I will ask her to c the form teacher together. If she wants to scold my DD, do it infront of the teacher!!!

Nearly everyday, this girl will challenge my DD to write her name down, at the same time, she will ask her mother to scold my DD. Now, my DD is more confident liao! She write down her name, n tell her to go ahead if she wants to ask her mother to scold her!! hahaha.... The 1st time, when i heard that girl told my DD that she wanna ask her mom to scold my DD. I told my DD to tell the form teacher the next day that, this girl threaten her, abt asking her mom to scold my DD!! This girl got scolded by the teacher immediately!! hahaha...

i m quite worry that if i m not free to fetch my DD, n that mother really come n scold her. My mom might not be able to cope with her. So i told a few mothers who i m close with abt this case. So they might be aware n able to help my DD when i m not around!! heehee...

Lastly, i alway tell my DD if u do not like to be treated a certain way. Dont ever do it on others!!
Hi belladona,my daughter's classmate's mum also complained many times to me about my daughter. Each time, I would talk to my daughter before I punish her accordingly. It's sad to know that my daughter misbehaved in school but I'm glad that she is willing to amend. It has been a month since she promised me to change and she kept her promise. However, this particular mother was not happy with it, she kept told me that my daughter was naughthy, nasty etc and those things happened more than a month ago!! She even said so and so can't eat and sleep well, may be because she was verbally hurt by my daughter. Sometimes, she even spoken to my daughter in school without my permission. Sorry, I think I wrote too much.
<font color="ff6000">Rimilyn,</font>
WOW!! u suan me.. u wrote so little, still say u wrote too much!! then i very long-winded liao lor!! heeheee.... just kidding! we r sharing here, so it's ok when long or short!

Actually, i think it is not right for a parent to approach or speak to the child directly. They should feedback to the teacher or inform the parent of another child. Not directly to the child!
Hi ladies,
So long didnt login here...been preparing my son for his SA1. He is having his English Paper 2 today. I went all the way this time, preparing him for grammar &amp; vocab on top of doing some past yr exam papers. I over-looked for his CA then thinking that since we speak English all the time, he should have no problems. But realized he needs some help for his cloze passage and comprehension.
Talking about long-windedness, I should take the cake. My posts are always so long.

These few days, I changed my tactic I use on my kid. I have been very very fierce. I screamed and shouted at her, even slapped her on her arm when she asked me stupid questions. And I went to buy a cane and threatened to use it on her. But honestly, it worked. The spelling exam list that I gave her a few times - she always gets different words wrong. But the last few times I gave to her, they are perfect, even got improvement in handwriting.

She doesn't dare to slack off. She doesn't doze off when she does work on her own, or read on the sly. She really went to do work, like now.

I've always asked her to memorise timetables, but never succeeded. But these few days, the screaming made her memorise abit. At least, she's starting to use her brain, or using the skip-counting method.

The harsh methods are very effective as far as I can see. Maybe I've been trying to be a patient and gentle mother too hard, that she's taking for granted now.


Ask your daughter to ignore that mother. If I were you, I'll ask her to walk or run away if she speaks to her.
hi rains, i also believe the stick method (threatening) would work better for certain kids.
For me, my cane may mysteriously go missing! However, as a FTWM, I cant rem such things as where the things are placed..

anyway the teacher has not called me yet after i emailed her...yeah..I've heard of stories where the parents will approach the child directly or even worse make police report (for older kids where fighting incidents occur outside school)! and my hubby's who's back from overseas, was only concerned..if she was at the receiving end of being bullied

Not too sure, but is it true that the teacher inputs in and tracks negative incidents into the child's records into their school computer system?
My children needs a combination of hard and soft methods. We used to cane them too but now we hardly use it because we are worried that we might lose control and injured them. Now we usually send them to thinking corners and take away privileges if they misbehave. We also try to focus on their strengths and give them privileges whenever they behave well. They must learn to bear the consequences of their actions.
Rains, I can't ask my daughter to avoid this particular mum because my daughter need to take her lunch in the school canteen (before extra class). Usually, this mother will wait in the canteen for her daughter and she will "brain wash" my daughter if her daughter complaint to her. For example, if her daughter said; "Mummy, XXX don't friend with me and so and so also follow her don't friend me today!". Then, this mother will asked my daughter to friend her daughter and MUST play with her daughter. So that, so and so will also play with her daughter. I did talk to my daughter about it and she said she never ask any friend not to be friend with this girl. Sometimes, my daughter and her friends wanted to play other game but this girl insisted to play the game she liked. So, when my daughter stop playing, others also stop but my daughter never ask them to stop playing with her. In fact most of the time my daughter is the only one that played with her. There were a few occasions when I happened to be in the school, my daughter was angry with this girl because she kept hugging her when I wanted to bring my daughter to take the public bus, so my daughter shouted "Stop it!" or when i was talking to my daughter and this girl kept on interrupting us and my daughter shouted "Shut up, XXX, I'm talking to my mummy!", immediately, this mother told my daughter that she shouldn't shout at her daughter and her daughter scolded my daughter "Ya, you're so rude!" and this mother don't even say anything to her own daughter. I don't like arguing, so we just said bye-bye and left the school. Each time, I need to spend a lot of time to explain to my daughter, so that she won't feel bad of herself. Frankly speaking, sometimes I feel like tell the little girl to shut up too!
<font color="ff6000">Rimilyn,</font>
Sometimes, i find these mothers VERY WEIRD!!! Y they think that it is alway other ppl's child who "bully" their child. They hv no brain to think who is in the wrong or just ignore this small little matter?!?!

And they alway got the "face" to scold other children!! But i think the worse is, they scold other child in front of their own child. This would let her own child thinks that: Wow! i did nothing wrong cos my mom scold other ppl. My mom always agree with me!!!

I hope these children of these mothers, wont turn into spoil brat, or worse gangster next time!!

Usually, teachers keep records of recalcitrant kids' misbehaviour, but not in the computer. Teachers also need to record down the date and time and venue when the incident took place, what the follow-up actions are and what happened in the end. They also need to call up parents to let them know about the incidents, so that when there's a 'showdown' with the parents, they can have a record of all the incidents as evidence.

Teachers at most can curse and swear at the kids behind their backs. Key into the system ah? No la. Where got time?

My sister hangs 5 canes on her oven handle. She said it's becos the canes often go missing - my nephew conveniently sweeps them under his bed or some other furniture when he sees them, so she keeps buying and buying until there're 5 to date.

Today a stupid mother lambasted me over her stupid kid. She even asked me,"What kind of a teacher are you?" when she couldn't pinpoint my crime. When she said that she got every right to question my judgment becos she's a god-damn parent, I wanted to say that she's unfit to be a parent. But as a teacher, I couldn't say that. I wanted to question her back,"What kind of a parent are you?" and tell her that if she really was a competent or even just responsible parent, her kid wouldn't have gone so wayward at such a young age.

I screamed at her back because I knew of her ruthless ways with all the teachers the child had been under.

It's when I speak to such 'parents' that I realise how wonderful and responsible and successful a mother I've been. How can a mother say that her child is the victim when her child repeatedly stabs a handicapped child on the back with a pencil? How can a mother say that her child is the victim when her child stabs yet another child with a pencil until the lead goes into the child's hand? How can a mother say that her child is the victim when the child has been defiant and rebellious?

And my fault is I called up the parent too many times to complain about the child. Indeed, what kind of a teacher am I? I should have just killed the child.
Rains, calm down! Do you want a hot temper baby? Don't get hurt again by this unreasonable mother. You are right to inform the parents when their children misbehaved. If whoever feedback to me that my daughter is misbehaving, I will look into the matter start from myself( as a parent), then my daughter, lastly will be the other party. My daughter and I also encountered similar situation recently. It's pretty hard for my daughter to understand but I tried my best to comfort her. If I were you, I will continue to discipline the child and feedback to the parents (if needed).

Don't get discourage by this incident. To me (as a parent), you are a dedicated teacher!!!! JIA YOU LAO SHI
<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
I nvr doubt that u r indeed a GOOD mother!! But, do remember to stay calm for ur little one in u!

But frankly speaking, i think that "victim" should c a physcologist together with his/her mother!! How can he/she stabs another child repeatedly? Yet, his/her mother still think her child is the victim!!

We must face it! there r quite a number of CRAZY mothers around!!
Actually, I haven't been able to recall a day that I don't lose my temper with this class ever since I got pregnant. The kids I have are so trying different colleagues feedback to me on the different kids that are naughty. And they would always think that the one they mentioned is the naughtiest. Those that are not naughty cannot follow simple instructions. At 8 and 9 yrs old, they are still urinating and passing motion in class. I was telling a friend about some of the things the kids did when my friend asked me in a genuine tone,"Are you teaching mentally-challenged kids?" I laughed and said,"Very close, very close."

I mentioned the above incident becos you were talking about mothers whose kids are bullies and yet say that the bullied bully their kids. I thought this is the ultimate. It's difficult to imagine that there are such mothers around if you've never met one yourself.

I've to pray very hard that this 'angelic victim' doesn't get into trouble with other parents again. If I call up his parents again, I'm sure they will lambast me again. Their family problem has become a police case and the mother is adamant on blaming me for it becos I complain too much to the father. Disciplining this child is getting more difficult than ever becos he knows his mother is supportive of his misbehaviour.

You're right. They should see psychologists, not a counsellor. No, I am sure they need medical attention in their brain. They should see psychatrists for some strong medicines for their mental illnesses. Or maybe they should have some brain therapies to electrify those tissues to make them think differently, and have some control over their body muscles. The boy actually said he can't control himself. Or maybe he should undergo some form of exorcism to get rid of the destructive spirits inside him.

When I look at the recalcitrants under me, I can't help but feel that they really should exchange place with the handicapped, the down-syndrome, the paralysed, the mentally-handicapped. They don't cherish what their healthy body can do for them, they abuse their rights as children, they make use of their healthy body to commit crimes at such a young age, they don't want to study - you place the answers right in front of them and they refuse to do their corrections. It just makes you feel so disheartened. They don't deserve to be healthy and strong.

As an educator, I believe more than anybody that there's such a thing as 'good' schools. There's only so much a teacher can do if the kids are uncooperative and destructive.
rains, guess being a teacher is not that easy. cheer up!

My daughter just failed her bronze swimming test and I'm frust...more with the instructor...looking to change instructor. any recommendations?
hi belladona,

Where do you live? My kid's instructor teaches in Yishun Swimming Complex. It's not difficult to pass the bronze test, and the instructor should be able to judge if the child is able to pass it before he sends him to the test. I agree that the problem should lie with the coach. Is the coach one of the swimming instructors at a swimming complex? There're many instructors in one swimming complex. You can call up to ask for another one.
Hi Rains,
I know it's VERY hard to stay calm during pregnancy...I lost my cool many times when I was expecting my 1st kid. Normally I would have been able to bochap but I cried so often then.

Some parents push their responsibilities to the teacher, which is ridiculous. When my son's teachers call me, I am appreciative bcos I will know what my son is up to in class. Oh yes, I just bought a cane on Vesak Day. HaHaHa.
School holidays are finally here.

Rains, you should take the opportunity to rest well and recharge your energy. Why not go away for a short break with your family and forget about school for a few days?
Hi mummies,

Thanks for your concern. I met the parents during meet-the-parents session. It went well and the mother was not aggressive as the father was there. But you're right in that I'm relieved that I don't have to see that scumbag for a few weeks.

The pregnancy is horrible. I've been feeling all weak and tired all the time. I sleep at least two times a day, every day, and can't walk far. I can't even take my kid to the nearby park becos I get breathless and exhausted after a few mins' walk. Sometimes I break down howling over the tiredness. I feel so handicapped and horrible. Maybe it's becos I'm getting old. No wonder they say must get pregnant when you're young. I actually don't feel the effect of ageing until now. It's like the body is split into half and shared by two persons to use.

But fortunately, my gal is quite sensible. She would help me get things done, make simple breakfast for me and try to make me feel comfortable. She knows I'm always tired and so she doesn't ask me to take her anywhere although my husband just told me she wants to go to the zoo and ikea very badly.

It's embarrassing for me to be asking this, but how do you train your kids to memorise the time tables? Mine only remembers it for that few moments when I test her. A few days later when I ask her again, she totally forgets about them. I tried telling her the importance of memorising timetables but it doesn't get into her.
Ummm, this thread has been very quiet lately....... as usual during the school holidays.

Brought my kids to Club Med Bintan - it was very enjoyable for all of us. It is the first trip that isn't too tiring for mummy and daddy because we can leave them with the mini kids club whenever we feel like it and also my boys had a adjoining room all to themselves, so the younger one need not share a bed with us. If your kids love the sun, sand, sea and swimming, I highly recommend this place.

Rains, hope you are feeling better. So did you manage to bring your daughter to the zoo or ikea? I don't really asked my son to memorise the tables but he can give me the figures fairly quickly....
hi Jess,

I haven't been able to walk for long distance so my husband took my kid to the zoo himself. I'm not sure if it's my imagination but I always get this feeling that the baby is 'sinking' down when I walk a fair bit. We did manage to go ikea tampines and I fall in love with the curry puffs there. I don't know why but they seem to be the best curry puffs I've ever eaten.

Besides the outdoor stuff, did you do anything else at the club med? Is there anything for indoor people? I won't worry too much if mine is a boy, but my girl is getting a little too tanned I thought. I've been calling her 'my little dark girl' or 'xiao hei nu' in chinese recently. I hope I can take her somewhere after the baby is out. She's quite disappointed when I told her we probably won't be able to go on the promised trip in Dec this year as I might still be recuperating from the delivery then.

I've been taking chinese medicine. I'm not sure if it really works or is it becos I'm in my 2nd trimester that I don't feel dyingly tired all the time now. The baby is really active and delivers powerful kicks and boxing in the womb. I often feel the 'pop' 'pop' 'pop' from outside the womb. I wonder if it's bcos I face that active boy every day.
I think Club Med is not suitable if you are looking for indoor activities.

Don't worry, your girl will probably be too busy playing with her new sibling than going overseas when he/she arrives....
Hi! Anyone send your kid for English creative writing course? My son reads regularly these days but he can't seems to write a good piece of compo...

I'm also thinking of sending my daughter for creative writing course but it will cost me a bomb. Reason being my daughter is not good in both English and Chinese writing

I would also like to send my kid to creative writing course, but it's hard to find good centres. I heard that Learning Lab is good, but only if the child is at their standard. A friend sent her child to Mindstretcher and she feels that it's good. She said they adopt traditional method of how our English teachers taught us last time.

I'm not so worried about Chinese writing. Govt also tells us Chinese never mind, can read already can liao, so I think the standard will still remain low. The more important thing is to get the kid to be able to write most of the words he or she learns at the current stage.

I can't find any website for Mindstretcher but gather that that it is a tuition centre. Can you provide some info on it?

For Chinese, I think there is more focus on oral and creative writing too - about 40% I think. But the vocubulary taught in school is very limited for Primary Chinese and I think it is very difficult to write a good piece of compo if the child doesn't learn beyond the text and read frequently.

Come to think of it, I don't recall myself having much problem coping with languages when I was young and my parents couldn't teach me at all...
Hi Jess,

So sorry for my late reply. I have been very busy and didn't have the time to come online. Mind stretcher has many branches but I think the nearest to you is toa payoh. Its number is 62580200. Every four times cost $90+$5 material fee.

It boasts psle high scorers. It has high achiever and achiever classes, but the branch near my place only has achiever class and their assessment test showed that my kid only qualifies for achiever class. But my husband feels that it's not worth going as he's worried that achiever class might consist of low-ability children and it might result in slow or nil progress.

For Chinese, the vocab the kids are taught now is so much wider. And they don't start writing compo until P3 I think. So by then, they should have a rich vocab enough for writing.

Last time, our syllabus was easier. Most of our parents didn't have to teach us. But now the syllabus is getting ridiculously difficult although our human minds haven't gone through any dramatic changes. I know of parents who don't know how to do P1 Maths. One even wrote on the Maths worksheet to question the suitability of those questions ie "Are you sure these are P1 questions?"

Some parents go to the extent of doing their children's homework becos their children simply don't know how to do. But the parents' methods and answers are wrong. On one hand it's amusing; on the other, it's sad.
My girl is in P2, and she is already started on composition - 120 words in length, actually.

My take is this, cultivate a reading habit in your child as early as possible, this is almost a sure way to expand their vocab. I am still trying to do this myself, because her teacher said we should exposed her to a greater variety of books and different style of writings ...
Hi, our thread is "alive" again!! Hahaha...

My elder DD started English creative writing class in P1. Previously, we realised that she couldn't write at all! DH n i were very worried. My friend receommended me to an enrichment centre near my house. We sent our DD there immediately n see results after few lessons.. she wrote phases like: "The kitten look at me with its monful eye..." When DH n I saw this, we asked our DD, what is "monful"? Wahahaa.... We were shocked as she started using "bombastic" words in her english writings!! Her sch teacher notice her improvements too!

Few months ago, her english compo. was put up at the notice board, outside the centre! She was so proud n motivated! She told us she will work hard as she wanted her compo. to be put up again! The teacher fm the centre, even told me to let her read books beyond her level! I dont dare to let her read books of too "beyond" so just let her read P3/P4!

She is comfortable with this centre so i put her in this centre for English, Maths &amp; Chinese. And she is doing quite well with them.
I send my DD to "Giving Tree" in Woodlands. Took up their Sakamoto Maths too. Their vacancy for per subject classes r mostly FULL. Quite a number on wait-list! Recommended a friend n her DD was put on waiting-list for a few subjects too!

Anyway, i m glad my DD like this centre. Cos i will be seriously tired if i need to run a few different centres for different subjects!
Thanks for the phone number. I have called up but the timing is not suitable for us. I'm trying the Kip Mcgrath. They will be doing a free assessment on my son this afternoon. They claimed that they can customise the content of the tuition for each child. Will see how it goes...
