MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

I am constantly reading into this thread about tuition and enrichment for children. I wonder what will happen to average primary children without these addition. My friend just signed her 7 yr old on a $3000 Mindchamp course. Our children are too young to tell us which course benefit them the most and will they survive/do well without.

yeah, nowadays most kids attend tuition or enrichment classes. i think children's education biz is most recession proof. even the not so well off ones will attend classes at RCs or CCs....
Lim, my dd is weak in both english and chinese compo. Never send her for any enrichment courses due to financial problem. Initially, I am considering to send her for a chinese creative writing course. However, she doesn't like the idea. She wants to study on her own. As a mother, I'm happy that she's trying but on the other hand I'm afraid she may not be able to do it.

Dorothy, how is your baby????
I wish to share my experience with 2 new mainlander Chinese students who did not know a word of English when they arrived in Singapore earlier this year. Both are attending P1 in my son's school (8 & 9 yrs old). They have their much needed English tuition but no other enrichment class. I do 15 mins morning reading with them twice a week as a parent volunteer. Just yesterday, I wanted to share an newspaper article on Twin Bombing in China Yunnan. To my surprise, before I could read, both of them voiced their knowledge about the incident. Apparently they have watched about it on Chinese news on TV the night before. That's enrichment in general knowledge.

And on another occasion, I borrowed a bilingual story book about NuWa, the Chinese legend about a Goddess who mended the sky, both knew the story and even added that Yellow river was NuWa's tears. Language and culture goes hand-in-hand, our poor children, know so little about Chinese culture and also not in-depth English culture. So it looks like we are going to need many of enrichment classes to make up for the shortfall.

My son goes to Berries for Chinese enrichment because his school doesn't teach Higher Chinese for lower primary and I hope to let him have a stronger foundation in the language. For English, he just started his tuition with Kip Mcgrath to brush up his creative writing skills.

I think most children will not volunteer to attend extra classes. My son had some resistance initially but I explained to him that it is important to lay a strong foundation in lower primary levels. It is also less stressful to attend extra classes now because his school workload is very light. Sometimes it is also more fun to learn in a group. But if your kid is self disciplined, prefers to study on her own and is making good progress, then I think it is ok. Unfortunately, my son doesn't belong to this category....
Jess, the progression was very slow. I'm worried that her classmate may so much advance than her that she's left behind struggling. However, my hubby and I decided to respect her decision. Hope we are right!

Lim, I'm also doing volunteery work in my daughter's school since 2005. Can you share with me how you guide the young ones to read? You can PM me if you want to!!

how about tutition at RCs? my elder girl used to attend Chinese tuition at RC but she doesn't like to go so we have withdrawn her after a few months

However, I find that the Chinese standard in RCs is quite reasonable. They usually engage native speaking teachers & fees are relatively cheap compared to Berries or Tien Hsia

There's more than one way to skin a cat. I have only been reading for a
few months, but well I gather that it is similar to doing a presentation.
Here are some points to share:
- select a book of interest to the target audience.
- describe the book Title briefly to gain awareness.
- discuss the pictures to clear the page so that attention can be turned to the words.
- get the child to repeat some key areas and praise him for doing it well.

I am also getting my son to DIY. I bought a number of English and Chinese
model answer composition books (not so creative way of learning). My son
reads non fiction and little fiction, too bad. Fiction reading can improve writing
like magic. He is still P1 so still have some time to DIY.
I think to improve creative writing, one needs to practise regulary. You must also be able to correct her. It is not a "study" only subject. Has she started writing English and Chinese compo in school?
I am trying to introduce blogging to my son so that he can write up his own journal with a few lines every few days. Is anyone here blogging? I created my son's blog in, are there any other more child friendly blog sites.
Is your son subscribed to LEAD's portal from the school? He can also blog there. Wanted to do the same for my boy too but he is too slow with the keyboard.

A friend switched from blogspot to vox( According to her, it's easier but I'm not sure.

I just want to say that I'm impressed that you people are such enthusiastic parent volunteers.

Fiction books are indeed better in terms of inspiring kids to do creative writing. Most kids, esp boys, who prefer non-fiction, find it difficult to reconcile with creative writing as it requires more imagination and common vocabulary.
Hi mommies

when would the child be required to take CCA?

Is CCA compulsory or optional?

if that CCA is not available in school (eg. gymnastics), can we take private lessons & still count towards one CCA?

Thanks for your advice
I think some schools allow the kids to take up CCA from as young as P1/2 but most start from P3. If the kid as other achievement outside the school, the parent can inform the teacher to include it as part of the kid's holistic report. But I am not sure whether you can include it as a CCA...
This thread has been really quiet. I guess everybody's busy with her own stuff and kids. I myself am busy hounding after my kid on her piano and ballet. Let me 'warm up' the thread for the time being ...

After spending a bomb on the piano, my kid is starting to show a lack of interest in learning piano as it progresses to a slightly higher level but it's not even grade 1 yet. The tutor complains that she has the attitude of 'do the homework, hand it in and that's it', which won't do for piano.

The ballet teacher complains that she doesn't put in effort to strengthen her knees and ankles when asked to stand.

To a great extent, I've come to terms with the fact that she is not that keen on doing these two activities competitively. I told her if she doesn't make it for the piano and ballet exams next March or April, then I'll withdraw her from both becos I see no point in continuing to waste my money. By next year, she would have learnt piano and ballet at the same grade for 2 years already. I have already given my best to her if she doesn't progress. Next time when she grows up, she also cannot complain that I never provide opportunities or expose her to all these.

As for the piano, maybe I go and learn myself.

Academically, I'm glad and relieved that her Chinese-speaking Maths teacher went back to his hometown for good some months back.

My kid's school doesn't have CA1 and 2 for P1 up to P4. So I'm still in quite a relaxed mode.


How have you all been? Share leh.
Hi Rains!
Never hear from you for a long time.
Maybe your girl isn't interested in piano and ballet, that's why she is not making any progress.

My boy has been learning fencing almost 2 years and I have also spent a bomb on the equipment etc... Luckily he is very interested in it and looks forward to his lessons every week.

By the way, when are you due? Are you going to take 4 months maternity leave at one go?
Hi mummies, holidays finally over. My kids were so noisy at home. Life was so busy when they were around. No time for myself.

Rains, maybe your daughter doesn't like her piano and ballet teacher teaching methods. By the way, how is her swimming lesson?

Jess, your son needs to take any test for fencing?

Oh yes, I need some inline skating advice for beginner. Where to buy reasonable rollerblade shoes? With or without brake? How many wheels?

Yes, they have grading tests every year. Besides, they also have competitions and workshops. They just held a competition recently and I was pleasantly surprised to see many young girls learning fencing.

Btw, I know there is a skating ring at Bishan park where they conduct lessons for beginners. But not sure how much is it.
hi jess and rimilyn,

I asked my kid if she wants to give up learning piano and ballet but she says no. She said she wants them as 'hobbies'. She likes swimming but unfortunately, she's either falling sick on Saturdays, or injured her leg, or having asthma, or raining on Saturdays. So she doesn't go for her swimming lessons consistently. I always say the coach wants to earn $40 from me also difficult becos he only collects the fees after every four lessons.

I'm due about 20-something Oct, but I think the baby should come a few weeks earlier. Quite nervous. Yes, I'll take the 4 months at one go so that I can take my time to recuperate and spend time with the kids before I go back to work again.


I bought my skates and my kid's at this shop in Bt Timah called Skateline ( They have other branches and conduct classes on skating as well. The salespeople are quite knowledgeable about skates. The last time I went there, my nephew and my kid got this particular red-and-black K2 skates that's size-adjustable. I think it was below $200. All skates should come with a brake on the right skate. For kids, the skates should have 4 wheels. You'd also need to buy a helmet and guards. I think the helmet cost about $50 - $70 while the guards are inexpensive - below $20 I think. I'd also bought a strap so that it's easier to carry the skates around.

Better skates do make a difference. They are easier to move on ie. smoother, and more comfortable. It makes it easier for kids to pick up skating.

For classes, you can also check with community centres. My kid and nephew picked it up at a cc.
I had the same problem with my older one missing his swimming lessons initially. Then I decide that if it is just minor cough/flu or slight drizzle, lesson should continue, else you will end up having very few lessons in a year. I am having private lessons for my kids, so sometimes I even ask the coach to do make up lessons or extend the lesson duration to make my children practise more. It also helps if you can get her a diving wetsuit which can keep her warm so that she doesn't catch a cold easily when it is windy. Slowly, she will build up her immunity level.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>
Long time nvr chat here!!

My DD's SA2 is finally OVER last wk!!! Got the results on Wed! She wrote down all her marks on a notebook n came running to me after school, shouting "Mommy! Mommy! We can go Korea nw!!!" Cos my DH told her if she does not get good results, she is not going anywhere.

As for right nw, My elder DD is very excited abt the Halloween party Walk tonight!! (My younger DD is too young to know. Just hope the spooky stuff will not scare her later!) Trick-or-Treat!!

<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
How r u? U gave birth liao?
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>
Just came back fm the Halloween celebration at Woodgrove. My DDs enjoy themselves SO MUCH!!! A few pics to share with u all... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Boooooo........ =P

My younger DD with A BIG CAT!!!

3 Girls dressed as BABIES!!!

The Halloween Celebration Crowd!!!
VQ, yep long time no chat! almost forgotten my password. nice pics! my DS exam just ended is bringing them to watch Wizard of Oz next week.

So fast...our babies going to P3...very soon we'll have science to worry about.
<font color="ff6000">Hi Wen,</font>
Nvr expect u r the one who reply 1st!!! Yeah! u hv not been here for long!

Hey! do u alway go to Fairprice Finest at Upp Bt Timah? i was there n saw ur Xavier siting on the flr waiting for ur Dh n u! He is so well-behaved! I wanted to go up to u but bcos my younger DD was sick n we r rushing home after some quick shopping!

Time flies!! Yeah, Science! I had already sign my elder DD for P3 Tuition. No jokes! The centre is so "HOT" like pancakes! i cant help it by "CANNOT BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM!!!" I went slightly earlier to the centre on the 1st day of registration BUT there was already a Queue!
<font color="ff6000">Dorothy/Wen,</font>
Out of sudden both of u "came back" liao!!

<font color="ff6000">Dorothy,</font>
Guess u r very busy with ur DD n DS ya?
aiya i've been reading but lazy to write. VQ, we are there almost every sunday coz X is taking electric guitar we usually jalan that supermarket.

your DD still taking sakamoto maths? currently DS is taking chinese and maths plus 3 non-academic classes. wanted to send him for english but weekend schedule quite packed liao...gotta re-arrange.

Dor and the are you?
hi vq/wen!!!

VQ, ya.. bz with 2 of them... plus i just changed job...

Wen, wow!!! electric gal is in the school band...

wen, where did u send X to for math?
dor, wah...your DD in school band...that's fun! what instrument is she playing?

X attends sakamoto maths.
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
Yes, My DD is still attending the Sakamoto Maths. I find it very good. (My DD got full marks for SA2 Maths this time round!) She likes the teacher so much! And next yr, the same teacher is also teaching Science. So i signed her up for the Science Tuition too!

I find this centre very good. So my DD's tuitions - English, Creative Writing, Chinese, Chinese Compo, Sakamoto Maths n Science r all in the same centre. Morever, it's near my hse. Oh! My DD does not hv any non-academic class! Hehehe...

My DD is still thinking which CCA to pick up?

<font color="ff6000">Dorothy,</font>
U change job to Hxxxdx ah! Hehhehee...
VQ, i am thinking of creative writing for DS but i'm not sure if it's suitable for him coz his grammar isn't very good in the first place. does creative writing correct grammar?
<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
The creative writing at my DD's tuition ctr, teaches use of Grammar n Vocab in a compo too.

The teacher who use to teach my DD creative writing had left. She now give tuition at home too but her fees r kinda exp to me. But her bonus point is she is a full time teacher in RI! Nw i know y my DD's compo is so fantastic!! hehehee....

Hey! this ctr is in woodlands but i do notice they hv student who come fm Choa Chu Kang also leh!! i m quite surprised!

which tuition centre? i'm also looking for a good one at woodlands.

My boy not doing well in his SA results. Then next year got one more subject to handle.

can PM me?
Hello mummies, I've got a good tutor to recommend. She is an ex-school teacher. Her students (including my gal and relatives) have all improved alot under her. Do PM me for her contact if keen.
thanks for the test paper link. but only now that exam is over then i see your message!! hahahh.. anyway, my hubby managed to find just b4 the exam.

Does anyone know of CD with songs of multiplication table. My son will be in P2 next year, should start to memorise times table.

U mentioned sakamato at woodlands. Arent there many Sakamato at elsewhere too? Are they equally good?

My gal at P4 fails her SA maths this year. All her subjects deteriorate too. I wonder is there any good enrichment at katong or Parkway area.
Dear Alicia,

Do you wish to share your girl's weakness in Maths, is it due to carelessness or problem with understanding the concepts? It will be good to describe and evaluate the issue before sourcing for external help.
<font color="ff6000">Alicia,</font>
There are quite a no. of Sakamoto Maths in Spore. Different ctres teaches the same method. I cant comment abt other cos i hv nvr been there.

u can call up the HQ Sakamoto Ctr at Hougang:
6387-9700 to check on a ctr near you.

Hope this helps!

Lim &amp; VQ

Thanks for the speedy reply.

Lim, you r right. She was both careless and has problem understand the sum. She could even do division to a multiplication sum.

It seem that she was trying to memorize how to do her maths sum. For instance, today she could score 7 out of 10 or full marks for maths and then few days or week later, she couldnt do the same sum again.
