MOMMY CLUB - Yr 2007 P1's (Yr2000 Millennium & Dragon Babies)

All P3 kids go for the gifted test, but I really wonder how many are truly gifted. Being gifted is natural...I heard of a crazy friend of mine who regretted not sending her son for the "gifted course". FAINT !!!

Glory church is just beside Pei Hwa and from the outside, PH looks like a church too.

Hi Rains,

I like your comments abt the "lan duo" program ..... hahahaha ..... nowadays my parents teach my DS till want to vomit blood. Me last night vomitted ..... he only listens to DH

Getting worried as the exams will start end of this month
Ya Rains, I also agree with your 'lan duo' program. My DS is definitely gifted in this area.

EHYMum, I'm worried about the MT oral coz now it carries more marks than before. My DS can't read a passage smoothly...pausing when he forgot the words. Sometimes he will read out of tune coz he memorize the hanyu pinyin alphabets for certain words but not the 'sound'.
My son should be in the 懒惰 class too...his homework is done because he has to do it, but the handwriting is so ugly and horribly done.

I like what you said about yr son being gifted' in that area...hahaha. Same here lah, oral exams end of this month and I worry whether he can pass bcos he tends to skip words when reading.

I ran into a friend whose son was from the same kindergarten as my boy. She is working part-time now bcos her son refuses to do his homework and the maid cannot handle. Her son has 1 Eng compo and 1 poem to do everyday...the poem has to include adjectives and adverbs. OMG, who is the person who has to do it at the end of the day ?
Wen & Janet,

At least you only need to worry abt the oral ..... me worry abt every subject ..... still got compo, comprehension

Mine also same same ..... just like yesterday, for his Chinese Homework ... he did wrongly and my mum asked him to correct, he just refused to do it
EHYMum, I also worry about all his subjects. I rank them from critical to bearable, MT oral is most critical so I start here first. I myself am very weak in MT so I find it really tough guiding him.
I know of a grandfather who coaches his grandson in his 作文 since P1 and now the boy is chosen for 深广. In fact, both grandparents are totally involved with the grandchildren's school work.

My parents cannot handle my son in his school work bcos he will bully them.

I worry over all his subjects actually. Eng and Chinese got compo, open-ended comprehension, cloze, editing/punctuation etc etc etc. Science worst, his answers are scary. Sorry to complain about so many things.

Same here ..... my DS bullies my parents as well
Think next time when I'm not working, I'll be vomiting blood at home

No worries about your "complains", it is good to know that I am not the only one who is stressed up over all these.
My dad tested him in his spelling the other day...when he made a few mistakes, my dad made him write 10x each.

He has 默写 now and have to allocate more time for him to memorize it. Starting to dislike Chinese partially bcos of this and also bcos the comprehension is not so straightforward. In short, I hear more complaints from him everyday now.

At least he listens to your dad when he made your DS write 10x. Mine does not listen all the time ......

Can check with you .... what time do your kids sleep and wake up ? I'm wondering if mine is sleeping enough, afraid that he might be tired in class and not paying attention.

By the time we reach home, settle down .... will be 8:30 p.m., then I'll try to go through his work with him till 9:30 p.m. and by the time he falls asleep, it is usually 10:00 p.m. He wakes up at 6:00 a.m.
My son does not show my father his spelling list anymore...hahaha.

My kids sleep at about 1030pm. Both in morn session. Son wakes up at 625am...takes 1.5 hrs nap from 330-5pm after he finishes his school hw.

When he was in afternoon session, slept at 1030pm, woke up at 830am, has bf and then revise from 9-1030am. Hopefully will be able to do the same when my younger one goes P1.
Hi Mommies,
My children sleep early. Prepare to bed around 7.45 to 8pm. On bed around 8.30 to 9pm and most nights will fall asleep before 9.30pm. My girl wakes at 6am and my boy 7am. No nap in the afternoon. But, my girl also complains tire and every morning is quite difficult to leave her bed.
Hein, my girl got back her science test result today. Faint!!!! only 78%. SOS mommies!!!!!!
Another problem, her vision test result showed it has gotten worse. Need to replace glasses.
My son had to change his glasses within a span of just 1 yr...after the school nurses came to check.

My son also had 78% for his first CA...the answers he gave are not according to what is expected.
I make my son take afternoon nap or else he is too tired to revise what has been taught. His school issues CA/SA time-table 1 month b4 and if he doesnt revise regularly, it is almost impossible to sit for exam. Has advantages/disadv of children early.
Hi Mummies,
Do you help yr children with their compo ?
I try not to, but my boy will sit at his table & day dream.

His Chinese tutor just told me he is getting lazier...refusing to read the comprehension passage. I warned him to buck up, or else his tutor will stop teaching him.

I know the road ahead is very long, but I'm getting tired...there are just too many areas to focus on but I dont know where to start. Now there is only 1 in primary school. When my younger one goes to P1 in 2011, I am going to be stretched both ways, unless my boy matures and studies on his own.
Janet, my girl starts to wear glasses just last yr May. Now, after the nurse's check. Her vision is 6/60 without glasses and 6/12 with glasses. Just 9 mths only lei. Terrible!!!!!!!
I need not to help her with eng compo but for chinese compo, there are many words that she cant write. Her han yu pin yin is worse than me, so cant use the dictionary too. I need to write many words for her to see. Hein.
Sometimes, teachers like the word 'lazy'. You must find out the real reason. You observe DS closely. There maybe other reason than just lazy.
I understand how you feel. But dont worry too much, your younger one goes P1 only in 2011, mine is next yr. Normally, a child will become more mature at the age of 9+.
Don feel sad huh, remember many of us are also facing the same problems as you. Get going, tomorrow will be better.
My son started to wear glasses in P1. His degree dropped 100 degrees in P2...normal according to the optician, but I monitor his table light and reading habit.

Thanks for yr consolation. I can understand his frustration too, P3 is indeed tougher than P2, but what can we do ? I've shouted, persuaded and used whatever method to get him to continue.
Did think whether his school is a pressure cooker, but which school isnt ??

I fully agree with you .... I just don't know where to start, where to focus and the best part is, my parents and I are kan cheong but my DH feels that DS is only in P3 ... take it easy *bang head!!*

Your kids sleep early.
Good that they sleep early, then you can have some time for yourself
I just planned my son's SA1 time-table yesterday and was thinking, 'start revising early may even allow for more time to go thru the textbk again'. Then realised that it's just nice, no time for anything else.

My mum feels that I should not pressure him since it's only P3...still have long long way and if I push too much, it may backfire. Oh yes, yours truly here is all stressed up near CA & SA since P1.
Hi Janet,

Care to share how you revise as I thought of getting DS to do some past year papers from other schools but there are topics which the teacher has not taught yet so he won't know how to do ..... unless you teach him before the teacher touch on the topics ?

For me, I do not have time to teach him first .... making sure that he finishes the homework that the teacher gives, learn his spelling and ting xie is about all that I can do now
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>
i share with u, how i coach my DD.

For spelling, Eng or Chinese, i make her write each word for 5X everyday. She will prepare her spelling 1 wk before. So after spelling in sch, she will be preparing for the next wk's. I am not kiasu. Just afraid that she will not hv time to study for them. If 1 or 2 days nvr write, the next day, will hv to write 10X. If last min, she will be doomed! Cos i will make her write 20X each! This has nvr happen yet! She says she die-die will remember to write 5X daily!! Hahaha...

Everyday after sch, if no enrichment class at night. She will revise all the subjects which she learn that day!

Although, i do expect her to follow the time-table. I m flexible for changes! Cos i understand she is tired too!

I also promise her that if she finish her homework or revision. She can play computer games! So this motivate her a lot!

I told her i will not allow her to skip sch bcos of going oversea. So to her, going to sch is very serious! I ask her, u wanted the attendance record on your report book, to be full mark too right? Heehee....

My DD is in the PM session. Her eye sight is 6/6. She sleeps at 11pm &amp; wakes up at 9am!

<font color="ff6000">Wen,</font>
Weaker students in my DD's sch will attend remedial class.

I beg to differ. My girl dozes off when I ask her to do work, or hides in the bedroom to read storybooks. It goes like this: I ask her to do work. She looks at the page for about 1 min, then she walks off, informing me that she is going to the toilet. She never comes back, making me thinking that she got a stomachache. When I go and check on her, I see her reading a storybook in the bedroom.

Actually I notice that when I'm very fierce and mean business when I threaten to beat her if she doesn't get certain marks, her results improve dramatically. No careless mistakes. But when I don't want to pressure her, her grades drop, also dramatically. Rampant careless mistakes everywhere.

But someone told me that she studied very hard in primary school, when she got to secondary school, she didn't work so hard anymore. And she cautioned me not to push my kid too hard. She said she might just break down. Now I don't really push her. I do want her to enjoy her time in primary school. I also don't want her to feel that work is really just that - work. As long as she does some stuff for the day, I'm happy liao. That's not to say that I'm not anxious or worried that she may not do well enough for her exams, but I'm trying very hard not to let it overwhelm me and her.
Hi EHYMum,
I get him to do past yr exam papers after he has revised all the topics in his textbook &amp; done the assessment book after each chapter. Cant use past yr exam papers as revision, more like exposure.
For eg Maths, hubby will revise the chapter on Money, then do the same chapter in the assessment book to reinforce.

I agree with you and also afraid my efforts will backfire if I pressure him too much. I think he is doing enough like weekly exercise in open-ended comprehension, grammar/vocab, synthesis, cloze passage...of course spread out over the week.
Hi mommies, think all your DDs have done quite a lot compare to mine. My girl normally does not work on assessment though I bought maths for her. I didn't get any assessment for other subjects. I print maths &amp; science past yr exam papers for her to do when near to exams like now. Nothing for Eng and MT. I'm also afraid to pressurize her too much. She learns spelling only a day before and ting xie 2 days before. Other days, she reads or plays with my boy after doing homework. But my DH will teach her chinese words on Sundays.
WOW VQ, your girl has perfect eyesight. How envy!!! Any tips to maintain such good eyesight??
My son learns his Eng spelling 1 day b4...give him 1 hr to do so. Girls are usually more hard-working than boys. I pity the kids now, they dont have any fun childhood.

On one hand, we are worried and anxious the kids dont do well for exams, but on the other we try not to let this issue overhelm us. A rather tough job and contradict how we feel. Sian
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for the sharing. Now I really have to think about not pressuring DS BUT the problem is, he is lazy. I think your kids are doing much more work at home compared to mine ..... now I really have to think of how to strike a balance.

It is good that your DD likes to read!! If I were you, I'll be very happy
<font color="ff6000">Keyt,</font>
No tips on good eyesight. I think she follows me, i use to lie on my bed to read books, read in a dark corner but still with 6/6 eyesight. I need "specky" only after i gave birth to her! Weird huh??? But i do not put on at all cos i can still c. Hehehe...

I do not let her practice using past years paper fm other schs. Cos some r fm those high standard sch, this might demotivate her! Whereas papers fm lower standard sch might keep her thinking that she is DAMN smart!!! So i only buy those CA/SA papers fm Popular for her. She only do assessments, when she prepare for CA/SA.

No choice! Children living in this modern Spore must try very hard on their schoolworks! If you do not work hard, u will lose out!

That's why, every sat after my elder DD class. we will bring her out for dinner, any place she wants to eat at. On sunday, we will bring her to where, she wants to go! So that she can relax herself!
VQ, I am like you. I read in dark corner, but still have good eyesight now. My eyes feel more tire when read under normal light. Weird, This is also my husband's comment on it. My girl is not like me. Too bad lo.
Yes, I agree. Now being kids is not easy anymore. Not much of their own spare time. I pity my girl too. But wait......Hi mommies, do you think our kids are used to such lifestyle because they never experience carefree life?? Hehe..... Maybe is very norm to them but we are here feeling bad for them because we are comparing now and then. Logical?????
My dear son is lazy too...he will whine and complain whenever it is time to do his hw.

Doing past yr exam papers is not a solution...more like an exposure if there is what you mentioned, if the child does a paper from a high standard school, he/she will be very upset with the marks.

My son does mainly assessment books to prepare for CA/SAs...I get 2 extra new sets just for SA1 and SA2. S'pore doesnt have natural resources and can only depend on our poor darlings suffer. However, it is no better in Korea, HKG and Japan.

When my brother &amp; I were in school, my mum doesnt pressure long as we get promoted every year.

Actually, I think that kids nowadays are more fortunate. True, more is expected of them academically, but conversely, they have more things to play with. I remember when I was young, our toys are not so sophisticated or creative or expensive. Sometimes, we even invented our own toys or games to entertain ourselves. Our kids now don't even need to use their brains to play. They also have more and better malls to shop at, nicer clothes to wear. Who in her right mind would want to go climb trees, catch spiders and grasshoppers or play catching if she has sophisticated stuff to play with? I don't think that our kids are deprived. We think that our childhood is carefree, but they think that their childhood is better and more comfortable.


It may seem like a good thing that my kid likes to read, but it's also very frustrating that she's oblivious to the rest of the world when she reads. When she reads, she ignores you, she doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't do her homework, doesn't bathe, doesn't change out of her uniform. You scream at her, demand that she finishes her lunch or dinner. The moment you are not looking, she goes back to her book again, and you scream at her again and so on. Her English and Chinese teachers also gave me feedback that she reads on the sly, under the table. They often have to ask her to put away her books. We always say she makes reading look like it's a bad thing. We get angry that she reads without considering the circumstances and time. We threaten not to buy books for her. I even had the experience of keeping a storybook my sister bought for her as a birthday gift for half a year till I forgot about it, until I stumbled upon it again.

I can only console myself that I'd rather have a kid who is obsessed with reading than one that totally doesn't read and it's difficult for a kid to strike a balance.


Can I ask you: did you cry during your confinement? I'm asking this bcos you said you started to wear specs after giving birth to your kid. I'm just wondering if it's true that your eyes become bad becos you cry during confinement.


Sometimes I thought I'm crazy. I want her to do well, but I don't want to pressure her too much. But usually excellence emerges under pressure. So I thought I was being contradictory. Now I know I'm normal.

Last time where got the same? Our parents were usually not very highly educated, and they didn't coach us at home, so they also didn't expect too much from us. But now, everybody is like so clever. If don't give a bit pressure, how can?
I think I am nuts too. If I want to do well, then have to pressure unless he takes the initiative to study on his own.

It is not the same as b4 mum left us on our own, just remind us to get the homework done...where in the world would they understand the meaning of revision right ? That's why come mid-yr and final yr, it's REALLY panic time.

Now all the kids will be promoted, no such thing as repeat. I am not asking for him to go to top 3 classes, something which is not possible, but stay in his average class but with better results.
<font color="ff6000">Rains,</font>
Who told you this? Cry during confinement will make our eyes bad??? Nvr hear before.

I did not cry at all during my confinement! Hahaha....
SA1 approaching...think you will see my posts more often, to relieve stress and frustration. Sorry to make you my 'punch bag' when all of you have school-going kids too.

A friend of mine just told me PSLE format has changed and now kids in P3/4 are in the 'transition period' bcos our kids are using the new syllabus. I haven't had time to ask her in details, but will update once I have more info.

Oh, it's the old people - my late grandmother who told it to my mother and my mother to me. Ya la, you got a loving husband. Why would you be crying during confinement?


I heard that it's maths that's going to change and our kids will be the first batch to take that weird paper. I'm not sure how true that is. It sounded ridiculous to me. Or maybe the person who conveyed it to me exaggerated the ridiculousness of the format due to ignorance.
I really dont know, and I hope there is no change bcos Maths is tough enough.
Just asked my hubby whether son will be stressed if he was in a non-SAP school.
Janet, whether in SAP or non-SAP sch is equally stressed. But, Stress level may be lower for those poorer performance neighbourhood schs. These schs are normally not popular and have no balloting during P1 registration.
I have a friend came from Taiwan. Her son is also in P3 this yr and in one of this kind of sch. He was not able to understand a single bit of eng at the beginning of P1. The teachers are weird. They give guideline in compo writing for exam questions. During her son P1 and P2 exams, eng compo titles are even given to them before exams. They are also even a vocab list before exams to study and these words appear in exam comprehension passage and questions. So, till now, her son always scores above 94% for all his subjects. He even got 17 out of 20 marks for his recent CA1 eng compo.
Sometimes, think over, its also good to study in this kind of sch. At least, my friend's son feels very confident of himself always and is not demoralised.
Ha.... if my girl can score this result for her exam eng compo, my eyeballs might pop out !!!!
Huh!! PSLE changing format again?? Cfm??? Die lo !!!!

I'm surprised to read that there's such a school. Don't these acts equate to leaking exam questions?

This kind of school where got good? In PSLE,nobody is going to give you the questions in advance. Wouldn't the child feel very insecure in the face of the real thing ie. PSLE? I remember myself being able to guess at the way questions would be asked in some exams and studied them accordingly, until I came across a module I didn't have an inkling how the questions would be asked. I panicked and was worried sick. It's been many years, but I still remember how it felt like: lost and scary. But fortunately, I managed to figure it out before the exam came.

In my opinion, the school is deluding the child into believing that he is good, which is dangerous, and also cruel - when he is forced to face the truth, he will be crushed in all ways. Of course, we hope for the best that the child would have got his grip on English by then and no longer rely on teachers providing guidelines and questions before the exam.

I don't recall PSLE changing format very often. Even if there is, it's usually quite minor right?


Honestly, I feel that kids in non-sap schools are more stressed than those in sap schools. They usually have more homework to do too. And whatever they do, it's always 'not enough' in parents' eyes. Unless it's those really poor performance schools like keyt had mentioned, then no stress. Bcos the kids already have only one focus, which is play - play at home, play before school, during recess, in class, after school, remedial lessons. Studies has nothing to do with them, so where got stress?
I am really surprised that there is a school which gives out compo titles and vocab list to study beforehand. On one hand, it boosts the students' morale &amp; confidence, but this can also backfire as the students move upwards.

I asked my son last night if he is happy in his school. He told me he is. I also explained the rationale of doing assessments daily...that is for us to know what he knows and what he doesn't.

Thanks for your consolation about school pressure. I believe there is stress &amp; pressure in most schools unlike those which has low enrolment (like the one my friend is posted to). She was posted there for 10 weeks for practicum by NIE. No stress bcos HODs dont pressure them to give spelling or worksheets...really up to individual teachers to decide.

The school doesnt even have anyone to lock the main gates or sweep the floor. I couldnt believe when she told me that. If teachers want to be hard-working by setting worksheets for their classes, there is a limit of plain papers to print.

Wah ... what school is this? I want to go. hahaha ... (Seriously, pm me ok?)

Is this school in Singapore? No one to lock the gates? What if there are Ah Haos lurking around? It sounds to me like the school is too poor to hire cleaners.

Papers, I know. Some schools are really stingy in giving out papers. Usually these schools are the ones with poor results. Teachers get penalised for printing worksheets for students on their own accord - you use up the number of papers you are entitled, that's it. No more paper for you. Maybe the schools want to save money, but by doing that, you are doing a great disservice to students and teachers alike.
Rains &amp; Janet,
Yes, Rains is right. There are more work to do in non-SAP sch except those under-performed neighbouring schs. Do you know, that friend of mine, in her son's class to score below 90% is only minority students. They also have no spellings this yr.
But, this friend of mine has also realised the problem of that sch. So, she spends time to teach her son and hoping that her son will get into gifted program to change sch for him. Else, she will also try to transfer him out this yr end. She told me that to transfer sch is easier this yr becoz students in normal streams are reduced after those gifted ones are transfered out.
SA1 is coming in two weeks' time. My girl is worried and nervous about oral, but I am more worried of her mt compo.
keyt, good that your gal worries about her exams. my boy still in carefree land and doesn't give a hoot about upcoming tests and exams.

i'm the one panicking coz dun have much free time to make him practise and revise. soon i'll be joining those mothers that take a week's leave before their kid's exams ;p
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it from her. Teachers have meetings often, but not of any help to improve students' grades. In Teck Whye area. She wants to improve the grades of the classes under her care, but with 100 pieces of paper limited, how to ??

I think you must be happy to know yr gal is worried about SA1. My son doesnt care, still wants to play and complain when I get him to revise. Told him he has exactly 1 month to SA1.

My son is not in the top few classes, so I am not surprised he will drop out of the 1st round of gifted screening. After the gifted kids transfer themselves out (hahaha), the average students will be 'pushed up', in the hope that they will have good scores during PSLE.

It's better to start revising now...1 week b4 the exams is rather late and very difficult to get anything into the head.

Agree with Wen and Janet that at least your DD is worried .... my DS does not care nor bother. Just like last evening, he didn't want to eat dinner at my parents' place and my mum was worried cos he has to stay in school till 5+ p.m. today so I had to go home and heat up instant pizza for him .... that ate up quite a bit of time that we have for doing his work.

I really find that as a FTWM, there is very little time to revise his work with him.
Hi! So surprised to see so many contributions in this thread, thought it has gone dead already.... But very comforted to know that it is common for grades to dip a little from P2 to P3.

My boy is in the best class this year and the teacher is the super "on" type, stressing excellence in every area. She wants the class to get the Best Class Award every term, ALL her students to read 50 books in the first term to get the Silver Reading Badge, 80 books by end of May to get the Gold Reading Badge etc... And she said Band 1 is not good enough, must aim for high Band 1. Those who are not good enough will be transfer out after SA1.

Like most of your kids, my boy is the lazy type plus super careless. On top of that his handwriting is horrible. If I don't breathe down his neck, his grades will sure drop. How I wish he can be more self-motivated!
It must be very tough on you...have to work (work stress) and then come back to coach him in son's studies.

Yesterday, my boy had to do his weekly exercise on open-ended compre...answers are incomplete...the assessment book almost finishing but I dont seem to see much improvements except that he is not scared of it. An improvement, I guess. Don't know how.

Hi Jess,
This thread is active avenue for releasing frustrations.

Told my son he has to get Band 1 bcos it is possible with the weekly exercises. Like your son, his handwriting is simply horrible and always missing out on one word or alphabet/chinese character. Even my brother told him that his handwriting is ugly.
Hi Janet,

Not so stressful at work now as I've resigned - serving my notice now. Just don't know if I can tahan when I'm a SAHM but I do really would like to spend more time with DS.

He grows up so fast ..... before long, he'll have his own friends and might not even want to go out with us anymore.

My colleague told me that her DS, who is in P4, does not want to hold her hands any more
Jess and Janet,

Yours are sons. Mine is a girl and a teacher friend was horrified when she saw her handwriting. She said,"Your handwriting is atrocious!" I always knew that her handwriting is horrible, but I didn't know it qualifies as 'atrocious'.


What's Best Class award? Best in what? Reading?

Talking about bo-chupness, my kid insists on a 3-day birthday celebration at chalet next week, amidst SA1!!! I wanted to be the strict mum and turned her down, but decided to let her go and play la. She's only 9.


P4 very big already leh. I think even if my daughter wants to hold my hand, I also don't want to hold her hand then.

I am also not sure what is Best Class Award, but I understand from my son that if anyone misbehave and got caught by teachers, they will deduct points or something like that. And they did get the award for Term I, so the form teacher rewarded them with a MacDonald Kids' Meal each. The form teacher believes in the rewards system, and the kids often bring home little gifts for getting full marks in tests etc...
Wow, your son's teacher very rich lei. MACDONALD MEAL FOR EVERYONE !!!!! I wonder how long this teacher can tah-han.
You very kind huh, still approved the 3 days chalet when exams round the corner. I didn't even dare to go out during easter day. But, I make sure every night after dinner is the time for my children to relax and do wat they like. And Fri evening is their playground day.
All mommies,
This thread is also a place for me to destress. The first thing I do after on the computer is to enter here. Hope we can encourage each other, so that we won't get 'siao'. Tks to all.
My girl usually gets quite worry only when near to exams like now. Also no good lei, tensed too much till metally not fit and ready to do exams. Balance is the best. But how to strike the balance???? Hein.......

It's not easy being a SAHM...the housework &amp; being full-time tutor is tough. But I agree with you that we should try to spend as much time as possible with our boys. I hope to spend as much time as possible with my kids b4 they prefer their peers.

My brother's handwriting is ugly, so when he saw my son's handwriting, he said my son's handwriting is worse. Simply horrible !!!

I told my son I want Band 1 for all his 4 subjects, no need 'high Band 1'. Based on our present weekly exercises, I feel that he can do it.
Wow, your son's teacher very generous to buy a Mcdonald meal...really motivating and encouraging.

I really enjoy this thread...esp since our kids are of the same age and so we will go through the same headaches. I include 1 hr TV for my son everyday...only 9, dont 'burn him out' and make him hate studying.
