Jurong West Mums

heehee if got chance We can gather a list who want to meet up and we can juz meet up.

So cute ur twins very sweet.

Happy Chinese New Year!

hi mummies,

Happy advance Chinese New Year to all of u...Hehehe...all of us will b veri busy durng this period of time, so i wish u all 1st.

Valentine Day is another day 4 me. My gal is having diarrhoea. Haiz....no mood to celebrate V Day. Went to see the doc, give her some medication. But it may take a few more days to recover. But she seems ok, still can play n smile.
so sorry to hear abt ur gal... hope she'll get better soon

doggies mummy
hehe can imagine how proud ur mil must hv felt then

jus the other day i let my bb wear his bumblebee bodysuit with the hood up (cos like gg to rain) and brought him to JP do some grocery shopping... wah he's a hit with the supermarket auntie and i was so happy grinning fr ear to ear... hehe paiseh if i sounded ya-ya... but i guess must be the bumblebee suit lah =D

yep, count me in too if there's a gathering!

and here's a HAPPY 'OINK OINK' YEAR to all mommies!!
hey hey.. Gongxi Facai to all JW mummies...
everyone must be busying with the distributing and collecting of angbaos!!.. hahahaa..

i'm back to work again.. so boring...

how's all your CNY?? mine was a "sleepy" days cos can hardly move around with the 6mths load on me...

haiz my gal still inside my tummy cannot take angbao only give sianzzzz

Me too beside the first day visiting stay in house most of the time.
CNY juz over in a blink of eyes.

Back to work today
yah same same... only went visiting on the first day... and really lor... CNY over jus like tat. only special thing abt this yr is tat i get to celebrate it with baby
hey kiddo,
some of my frens actually give me angbao for my tummy bb... hahaa...

it's great to celebrate with bb, but alot of preparation needed before going out lor..
imagine i need to settle my 2 girls with the big tummy!!.. kaozz.. rather stay at home! hahaa...
Happy New Year to all mummies out there in Jurong West!!

i am back to work

mil wanted to bring them go house visiting but me and hubby didnt want to go, then she wanted to carry 1 baby on behalf and me hubby and baby 2 stay at home... hahaa then my bil "scold" her :p
then we manage to escape the visitings not that we meow on the red packets but pai seh if they cranky at people's house. New year mah i personnally dun like crying at home. Like my new year to be peaceful

my big boy so naughty, everyday at 6.30 am will scream for attention
but today when i start work he didnt scream
he only scream on my off days my coll say he knows me and huby not working so wake us up to play with him... sigh
Hi maysnatch
How nice still can get angbaos !

I got to wait till next year then can celebrate with my BB !

Back to work life is no fun !

But feel so nice in Jurong coz during this period not much vehicles not much people so nice so peaceful.
mummy js
yah can imagine u getting ur girls ready with a big tummy really not easy... last time ask me gao ding one baby i already shou mang jiao luan -_-"

doggies mummy
hee ur big boy v smart hor... know the "right" days to scream =D

anyway my mil oso wanted us to bring baby to one of those huge gathering at relative's pl.. we no choice so went along with them... but ended up reached there not even 5mins baby started to get v cranky (cos think he's tired fr all the visiting) so in the end we left after 10mins!

hehe... very fast will be ur turn le! ;)

my gynae's clinic at gleneagles. u looking for one?
Haven't visited this thread for a long time. Wow so many new mommies have joined

Any mommy send their kids to St Francis of Assisi kindergarten ? I found that there are 2, one at st42 and one at boon lay ave. Any idea which one is better ?
im seeing Dr S P Sng. lemme know if u need the contact

hehe may seem abit scary but i bet u oso cant wait for baby to come out right??
still rem tat time i was really counting down lor... cos tummy so big so uncomfortable!

heh my boy only coming to 8mths so i dunno nuts abt kindergarten. but i hv a fren who's baby only abt 6mths and she alr registered him for the St Patrick pre-nursery cos she said tat place hot property =D

mummy js
wonder if our gynae the same one ;)
mine is Prof KF Tham, O&G center.
how abt yours?

my girl is currently in the Presbyterian christian sch, (the normal childcare ctre). i chose it for convenience sake, cos just opp my blk, don have to travel.
maysatch & mummy Js
ya first BB suppose to be due on 22March.
But My mum say will be early base on her view.
Ya kind of mix feelings want BB to come out but yet feel sad coz once out will not be with me anymore No more physical attachment. Very confuse feelings.
think st patrick is at dempsey rd... near botanical garden there

mummy js
oh mine is S P Sng Women Clinic or something like that... hee cant rem the full name, must go and find the card ;)

i know wat u mean
kinda nice feeling hving bb inside. anyway right now guess most important thing for u is to try to get as much sleep/rest as u can cos once bb is out then it will be v tiring for u.
my girl's childcare is at JW St 42. they call PCS in short.
she's currently in nursery (4yrs old). has been there since playgroup. (3yrs old).

oh mine is not at the medical center building.. it's at the annex blk. have been using this gynae since 1st child, and he also delivered 3 kids for my sis too. quite a comfortable man.

i had the same feeling last time.. for a moment, hope bb to come out faster due to the heavy load, but also bb still stay inside due to the attachment..hahaa.. just enjoy it.
trying to get rest but very hard coz my bb this 2 weeks had been draining my energy wake me at without fail at 6am every morning refuse to let me take longer sleep and in middle of nite also keep waking up to go toliet even i stop drinking water after 8pm still at least got to go 2-3 times per nite. Is so exhausting. scary and complicated can't imagine what will happen when BB out!!!!!!!
Thanks for the info.

It will be worst hehehe
My SIL and her ang moh hubby have no rest when the baby is born, they have to take turns to carry the baby. Once they put down, he will cry.

My advise is this. From the first day the baby returns from the hospital, try not to carry him. After feeding, put back into the cot even when he is still awake. This way he can learn to fall asleep on his own. Never carry the newborn baby to sleep, otherwise you will have no peace. Also learn from the nurse how to swaddle the baby properly. This will make the baby more secure and he will sleep better.

I did the above for my second boy, and he was such an angel. At times I even forgot that I have a newborn baby hehehe

Thanks. Will do that coz want to have Good nite rest.

Scary ler Inside already bad now come out seems like even worst !!!!!
Hi mummies...

Seems like there r alot of things to catch up. CNY is crying for my gal. She kept crying when we r @ relatives hse. I have got no choice but to bring her out n have a walk. I almost did this everyday since CNY.

When i had my gal, she keeps kicking the whole night, make me cant slp through the night. I had to take leave the next day to catch up with my slp.
Hi Tamarind,

Saw your posts on St Francis ...

The one at JW St 42 was one of my choice initially, but they do not offer Playgroup last yr. My fren's boy is there for the Nursery, no complaints so far.

For the one at Boon Lay, not very comfortable with the whole place, personally feel its a bit messy, esp the way kids are left running around (think they are waiting for school bus).

If you do not mind travelling a bit, there is this Jurong Calvary (something like that) Kindergarten, heard its quite good too!
Hi Cynthia,

Due to work i can't take leave that easy not to mention abt MC. Haiz . .
Now it towards the end yet another issue cme up my blood pressure to high now on another medication. haiz now really wish BB can cme out early so can release me from all the medications.
Maybe ur gal wanna ur cuddle to get her security.
Thanks mummy Js and maysatch.
Is your gynaes those type who rush tru the consultation? Im looking for one who will patiently explain things to me. No point waiting for hrs only to see a gynae for 10mins and be slap with an exp bill.
Im actually kinda keen in seeing Lisa Chin too.

mummy Js,
Is there a Prof SC Ng at the same clinic? I heard he is quite good. Dunno if he retired oreadi or not.
think so, since my cousins kids are there for 3 yrs each.

Yes, must personally go take a look. If can, bring your son along, at times, kids are very comfy in one place as compared to another.
oh actually my gynae though v nice and friendly, he doesnt really volunteer alot of info one lor... unless we ask him. but cos both me and my hubby the more relax kind so we oso nvr really jot down a list of qn to ask him. and yah everytime minus the scanning/checkup part usually we only sit down and talk to him for less than 10mins heh
Hi gingerleaf,
My gynae is @ Clementi. I felt veri comfortable wif him. His name is Clifton Chan. He is a nice guy. Both my husband n i felt comfortable wif him during my pregnancy.
mine is quite a patient man.. always feel comfortable with him. the only problem is that always a long wait.. he was also my sis's gynae for her 3 kids.. and so is mine.
mummy js,
ic.. wow professor... then must be v gd hor
some more seems like ur whole family the younger generation delivered by him
hey i oso quite keen on centris leh.. cos of the convenience. but heard fr my sil (property agent) tat most of the bigger/good units all sold liao... unless wait until 2009 then buy resale but of cos at a premium. i guess living in this kind of condo (above mall) has its pros n cons.
Hello Mommies
I am a full time working MTB living in Boon lay Dr, hubby and I really hesitate to employ live in maid to look after our baby after I have to return to work.. So I am currently looking at other options ie. infant care -so far only knew there are two avail which is nearby, at opposite jurong point, which is currently got lotsa dust due to the centris development, and Pat school at Arena- or send the baby to a nanny's house - or have a visiting nanny from 7am - 7pm. So I am trying to get feedback, what do you do if you're in same shoes as mine?

Cheers -
Hi Kiddo,

Congrats. How is bb nw? Its understandable that you will be veri busy. Tke care of urself n ur bb. Hear from you soon.


i give up on centris. cant bear to spend the $ :p

kiddo - enjoy your new bb!

nining - i wld consider nanny. but i got a maid now as i have 2 kids, and hb say we r both too bz/lazy/tired for hsework. shd spend watever energy/time we've left on the kids...

pri schs: mommies i'm shortlisting pri sch for my boy le (3yo) call me ks but i dun wan last min work. i'm at st 24... any gd reccommendatns?

