Jurong West Mums


boys have nothing much i wanted to hunt for CNY cheena type for boys but dun hv... so chin chai buy if not really need to pluck big leaf
Hi Doggies mummy,

I went to Jusco at JB yest n they have really alot alot of bb clothes, nice n cheap. If ur hubby driving can consider going there for ur boy's clothes lor..
doggies mummy,
I can understand how u feel. I oso need to rush hm everyday to take over n look after my gal. Dont really have the time to shop 4 my clothes.
rush - everyday it's a mad rush... rush to wake son up for child care... rush to reach office early so can leave on time... then rush to pick son b4 7pm... *faint*

oh got 1 more - always rush to finish expressing bm asap during work...

cham liao, i havent got any cny clothings!!!
Are you all mummies looking for Home-based jobs only? If you all are, I can talk to the Manager in-charge of my subsidiary company and see what he says maybe we can open up some positions for you all who want home-based. I like to work and discuss new openings or job opportunities for mummies as I am a new mummy myself and also need to spend time with kids especially when i need to take care of her myself. Let me know how many of you are looking for home-based jobs..

But we also have full-time positiions, so let me know..
i prefer part time job
cos working at home = not workingto me hehee cos i cant bring myself to leave my boys and work at hhome
doggies mummy
yah agree agree... boys' clothing really quite boring hor... whereas girls' clothing so cute and sweet! if i hv a girl i sure go broke one!

actually my baby sometimes oso like tat... go pple's hse will get cranky but go places like shopping malls then he's ok

thanks gwen
will discuss with hubby and let u know
hey hey.. i'm finally back after a "long" break...
no lah.. hardly log in during non-office hr.. and recently abit tight up in work..
btw, if u are all interested to get kids clothings... my sis is having a "store" (those stores outside shops) selling all kid's clothings at JW St.92 central.. can go to her and i'll tell her to give u good discounts..
but she's only there on every tuesdays..morning till noon.
doggie mummy,
she's outside the hair salon at blk 964 or the one next to it.. not really sure of the exact blk number..but facing the market,with a wide walk area there...
if not wrong, the hair salon is at the corner shop, with a playground next to it.
just checked with her liao.. she's there today the last day b4 CNY.. then must wait maybe until March then she will start her biz again...

when are u starting to be a sahm?
mummy Js
in march.
maybe she see my boys before mil always push them to market
if she see a auntie everyday pushing different boy thats my mil hehee
doggies mummy..
who noes your mil might be one of her regular customer!!.. hahaha...
ok.. next time if u go, just tell her you're Jasmine's fren.. and i'll tell her to give u better discount... :p
how many boys do u have?
My gal is just the same as ur boy. She is perfectly normal when i bring her out shopping, but when she is @ someone else's hse, she will start crying. Got to pray hard that she is not like this during CNY. I will seek doggies mummy's advise.

mummy Js,
welcome back...have not heard frm u for a long time. Since u r saying that her shop will be closed for the CNY, guess i shall go there in march.
yeah.. just realised that today is the last Tuesday that my sis is there.
u can try to look for her from Mar onwards.. shd still be at the same location.. will let u know if there's any change.

doggies mummy..
wow.. twin boys.. i always envy those who has twins.. so loveable...
and tat's why i always tends to dress up my 2 girls (2yrs apart, but almost same size) like twins!!.. my sis will always get them similar range of clothings..hahaa...

ok... me logging out liao.. going for pade in JP.
will be a busy wk b4 CNY...
catch up tml...
any mummies going to celebrate Valentine with your hubby? I guess i have got no time to celebrate. Lots of things 2 do for the CNY.
for me its not that we hv no time to celebrate... jus tat hubby v "wood" lor... he probably finds v-day v boh liao *roll eyes*
happy valentine's day to you all..

me not celebrating as helping mum to prepare for CNY and also want to let baby rest at home as she had her 1st dose for 5-in-1 jab yesterday at 2.5 months.
Haha Though hubby might be wood or no time.

Juz some words to say to each other also can be nice too !

Don't celebrate Valentine but still will find sometime to talk to each other
All men r the same. Not romantic at all. Haizz!!! Before marriage, every yr celebrate Valentine. After marriage, no time to celebrate liao. Hehe
yah yah really v different treatment before and after marriage... still rem got one before-marriage v-day morning the moment i open my eyes in front got a lovely bouquet of my fave white roses... now... the moment i open my eyes only see him snoring

but then i shld be thankful lah.. cos this year celebrating v-day with my beloved baby
hi mummies! happy valentine's day!

Read all your posts but lazy to post....haha..i think i am the lucky one still receive roses and gift from hubby.

Hahaha...I was laughing when u say that nw...the moment u open ur eyes n u sees him snoring....i have the same feeling as u....

U sure is lucky. so gd...

But cant say all this too early. Valentine is not over yet. Have to give them a chance...wait till the clock reaches 12am. Nobody knw what will happened. Hahaha.....
it's so lovely of your hubby.

maysatch, i like your sentence...

i guess my hubby hopeless liao.. alrdy given him donno how many V's nites liao... but still.. .. ... sigh...
if lucky enuf, will still manage to get a peck b4 sleep, else.. will get his snore!
U sure is lucky. so gd...

I emailed online V day card for my hubby, but no news from hime till now.

Oh yes i told my twin 1 "happy valentine's day" then he look at me blur blur hahaa
hi mummies, as what Cynthia said, your hb sure will show his love in his way...not really necessary to be flowers or something....
Do share with us your happy moment tomorrow..
Valentine day over but not to worry still got one last chance b4 next year the chinese valentine day haha.....

Didn't celebrate this yr coz of preggy. . Though no flowers or gifts Hubby still got me nice ice cream to eat But can only eat yesterday coz ice cream sugar level too high. Must control the intake. But at least got something better then nothing
doggies mummy
hehee ur twin 1 so cute! =D

ur hubby v sweet already
sometimes buying simple simple things like ice cream can oso be v romantic... at least this shows the thot he put in

for me, though no v-day present (not counting the cheapo necklace fr those pushcart that i bought but he paid)... hubby last night volunteer to coax bb to sleep which to me is quite a nice present alr keke
oh.. i got an email from my hubby that writes Happy Valentine's Day all over and form the word I LoVE U...
dinner was taken with his other "girlfrens" (my 2 girls and my mum) at a coffeeshop..fishead steamboat!! hahahaaa...

no more other presents... that's all!!
haha What ever it is still there are someTHings that will make ur day happy.

doggies mummy - at least ur boys are so good that i think u would rather exchange the gifts for their good behaving ! If got chances really want to meet u up and see ur twins

maysatch - better then he don't even bother especially when guys home on computer start playing their games don't even remember ur existences

mummy js - Got an email better then dont even have a word !
mummy js
hehee the "girlfrens" part so cute =D

yah agree agree... sometimes these little little things are wat it takes to make my day

ok ok if have gathering i will join

yday mil brought my twins out to the center opp City Harvest Church, attracted a lot of attention, she so happy :p but she say twin 1 no smile at ppl when they play with him, but twin 2 did. hahaa
