Jurong West Mums

alicia's daddy, sorry its sold. Thks for ur interest.

shylyn, jayden at birth 3.5kg...1 mth later 5kg...according to PD mine consider on the big size bb...

hee mine also change to M size around 3 mths but not like ur. SUPER fast

u there.
seem like going to give birth soon liao
my son now going 7 months taking L size liaoz...terribles haha imagine a 7 mth old baby L size then soooner be Xl hee but he got big thighs lah overall still okie leh ha ha

Shylun/ Alicia daddy
I agree that kids below 3 years better to be under a trusted caregiver or grandparent. one thing is low immunity while the other is this is the time when they learn all about habits, rights and wrongs and very fast in learning and if put under childcare while mingling with other kids can be good or bad... they picked up all the good and the bads and it be difficult to un do....but for trustated caregiver also have to make sure they pair up with you. Ultimately if have a chocie first 3 years sacrificed and either one parent take care. hee :p

For me i choose to take care myself cuz i don't want like if i put with others or put in CC then if they cultivate bad habits or learn something i don't like then i end up blaming people. I would rather take care myself then i have no one to blame...

Just my 2 cents worth hee :p
No problem. Just offering my help to get those diapers if not takers, otherwise, the money spent is enough to buy one more can of FM.

Oh, better close it then.
I am thinking such a waste to close it because it is very nice up there.
#2 EDD is end Sept. Getting a little excited but for some reasons, not as much as the #1 leh.

Agree. 3 cheers to all the SAHM!
serene, jayden is a JUMBO baby with BIG BUTT...hahaha...so bad of me...

alicia's daddy, thks for ur kind understanding...Hehehehe...

Horray!!! Today first time bring Jayden out since 12pm to Jurong Point & IMM...So far so good!!! Until 2 wks ago, bring him to Jurong Point, less than an hr rush cab back home liao...
I was at JP today as well..mabbe we passed by each o w/o realising..heheh...

Alicia's Daddy
Yeah loh..indeed a waste but we do hv events organised at e roof top once in a while & it's really pretty..like a garden party sorta feeling.
Of cos lah..all e excitment is usually reserved for the very first..new experience mah..so is ur 2nd one a girl or boy?? Name?

True..I'm only worried tt grandparents will spoilt e kids plus feel that they dun learn much at home . In terms of taking care of their physical needs, my in laws do t/c very well but they r lacking when it comes to mental/emotional upbringing. Like u, I agree tt it's best to t/c of ur child yourself..at least u can b sure tt u r giving him all your best. But then again, there's no one perfect solution for everything..c how it goes..
sometimes we may feel taking care of the baby ourself is good but also depends on the character and the willingness of the parent
I mean i have friends who dun wish to be sahm even if given a chocie they feel they be poor mummies and professionals can take care better. So in this case better to rely on pros...so
do what's best for your child in your situation
As for grandparents spoiling child even if they dun t/c of the child they will also spoil them one ha ha ha
to mummies who took NAN-2:
I have a newly open NAN-2 formula to give away. I open on Monday. Reason is my gal is dignose with ezerma and PD suggest she took NAN-2, my gal does not like the taste and refuse to drink even when I mix it with Similac.
interested mumies can PM me, Self-collect Jurong West Central 1 686A
IMM and JP very popular with family and kids.
JP used to have all the kiddy rides, but couple of months back, they moved all out (dunno the reason).

IMM seems to have more kiddy ride these days.
I still find that IMM is more stroller friendly due to the larger space. JP is a bit too cram, and a lot of human traffic.

Alicia will have a di-di. I am thinking of naming him Adrian. Any good suggestion?
I agree with you. I got so many female colleagues, who would rather work then to take care of their baby. They hire a maid to take care of their baby alone at home. They don't want to sacrifice their own financial freedom, plus taking care of a baby is really tough, not to mention the lack of intellectual stimulation for the adult.

It depends on the grandparents. My mother is helping me to look after my kids now. She is a lot more strict than me. She always complain that I spoil the kids :p She is more kan cheong than me at teaching the kids, she will read more than 10 story books to my kids everyday.
For me I would keep my kids at home until they are 3 years old, because very young kids tend to get sick very often when they go to childcare or playgroup. My kids don't have super immunity, so I think that their health is more important.

Alicia's Daddy,
Congrats ! When is your baby boy due ?
You like the letter A is it ? It's cute for siblings to share the same first letter. For my case, my kids share the same last letter, Chloe and Jerome hehehe
How about Alan or Alex ? Both starts with "AL" like Alicia.
Good morning, and thanks!
EDD is Sept 22. If really pop on Sept 22, it will be May 22 for Alicia, and Sept 22 for di-di.

I do not have any preference to any letter, but since we have name Alicia, I am thinking that it will be nice to have a name starting with A too.

Thanks for your suggestion.
My last name is not very common here. If I tell you, you sure laugh one.
yeah financial freedom...haha and also adult stimulation but the adult stimulation no problem lah cuz we have forum mummies and we have sahm gatherings so that one can be solved...as for financial freedom if all along u have been a spender then maybe it would be tough not to work...cuz u really cannot spend as much as you always have been

Alicia's daddy
Mmmm Al seems like a good option..Alden, Alson ?? hee hee :p
Yeah...honestly i dun like so many kids & pple around when i'm doing my shoppinbg..heheh...

Alicia's Daddy
Wow..so u intend 2 go 4 ur 3rd one? Hee..gd to hv a balance..a boy & a girl..names..starting w 'AL' is indeed cute for siblings..tell u what..my hub, myself & my bb boy names all begin w "iv" hee...

I was once thinking of becoming a sahm cos i want 2 give my best 4 my son..but relatives around me all discourage esp since my in laws r very willing 2 look after my bb..really appreciate them for it..however, as they r not very educated, they r limited in terms of teaching loh..beside frm what i observed them taking care of their grand daughter, i'm a bit reluctant to let my son be taken care fully by them..felt tt my boy wont learn much..heheh...most of the time i c e little girl doing nothing much when at home..

Gee..u r lucky tt ur mother does tt..reading books 2 ur child..sure he'll grow up smart ^_^ I'm e one reading to my bb & he loves it..wants to turn e pages somemore..
Hmm..honestly i dun feel tt bring in a cc will affect their health..I was brought up in a cc ..mabbe tt's why i'm pro cc..hehehe...e children there follow a schedule & are taught by teachers there..felt tt at least their time spent is more useful than idling at home watching tv..erhh..my personal opinion lah..
if the caregiver at home plans the program for the child then being at home is alright but if the caregiver only cares and cannot teach ah Hmmm maybe CC is better. But u ahve to compare what's impt to you being well taken care of haveing individual attention or learning things lor. In cc u may not be able to get the love, care and attention that a young one love at least it has to be shared with lotsa people.....
Alicia's Daddy,
My surname is also very uncommon. I think your surname cannot beat my surname.

I heard some wives get supplementary cards from their hubby, and their hubby will fill their wallets with cash. I don't have this type of hubby
So still have to work lor.

I think it depends on individual kids. My colleague's 2 year old son went to CC, attend 1 week, sick for 3 weeks. Since you have no problem in CC, then your boy will have your genes too, so don't need to worry.
However for kids less than 3 years old, honestly I don't think they learn much at CC. Unless you put them at those over $1000 a month one.
Like Etelle say, your child will not be able to get much attention. For children 18 - 30 months old, the caregiver to children ratio is 1 to 8.

My girl is now 3 years old, ever since she started in a 2 hour daily playgroup, she has been having recurring cough and running nose. I bought her to see the PD today, was told that she is having bronchitis ! The PD said that it is very common for young children attending CC or playgroup nowadays, they just keep infecting one another. He said the best is to send them to school after 5 years old. Feel very sian now...

Worst thing is my younger boy is infected also. Think both of them got my genes, I used to take MC for flu every month
i think i am one of those blessed sahm then. i got sub cards from hubby and need cash just take from him no questions asked....hee but i am not thsoe who spend money like water one thought or those who every month deifnitely have to buy new stuff hee :p

Below 3 years old learn nothing much one from CC hee hee its more for social interaction hee which we can do for sahm gatherings...hee but above 3 maybe have to CC hee :p
My hubby is giving me a fixed allowance every month for baby expenses. I asked my hubby before, whether he wants to give me sup card, instead of allowance. He said he don't want to give me sup card, because scared I don't limit the spending hehehe But I got control one lah
RE: Childcare
I am very interested in sending my girl to childcare once she hit 18mths. I had studied Pre-School Teaching before. Sending them to childcare encourage and build up their Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social skills. Althought it is named as Playgroup, all the schools curriculum are planned in such a way that these 4 kinds of skills are being introduced to children as young as 18mths.
THe child will learn to be independent without parents around. They start to learn how to make things work without the help or parents. They will learn that crying will not work in school. And of cos learn how to play and share with other friends.
Being sick is kind of "good" at this time as baby will start to build up their resistance against germs and bacterias. However it is advisable to have the new pneumoccal and rota-virus jab if you are worried.
RE: Hubby giving allowance
heheh..i get mthly household allowance frm my hub..dun ask him 4 more since i'm earning my own as well..so usually will come out frm my own pocket for bb's stuff..these days also seldom buy o stuffs..more keen on buying bb's stuffs..wonder whether is this all e same for e rest of e mommies.

RE: Child care
heheh..think May touches what i feel abt cc..though staying at home gives them more individual attention but majority (though i cant say for sure) will lack in terms of their independence & social skills. Being in a CC also teaches them gd manners from what i heard..though of cos there will b some notti kids who bully others lah..
me too leh go out always looking at bb clothes, bb stuff ha ha neglecting myself ha ha but its alright i enjoy leh hee wow so good ah hee for me when i working ah i dun get $ allowance from hubby but then whatever i swipe and use and take money from him all he pay lor hee like that consider for allwance or not???

May/ Shylyn
yeah different parents have different takes on CC haha that's why we have so many alternatives mah hee so the bottomline is choose one u r most comfortable with hee
Independence i kinda agree on that
Re: Childcare
Agree that different people have different opinions about CC. One CC principal actually told me that I should keep my kids under 3 years old at home, if I have someone taking care of them. She said I should put them in CC only if I have no choice.
I have also heard of kids whose health got worst after going to CC, so I think it depends on different kids too. My girl certainly did not build up her resistance by getting sick often. The PD also never said that her resistance can build up by going to playgroup, he said she will continue to be infected. Another doctor said that running nose and coughing will result in asthma in the long run. This is what I am most worried about.
What my mother observed is that, kids who go to CC doesn't seem to be very eager to explore, and are not very adventurous. This could be due to the fact that they are always confined to a small area in CC.
On the other hand, I have also heard of grandparents who put the child in front of the TV all day. Or babies taken care alone by maids at home. If this is the case, then CC will be a better choice.
My surname is POO...Ok, stop laughing..LOL :p
When my wife was conceived with Alicia, I had colleagues suggested to name her Winnie. :)

They are telling me now that if we named Alicia as Winnie, we can name her di-di Tiga..Arggg...

RE: Childcare
I think environment and teachers in the CC is critical factors to consider. A lot of CC under the void deck of HDB has small area. That is the reason I favour CC with large open space. I just went to see Sparkletots in Ayer Rajah Community Centre. It has large space and is under PAP (PCF). Thinking of putting Alicia there since my parents are there everyday, except monday. In this way, I can get my parents help if there is any need when we are working.

Emm, Alson sounds nice, can consider, Thanks!

RE: Allowance
I did not give wife allowance, but a sub-card.
We have common understanding in how we do our financing, so no problem. Wife is not a spendthrift either.
Alicia's Daddy,
I try not to laugh at your surname
But can't help laughing at the thought of Winne Poo hehehe
My surname is Huo in mandarin, Fok in Cantonese, somehow in English it becomes Hock. I haven't met anyone with the same surname in Singapore, except my close relatives.
Your surname is really rare, never come across before :). A lot of people also got my last name wrong, thy either add in a "h" at the back, or they change from "Poo" to "Too"..hehehe..

I have never met any one of you before, even Shylyn works near my place, I also have not got a chance to drop by, however, I met some mommies who go to JW Zoophonics classes.

I heard there is one near Pioneer Mall, but I do not know the name. Maybe some of the mommies here can help.
Hi Alicia's Dad,

Pioneer Mall is a little far for me as i stay at Lakeside area.

Any Infant Care near Lakeside..

I'm worried that when my child is born no one help me to look after.
me organise ha ha ha :p I don't know where to start le hee :p don't worrie when u back we organise again

you can go to MCYS website and check it out. Should be able to search and find one infant care near your place
or u can go and find nanny?

Alicia daddy
For me i knew bin_may personally and then shylyn cuz last time my job do work with CC so i seen her but don't know her personally hee hee the rest all i never met before...hee :p
Hi Sun sweet
The only infant care I know its at Boon Lay MRT station, U know the newly open Communiity Center/Library, its beside the building. Its newly open (think open last year)
If you are working, you will be entitled to $400 subsidy. Infant care usually costs around $1000, so after subsidy you pay $600. This is about the same as getting a babysitter.

Alicia's Daddy,
Your surname is it Fu(4) in Mandarin ? What dialect group ?
Chinese is Pu(3), as in Huang(2) Pu(3) He(2).
My father is Cantonese, but it is Guan(3) Xi(1), not Guan(3) Tong(1). I do not know how to speak this dialect :p

When is your EDD?
Alicia's Daddy,
ICIC. Your surname is indeed very rare. Any problem naming your girl in Chinese ?

I always thought guangdong and guangxi dialect sound the same :p
Alicia's Dad,

My Edd Next Feb.. now MIL not indicated if she would like to take care of grandchild, and my mum can't cos she's getting old for such.. so I have to have Plan B,C and D.. sigh
Alicia's Daddy
Hee..u indeed got a unique surname..which's gd mah..i mean there r so many 'lims', wongs etc..seldom u find a person w surname poo..^_^ though e part whereby naming ur daughter winnie sends me laughing..^_^ not forgetting tigger aswell..

Look on the brighter side tt infant care has its own benefits..heard from one of my work related friend tt her daughter in law sent her grand children 2 infant care & she was impressed that her 1 yr old ggrand son knows how to sing & speak fluently..the bbs there r on a 1:3 ratio..so individual care is still showered on each of e bb plus they hv an educational system implemented aswell..of cos the cons is e $$ spent. So hv u decided on where to send ur boy/gal there?? Btw, know whether is a boy or gal yet?

RE: Meeting Up
Yeah loh..we should arrange a gathering hor..even Etelle, who mentioned abt knowing me, i can t rem how she look like..heheh..any confirmations whether on a not??
wow u met so many of them before ah hee lucky u

for me i was thinking since we stay jurong we are like one another's "help" in times of need. So it 's important we maintain contact and meet up to one another
hee....someone organised lor....
It is a little tricky to get a good Chinese name. In Alicia's case, we have to pronounce a little off-key to make it sounds nice.

I heard my dad spoke guanxi once to a friend, and it sound alien to me.

I can empathise your situation. My MIL stays in Malaysia, and my parents are not available to look after Alicia. We also had to make plans, and alternate plans before Alicia was born, and that could be a headache. Just ask in this forum if you need any help, I believe there will be good advise. Meantime, take good care.

Interesting, there is one person working in the malaysian immigration point at the second link with the same surface as me. I drive into Malaysia pretty often and bump into this officer couple of times. The first time I saw him, I told him that he could be my relative. He went blank for a short while and later sent me off with a smile without checking my car boot :)

Welcome back.

RE: Gathering
Sounds fun. With kids and hb?
Hi all, haven't posted here for quite a long time. only reading the intersting posts..

serene, nice meeting u last Sat...your boy is so so so cheerful! Hope that my gals can play with him in the future since we share the same playground.

So far i only met serene and Hazel all because of spree.
would like to meet more mummies if there is any gathering.

Etelle, did i ask u for the voucher? my poor memory...
guess will receive tonight....what a small world...last night i went to Hazel's place next to your block.
Sunsweet, my gals are with NTUC infantcare now...at JW but too far for you. We paid S$650 per gal after gov subsidy...so total S$1300. Super costly! everyboday said i can hire two maids with that money but we don't want the gals to be taken care by maids alone at home. I also have no helpers, MIL only help when we really cannot cope like last week hubby went for reservist. So far we are happy about the infantcare and my two little one are happily growing there.....of coz they got sick quite often...now still got a bit coughing problem. But we believe that's the best option we can have.
Next month then will know gender of BB.

Well till Hubby gets to talk to MIL then will know where BB will be taken care by who.

Chris the NTUC infantcare u send your gals to at at the new library there? seriously if there has one I dun mind cos morning can drive over (not too far) and evening I can take the train to pick BB up. Maybe MIL / FIL can help to pick BB up after work too.

so what does $650 includes? we got to provide own dipers and milk formular I suppose?

Pls share more info with me.
hi Sunsweet, my gals are not in that infantcare u mentioned. it's at st 65. if u don't drive, need to take one bus stop then walk a bit to there. S$650 only cover the care they provide...we need to provide own diapers and milk, pillow and blanket if needed. When bbs reach 7-8mths, they will feed baby porridge. My gals have been there for 7 months since they were only two and half months old. I was very upset at the first day as my babies were so small and had to leave them to the strangers. The principle there allowed me to stay there for three days to understand what they are doing to ease my worries.

Before we sent our bbs to that center, we visited few infantcares including the one near the library (at that time, they just opened), we still prefer this NTUC as the principle and teachers there are friendly and caring...the center is cosy even though is not as big as some others.

BTW, we booked the place half a year in advance. If you really need to put your baby in the infantcare, better look for one and put baby in the waiting list.

Hope the above do help a little....if u have any question, fell free to ask me, will try my best to answer you.
Here are 2 PD in Jurong West mentioned in this forum.

Alpha Baby and Child Specialist
Jurong Point #06-16
Mon-Fri 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Tel: 6795-8660

Singapore Paeds Clinic
Blk 502 Jurong West St.51
#01-813 S(640502)
Mon/Tue/Thu : 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Tel: 6567-4509

I am using the one in Blk 502.

You have twins?
u r the one staying at 200+ one ah hee :p then yes u did asked me for the voucher ha ha :p so coincidental...oh so u visit hazel every now and then ah....her house got dog i dun dare go hee :p

RE: Meeting Up
Yup..can consider arranging it on one of e weekday at JP? Since less crowded..plus i'm trying to clear my leave as well..tot of bringing my boy there on my own..hmm..yet 2 bring him out by myself..no confidence..esp when it comes to handling e stroller up & down e escalator..

Any idea whether JW area got 1/2day child care centre? Tot of sending my boy there when he's around 1 yrs old..since my hub not in for e idea of full day cc so compromise by sending him 2 a half day one..at least he can learn s.t there ..heheh
