Jurong West Mums

RE: Meeting Up
Yup..can consider arranging it on one of e weekday at JP? Since less crowded..plus i'm trying to clear my leave as well..tot of bringing my boy there on my own..hmm..yet 2 bring him out by myself..no confidence..esp when it comes to handling e stroller up & down e escalator..

Any idea whether JW area got 1/2day child care centre? Tot of sending my boy there when he's around 1 yrs old..since my hub not in for e idea of full day cc so compromise by sending him 2 a half day one..at least he can learn s.t there ..heheh

Alicia's daddy, yes, i have twin gals...they are 9 and half months now.

Etelle, i met Hazel twice to collect the clothes i bought. I didn't enter her house, she just passed me the stuff.
hee for me i dun use stroller leh cuz cumbersome hee and no strength to carry stroller so normally i mvoe around in a carrier with ethan. Hee i beginning also no confident but once i started being a sahm i bring him anywhere and everywhere liaoz hee
alright one lah hee....train ur confidence

i think all childcare have 1/2 day one leh...have to enquire...cuz mcys guideline for them think is to be flexible leh half day , full day, hourly also have leh hee
can call and ask those near ur house one...

Meet up
i agree cna arrange a weekday after 2pm meet at JP for coffee session and walk walk at childrens' store...
u have msn? those mummies who have msn maybe we can exchange then we can chat online to know one another better
That is really nice, a twin gals.
Everything must X2 loh.

As Etelle mentioned, most CC offer 1/2 day CC, or flexible hrs CC. Depending on which 1/2 you opt for (AM or PM), the activities will be different. Most CC will conduct class room based activities in the morning, and outdoor/hands-on based activities in the afternoon.

If you have someone to look after your bb, maybe it will be good to just join a 2hrs playgroup.
Yah loh..really no confidence when pushing e stroller up & down e escalator..think my boy also scared a few times..heheh..I'm thinking of buying e Ego carrier as Blurblur lent me to try try..not bad..though rather hot after a while. What's e name of ur carrier?

RE: 1/2 day CC
Hmm..didn't know tt it's a norm to hv 1/2 day CC as well..then any recommendations for gd CC around JW area..I'm looking into one whereby can offer teaching little ones some basic edn and it will be gd if they hv additonal coaching on 3rd language etc. I was reading an article somewhere abt some of the CCs offering such services but none nearby our area leh.

RE: meet Up
Hee..so whether confirm? Would be gd to build up a social contact within our JW area ^_^
my carrier is from combi hee
ergo ugly leh ha ha but good support lah hee :p i show u mine. Cost $118 bought from kiddy palace


Someone has to start the ball rolling to organise leh. Weekdays better leh hee
hi YT, my EDD is 19 sept but mucous plug out liao...so bb may come out anytime

When u r home, u sms mi k...then if i m at home i drop by to see ur bb
Yah...Back to work next tues...

I see...Take care, when give birth sms me hor...So now you start resting at home already or still working? Ok, when I am free i will sms u...
Now I am feeling very vexed so thought of posting here to release my 'stress'...

Next week I should be back to work. But latest news, my receptionist is leaving on 15 Sept and my temp gal is leaving TODAY! I am already very vexed regarding handover issue already as my temp gal last min resigned before I could return to work.

Received last news, they want me to return to receptionist job and assist 1 group. Another group shall leave it to another secretary. Indirectly, they want to see if another secretary could perform well n branch out for other job scope. Pls lor. 'kai dow' on me lor.

Monday, I have send email to my boss to seek approval for my October 4 days leave as I need to clear 10 maternity leave before Jan 2007. I heard when I submit my leave, my 2 secretaries and admin very anxious because they DUN WANT TO BACK UP ME. They insist they are busy and NO TIME to backup me.

If I return to receptionist, indirectly I cant take leave as & when I like. Then I ask my supervisor how to clear my 10 days maternity leaves & 17 days annual leaves & 2 days family care leave. She says my admin leader say can extend my grace period.

I feel they are so inconsiderate. Why sacrifice me if they want to see whether the other secretary could perform or not. I have a newborn at home and I have problem taking leave as & when I want.

Whenever the 2 of them not around, by default I am always the BACKUP. I am really sick & tired all of these. Just because I am CONTRACT STAFF LORTHE ONLY ONE SOMEMORE.
Hi All,

im bk...after MIA so long....juz change my job.

my son gt fever yest
nw im like zombie
feel like taking leave n sleep at hm bt cnt! stil on probation

tis morn, son feel slightly better...at least he k smile a bit....heart realy pain pain c him suffering
nanny bring him 2 c pd yest n pd gav him a lot of medication ..... lucky he quite like them.

thanks for sharing your experience.

WOw need 1/2 yr in advance so now I should start looking for the Infant care.. BB no one to take care once i get back to work..
Hi Sunsweet, you are welcome! The ntuc center we go always full. Those bigger kids haven't reached 18 months...the position already been booked by another baby
The center can accept up to 16 babies with 4 teachers (last time was 5, then one shift to childcare and they are going to have another teacher soon).

YT, it must be very frustrated and stress for you now. Hope you can settle the arrangement and don't waste your entitlement.
Hi Chris
when I went into ur blog, nearly shock, cause i tht U are my collegue, cause my collegues also name her twin AnD

but hor..my collegues is not Chris, she dun stay in Jurong and most important, her pair is 1G 1B..so....nice coincident...that's all..

Always envy ppl with twin, 1 shot have 2 and always great to have a partner growing up together..ha ha...
hi YT,

mi still working...wan save leave to extend my ML later. Very sianz to return to work after such a long break hor...dun stress, take things as it comes. I agree w u that work environment will not be considerate towards preg ladies or those with young kids one lor...most will oni think of themselves..haiz *pat pat*..dun get too upset k
Sept03 Bride, yes! twin gals...

Lingling, Thanks for viewing my gals blog!We only notice can use AnD few months after we named them....haha....our family member can use ABCD,...C for me and B for hubby...
I am super super angry...my office call saying that in order not to cause inconvenienced to the 2 secretaries as lack of manpower...advice me to extend my 10 days maternity leave...meaning continue...dun break into individually applying...THIS WILL CAUSE INCONVENIENCED TO OTHERS...

Then what about causing inconvenienced to me leh? my boss and the secretary all have family. Why they are so selfish!!!
YT, is like dat one...cos u too nice to those pple...nvr complain that they bring inconvenience to u....dats y they take u for granted liao *pat pat*
YT: some ppl are just like tt. To them, they are human and have family, others to them are just nothing... if everyone is so considerate, i think world will in Peace manz. relaz n stay cool.
wow ur office very bad leh cause inconvenience to others then it be worse off to you right...cuz u have a little one at home...never mind lor u treat it as extended holiday
anywya if u still want to work there no point kicking up a fuss cuz if not days would be harder.....

weekend i cannot but if the girls can u all go ahead cuz weekends normally i got to visit my mum and in laws
good what extend leave.
Too bad not so much leave for me liao.

hee time pass very fast hor, u are giving birth soon & my bb 8 months liao.

Nice to meet u too.
Wah so expensive $1.3k to put in NTUC CC
Hee my MIL stay in 673A near the CC.

Blk 274D also have CC
But too crowded & dont like the teacher lei.
Sometime see kid crying & nobody care..
That why my hubby hate to walk pass CC

Every time bring my bb go Annie Baby near IMM side.
Hi mummies + daddy

keke... me finally back
(fm the BP thread)... Oops...

Me interested in gathering too... One question, if on weekends, can after 7pm bo? Cos me working leh...

Sept03bride, very long neber c u liao... where u go? Same as me izzit? Still at BP thread? keke...

Connz... haha.. saw u on thu, then u so fast posted on fri morn liao arh? How's yr ds? Feeling better i hope
hi serene

Mayb next time i hv to consult u on many things manz..hee

Waa...javier mths liao ar? very fast hor
Thanks to all...I have decided to extend the maternity leave and take these period to look for new job...

alicia's daddy,
wow...must be exciting n nervous bah...
Wow wow! Alicia & Adrain's daddy! You are so so so so so GREAT! and also thumbs up for A&A's mummy! What a exciting birth story! Congratulations!
Alicia and Adrian's Daddy,
Congrats ! Wow you so solid, deliver your own baby ! Pei fu pei fu ! Did you cut the ambilical cord yourself ? That will be a great story to tell Adrian when he grows up hehehe

Did Alicia witness the whole thing ? Was she scared ?
Wow wow wow...Alicia and Adrian's daddy, u actually deliver ur own son right at home.. impressive. And u din karang karbok, that's the best part!

Blurblur, hee MIA lar.. from this forum lar not just this thread. Hahahaa..
Cos our Jan 06 mummies has been chatting via MSN, hence seldom visit the forum.
Alicia + Adrian's Daddy

Just read yr wifey's birth story... Super steady leh! Mayb u can consider being a p/t gynae? keke...
Alicia + Adrian's Daddy
U super hero peifu peifu.
Hee must be very happy to give birth by own hand.
Hummm so birthcert should put give birth at home.

Thanks for all the wishes.
Really, given a choice, I would want Adrian to be deliver by our gynae in TMC. Everything is fine. Adrian and wife was discharged yesterday. Trust me, I missed the service in TMC...:)

No, I did not cut the umblilical cord myself because I do not know how to. I just coverd Adrian with cloth and waited for the paramedic to arrive. The paramedic did it.

Alicia was in her room sleeping but when she woke up when the paramedic arrived. I asked her to go back and sleep. She did what I told her, however, when she realised (I think her instinct) that mummy was going to hospital, she started crying for mummy. My Nanny came over and picked her up before I drove to NUH.

Sept03 bride,
I also find hard to believe that I actually went through to deliver Adrian. I began to karang karbok a little when it came to the part when I do not know what to do with the umblilical cord..:p

RE: Breast Milk
My wife decided to give full BM feeding this time.
Today, my wife only manage to pump so little BM.
Is there any methods to increase the SS?

How much BM must bb take/day to say it is enough?
The document in NUH, and Adrian's health book list the place of delivering "At home". I have not register the BC yet, but I think it will be my home address. :)
Alicia Daddy
so when the baby was born the umbilical cord was still attached to your wife??? Then how did ur wife feel? haha does she feel safe "delivered" by you. How come this sudden delivery ah? has she hit her edd??

I scared my 2nd delivery be at home le which i don't want...
wow! "AT HOME"! that's cool!

About BF, try to drink more fluid like one cup of warm water before expressing then one cup after...drink more soup like those fish papaya, black been piglet etc....and another point i read from books is that the try to keep expressing or BF at 2-3am, that can stimulate more milk supply. I work up every night to express or BF them at that time. And after that, drink one bowl of soup my mum prepared before bed at the slow cooker then back to sleep.

Hope it can help!
Yes, umbilical cord still attached. I do not know how to cut it, so wait till the paramedic arrived and they cut it. My wife felt relieved after the paramedic cut the cord, before that, she was also afraid to mov around too much.

We also never expect so sudden and fast. It is only the 37weeks. Alicia arrived on the 39weeks, so we reckon Adrian should be somewhere there.

Dun be too worry. Most prenancy will have time for you to arrive in the hospital lah.

Thanks for the advise. Gonna tell her now.
Alicia & Adrian's Daddy,
Good job done!
I was telling hubby abt it and he was very surprised too.

To Alicia & Adrian's Mummy,
Rest well..wonderful try!
Belated Congrats Alicia Daddy!!!! sorry i have not really been catching on wats happening here! i am sure you are a proud parent!!!
May, Carole, Connz,
Thanks for the well wishes.

It's really an instinct to react during that time, so not about bravery lah *shy*. It's just too difficult to put in words :)

Alicia & Adrian's Daddy,
I think both you and your wife are very brave. If I were to give birth at home, I sure scared to death one. Your wife must have been in intense pain, especially when labour is so short, the pain is worst, and no epidural some more. You mean she didn't scream loud enough to wake up Alicia ? :p
