Jurong West Mums

Hi everyone,

Does anyone knows what can we do with the points printed on the Pampers wrapper? Been collecting all the points but don't know what to do with it?


Justin looks like one of my army friend leh. Maybe your hb my army friend ???? :)

Jayden looks so adorable.

Tamarind, Carole,
Westwood is not ulu lah. It is close to Gek Poh shopping mall mah. Also have big police station there.

My dad ask me when I am available to bring him to see the new Tiong bahru market recently :)

The fishes (2 black, 1 brown and 1 white) looks lively leh. Is this place your permanent office?
alicia's daddy ..my hubby say that he is at that camp from 1989 dec to 1990 march..

den he ask what is ur name and whether u r from 1st company cos he is only there for BMT (3 mths nia)
Alicia daddy: ok lahz.. ulu or nt depends on individual.
i am ok with tt plc in SG. kekeke we are easily accessible with car.
You will get sick of Jurong Point pretty soon
But good thing they are building another megamall right next to it.

You stay in HDB or those terrace houses ? The HDB flats there are very empty, right ?

Alicia's Daddy,
Believe it or not, I have never been to Gek Poh shopping mall :p
The new Tiong Bahru market is very nicely renovated, especially the new food center, 1000 times better than the old one.

Jayden so cute !
tamarind: small terrace house. cos gng to fetch my mum to stay with us under the same roof.

GekPoh mall?!?! been there like 2 times, never gotten lost as little smaller than expected.
To those mummies who have bought Dumex from the promotion. Need ur help/advice.

We just realise the packaging different wor! From NTUC the label printing is on tin itself but the one I order from Dumex rep its printed on paper and paste onto the tin. Don't know if its really from Dumex. If you realise the plastic cover color also different.

I was from 3rd company, so different batch. Your hb is the batch before mine. Maybe have seen him before, so look familiar. Anyway, my name is Jonathan.

I heard that the former actress, Irene Ang (I think). The very skinning one, acted in Growing Up series, stays there.

I also never been to Gek Poh mall for very long time.

Sounds suspicious leh. Better call Dumex to validate it. I am using Nestle NAN-2 HA.
Hi YT,

I had ordered form Dumex rep too but no such problem. The packaging is the same as what I had been purchasing from NTUC. The only thing I dun understand is that they are packed in Shop N save plastic bag.

I'm thinking of name my kid Jayden too
I have called up Dumex rep to check...According to her, the paste on packaging is the new packaging as Dumex is trying to cut cost...And my neighbour had verfiy that she saw paste on packaging at shop & save, medical hall and giant so I think it shld be save...Almost got shock this morning...

bonjon, what is ur hubby surname?? Hehehe...Mine Jayden Tang...

May, yah...Jayden's head quite stable at this time...
Hi mummies & daddy,
My frequent thread's mummies had intro this program, picasa to me. You can play around with ur baby's photo when free. It is free for download at www.picasa.com

Here's one of my work:

Nice piece of work.

As long as it is verified, should be safe, but I do not understand the rationale behind saving cost? Is it cheaper compared to the one without the new label?

Your son is JT, you YT, how abt your hb?
alicia's daddy,

yah lor...yesterday morning, my mum kept nagging at me...According to the gal, its cheaper using the paste on label onto the tin compare to direct printed onto the tin.

my hb huh? LT lor
Alicia's Daddy
Yup..my permanent office..been there for almost 5 yrs..^_^

Wanna ask whether any of e mommies or daddy here experienced ur bb wake up in e middle of the night crying..Ivec has been like dat for the past few days..wonder why..my hub said tt he might b having nightmares...hmm..so any remedies/solutions to share?? Luckily my sleep is still sufficient..hee
Both my kids will wake up and cry in the middle of the night once in a while, from baby to now. It's usually because we brought them out all day without afternoon nap, or they got too excited playing during the day. Sometimes it's because they feel too hot and wake up, they feel cranky so they cry.
Looks like a lot of developmental projects ard our estate hor? There is gg to be a Park opp JP rite? Then along KJE i can see a stretch of new plants planted on the piece of land just next to Westwood Sec Sch ley.. Dunno wat they are gg to do wf tat piece of land..
Looks like your mum agrees with me.

Wow, 5 yrs. Did they give you a 5yrs award?
I seldom step into the office when I pass by the CC. I noticed a black BMW 625CI parked in the CC. Wonder whose car is this? :p

Crying: I have a colleague whose kid also has this problem a while ago, but goes away naturally. It could be due to what Tamarind mentioned. My wife always "warn" me not to play too aggressively with Alicia before sleeping time. One of the old folks tale is to use a bean pillow on the chest to make the bb feel more secure in their sleep. Not sure if this works?

Due to the low flying aeroplane in that area, no high rise building is allow. I hope they convert into a park.

I heard it many years ago, so duuno if it is still true today.
680K is a great steal. It is 99 yrs leasehold rite?
alicia daddy: yes its a 99 yrs project. 680K isit a great steal? there is a corner terrace letting go at 650K! but tt house when i brought my mum to see, she strongly objected and almost argue when i wanna pick that house as a choice.
I think it was almost 1mil during the peak of the property market, so I think 680K is a great buy (I guess it still has at least 80years of lease). A house is a place with warmth, a place you look forward to everyday, so I believe family concensus is important. Your mum may have her reason for objecting the corner unit.
There is a popular one at Jurong West ST 51, beside Jurong Springs CC. If you go after 8am on weekends, you will not be able to find a place to park.

There is another one opposite City Harvest church at Jurong West ST 91. But it is small in comparison.

There is another one at Boon Lay Place. But my mother doesn't like it, say cannot buy good fish from there.

Agree with Alicia's Daddy that 680K is a good buy for a 3 storey terrace. You can only buy a tiny 3 bedroom condo apartment with this money.

Just curious why your mum objected to the corner terrace ? She knows feng shui is it ?
alicia daddy: ya i have to agree, tts y when i went to view the inter, i brought my mum along just to make her happy... well she likes it, i am happy.

tamarind: st51, i know cos last time when i stay at Taman Jurong i always go there every sunday. Well, i guess this plc is a better plc to go marketing... tks alot!

i must agree 680k is rather ok price to have a terrace. cos i went to view a 4 bedroom @ the current condo i am staying, it cost 688k with condo facilities. but the space is no where there compared to a terrace. both hb n myself, guess no matter how low the price will be, it wont hit below 600k for a landed, if not everyone will be gng for landed already... kekekek

she knows nuts abt fengshui, she felt pricky on her skin, and my maid felt giddy when they step into the house. so they are against it... see, my maid oso got say in the house shopping... funny right?
If your mum wants to buy good fish, must bring her to Jurong Port Fish market, at Jurong Port road. It is just 15mins drive from your house, but must go at 2-4am :p

Maybe your maid see the extra corner patio makes her giddy (more area to clean)..hahahaha...dun tell your maif hor, just kidding.
Alicia's Daddy,
Do you really go at 2 - 4am ? Can buy for me also hehehe How much is the cod fish ?

Your family has a lot of respects for the maid. You actually ask her how she felt or she just blah out ? May she feel giddy at the thought of having to clean such a big place hehehe

But sometimes we just feel uneasy at a certain place, it is still good to follow our basic instincts, I think this is what your mum is feeling.

I have heard of stories like a very young child crying and begging the Daddy not to go on business trip, then something really happened to the plane :p

But for a big purchase like a house, I will certainly ask the opinion of a feng shui master.
alicia daddy: lol... i am doing the marketing not my mum, my mum cant cook.. kekeke... Maid told my mum she got too little thigns to do at my current plc.. kekek. she see big house she was like.. more happy manz.. dunno why, maybe she siao siao liaoz.

tamarind: i treated my maid as a part of the family, as she came all the way from indo to work for $ to give to her mum. i think she is a filial girl. she is hardworking. she is like a little sister to me. treating her good n well, she will in return be taking care my little bb girl well.
BP for Cod fish?? :p
Honestly, I have not been there for ages.
We usually get our cod fish in Liberty market, JP.

Maybe your maid is happy because the bigger area makes her feel at home. In indo, they do not stay at high rise building so this house could have reminded her of home...Hmmm..now my mind humming the song "HOME" from Kit Chan..:)
Alicia's Daddy,
Cod fish at JP is so expensive !
I think BP for cod fish difficult, who has such a big freezer to store all the fish hehehe

It is important to treat the maid well, because we never know what she will do to the babies behind our back. Babies cannot talk !
I think I treat my maid too well already. She has $30 a week to buy her own food and groceries, she can cook whatever she likes for herself, does not have to eat our leftovers. I am paying her $350 a month, higher than most other maids. I still do laundry and ironing for me and my hubby, and even change my own bedsheets, so as to reduce her workload.
i dun give maid allowance for her own food, i give her money to buy or i buy for her. she cant cook, and she does nt fuss over my lousy cooking. kekeke..
We only buy cod fish from JP once in a while.
My mom goes to West Coast Mkt every morning, so I will ask her to buy if I want any.

Jayden so fast M size??
Yeah..mabbe he's hot..not too sure leh..cos we started out putting bumper but folding it down so tt he can get e wind from e fan...he's starting to roll here & there & once woke up w his legs stuck in between..so funny..so bobian..got to put bumper..now he use two pillows to prevent him from flipping during his sleep & waking up unnecessary

Alicia's Daddy
Heheh..wat's 5yrs compared to the veterans we hv..like 40yrs?? hee...however, majority of these veterans r retiring soon..so most of the time u'll c younger staff at e CCs these days..
As for whose caris it..I'm not sure too..cos we hv a lot of volunteers parking their big cars in our mini car park..heheh

Wow..Jayden outgrew his S diapers..pretty fast..in fact, Ivec's still wearing his M size with ample room to spare..heheh..small butt i guess.

Just wondering..whether e mommies/daddy here feel that it's better to let our parents take care of e bb/child or leave them at a child care centre?

i was also shock that he can't wear S size...i heard drypers 'cutting' abit small lor. The rest of the S size no problem leh.

if parents can help to look after i think better bah.
Seems fast for Jayden to outgrew the S size.
If no takers after 1 month later, I may need it for my #2.

I buy my NAN-2 HA direct from distributor, in 6tins carton packing. Save $2.5/tin.

The carpark really mini.
Government is emphasising leadership renewal, so must have young people like you to steer the ship to the next centuries mah.
Can I ask, why is the roof top garden always closed?

According to many advise, the first 3 years is better not to place in CC, if given a choice. During this period, the kid is still building up their immune system, so prone to get sick easily if mingle around with larger crowds.
alicia's daddy, yah lor...i was shock manz when my mum tell n show me...

currently only 1 person enquiring...will let u know if she still want or not...currently i hv 2 pkts of new packaging n 1 pkt of loose old packaging (59pcs)...r u keen to take all if the other gal dun want?
1 pack is 84pcs?
I have not use Drypers S size before, and I do not know if my #2 will outgrow like Jayden leh.
Maybe 1 pack for me tentatively first.
If by then, no other takers, I will get from you the other pack..is this alright?

wow..wat's Jayden's weight now? & also at birth? ivec's only at e 25% for his weight..quite low compared to e rest of e April bbs..guess cos he's a small sized bb at birth loh

Alicia's Daddy
CC's roof top is usually close unless got events loh..cos last time always got a lot of pple go up there to do hanky panky..so tt's why bobian, hv 2 close 2 reduce such cases from happening.

Nah..leadership renewal refers to the grassroots leaders..not e staff lah..heheh

Btw, ur no 2 arriving soon? When is e EDD? Excited eh??

RE: Childcare vs grandparents
I know it's better for grandparents to look after but still feel that children can learn more if placed in a child care centre leh..beside grandparents might spoil e grandchildren..hmm..considering cos I want to place my boy in a full time cC once he's a yr old but my hub prefers only playgrp..
