IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Yea. I like Dr Tan too. So gentle and nice. Looking forward to my 1st ivf under him.
Dr Tan is really gd. Easily the most approachable doctor with excellent ppl skills. Even though I fail twice under him still will not hesitate to do more tries with him. Rarely can you find a doc who cares for patients.

Ladies may I ask what's the benefit of saizen? Also how do you take it .. issit jab together with the others - puregon etc? Thanks in advance!
Hi do u feel your uterus quite uncomfy during tww? I keep getting the feeling that it is contracted and need a good stretch (kind of like gonna cramp but not cramping).. I dun dare to stretch. Sigh. And this is only the start of tww. If continue like that for the rest of the two weeks dunno how. Feeling v uncomfy now.
Hi mei, my cramps only started after ohss subsided. On and off. But yeah, it feels more comfy to curl up then lie straight on the bed. Putting your hand over it, keeping it warm makes me feel better.
Hi mei, my cramps only started after ohss subsided. On and off. But yeah, it feels more comfy to curl up then lie straight on the bed. Putting your hand over it, keeping it warm makes me feel better.
Thanks circle. Mb shd out my hand over tummy and talk to the embbies rite? Tell them to hold on tight!
How are u feeling? I read your blog, very inspiring! :)
Hahaha! I don't really know how to talk to eggies leh. Find it weird. But putting hand on tummy seems to sooth the cramp and help me relax.

I am glad the blog helps. It just me rumbling cos bored la. and it helps me document and remember the process. Hahaha!
Hahaha! I don't really know how to talk to eggies leh. Find it weird. But putting hand on tummy seems to sooth the cramp and help me relax.

I am glad the blog helps. It just me rumbling cos bored la. and it helps me document and remember the process. Hahaha!

Yup think it is impt to document process so you can see if there is a change from previous cycle. People are also very encouraged when they read about your experience. I have some colleagues also have to go through fertility treatment. I wish could share more with them but cuz I am so stressed with everything I just find it hard to do it without possibility of crying. Hah. Don't want them to feel worse.
I think my whole office knows I am on ivf. The journey is tough enough, don't want to hide it to make it tougher. But I have been there for more than 8 years. We are more like family so no harm just saying.

Actually I also just re - read my old posts. I think mentally I am stronger this time. More at peace internally and much much closer to my faith.

Don't worry to talk about it.
This is my 3rd fresh. I never do FET due to lack of embryos. So just pray this time succeed :)

Ya maybe after all these I am more understanding about things and sensitive to others. Like when colleagues probe others about "why u don't want to marry", "why u don't have girlfriend/boyfriend", etc I will try to steer the conversation away from the unfortunate person. Previously won't do that.
Hi kimchi-ger, I'm also under dr tan. But for what I know... He only preform IVF... All IUI will be done by another team doc .
I think it's very stressful. Now everyday I go toilet I so scared too. But really I guess we will never stop worrying even tested BfP will worry if the hcg level is high or low will it double? Should we test another round to make sure it double? Worried about the 1st scan can detect sac? Then can see heartbeat? Didn know getting pregnant is so stressful!
Baby sparkles, you know previously when I started on iui my stress is only positive at bt. Hope for a BfP! But after I get a positive but hcg level doesn't pass kkh mark and need retest and in end chemical pregnancy. Since then on I realise my stress is no longer just in BfP.....now I pray for a good hcg level, pray it will double....pray can see sac, then pray to smoothly pass the 1st trimester. Hopefully enough time to make a horse baby :)
Kitkat don't stress don't stress. Spotting might be nothing. Don't let it scare u. Prop your legs up and rest more in bed.
Kitkat, I suddenly remembered that when I was spotting during previous cycle, my tcm doc asked me to get lotus root and boil in water with nothing added. Then drink the water. Not too sure if it is helpful in your case.

For my case then, with lotus water and extra oral duphaston medicine, still not enough to stop the bleeding. Ended up as chemical pregnancy.

If it is harmless spotting, the lotus water might help! And yes, lie down more. Rest more. Don't walk about unnecessary.
Kitkats Jia You! I also think I gonna be on bed rest soon. Since last night, when insert utrogesteron, the cream come out is light pink one. Soon it will be my turn. My cramps also getting more intense.

You just rest more in bed. Hang in there. Ask for extra support if u see red. Just received the kkh reminder. We are almost there!!!!!
Nothing is confirmed until BT. It is very stressful, but the meantime just take care of yourselves! Hope the best for both of you! Come and talk here if you are getting bored....

Can I ask is it ok to go out during tww? I have been going out these past two days but just walk slowly and avoid stairs...
Kitkats Jia You! I also think I gonna be on bed rest soon. Since last night, when insert utrogesteron, the cream come out is light pink one. Soon it will be my turn. My cramps also getting more intense.

You just rest more in bed. Hang in there. Ask for extra support if u see red. Just received the kkh reminder. We are almost there!!!!!

Hang in there. Please rest more.
Hi mei. I know of forum sisters who go back to work a few days after et. Think it is fine to walk about.

I was resting more cos got terrible bloating during first week. Today then go out of house (11dp2dt). But I did have gatherings at home before that la.
Hang on hang on ladies. Wishing more BfP next week in this forum.

Mel, I didn rest in the tww. Went work, after work go buy dinner back, sometimes even went for short walk in evening. I try to minimise the carrying of heavy stuffs though but there is a few days where I need to carry nephew when he came to visit. Maybe cause I don't have symptoms so sometimes I tend to forget I am in tww :)
Iwantahealthybaby, your BT today? Gooooooooood luck!!!

Kitkats, How are you? Resting more? I also started to see light pink stuff on my liner. Trying to lie in bed more and minimise walking. You hang in there k. Four more days!!!!
thanks circle, my BT is actually tomorrow but i think i cannot wait anymore. might lose control and test with hpt so since a day apart faster went BT today. now waiting for call by nurse. hoping and praying for a BFP and a good hcg level. so fearful of bfp but low hcg level, or fearful of a BFN or fearful the BFP and good hcg but then will worry if it wil double in 48-72hours time. haiz the worries just dont stop. maybe i think too much but really cannot stop thinking. hasnt been sleeping well. think mind too stressed up. i am 16dp5dt but i have not had a single symotoms telling me i am pregnant except for no af yet. my cyclogest inserts also ending today :(
Iwantahealthybaby, fingers crossed for you!! I pray for good bhcg for u! I had chemical pregnancy during last cycle, don't want it to happen to anyone else!

Yes, the worries just go on. Each stage different type of worry. Got cramps worry. No symptoms worry. BT results worry. Low bhcg worry. Then see sac no heartbeat worry again.

Haiz. I even more greedy. Keep praying for twinnies. Cos I kinda need it. But that feels like such a distant thought.
Iwantahealthybaby, your BT today? Gooooooooood luck!!!

Kitkats, How are you? Resting more? I also started to see light pink stuff on my liner. Trying to lie in bed more and minimise walking. You hang in there k. Four more days!!!!

Circle, Any plan to test hpt before BT? I don't know if I should test or wait for BT..
Still spotting....
hehe, exactly what is in my mind. thats why not having good sleep. i had chemical pregnancy before too thats why i super stressed and want to be a bit more greedy this time. BFP with Good HCG level. so fearful. this tww i keep telling my hubbs i gt no symptoms i think gone case, want to test hpt he say dont want wait for BT. he also fearful. he see me didn sleep well and he say i too stressed up. ask me dont think so much. in fact i got slight wishful thinking of twins too but then again i think as long as god give me a good little strong stayer for the next 9 months, i am more than happy and contented :D

suddenly the hours leading to the nurse call seems long also.....i want a happy monday!
kitkat, maybe you would like to go BT earlier if you dont want to test HPT. during my 2nd iui, i tested hpt 2days before menses due date it was negative and guess what my bleeding came 2days after that so i thought its menses since i use an early predictor hpt. then the bleeding doesnt come full flow, spotted for 2 days so different from my usual menses pattern so i tested with clearblue digital hpt and it state pregnant 1-2weeks. as it was weekend no doc must wait for monday then test for bt, show low hcg level so must retest after 2 days and hcg drop further. if i know i could have go earlier and get some support jabs.

from then on, i swear to use only clearblue brand, i believe if i had use a clearblue hpt 2 days before menses due date it should have picked up my hcg level and when spotting start in sat morning i would have time to go kkh for support or any gynae clinic.
BFP BFP BFP BFP BFP!!! We need a good news to start the Monday!!!

Hahaha! I wanted twinnies to bring both my families and in - laws closer to each other. For years, it is about balancing the two sides, choosing sides or being on opposite sides. With one kid, it will still be about choices. With 2 kids at once, everyone will just have to pitch in and work tog.

Although greedy, I was telling hubby. Not only do I have to hit jackpot, I need jackpot of the jackpots. But confirm not having any preggie or twinnies symptoms except cramping and now spotting.
Dilemma .. I want to test hpt but scare negative result. Shatter my hope if so..
Can't make up my mind... Haa..
understand what you mean circle. i hope the BFP this week from ladies here is good too. last week we have quite a few BFP from sisters, so this week hope it continues....

anyway some ladies have no symptoms and ended with BFP, some with spotting also with BFP, so as long as no full flow af there is still hope. hope the nurse start calling some sisters already who did bt earlier this morning and can start spreading baby dust.
if it is just light spotting kitkat maybe you want go down BT tomorrow. at least any chance you can have enough time to ask for extra support if bt is positive. good luck to you and circle for bt too. hope you both are just slight spotting but ended with bfp and spotting will stop right after that :)
ladies i receive call from nurse already. but now i am more stressed and worried. my hcg level was 16000 consider very high. the chances is multiple pregnancy or molar pregnancy. i am so fearful now. haiz low hcg worried now high also worried. cannot do anything except wait for scan 2 weeks later. dont know what to do....
ladies i receive call from nurse already. but now i am more stressed and worried. my hcg level was 16000 consider very high. the chances is multiple pregnancy or molar pregnancy. i am so fearful now. haiz low hcg worried now high also worried. cannot do anything except wait for scan 2 weeks later. dont know what to do....

Congrats!! Think positive! Happy for you babe!
