IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Hi mei! Yeah kitkats and i are both on 2ww! We are at 8dp2dt.

Now I am at the stage where time passes so slowly and boringly. Hahaha!

All the best to you too!
Hi mei! Yeah kitkats and i are both on 2ww! We are at 8dp2dt.

Now I am at the stage where time passes so slowly and boringly. Hahaha!

All the best to you too!

Ya the 2ww is boring! Occupy urself with books/shows and think positive lor! How are u feeling now? My ET was yesterday so still in v early stage of 2ww. This is my 3rd cycle.
Yeah. Just suddenly broke down and cried buckets a while ago. Think the hormones going koo-koo a bit. Now managed to cool down, hurriedly put on serial to watch and distract myself!
Thanks sparkles. Yah I suddenly felt very overwhelmed. Like a lot pressure. Tummy also started to cramp. Heng managed to stop crying already. But tummy still cramping.

So far no red, but go toilet will scare lor. Sometimes I purposely don't see then quickly throw in toilet and flush. Hahaha!
Yup circlecircle. I think it is the hormones. During stim stage i will cry after the check up and need 1h to cool down before going to work. Usually won't be like tt. Don't think so much, jiayou! It is a stressful period for all of us.

Anw I was reading ur previous posts, ur embryo quality is good and u have snowbabies. So it is very good already :)
hi_mei, circle & kitkat, tww is the hardest part to get through right? even more stressful then going down to the hopsital almost daily for scans or the daily injections we give ourself. wishing you three a sticky bean and BFP soon.
Thanks mei! Hahaha! I thought I got poor egg quality. Heng this time use saizen, got better results. Hope they are power beanies.

Iwantahealthybaby, different kind of torture. My first week is physical torture cos of ohss. Now feeling ok then will get all emo. Hahaha! Thanks for your encouragement! Still got 1 week more to BT
hi_mei, circle & kitkat, tww is the hardest part to get through right? even more stressful then going down to the hopsital almost daily for scans or the daily injections we give ourself. wishing you three a sticky bean and BFP soon.

Thanks for ur encouragement! :)

Circlecircle, jia you too... OHSS must be quite uncomfortable. Rest well... Only 1 more week left to "enjoy ur holiday". Haha I just take tww as holiday lor. Time to relax cuz my job is so darn hectic...
circle, I read your blog. understand that you have pcos, I was also diagnosed with it @kk when young. But was taken aback when the doc at clinic d informed me that I do not have pcos after the SIS scan. She was unable to answer why I have irregular periods till now. Just told me based on the results and discussion with dr jerry, advised to go ICSI.

Have yet to see my consultant in person so far... went for the BT and counselling last fri...
now taking duph that was prescribed earlier so that I can start the cycle in mar...
Hi mei, I know what u mean by hectic work. This is a good time to take a break.

Hi cheery walnuts, hope u find the blog useful. I didn't know pcos could go away, which would be good. All the best for your cycle! Hope you have good quality eggs!
Hi circle, yes I did thanks for sharing! Hmm I don't think my pcos has gone away which is why I have doubts with the doc attended to me last visit cos my M still quite irregular can be 4 seasons to bimonthly.. '_' "
If it helps, I was with sf loh (when he was in kkh) and now tan hh. Both said that ivf is very apt treatment for people with pcos :) of course, both downplayed the ohss saying that it is a small poss.

Maybe I am the more suay one that will have the more serious end of the mild ohss. Hahaha!
hope you are feeling much better from ohss now... abit worried abt it too after seeing your posts

just came across jay chou song Ting Ma Ma De Hua.. next time must let children esp whose mums who went thru ivf process hehehe
Oh yes. Ohss is history already YEAH! I think just now must be the hormones talking.

Really dunno where and why the outburst come from.
That's great! :D rest well and keep yourself occupied ya ;) Time flies very fast

Good to burst out will feel much better and relief after tt :D View it as one form of Stress relief! hehe
Kitkats, me watching reply 1997. OK only, not that super I feel. I am halfway through, hopefully it gets better. Hahaha!
I haven't try reply 1997 yet. I was watching the heir. But I don't really like it. Very tempt to watch "master sun" but I worry there will be eerie parts that will frighten myself. Haha
Yeah. Just suddenly broke down and cried buckets a while ago. Think the hormones going koo-koo a bit. Now managed to cool down, hurriedly put on serial to watch and distract myself!
Maybe that a good sign? U know preggy people get emotional easily
hi_mei, circle & kitkat, tww is the hardest part to get through right? even more stressful then going down to the hopsital almost daily for scans or the daily injections we give ourself. wishing you three a sticky bean and BFP soon.
Thanks iwantahealthybaby. I understand ur bt round the corner rite, good luck to u too!
Halo Kitkat hope u r coping well !! Have plenty of rest

Circle: my friend was diagnosed w pcos but a later scan confirmed that it's no longer there! I wish such miracles will happen to me
Anyway good that saizen worked on u in this long protocol I hope I dun have to go thru long protocol ....

Suddenly fell sick w a bad throat n flu / cough ... Hope I can quickly recover n prime my body for next mth fet

U take care too! Rest well n eat more "bu" for ur upcoming fet.

I feeling af cramp on n off... Same like my prev 2 cycles.. :confused:
Sparkles, me also had flu too! Running nose and really sore throat. Taking tcm medicine now and drinking a lot of water. At least running nose stopped. Could be the weather. And so glad to hear that pcos can disappear one! That is good!

Kitkats, I hope so ah! I have been cramping more intensely since that cry. Dunno if it is related. Hahaha or me just being paranoid. I keep telling the eggies that must have tears then can appreciate the happiness mah. Cannot be everything on a bed of roses.

Iwantahealthybaby, good luck to you too!!!!!
Halo Kitkat hope u r coping well !! Have plenty of rest

Circle: my friend was diagnosed w pcos but a later scan confirmed that it's no longer there! I wish such miracles will happen to me
Anyway good that saizen worked on u in this long protocol I hope I dun have to go thru long protocol ....

Suddenly fell sick w a bad throat n flu / cough ... Hope I can quickly recover n prime my body for next mth fet


Hi baby sparkles, i think pcos is v gd candidate for ivf, that is the upside la. I was diagnosed with pcos v long ago too, but somehow it disppeared and anw my cycles are back to normal. But now the ivf stimulation is really killing me. Very hard to stimulate my ovaries, alr on highest dose and only produce 2 embryos, not even v good ones. Think Tan HH going to peng liao everytime he see my case file. Ya so what I am trying to say is, Pcos got advantage, at least u need not have to worry about no. of follicles.

Btw will saizen be helpful to increase the no. of follicles? I alr tried every possible medication, all don't work well lei. I don't have amh or fsh issues either.
Hi mei, thanks for sharing. Din know that can recover from pcos. But my cycles are still very irregular hence *scratch head* when I was told I don't have pcos
Hopefully saizen works for u too! When Dr tan told me about saizen, he never give much hope. Says can try la. And I think it worked for me. So I hope it gives you excellent eggies too!
Hi mei are u on long or short protocol?

Hi walnuts I am on long protocol this time. But results sucks la. Previously on short protocol.

Baby sparkles i think it is good u got this many embryos. If can grow to BL stage means not bad alr rite? Quality shd be ok!
Hi mei fully understand your feelings. U are on safe hands under Dr tan believe he will try his best. Have faith in yourself and him :)
Baby sparkles: all the best to your fet sure can one ;)

Not sure abt tt too. Will check with dr when I get to see him for the first time. . Waiting for my AF now b4 start of program
Walnuts, Dr chan should be ok. He was my gynae for my friend. Not for ivf la. But he is quite gentle and possibly good bedside manners.

During my first cycle, I had chemical pregnancy and we didn't know. Kkivf nurse just said we have to see another doc cos Dr tan overseas.

That doc had bad bedside manners. Refused to talk to me about my case but I insisted. Then he listened and wrote on a black sheet of paper FAILED in caps and kept circling around the word. My mom immediately broke down crying. It was bad man. It was my bday and my dad had to bring her out to comfort her. I am so glad that Dr tan is my doctor man!
Wow dr tan really v popular! Not sure how is dr jerry seems like very few sistas under him. Keeping fingers crossed. I was assigned to him after referred from polyclinic
Walnut, I also can't remember which doc it was. I only remembered that a lot of docs were at this London conference. Could be a stand - in doc who had to cover all these last min appt.

And yes, Dr tan very patient. During my 1st failed ivf post review, it was a Saturday, almost 2pm. I thought he will chop chop finish me off in 3 mins and go home.

But he was very gentle and considerate in his tone. We spent like 25 mins with him. Came out feeling that no stones were left unturned even though he can't do much for me medically.
Circle, oic glad that dr tan gave u a good post review. Very responsible and considerate of him. dr should have a kind understanding and patient heart with a strong passion to help ppl in need ;)
I like dr tan too. I switched dr after previous cycles failed. He give me a lot of information on my first consultation even though I didn't ask him much questions. I was expecting a 5min session then too. He also very friendly when doing ER n ET for me. I hope I can bfp under him!!
Walnuts, I am under dr jerry chan. I was referred too by polyclinic and he was my gynae. So far all visits to clinic d I am lucky he is the one who always see me not his assistant. Didn expect to go ivf so back then didn think of looking for any special doc. When finally decided on ivf I didn change doc too, I use him for my fresh and current fet. Fresh fail, fet in tww. Thou he didn give me lucky hands 1st round somehow I still feel it's not his fault that ivf fail so I decided to try him another time. After all my er was in good hands. Manage to retrieve quite a good number of eggs and didn suffer OHSS. He is a very soft spoken guy who loves to smile and is quite positive. Maybe for my case but overall I find that he always give me words like don't worry too much, not much problem. Don't know is I really no problem or he just being easy. Anyway shall see how my fet goes
Iwantahealthybaby: Thanks for sharing your experiences with him. :) my first visit was by a MO sharon.. 2nd visit waited 2 hrs & was attended by a female chinese dr which I didn't manage to see her name... Anne as the MO she sounded unsure when I asked her some questions. Only tell me after dr jerry saw our test results has referred us to ivf center... dun ask her abt cost or ivf stuff.. nurse at ivf center knows better... duh
There is once I think clinic d too crowded and his assistant doc see me. Then I ask some
Question which she doesn't know and not sure so she went to his room and check with him in end she came back with his answers. Ya normally the clinic d doc doesn't know much about ivf cost and aptm. All must go ivf there then can know. Anyway you still need to book a slot for ivf still got time to research around.

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