IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Iwantahealthybaby, which brand of folic acid did you purchase? Mine is just the normal one like $1.60 for 30 tablets.
Think I will just wait for bt results tmr. Not much difference since I haven eaten it in the last 3 weeks. I thought they don't give so no need to eat.
Kitkats, how are u? 24 more hours to go before blood test. Can't help feeling butterflies in tummy. Think the 24hr is gonna feel real long.... Esp when we are stuck at home.
Thanks Lynn candy. I believe so as well. Cos I remembered hearing that there was people who er on the same day as me. I guess, it also means bt also same day as me.

Friday being a super crowded day as usual, I don't think the results would be out so early tmr.
Kitkats, how are u? 24 more hours to go before blood test. Can't help feeling butterflies in tummy. Think the 24hr is gonna feel real long.... Esp when we are stuck at home.

All the best. Think you can go to KK to test today if you want to. Very strong positive vibes for u
It is very kan cheong to wait for the result. It is like waiting for Examination result the feeling. . Then they will only call you in the afternoon when they are free which makes you more anxious.
Hi sisters, am thinking to go kkh as running low on $...need to tap on govt subsidy already...would like to seek your comments on whether dr tan hh is better or dr jerry chan?
Thanks yue for your well wishes! I also hope it is a bfp! Though I have been reading up on implantation failures, just in case I need some answers in my head if it is a bfn. Hahaha! But looks like there is not concrete causes for implantation failure.

And yah... It gets more gan cheong as the time comes nearer. I will just hang in there until tmr. Hopefully can get stronger bhcg. If not, they might ask u to come back for another blood test. I got tiny veins, it is a torture getting poked (sometimes even twice) just to get some blood out of me.
Hi all,
I got some info to share on the delivery fees under Dr Tan.
To be delivered by Dr Tan, you can only choose between A1 or B1 package. If you choose B2 and below, you will automatically be converted to subsidied rate and delivered under a team of Drs. Package is only for mother and newborn will be charged separately. Package can be booked at Admissions Office between 30-40 weeks of pregnancy though the nurse will advise you to book during the 36 week.
For Singaporeans:
For A1 (1-bedded)
Normal delivery 2 nights stay: Total estimated bill $4695, medisave deduction up to $2100, initial deposit $2595.
Caesarean 3 nights stay: Total estimated bill $6827, medisave deduction up to $3950, initial deposit $2877.
For B1 (4-bedded)
Normal delivery 2 nights stay: Total estimated bill $3552, medisave deduction up to $2100, initial deposit $1452.
Caesarean 3 nights stay: Total estimated bill $5839, medisave deduction up to $3950, initial deposit $1889.
For normal delivery, package includes Dr fees, standard procedures, ward and treatment fee for 2 days, delivery suite charges for 8hr, delivery suite treatment fee, admin fee, incontinence pads, tower sanitary maternity 10pcs/pack, medical consumables, CTG monitoring in labour ward, IV infusion set, insertion of IV drip, normal delivery drugs package, typre & screen procedure, nitrous oxide inhalation, artificial rupture of membrances and urinary catheterisation.
For caesarean, package includes Dr fees, standard procedures, ward and treatment fee for 3 days, operating theatre charges for 30 mins, caesarean facility fee, admin fee, incontinence pads, tower sanitary maternity 10pcs/pack, medical consumables, skin preparation, dressing-simple, vulva swabbing, removal of catheter, type and screen procedure, full blood count and change of urine bag and measurement.
Circle n Kitkat, go really early for your bt. I reached KKH at 7:30am on Tuesday, and they called me by 11am.
@dion83sg thanks for the details babe. so can i say if you want delivery by dr tan can only chose A1 since i go B2 is delivered by grp of doc and not him.
You can only choose A1 or B1 and future follow up after delivery will be done by Dr Tan. However for B2 onwards, you will be delivered and future follow up will be done by any Dr on duty.
Sparkles! U are starting your journey too! And there is nothing confirmed for us. No matter which stage we are, the feeling of sisterhood will always be there between us! It is the common pain, the anxiety, the disappointment, the well-wishes, the encouragement, the congratulations bind us tightly together.
Sparkles! U are starting your journey too! And there is nothing confirmed for us. No matter which stage we are, the feeling of sisterhood will always be there between us! It is the common pain, the anxiety, the disappointment, the well-wishes, the encouragement, the congratulations bind us tightly together.

Well said! Wish u and kitkat all the best! :)
Whatever the outcome is, I think both of u tried ur very best! Hope we can all graduate from here! :)
I wanted to thank both of u for keeping company during the tww and for all the encouragement! Always look on the bright side no matter how things are, and even after having kids, there will be a new set of challenges. Jiayou k!
Thanks, circlecircle.

Hi ladies, anyone taking DHEA supplements? Any side effects?
I took. I have hair loss n grow a lot of pimples!
Dr tan did told me about the side effect of pimples too.
Hi all,
I got some info to share on the delivery fees under Dr Tan.
To be delivered by Dr Tan, you can only choose between A1 or B1 package. If you choose B2 and below, you will automatically be converted to subsidied rate and delivered under a team of Drs. Package is only for mother and newborn will be charged separately. Package can be booked at Admissions Office between 30-40 weeks of pregnancy though the nurse will advise you to book during the 36 week.
For Singaporeans:
For A1 (1-bedded)
Normal delivery 2 nights stay: Total estimated bill $4695, medisave deduction up to $2100, initial deposit $2595.
Caesarean 3 nights stay: Total estimated bill $6827, medisave deduction up to $3950, initial deposit $2877.
For B1 (4-bedded)
Normal delivery 2 nights stay: Total estimated bill $3552, medisave deduction up to $2100, initial deposit $1452.
Caesarean 3 nights stay: Total estimated bill $5839, medisave deduction up to $3950, initial deposit $1889.
For normal delivery, package includes Dr fees, standard procedures, ward and treatment fee for 2 days, delivery suite charges for 8hr, delivery suite treatment fee, admin fee, incontinence pads, tower sanitary maternity 10pcs/pack, medical consumables, CTG monitoring in labour ward, IV infusion set, insertion of IV drip, normal delivery drugs package, typre & screen procedure, nitrous oxide inhalation, artificial rupture of membrances and urinary catheterisation.
For caesarean, package includes Dr fees, standard procedures, ward and treatment fee for 3 days, operating theatre charges for 30 mins, caesarean facility fee, admin fee, incontinence pads, tower sanitary maternity 10pcs/pack, medical consumables, skin preparation, dressing-simple, vulva swabbing, removal of catheter, type and screen procedure, full blood count and change of urine bag and measurement.

Thanks for sharing. Very detail.
Sad... My beta went down to 40+. So not viable and hv to stop everything. Next week will see Dr Tan for follow up.
Oh no, even with no spotting or bleeding? I am so sorry to hear that. It is possibly a chemical pregnancy. You might start to get a heavy period in the next few days. Bring along extra panty, wet wipes and night pad, just in case. My experience was that it was quite messy for me.

Do take the chance to tiao your body. Got to do mini confinement eg eat more ginger stuff, drink red date/longan. Stay covered with long pants and jacket. Do take care, Mich and come back stronger. We will be here to support u.
Hi hi _ mei and kitkats, any idea y dr tan prescribe dhea supplements? Does the supplements really help improve the egg quality?

My 1st ivf failed due to poor egg quality. Only 1 egg fertilised and transferred. So just wondering if anything dr tan can suggest to improve chances of pregnancy.
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Hi hi _ mei and kitkats, any idea y dr tan prescribe dhea supplements? Does the supplements really help improve the egg quality?

My 1st ivf failed due to poor egg quality. Only 1 egg fertilised and transferred. So just wondering if anything dr tan can suggest to improve chances of pregnancy.

Dr tan did not suggest me to take dhea. I m the one asking him. My amh 1.3 He said I can try. He told me dhea is to improve egg quantity n not egg quality. I still try anyway.
Wow circle and kitkat bt tmr! Mine is monday..did u all test before bt?
Nopers. Not going to test before bt. Think I got no luck with own testing. Never once succeeded, not even with months of testing on ovulation strips.

So I shall leave it to the blood test. It gave me my first positive result even though it was chemical pregnancy then. Hahaha!
Hi hi _ mei and kitkats, any idea y dr tan prescribe dhea supplements? Does the supplements really help improve the egg quality?

My 1st ivf failed due to poor egg quality. Only 1 egg fertilised and transferred. So just wondering if anything dr tan can suggest to improve chances of pregnancy.
Sorry to hear about ur first try, I am also in quite similar situation but my problem is with egg quantity. This time I went into ER with only two follicles... Sigh. Luckily both have eggs and both fertilised. So for u and me just need to try more times perhaps and hope for the best. There are quite a few ladies here who had egg quality issue and they succeeded in the end. Got hope for u k! :)
Oh I am not sure if dhea helps egg quality though. He asked me to take cuz I produce v little eggs... Quality ok (as expected). But I don't think the dhea improved the egg count though.
Yah man. I bought those cheap ones. Tried and tried. So sad to see negative. Sometimes even visualise got faint line. Can't trust what I see.

So even spent a lot to buy clear blue ones. Cos it shows via smiley face. Bought like 60 pcs!!!! All negative. Never once did I saw a smiley face. Waste my money man!!!
Yah man. I bought those cheap ones. Tried and tried. So sad to see negative. Sometimes even visualise got faint line. Can't trust what I see.

So even spent a lot to buy clear blue ones. Cos it shows via smiley face. Bought like 60 pcs!!!! All negative. Never once did I saw a smiley face. Waste my money man!!!

Ya circle i agree with u. Will not buy the test kit. Pointless la. If positive, u scared later BT HCG low. If negative, u will still secretely hope by some miracle your BT will be positive... Aiyah just go BT. Good luck for tmr! :) hope u get to spread bb dust!
Michng, take good care of your body and recuperate back to be stronger for the next cycle.

circle, yap agree with u. opk dun work for us as our O's are so unpredictable.. I went to try saliva microscope which is an alternative to detect O... it's a one time investment for unlimited tries.. but very hard ttc due to irregular M.. sometimes even wonder why my own body playing such trick on me... playing so hard to get :/
Michng, rest well. Chemical pregnancy mostly due to the quality of embryos no good so don't blame Yrself. At least implantation occur which means you got no implantation issues. You got to make sure everything is flush out of your system need to make sure hcg fall below 5 and a scan to see nothing left inside. I suffer cp before menses lasted 2weeks. But I didn do mini confinement. My dad actually wanted to do for me but I didn want. But guess better to do one so your body can recover faster.
Mich, I agree with iwantahealthybaby. Don't blame yourself. No implantation issue is a good thing. Now we just concentrate on tiao-ing the womb back and improving egg quality.

Mini confinement isn't that strict. Still can eat normal food. Avoid the cooling and cold stuff. Stay away from winds and direct aircon, esp when u are perspiring eg walking to train station and dashing into train. I just kept wearing cardigan and tights to cool down naturally rather stand under the aircon vent.

I also boiled a very concentrated red date/longan drink. Bring it in a bottle to work and dilute it with water thru the day. It is a good time to tiao your body. If u have a tcm doc that u are seeing, she can advise u better.

Alright, surrendered my blood to kkh. Now it is just to wait for the call ;)

Fingers and toes all crossed a d twisted.

