IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

circle : molar pregnancy is some genetic issue during fertilisation and cannot be saved. its like so rare that if i really get it i can be the most "lucky" one on earth :(

kitkat : yes i transfer two blasts, 1 hatching 1 expanded. my 1st fresh i transfer 2 blasts also but failed (both were early blasts, not as big and expanded as my fet. i so hope its twin and not molar. twin stressful but at least its two lives. molar must d&c :( very worried

hi _mei : i thought i am happy when the nurse call and say congrats but when i ask abt the hcg level she say very high i though how high then she mention 16000...now i google i see for such high number in week 4-5 is either multiple or molar. and i dont know why my body doesnt have any symptoms at all. so if hcg level so high thought my symptoms should be more than anyone?

circle : molar pregnancy is some genetic issue during fertilisation and cannot be saved. its like so rare that if i really get it i can be the most "lucky" one on earth :(

kitkat : yes i transfer two blasts, 1 hatching 1 expanded. my 1st fresh i transfer 2 blasts also but failed (both were early blasts, not as big and expanded as my fet. i so hope its twin and not molar. twin stressful but at least its two lives. molar must d&c :( very worried

hi _mei : i thought i am happy when the nurse call and say congrats but when i ask abt the hcg level she say very high i though how high then she mention 16000...now i google i see for such high number in week 4-5 is either multiple or molar. and i dont know why my body doesnt have any symptoms at all. so if hcg level so high thought my symptoms should be more than anyone?

Higher chance it is twins! Molar pregnancy is v rare. Plus u got blasts which means embryo quality shd be not bad, not those kind with missing genetic material! Think positive k!

I hope can be like u too! This tww I also no symptoms... V unlike my previous bfn cycle, a lot of cramps.
If it is twins, then it is wonderful! But it is a good news for a start!

Maybe cos it is day 5 transfer + twins so bhcg is high. Don't worry too much.

When is your ultrasound?
I hope so Mel.

My aptm is 2 weeks later need to go down take medicine then see the aptm date. Guess even if I request to see doc now they cannot detect anything even with high hcg level as still 4-5weeks only. Must be 6-8 weeks then can see heartbeat right?
Iwantahealthybaby , I think it twins!! Or maybe ur blast split n got triplets? :p
Now got bb must Think positive ok..
Yah yah. Although I have never been to the second phrase of the 2ww. But I think knowing there are 1 or 2 or 3 little lives in your tummy, everything will seem a lot better!

I will be totally over the top if it is triplets. Will worry about money matters when it comes.
Mmm actually during the natural fet cycle, I am trying naturally too. So now a lot of possibilities. Can be 1, 2 or 3 maybe 2 from my ivf blasts and 3rd natural. But then again I hope for just one so that can get enough nutrients and at least lesser complications. If twins I think I can take it too. Just want a healthy pregnancy :)
Sparkles, I am fine. Saw some pink discharge on sun after putting pessary. Then started to rest more in bed, prayed and drank boiled lotus water. Now spotting seemed to have improved.

Kitkat, how are u? Did u try the boiled lotus water? Resting more also. Sometimes lie on bed until headache. Will play cheat and sit on bed instead. At least sitting on bed can surf net on laptop.
Sparkles, I am fine. Saw some pink discharge on sun after putting pessary. Then started to rest more in bed, prayed and drank boiled lotus water. Now spotting seemed to have improved.

Kitkat, how are u? Did u try the boiled lotus water? Resting more also. Sometimes lie on bed until headache. Will play cheat and sit on bed instead. At least sitting on bed can surf net on laptop.

Hi circlecircle glad that your spotting is better! Jiayou jiayou!
circle and kitkat must rest well and minimise walking since spotting. so long no full flow still got chance.

i went to collect medicine today already at kkh and i am on duphaston twice daily now. actually i am wondering why dont continue the cycolgest inserts. i thought i prefer that since that doesnt give me any side effects. i see duphaston quite a number of side effects. putting on weight, nauseous and all..hopefully i wont have all this. my doc aptm is next thur. i wonder next thur can see heartbeat already? i know should be able to see the sac already. i am in my week 5 so next week scan should be in week 6.

oh by the way i just realise once you tested preg the medicine support can no longer be paid using medisave.
Sparkles, I am fine. Saw some pink discharge on sun after putting pessary. Then started to rest more in bed, prayed and drank boiled lotus water. Now spotting seemed to have improved.

Kitkat, how are u? Did u try the boiled lotus water? Resting more also. Sometimes lie on bed until headache. Will play cheat and sit on bed instead. At least sitting on bed can surf net on laptop.

Circle, lotus izzit the one that is use to cook soup with pork? I haven't try. I m trying to lie down more, but I can't sit still, like to move about taking this n that...
I always tot duphaston is also use to induce menses.. So I m reluctant to use it during my soiui when it was prescribe to me.. But I know I think too much...

Iwantahealthybaby So u no need to insert cycogest already?
you are right kitkats i think it does induce menses too if you have menses irregularities. that is why i am abit against this medicine. and plus during my iui previously they give me these as support but before i can finish during the tww my menses come so i so fear this doesnt offer as good support as cyclogest. they didn give me cyclogest already. i ask the pharmacy whether can give me cycolgest anot she say since both are progesterone support its the same. so unwillingly to stop the inserts but no choice since i also ran out of it.
Kitkats, yeah that is the lotus root. Just wash, slice and boil in water.

Just now waited by the road for 35mins for cab and even tried calling cab to go tcm doc. So hot and tired. Then ended up feeling so nausea by the cab ride.

Tcm doc says my pulse weak, esp the womb. Before I could say anything, she was the one who said '有出血对吗?'. Anyway she advised to walk less. Just stay in bed, sit in bed also can. Just walk less. Kitkats, u can do the same too! Jia you until Friday!!!!
I will try get lotus root. Ntuc have hor?

Yesterday , I see some red on my panty liner. Got emo.. Today it seem gone.. Praying hard it stay away from me..
Kitkats, see red then call kkh. They can either ask u to blood test or give oral medicine for support.

Yah, lotus root can buy from ntuc. Think ask hubby to buy better. U don't walk about already.
I will try get lotus root. Ntuc have hor?

Yesterday , I see some red on my panty liner. Got emo.. Today it seem gone.. Praying hard it stay away from me..

Hi Kit kat glad to hear your spotting stopped too.

Circle, do take care, eat more stuff to strengthen ur womb (as advised bt TCM).

Just now I was chatting with my colleague. Got damn emo esp when he assured me that I will have a good ending for sure. Dunno why so emo just cannot stop crying. Think I just feel this whole cycle is gone case liao. Wish I could banish all the negative thoughts....
Ooo thanks baby sparkles. Ya I so like cycolgest you know lol. So easy to use via the back passage. Kekeke. Somemore I think cycolgest got higher progesterone content right?

Hi_mel you in tww? They say emo during tww could be one of the positive symptoms too.

Circle and kitkat jiayou another two days to your bt right? As long as it's spotting not full flow just try to rest and lie down more at least till you get your bt result
Ooo thanks baby sparkles. Ya I so like cycolgest you know lol. So easy to use via the back passage. Kekeke. Somemore I think cycolgest got higher progesterone content right?

Hi_mel you in tww? They say emo during tww could be one of the positive symptoms too.

Circle and kitkat jiayou another two days to your bt right? As long as it's spotting not full flow just try to rest and lie down more at least till you get your bt result
Thanks iwantahealthybaby! Friday BT. Can't wait for it. Think I won't be able to sleep on Thurs man. Still praying for the rare chance of twinnies. Initially originally give up hope already cos no symptoms. But u gave me hope. Maybe still got itsy bitsy chance :)
yes it was the same for me. once BFP have to pay all med in cash, no more grant no more medisave. Govt support stops after the transfer.

and Duphaston is progesterone.. so in a way with irregular periods, it helps induce menses cos with progesterone, the lining builds up. once off progesterone, progesterone level dips and the lining sheds so become AF. But as we are preggy, this progesterone helps support pregnancies as our body may not produce enuff natural progesterone. It doesnt induce AF when we are preggy... our preggy will fall if there is problem with embyro, or not enough hormonal support and not becos we take Duphaston. If it is a non viable pregnancy from the start, no amount of Duphaston can help. Thats the reason why I think sometimes KKH doesnt quite entertain people who spot/bleed.. cos they think their prescribed support med is sufficient. It is a case of either a viable or non viable pregnancy..

But till now im not sure why we have to change to duphaston instead of cyclogest once BFP..
Thanks. U enlighten me. Haha
Hi Kit kat glad to hear your spotting stopped too.

Circle, do take care, eat more stuff to strengthen ur womb (as advised bt TCM).

Just now I was chatting with my colleague. Got damn emo esp when he assured me that I will have a good ending for sure. Dunno why so emo just cannot stop crying. Think I just feel this whole cycle is gone case liao. Wish I could banish all the negative thoughts....
I understand how u feel. My mind easily flood with neg thought too. My hubby always said I m pessimistic .

But we have to learn to be more positive, At least during this period...
Thanks for all your encouragement... Yup I am in tww too... But early part. Today is 7dpt... Haha dun even think embryo is implanted at this stage but emo liao...

Circle and kit kat I think both of you the outlook qt gd... May be implantation spotting since the spotting went away :) r u all going for BT on same day?
Circle yes it does happen and I can't believe it happen to me too. I was so down during the 2nd part of the tww. Actually even now I also got the fear. Somehow people say lucky to have no symptoms but I thought if I have nauseous or bloated feel or even slight cramps I will feel better. At least it reminds me something growing inside. I'm getting paranoid. Can't wait for the scan next week.

Cheerywalnuts depend on how many days transfer you did
Thanks for all your encouragement... Yup I am in tww too... But early part. Today is 7dpt... Haha dun even think embryo is implanted at this stage but emo liao...

Circle and kit kat I think both of you the outlook qt gd... May be implantation spotting since the spotting went away :) r u all going for BT on same day?

Yes, we are same day.
Cheery, research before for 5dt implantation is 1-3 days later depending on your blasts progress. For a 2dt implantation will begin 7-9days later.
I visited Dr Tan for the first time yest. He is really patient and nice. Told him about our previous failed ivf. He asked us to take the necessary blood tests and all before deciding the next move.

Does he always give us HL on every visit?

Circlecircle, shall wait for your good news!!!
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Yah, sometimes if he forgets, u can ask him for it.

Me and kitkat are all hoping to post BFPs on Fri!!!! I think it will be very crowded. And I remembered a lot of er cases when we did our ER. So possibly on Fri also a lot of BT. Think the results will take some time.
We will be seeing him in 1 mth's time to review our test results. Hopefully all went well.

circlecircle n kitkat, post ur good news on fri!!!
Yah, sometimes if he forgets, u can ask him for it.

Me and kitkat are all hoping to post BFPs on Fri!!!! I think it will be very crowded. And I remembered a lot of er cases when we did our ER. So possibly on Fri also a lot of BT. Think the results will take some time.

Wish u best of luck! How r u feeling today?
Ok la... resting in bed more. Trying not to walk about so that spotting won't come back. Watching Korea shows. Even laptop also don't dare to use now. Hahahah!

Kitkats, I just finished the king 2 hearts. It is not bad!
Thanks bbphony.

Wah circle, look like u have watch many shows already.. I m watching running man.. I need comedy to lift up my mood. Haa..
hi_mei not me.. kitkats and circle doing BT..
im still idling :) waiting for next AF to come before start FET

bbpony: yes Dr Tan is very generous n MC and HL... he always asks if i need MC when i see him. and ask me how long HL i want after D&C, its entirely up to me.

Good luck for ur FET! Use this time to strengthen body :)
Thanks bbphony.

Wah circle, look like u have watch many shows already.. I m watching running man.. I need comedy to lift up my mood. Haa..
Hahaha! I finished 1 China show, 2 hk serials and 2 Korean shows. Now on my 3rd Korean serial. I got to watch disc leh. Easier to lie down on bed to show.

I heard running man is funny. Good show to watch!
AF reported yesterday. Went KkIvf this morning. Was given 4 days of menopur injection to start tomorrow. Going back for a scan next Monday!

Finally all went well after postponed for few months due to high estrogen and cysts. Hope for the best from now on! :)
AF reported yesterday. Went KkIvf this morning. Was given 4 days of menopur injection to start tomorrow. Going back for a scan next Monday!

Finally all went well after postponed for few months due to high estrogen and cysts. Hope for the best from now on! :)

Good luck!
Hi Bbpony, none for me. After i failed my 1st cycle, I did ask about dhea but he says not suitable for people with pcos. I also asked about royal jelly and coq10 but he said no scientific proof.

My tcm doc says honey is cooling. Told me to avoid. As for coq10, it was a chemical, not natural ingredients. So eventually I didn't eat any of these. Just tcm medicine.

I did start on folic acid when starting long protocol, but stopped after et cos it ran out and kkh didn't give me anymore.
Hi Bbpony, none for me. After i failed my 1st cycle, I did ask about dhea but he says not suitable for people with pcos. I also asked about royal jelly and coq10 but he said no scientific proof.

My tcm doc says honey is cooling. Told me to avoid. As for coq10, it was a chemical, not natural ingredients. So eventually I didn't eat any of these. Just tcm medicine.

I did start on folic acid when starting long protocol, but stopped after et cos it ran out and kkh didn't give me anymore.

Circle folic acid is the most impt. Pls continue to take. U can buy from any pharmacy is the same.

yes circle folic acid its a must. i always get mine from pharmacy so when kkh prescribe me i didn take cause i got quite a few in stock at home.
