IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Congrats dion. Does Dr Tan do delivery? Btw, how many times have u been thru ivf? Any tips on preparation for ivf tat u can share with us?
Hi Kimchi-ger, yes he does delivery and I heard that he is really good at stitching for caesarean but I am opting for natural... I went through embroyo transfer twice- first time unsuccessful with Dr Jerry Chan (did not fix the dr) and second time with Dr Tan (fixed him as recommended by my friend) and was successful. Had been seeing him till now. My case is due to I have one blocked fallopian tube and hubby's good sperms is lesser than normal. Although Dr said we could still conceive naturally but need longer times and more tries, we decide to try IVF as we have been trying for 3 years. The night before I was scheduled for the embroyo transfer, we tried for the last time (had sex) since it is the most fertile day and was successful. Not sure if it is the IVF or the last night try that works. Maybe you all could try this method also :D
Hi Kimchi-ger, yes he does delivery and I heard that he is really good at stitching for caesarean but I am opting for natural... I went through embroyo transfer twice- first time unsuccessful with Dr Jerry Chan (did not fix the dr) and second time with Dr Tan (fixed him as recommended by my friend) and was successful. Had been seeing him till now. My case is due to I have one blocked fallopian tube and hubby's good sperms is lesser than normal. Although Dr said we could still conceive naturally but need longer times and more tries, we decide to try IVF as we have been trying for 3 years. The night before I was scheduled for the embroyo transfer, we tried for the last time (had sex) since it is the most fertile day and was successful. Not sure if it is the IVF or the last night try that works. Maybe you all could try this method also :D
Hi dion, thanks for the detailed info.
Thanks baby sparkles, kimchi ger.

I m done with ET. 8 out of 14 eggs fertilized. Transfer 2 n officially in 2ww!
I am on 2ww too! 35 eggs retrieved, 17 ripe and 6 properly fertilised. Transferred 2 and this round I have snowies!!!!

Dr tan said ohss considered mild, but I already super can't stand it.
Kimchi ger, I won't say it is not pain. But surely manageable and that would be the last thing on your mind. U will be thinking how many eggs retrieved, how many fertilised, and that we are so close to 2ww :)
Kimchi ger, I won't say it is not pain. But surely manageable and that would be the last thing on your mind. U will be thinking how many eggs retrieved, how many fertilised, and that we are so close to 2ww :)
Hi circle. Thanks for the info. Glad to hear tat it is manageable.

So how are u gg to spend the 2ww? Are u still working?
Hi circle. Thanks for the info. Glad to hear tat it is manageable.

So how are u gg to spend the 2ww? Are u still working?
Actually I have no plans. Expected to have ohss so poss resting and trying to deal with the discomfort first. Totally cancelled all my gatherings. Nopers, I am not working so it really helps not to have to worry or think about work.
Then you cam rest during the two wks. Hope ur discomfort will goes away soon. Do we need alot of bed rest after ET? Cos i am currently working so am quite worried for my ivf in Apr. Cos cant take leave. Do you know whether mc will be given on ER and ET?
It would take 5-15 days for the discomfort to go away.

Bed rest depends on your body. I happen to be the uncommon one with a more serious discomfort. Most recover very well after er.

And yes u will be given mc all the way until your blood test. There are sisters who could go back to work earlier cos they are fine and rested enough. Work sometimes can be a good distraction to help time pass faster.
It would take 5-15 days for the discomfort to go away.

Bed rest depends on your body. I happen to be the uncommon one with a more serious discomfort. Most recover very well after er.

And yes u will be given mc all the way until your blood test. There are sisters who could go back to work earlier cos they are fine and rested enough. Work sometimes can be a good distraction to help time pass faster.
Hi. Circle, u mean mc from ER till blood test? So long?
Circles & Kitkat happy to hear your good result.

So u both think saizen help?
Mine is menopur instead of saizen.
My fertilization rate is not so good but I do have more eggs retrieved this round.
I think taking dhea could has help me in the quantity.
Mine is menopur instead of saizen.
My fertilization rate is not so good but I do have more eggs retrieved this round.
I think taking dhea could has help me in the quantity.
Hi kimchi ger, I think it helped in my case. I had 9 ripe and 1 good quality one.

This time, I had 17 ripe (higher number cos long protocol + higher dose of puregon) and 6 good quality ones. So the fertilisation rate went up. Of course, I am not working. So being in a chillax mood might have helped too.
Hi kitkat. Thx for the info. Can i ask whether the reason tat we are doing ivf will be stated on the mc? Cos i dun think to let my colleagues know.
Yes ivf will be stated in the HL or mc. If u do not want to show it , u have to inform the nurse then they will change it for u.
Yes ivf will be stated in the HL or mc. If u do not want to show it , u have to inform the nurse then they will change it for u.
hi kitkat. U mean i can request for mc instead? Cos i oni wan mc only er and et? So i just inform nurse dun write the reason? Sorry for asking so much. Cos i dun wan my colleagues to start gossiping. It will add stress...

hi kitkat. U mean i can request for mc instead? Cos i oni wan mc only er and et? So i just inform nurse dun write the reason? Sorry for asking so much. Cos i dun wan my colleagues to start gossiping. It will add stress...
They wun state anything abt ur treatment..it will be written as dept of RM...

hi kitkat. U mean i can request for mc instead? Cos i oni wan mc only er and et? So i just inform nurse dun write the reason? Sorry for asking so much. Cos i dun wan my colleagues to start gossiping. It will add stress...
I think u can request for mc instead of HL. I don't see a prob.
But i have not ask for mc (I took HL)so Is better u check with the nurse again.
I think it used to be kk dept of reproductive medicine then recently changed to dept of rm
But if hr is kaypoh enuff they can google kkh dept of rm ... However dept of rm can cover lap surgery n removal or cyst so It doesn't matter ....

When I did my fresh I told ofc I did lap surgery ..took some HL and coincide w national day n hari raya last year.. . For fet I told them abdominal pain. Only took 3 days mc plus weekend, then went back to work

Till now nobody in ofc knew I went two iui n fresh n fet :)
Haha. Baby sparkles. Thanks for sharing.... I was thinking of taking medical leave instead of hospital leave for my ivf in apr. Medical leave ppl wun be so suspicious. Haha. Hope they will give me tat instead of hospitalisation leave. I only intend to take on er and et. Hope it will meets the wkend so i can rest more without taking leave...
Im gg in apr. Ttc for 1.5 yrs. DH has low sperm counts. So cant go iui. Need go ivf... Ivf now the earliest slot is apr.
Knock knock, a little quiet here. How is everyone and their progress? Kitkats, u resting well? Sparkles, your af report already?
yes!!! haha. but induced by duphaston one.. not natural one..
At least system cleared. quite heavy flow on Day 2 and im abit more assured now, but also sad at the same time means i didnt manage to BFP after D&C lor.

i have a strong feeling u will bfp this round!! stay cool!
Sparkles, good that system is cleared and is one step closer to the next cycle.

Me ah.... just trying my best to live thru the 2ww. Mainly on bed rest cos tummy super hard. Still can't really walk cos skin too taut. Last Fri kanna urinary tract infection then now got sore throat, sneezing and running nose.

So this time really never drink those black chicken soup or red date/longan/ginger. Never eat Brazil nuts too. Hahahah!

Good thing emotionally still feeling fine. Whatever will be will be. No point trying to control or guess the future because I am sure my future is in good hands, whatever it may be.
Hi circle, I m fine too. Watching drama the past few days. Bloat n pain after ER is gone now. Don't know what else to do to pass this boring weeks!
How about u?

Sparkles, glad ur af is finally here. Can start ttc again.
Kitkat, glad to hear everything ok. Me ah, my days super exciting with tonnes of side effects. Hahaha.

At least for now, nausea and vomiting are gone. Felt my tummy rumble for the first time since er.

Me also bed resting and watching old hk serials. Tummy so big that when I stand, skin is totally taut. So can't stand straight also. Just started to apply those body oil that preggie uses, hoping that it will help. Hahaha!
Take care circle, rest well...

Anyone can recommend comEDY Korea drama?
I jus watch "u who come star". Has keep me entertain for. 2 days. Haha
