IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

I will be going but I thought after my scan next week then I officially introduce myself there. There is an ivf mummies thread and nov 2014 mummies thread, we can see each other there :)
See u there! Iwantahealthybaby, have faith. It will all be fine. I remembered reading that chances for molar pregnancy is 1 in 100,000. Don't worry don't worry! Get ready to welcome your little ones!!!
Can i ask how many pieces of durian shld i take everyday during 2ww? Anyone here drink red bean soup?
It depend if ur body can take how much coz it Heaty. Myself I took 3-4 seeds every few days.
I took red bean soup during stimulation when I find my lining growing slowly during scan.
Really can't wait to see doc for week 6 scan and graduate to the mummies thread. .. btw still can drink red dates, eat durian and chicken essence while waiting?
Wooh.. I think I will remain the red dates once a week. . I really feel like going swimming but the haze smells bad..
Hi do you know if being sick in tww will affect the results? These past few days have been sick with flu and low grade fever. Also having very bad cramps, especially at night. The worst cramps I ever had in my life. Currently 12dpt. Very stressed now.
Hi mei, I had urinary tract infection then followed by running nose, sneezing and very bad sore throat. The kind that swallow saliva also pain. I went to see tcm and she gave medicine to help flu. I had cramps too, thought not the super painful ones. And I bfp. So hang in there, hope not lost. Drink more water. Rest more.
hi mei, i think it prob wont affect much since implantation would already have taken place. i see alot sisters who suffer flu during tww and got a bfp as well. maybe you can try to take more vit c now for the flu. must be careful of any medicine you taking since now must take into consideration you are pregnant.
Thanks all for your reply. Circle and kit kat, how are you feeling now?

I am thinking maybe to see TCM... Cuz the flu has lasted a few days already and I rarely fall sick until like tt, maybe once every few years that kind. Alamak!

Baby sparkles, yah you sound really right. I guess cuz already put in so much money and effort into it, failure becomes very scary. Will try not to think so much and focus on the positive, which is this round my hubby and colleagues are so much more supportive. Feel like the baby making almost become departmental effort haha!
Circles n kitkat your cramp is it the same as when u fail the cycle? Want to know how different it feels.

Circles u feel your follicle grow more even in long cycle? U jab suppression for two weeks?
hi jumbo girl, Can't tell the difference. The first time was chemical pregnancy. So got implantation. Felt just like AF cramps, but sometimes it feels more targeted rather than whole womb being squashed.

I couldn't feel my follicles growing. Yah, suppression jab for 2 weeks. Period came exactly on day 16, date of the appt. So I started puregon and saizen on day 1 of AF.
Went down for a scan today. Not quite reacting well to the 75 ui menopur dosage Doc had to increase the dosage to 150 ui and gonna go down for another scan on thur. Hope all goes well :(
How long after stopping utrogestan inserts would AF come?
I stopped on Thursday when nurse confirmed chemical pregnancy but AF haven't come yet... Worried
Went down for a scan today. Not quite reacting well to the 75 ui menopur dosage Doc had to increase the dosage to 150 ui and gonna go down for another scan on thur. Hope all goes well :(

you doing ivf right? i think 75 to start with is quite low. mine to start was already 300 the full dosage i think. after 9days stimulation still not ideal then add in puregon 75 for another 3 days.
How long after stopping utrogestan inserts would AF come?
I stopped on Thursday when nurse confirmed chemical pregnancy but AF haven't come yet... Worried

i thought for chemical pregnancy, the blood actually keeps flowing out like menses? you mean after your hcg falls havent bleed yet? usually 2-3 days after stopping the inserts.
How long after stopping utrogestan inserts would AF come?
I stopped on Thursday when nurse confirmed chemical pregnancy but AF haven't come yet... Worried

Hi MichNg, it took a few days for my AF to come after stopping the utrogestan inserts. And mine was BFN, so perhaps for chemical pregnancy need a few days too... Hope tt it helps, take care ya. Rest well during this period.
I just discovered I am spotting... Damn scared!!! Now lie on the bed and don't move! The last cycle I spotted on the day of BT and failed. This time the spotting came earlier...
Hi mei, could be implantation bleeding. Dont stress. Walk less, rest in bed. Some sisters suggest propping up the bum.

Mich, for my chemical preggie, I was spotting to bleeding from 9dp3dt. By the time it was bt, it was coming out in clots. My hcg level was 35 i think. So when I stopped, the whole avalanche just came the next day in the evening. Really a lot and very quick flow.

I hear the beanie might still be producing hcg but at a slower pace so once hcg level is low enough, AF will come.
Hi mei, could be implantation bleeding. Dont stress. Walk less, rest in bed. Some sisters suggest propping up the bum.

Mich, for my chemical preggie, I was spotting to bleeding from 9dp3dt. By the time it was bt, it was coming out in clots. My hcg level was 35 i think. So when I stopped, the whole avalanche just came the next day in the evening. Really a lot and very quick flow.

I hear the beanie might still be producing hcg but at a slower pace so once hcg level is low enough, AF will come.

Hi circle thanks for your reply! Will try this method. Do you know if the lotus water remedy is very heaty? Don't mind trying but i have bad sore throat and cough now...
I remember hearing a sister say that lotus root is cooling. I don't think it is the super cooling type. If u are having fever, should be ok to drink. Lotus root supposed to stop internal bleeding which is why tcm doc ask me to drink when I spotted.
you doing ivf right? i think 75 to start with is quite low. mine to start was already 300 the full dosage i think. after 9days stimulation still not ideal then add in puregon 75 for another 3 days.

Hi iwantahealthybaby, yea I am doing IVF. I see. I guess maybe they just want to see how is the reaction. Hope coming stimming would be more ideal :)

Thanks for sharing!
@summerreef i am sure they will increase if they find the jabs not giving you good results. they fear they overstimulate you also so started low. for me cause i do iui before thats why they roughly got an idea how i react to the jabs so they not afraid to start me 300 straight.
Circles n kitkat your cramp is it the same as when u fail the cycle? Want to know how different it feels.

Circles u feel your follicle grow more even in long cycle? U jab suppression for two weeks?

Jumbo girl, yes the feeling like af coming. In fact I have this feeling 4 days after ET. Wasn't optimistic then. Then the cramp come stronger when I had spotting. So then I was also very scare n think it was unsuccessful again.. But I was wrong....

N to add on, I have the same af feeling from my 2prev failed cycles.
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I just discovered I am spotting... Damn scared!!! Now lie on the bed and don't move! The last cycle I spotted on the day of BT and failed. This time the spotting came earlier...

Hi mei, yes try to bed rest. I did bed rest when spotting n it did help. Spotting reduce. When ur BT ?
hi ladies..sumthing wierd juz happened..i had juz failed my IVF cycle on 4th march and had full flow of AF for 5 days..My HCG was 3.6... then on friday, i had spotting(brownish..)..I was so worried as it was only one week since AF ended...So today went to repeat HCG test although i know it was a negative previously..the result came out Positive...my HCG level is 158...How is that possible????What should i do now???Doesn't look viable as the level is low...Now m so worried..
hi ladies..sumthing wierd juz happened..i had juz failed my IVF cycle on 4th march and had full flow of AF for 5 days..My HCG was 3.6... then on friday, i had spotting(brownish..)..I was so worried as it was only one week since AF ended...So today went to repeat HCG test although i know it was a negative previously..the result came out Positive...my HCG level is 158...How is that possible????What should i do now???Doesn't look viable as the level is low...Now m so worried..
Have u done ultra sound? Get dr to rule out ectopic...
Sorry don't mean to scare u.. I had similar experience like u for my first fresh n it turn out ectopic
I hope urs is not ...
im just curious, how does IVF lead to ectopic, meaning embryoes growing in the tube? i thought IVF means planting the embryo into the uterus lining.

if ur tubes are not block, embryo can still move around and implant in ur tubes. same thing implies for natural conceive even for ivf.
hi ladies..sumthing wierd juz happened..i had juz failed my IVF cycle on 4th march and had full flow of AF for 5 days..My HCG was 3.6... then on friday, i had spotting(brownish..)..I was so worried as it was only one week since AF ended...So today went to repeat HCG test although i know it was a negative previously..the result came out Positive...my HCG level is 158...How is that possible????What should i do now???Doesn't look viable as the level is low...Now m so worried..

Sorry to hear abt this but you should really arrange to see your consultant asap to find out why... Take care ya..
im just curious, how does IVF lead to ectopic, meaning embryoes growing in the tube? i thought IVF means planting the embryo into the uterus lining.
This puzzle me too.. I did a lot of googling n found out that the risk for ivf with ectopic is 30% whereas the risk for normal conceive is 5%. Getting Ivf with ectopic is higher chance .
Dr said it float around before implantation, n may float into tube.
Baby sparkles, don't fear. You got no implantation issues. Just need 1 good egg. It will happen. Just keep telling yourself that!
I still feeling cramp on off now... N more hungry than usual... :p
Kitkats, I am still cramping too. But as frequent but still happens. I just comfort myself that our uterus is growing to fit the baby! Will take deep breath when it happens and try to curl up. I find that stretching out tends to result in cramps. Curling seems more comfy.
No lar u didnt scare me.. im really very tired in this TTC journey.. alot of emotional pain cos my hub and i also quarelled many times over this.
so its financial pain, physical pain, emotional pain and strain on the marriage. although we are generally ok, the bb plan is still putting pressure on the marriage. cos we both want a bb very badly but yet we keep facing failure each time. and its not easy to keep trying naturally cos of my PCOS

Hi baby sparkles, I understand. It can be straining on the relationship. It was not easy for me to convince my hubby to embark on this and many times he will show his unhappiness. Think it is partly because men have their pride also and to resort to ivf makes them feel less worthy? Not sure. But he did blame me for many things, even to the extent of suggesting that I don't pleasure him the right way. Anyway to let you know, we are doing ivf because his sperm count and quality is very low, so iui also won't work and it is impossible for us to try naturally. It was quite a paradox because he was so wonderful in all other aspects except when it comes to making a baby.

Anyway, if you don't mind me sharing, how I tried to get over this was to think more about what he needs and wants. So I tried to show him more love and care, buy him presents sometimes, give him surprises and love notes, and praise him in front of others. It seems to work. It improved our relationship tremendously. He is much better this ivf cycle, though not as if he suddenly became v involved. I still go for all the scans and doctor visits alone because he doesn't want to be seen in the ivf clinic. Also I took some precautions, like moving to my mom's house during the tww as he can get more temperamental during this period.

Making a baby is tough, but at the end of the day, the relationship between your hubby and yourself is even more important. You so also need effort to maintain that. Haha being a woman is so tough man. Sorry if I sounded preachy but I felt very much for you. Don't despair ok? You will get your rainbow baby one day! In the meantime, enjoy the relative freedom your hubby and yourself have now :)
Kitkats, I am still cramping too. But as frequent but still happens. I just comfort myself that our uterus is growing to fit the baby! Will take deep breath when it happens and try to curl up. I find that stretching out tends to result in cramps. Curling seems more comfy.

Ya circle I tend to get the bad cramps when I stretch too...

He has become more n more understanding after the loss earlier this yr. in fact my MIL is the one getting temperamental ... Luckily i only see her once a week.

We haven't given up . Still trying n trying but we decided not to really "talk" abt this journey for the time being. Just do wat we need to do n support each other ..

Sorry to hear abt your loss... It is comforting that your husband is more understanding now though. The journey is tough, must persevere.

My MIL and FIL also not v understanding sometimes. Just try not to listen to them too much.
