IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

Thanks thanks! I hope so too!

Can't believe I managed to hold on til bt day. First time man! I've switched the phone volume to the max! Hubby coincidentally is working from home in the morn. So hope he gets to hear the news with me!
good luck - circles and kitkat! BFP with good beta levels!

Ladies, thanks for the encouraging tips. I totally didn't drink any red dates longan, chicken essence, etc during my fresh. So now gonna adopt all this with a vengeance.
Thanks everyone! Yah, all the effort worth it. Esp the ohss.

Lynn candy, maybe I went early. Not much people at 8 am. Took me 1hr of jam to reach there and was done in 5 mins. Hahaha!
Hi all, a summary of my experience to help sisters:

This is my 2nd cycle. This time, Dr Tan put me through long cycle with lucrin, puregon and saizen. More eggs and better quality too. Transferred 2 embryos (grade 4). Froze the remaining 4 embryos (1 x grade 4, 3 x grade 3).

Diet wise
, I have been avoiding cooling food since Jun last year. No more popiah, chin chow, ice kachang, white cabbage, bean sprouts, bubble tea, coffee, tea, carrot cake, lemon tea etc. Cold drinks occasionally like twice a week but stopped completely when long protocol started. Also started immunocal (1x a day) from day 5 onwards and increased gradually (3x a day) after ER. Drank H20 to help with OHSS for the first week after ER.

After that, came down with UTI (urinary tract infection) and sore throat+running nose. Couldn't take any brazil nuts, black chicken soup or red date/longan cos it worsens sore throat. Was trying my best to drink more water to keep fever away.

Not too sure if it helps. But I was on holiday in taipei in Jan and brought back a lot of those old ginger/red date/longan/black sugar cubes. Just add hot water and it will melt into a drink. The taiwanese ginger is supposed to be really good and spicy. I drank a lot of that in Jan like once every 2 days.

TCM wise, have been seeing my TCM doc (Ma Kuang) for the past 1-2 years. Every day 2 packets of powder medicine. During long protocol, no acupuncture but continued to see her once a week to measure pulse and get medicine.

Clothes wise, I have been using the belly warmer (from Daiso) since June last year as well. Keeps tummy warm. Also will wear cardigan or jacket when going into cold places (especially when you are perspiring). During long protocol, also wear socks to keep feet warm.

Symptoms wise, stayed at home throughout whole 2ww except to go see TCM. First week had OHSS so very bloated. Second week onwards, cramps started. Continued until about 13dp2dt. First outing was on 11dp2dt, but started spotting pink discharge. Cramping was the worst on that day as well. Drank lotus root water and spotting improved. TCM doc advised to walk less. Stayed in bed or sat on sofa as much as possible until BT day. Started to burp more from 12dp2dt as well. Always seem to want to pee from 12dp2dt onwards, thought not much pee. I always thought it could be UTI happening again so didn't think much about it.

Emotions wise, a lot more relaxed this time. Maybe because I have gone through it once. Also, I had stronger faith this time e.g. trying to surrender to whatever plans he has for me. Will try not to think so much about the outcome and the symptoms. But still hoping for the twinnies. Hahaha! So greedy!
Hi all, a summary of my experience to help sisters:

This is my 2nd cycle. This time, Dr Tan put me through long cycle with lucrin, puregon and saizen. More eggs and better quality too. Transferred 2 embryos (grade 4). Froze the remaining 4 embryos (1 x grade 4, 3 x grade 3).
Diet wise, I have been avoiding cooling food since Jun last year. No more popiah, chin chow, ice kachang, white cabbage, bean sprouts, bubble tea, coffee, tea, carrot cake, lemon tea etc. Cold drinks occasionally like twice a week but stopped completely when long protocol started. Also started immunocal (1x a day) from day 5 onwards and increased gradually (3x a day) after ER. Drank H20 to help with OHSS for the first week after ER.

After that, came down with UTI (urinary tract infection) and sore throat+running nose. Couldn't take any brazil nuts, black chicken soup or red date/longan cos it worsens sore throat. Was trying my best to drink more water to keep fever away.

Not too sure if it helps. But I was on holiday in taipei in Jan and brought back a lot of those old ginger/red date/longan/black sugar cubes. Just add hot water and it will melt into a drink. The taiwanese ginger is supposed to be really good and spicy. I drank a lot of that in Jan like once every 2 days.

TCM wise, have been seeing my TCM doc (Ma Kuang) for the past 1-2 years. Every day 2 packets of powder medicine. During long protocol, no acupuncture but continued to see her once a week to measure pulse and get medicine.

Clothes wise, I have been using the belly warmer (from Daiso) since June last year as well. Keeps tummy warm. Also will wear cardigan or jacket when going into cold places (especially when you are perspiring). During long protocol, also wear socks to keep feet warm.

Symptoms wise, stayed at home throughout whole 2ww except to go see TCM. First week had OHSS so very bloated. Second week onwards, cramps started. Continued until about 13dp2dt. First outing was on 11dp2dt, but started spotting pink discharge. Cramping was the worst on that day as well. Drank lotus root water and spotting improved. TCM doc advised to walk less. Stayed in bed or sat on sofa as much as possible until BT day. Started to burp more from 12dp2dt as well. Always seem to want to pee from 12dp2dt onwards, thought not much pee. I always thought it could be UTI happening again so didn't think much about it.

Emotions wise, a lot more relaxed this time. Maybe because I have gone through it once. Also, I had stronger faith this time e.g. trying to surrender to whatever plans he has for me. Will try not to think so much about the outcome and the symptoms. But still hoping for the twinnies. Hahaha! So greedy!

bubble tea is so yummy. Can i drink bubble tea with pearl but without ice?

ur lining wise when u last scan ley?

thanks circlecircle for sharing. Congrats again!
bubble tea is so yummy. Can i drink bubble tea with pearl but without ice?

ur lining wise when u last scan ley?

thanks circlecircle for sharing. Congrats again!

no bubble tea. even hot also cannot. tea is meant to be cooling if i am not wrong. but i cheated too i love pearls so what i do, i buy soya milk with pearls from mr bean hehehe. warm one.
Hahaha! I took out my laptop just to type the long essay. My lining was 10mm triple.

Hmmmm, bubble tea is made up of tea. And all tea is cooling, especially green tea. I love love koi green tea machiaato but gave it up. Sometimes if can't tahan, just drink a bit. But I will try go home and drink ginger to balance it off.
Haha circle, I love matcha too. After drinking I will balance up the next day with red dates before I tested positive. Now I better give up in drinking this. But I still eat matcha cookies :x
Hahaha! I took out my laptop just to type the long essay. My lining was 10mm triple.

Hmmmm, bubble tea is made up of tea. And all tea is cooling, especially green tea. I love love koi green tea machiaato but gave it up. Sometimes if can't tahan, just drink a bit. But I will try go home and drink ginger to balance it off.

thts a very good lining. really praying for tht will happen for me soon.

oh yah hor! i love red tea with flavours. yahlah true what u said tea is cooling. never think of tht! thks babe!
Yah, we never realise but there are a lot of cooling food. I think generally white vegetables are cooling. Green veggies are safer. So I just keep to kailan. I like broccoli but they give u gas. And I bloat very often. So my taiwan ginger red date longan is my life saver. Cos it is in cubes, so very convenient some more!
