IVF with KKH (Tan HH)

I just got call from KKh... They said my reading 163... I dunno how... Sounds like chemical pregnancy to me... Dunno is it cuz I was sick... Feel like crying.... :( :( damn scared!!!
Hi mei, you are not spotting right? Maybe it is late implantation. Don't scare yourself. Rest more. Continue your support. Stay positive. Keep a happy womb and go for your blood test in 2 days time!
Dunno... I would like to spread baby dust but my baby dust is no good kind....

Just very worried... I feel I killed my embryo with the fever and bad coughing.... Damn guilty...
Dunno... I would like to spread baby dust but my baby dust is no good kind....

Just very worried... I feel I killed my embryo with the fever and bad coughing.... Damn guilty...

dont be silly. pregnant woman cannot fall sick meh? haiyoh!
Thanks sisters for ur support... I just called my hubby telling him abt it. Such a roller coaster this one....
Hi Mei, maybe it's late implantation that's why the low reading. At least still not that low less than 100. Pray it doubles on mon. You gg retake on mon right? Wkend have a good rest less walking ya.
Hi mei congrat!! Try not to worry too much ( I know it hard). Stay positive n contd ur support. May ur hcg doubles on Monday!
Thanks iwantahealthybaby and kit kat. Ya will just try to convince myself that it will work... Gg to retake on Mon... Pray that it can hit the min 250...
hi ladies, need advice.

currently I'm under clinic A doc but was thinking to do IVF under HH Tan which a lot ppl recommend. Can advise what is the different as i saw ppl mentioned private so whats the meaning? Could we still use medisave and grant?

if I'm under clinic A doc and he send me to do IVF, does it mean i will get the good doc in KKIVF? Meaning i do not need to mention i want to be under HH Tan and doc will refer me to him directly huh?

Sorry v blur.
Gotten my 3rd blood test result today .
No more hope :(

18th -114

So isir consider chemical pregnancy ?
Waiting for review with doc tan next wed
Baby_sparkles, my 1st cycle failed , im left with 1 frozen embroy which is grade 3 .this cycle is grade 4 ..not sure am i gg for 2nd cycle :(

hi_mei, now i can only wait for doc tan advice what to do for next step.
Meanwhile will go tcm to tiao my womb
Anyone BFP with only 1 follicle?? After 12 days of stimming, we only have 1 lead follicle at 17.5mm and the rest are 6.5 and 8. Just did a E2 blood test today and doc gave green light to go ahead with retrieval on wed. Going down for trigger shot tonight. Really hoping for the best....
Anyone BFP with only 1 follicle?? After 12 days of stimming, we only have 1 lead follicle at 17.5mm and the rest are 6.5 and 8. Just did a E2 blood test today and doc gave green light to go ahead with retrieval on wed. Going down for trigger shot tonight. Really hoping for the best....

Hi summerreef sorry to hear abt this. I just bfp with 2 follicles so not v different from you. All the best babe!
Hi_mei, Thanks for the encouragement! Congrats to you!!!! Catching your baby dust!! :)

Hi summerreef I think u can actually have a really good response with higher drug dosage. But anyway dont be discouraged by ur follicle number. U only need one gd embryo. I think the conclusion to your journey will be a beautiful one. All the best :)
Hi mei : phew !!!! Meantime take care n rest well !!! When is ur scan ?

Prob will see Dr Tan next wk for scan. If his fees are not too ex my hubby and I wish to let him be the gynae. Cuz he is so nice and encouraging. I heard some horror stories from my MO friends of doctors who scold patients when they dont push during delivery. If it is me will cry man. Hehe.

Baby sparkles, all the best for ur upcoming FET! :)
Just to let you have a feel of the charges. I paid 2.1k in cash and 3.5k medisave for assisted normal delivery (2 days package) at A1 ward, one bedder. I stayed extra 2 days as my bb down with jaundice so I extended my stay. Otherwise can have extra $700 savings. But if u go by c sect, will be more ex. Otherwise I think its worth it for the privacy.
I hv pcos n I took purgeon but my ferilised embryo yield was v bad so only left 1 frozen. heard u all say saizen is good for improving egg quality? is it to improve fertilisation?
Hi mei was it a fresh cycle and what stim did u tske pls
Hi Mesara thanks! I prob scan next week. It was my 3rd fresh, took high dosage of menopur (450iu). It actually was not my original drug, was supposed to do a mixture of puregon and menopur but I asked doc to remove puregon as I respond badly to it. When are you starting?

hi_mei, wat did you do different this cycle as compared to your previous 2 cycles?
I ate brazil nuts because my colleague who did ivf recommended it. She also asked me to get selenium eggs (can get from Chew's brand) prior to stim. Other than that, pretty much the same.... I was actually quite surprised to bfp cuz The other difference was that I fell very sick during tww, around the implantation period. Had high fever, cough, cold, etc. in fact I am still sick. So thankful that the beanie is strong and can survive the horrid illness :) when are you starting the cycle?
Congrats mei! Ha my gynae is dr tan. He is nice. I delivered in Dec.
Hi nidella... Feel v tempted to stay with Dr Tan. The 2.5 +3.5k does it include scanning, like a full package? How is motherhood? :)

He is super nice !!! Got other smh sista also bfp n delivered under him . He will stil come visit no matter how busy he is. The only gripe is he has too many patients so he is a v busy man

I tot I could bfp naturally this mth but looks like I didn't O.... Grrrr! Have to depend on FET next mth
Jiayou baby sparkles! I will send lots of positive thoughts your way :) ya Dr Tan is really nice, i am amazed he can rem my name when we meet in KKH randomly... He must be really a very people person.

I hv pcos n I took purgeon but my ferilised embryo yield was v bad so only left 1 frozen. heard u all say saizen is good for improving egg quality? is it to improve fertilisation?
I think some sisters didnt have v gd egg quality and tried saizen. They were successful after that. Good luck!
Hi nidella... Feel v tempted to stay with Dr Tan. The 2.5 +3.5k does it include scanning, like a full package? How is motherhood? :)

Jiayou baby sparkles! I will send lots of positive thoughts your way :) ya Dr Tan is really nice, i am amazed he can rem my name when we meet in KKH randomly... He must be really a very people person.

I think some sisters didnt have v gd egg quality and tried saizen. They were successful after that. Good luck!
Yupers. Me Me! I had 23 eggs retrieved during first fresh but only 1 good embryo. Ended up chemical pregnancy.

Tried saizen during 2nd fresh. Retrieval 35 eggs and 6 good embryos. So egg quality improved!
hi_mei, I am still thinking when to start cos scared of failure. Will be seeing Dr Tan next month. Feel very motivated after reading the success stories shared.

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