IVF Mummies


bb refuse to suck ? Or does not know how to suck from aerola ? Or position u are carrying is onot comfortable ?

U managed to get 60ml within a short time, so u may be the lucky ones who can succeed through pumping alone. Remember to pump at least 6-8 times a day. I failed cos I didnt do that :p but it can be double work cos night time is a chore..


why don u pump after feeding baby ? U mixing with FM ? or BM totally.

Stumble by,
I think the position is not comfortable. I pump about 6 times a day. But bb tends to get hungry easily with breast milk. Just fed her 50ml express milk and she is hungry in an hour, so supplement with formula milk. If we give her too much, she can't finish. sigh...

What are the steps to freeze express milk?
If we freeze it, when we need it, do we move to the lower compartment first??

ur boy boy vey alert
ur labour was quite short
managed to clear block ducts & infection?

hw's latching & pumping?
Hi Rae,

I only pump, can't latch her on.
So far every two hours only manage 50ml. Not too good. Afraid the supply will goes down since not latching on.

if position not comfortable, maybe u can try other positions. But newborn, modified cradle is the best. Football hold position can be relaxing for mum too but your armchair must have 'hand' and the level must be right, although one can use pillow. Although my BF career is short, i tried ALL positions. The one where u lie by the baby side (both of u lie down) can be quite 'sleepy too' - good for night time and both of u will fall asleep side by side...hmm..how i miss my latch-on days
but i din latch on much..

50ml is good already, since your bb is new born. I am not sure the steps to freeze express milk, since u have about 50ml a session now, not necessary to freeze right ? Freezing is for those who really have a lot of supply. For me, last time I only put in top compartment of 'normal refrigerator section' (not chiller or freezer section). Within maximum of 48 hours I will give EBM to bb.

Some people have good supply through pumping alone. But others (like me) just cannot increase supply thru pumping. Perhaps because I din pump 8 times a day. IN fact my supply keep decreasing because of block ducts/infection. As I have told hui, pump cannot empty breast fully thats why I keep getting those problems.


Nice talking to u via SMS!
Hi Stumbled by,
At least you tried to latch on. For me totally can't.

Few days ago, bb seems to refuse ebm, so tot of freezing lah. But now it's ok. We put in lower compartment and must be consume within 48 hours.

For me, I will try my best to keep pumping if I still have milk. I do agree that pumping alone cannot empty breast fully. sigh, just try to increase the frequency.
Stumbled by,
Baby was impatient and can't get the right position and feels uncomfortable. She is well contented with bottle feeding now. Sigh, cannot do anything now....
maybe ur girl needs time to get used to?? my boy was impatient too.... so b4 his next feed, i will be prepared him to latch on..... maybe u can try tt
Dear all,
Admitted to KKH on 31st May. Delivered on 1st Jun and discharged on 2 Jun. Very thing seems chop chop. My princess now 4 days old. 3.2kg
Normal delivery with epidural and help of laughing gas during the delivery stage.
Trying very hard for breast feed this few days.


err...why do u need laughing gas at delivery stage ? U mean your epidural wear off..u discharge very soon!


ya..u need more patience. dont repeat our mistakes.. Bb still has rooting instinct. actually now my DD still turn towards my breast when she is hungry.
A BIG BIG Congratulation! In my last posting, when I asked who's next? I was thinking of you in my heart and surprisely the next MTB is EXACTLY you. Your delivery must be very SOONLI.
Your galgal so cute... Are you in full-term? Who helped you in delivery? Any pre-symptom before admission? Wow... I've too much questions. It is okay to ignore me if you are busy BF. We've lots of experienced sisters here helping you. TAkeCARe! My dear friend and lovely princess.

I still have a long way to go. Only 24weeks+ and my twins boy will be due in Aug/Set. By then your little princess will be around 3 months. Need some advice from you in future. Take Care!
Stumbled by,
Thanks. Need the laughing gas during my stage 1 of delivery.

Stacy, Thanks too. My EDD is 7 Jun, however we wish that our daughter arrive on 1 Jun and she really make it.
31 May 0300h - having mild contraction. The pain come and goes, interval of 10 mins. Still bearable and reluctant to go hospital as there was no show nor water bag burst.
0800h - Told hubby and he suggest to go hospital after lunch if i still can endure. Took a shower and get ready to go KK after lunch. But then the pain was still bearable compare to my gastric pain and vomiting during my pregnacy.
1800h - The pain came every 5 mins and it last longer for every cycle. This time really need to go and set off for KK.
1900h - Reach KK and the nurse call Doc SF loh and so paiseh to spoilt his VESAK day.
1945h - Doc Loh came and examined me. Was informed that cervic open 3 cm. Opt for delivery.
2045h - The water bag was break burst. This time with the contraction was really painful and terrible and till now still clearly remember. Inhale alot of the gas to relieve the pain so that i could have the epidural jab.
1130h - Midwife checked my cervic and it was fully dilated and they quickly call doc Loh again. Doc arrived 30 mins later.
1 Jun 0031h - Tricia has arrive to this world.
For the epidural jab, I have all the side effect. Shivering, itch and vomit and fever after deliver. All the side effect goes off when the epidural worn off.
Congrats Vendy

wow, u hv a short & fast labour
envy u :p

u really can bare with the pain..... agreed with stumbled_by tt ur discharge was very fast. also, hui, jolene & vendy, try to latch on and pump there after as much as poss to increase supply

yalor...your labour is so fast. How old are u ? I am wondering if length of labour got to do with age :p cos i remember hui's was quite fast too..

ya...vomit and fever is common for epidural. As a result, my bb's stem cord blood cannot be donated to Spore Cord Blood bank due to my fever
I going to 35 soon.
When i was pushing my baby, my epidural still on. The mid wife was telling doc loh that i could push with the epidural. Hubby was beside me and he say the baby is out in less than 10 push. Both mid wife very helpful and skillful. Keep advising me throughout the process.

Ya, Spore Cord bank also wanted to draw another 2 tubes for further test before taking the b stem cord . I rejected them as i already lose too much blood.
Yesterday managed to pump 40ml of supply.
Maybe during my pregancy, i had a hard time. That why during my labour, is a reward to me. Vomiting at least once in every week. My first trimester was like a nitemare. Lucky it was all over. So happy that i am a mummy now.
Take care to all.
Not bad ah! You were able to push bb out less than 10 counts. Do you attend any course or practise breathing techniques b4 hand? Motherhood is a new challenges and really happy that you are adjusting well.
TAke Good Care.
Yes. I did attend the antenatal course in KKH. But did not really apply the technique taught by them. After the process, the midwife was telling me that i anyhow push. Luckily the duration is short, else will waste a lot of energy.
Stumbled by,
hehe.. i stop pumping milk liao.. in order to recover for right breast i got to recover i got to stop breastmilk..

dont get u...u mean u only latch on now ? Or stop bf completely ? What happened ??

Your son's top is very big..heehee.... or u bought too big for him ?


so I think length of labour got nothing to do with age..u still know u pushed for 10 times ? I couldnt remember mine...Cos each time is 3 continuous pushing right ??

40ml is not bad for new born. Jiayou!


U can practise pushing now by :
Taking one deep breath..and Imagine yourself pushing for 10 seconds. But in between the 10 sec u got to take deep breath QUICKLY again if not u wun be able to last for 10 seconds.

U have to repeat the above for 3 times. But usually the first push has the greatest strength
Thank you. How are you recently? How is your girl doing now, she is almost 6 months right.

Rae / Stumble by,
Noted your advice to latch on, bb still very impatient, so got no choice. But I will keep pumping whilte trying to latch on again.

Congrats to you. Must be very busy now. U jia you. 40ml for a start is really good. As what Stumble by and Rae says latch on is the best. You try that. I can't so wil continue pumping. So hope by next month, still have supply. Today is my 3rd week and can only achieve about 80-100ml at 4 hours interval. For a start I express every 2 hours for 1 whole hour. These days, I express 4hourly and about 30-40mins. You Jiayou.

don express in 4 hourly interval. If u rely on pumping alone, 4 hour is too long an-interval. Stick to 3 hours including night time. U dont have to express 1 whole hour. Its the frequency of pumps for a day that counts, not the duration of each pump session.

I wish someone can give me all the advices I am giving u people now. I only found out (about these tips) from LC when bb was 1 month old. By then, whatever I did was too late to increase supply

[ I tried these good tips for 3 weeks but to no avail ]

even if u have blocked ducts/pus('nong') or on antibiotics u can still continue pumping out milk to keep the supply going.

Don't let one episode of blocked ducts knock u down. I had about 3 bouts of fever thru out my bf career before I gave up..but that was bcos my supply became REALLY little in the end(cos block ducts problem not resolved) - it doesnt mean u will be as 'unfortunate as me' to keep getting fever..

I am not pushing u, dont misunderstand
Stumbled by,
i dun have fever but i cant pump at all.. the pus is now like 2-3 pus combine into one and look like 20 cent coin that big..so no choice lor..stop pumping n close factory for milk supply...

actually I dunno whether express longer can empty breast more. I have the problem of NOT emptying breast thats why i keep getting block ducts/fever. But if u spend 1 hour to express, the 3 hourly interval is going to 'come soon' and u spend less time doing other things.

i read somewhere recently (do a search in yahoo) that if you rely on PUMPING alone, u need hospital grade pump like medela PIS. So perhaps u want to consider...


hmm...got pus but no fever ? that is strange. looks like ur problem is like mine. My block ducts/pus/infection cause my ss to be almost like super little thus I decided to close down factory. But I cant really tell where is the pus so dunno how big is it. Just that I saw it coming out on off when I express. Never mind, no BM also never mind. at least we tried our best . thats why i now advise people not to pump alone. it works for some, but others, like both of us, it doesnt...

don't rely on express alone for your 2nd bb. as i said, express wun empty breast thats why both of us faced problem of block ducts. I learn about all this on hindsight :p

for your 2nd bb why dont u see a LC before delivery. Learn how to latch on. Or after u deliver make sure your bb can latch on well. If face problem with latch on, see LC.


when did your bb upgrade to 'big bottle' (small bottle is about 125ml, big bottle about 250ml) ? Is he still feeding every 3 hourly for day time ? I wonder when this 3 hourly will extend to longer..
hui, Jolene,
Hi ... Congratulation...
Long time din log in liao...
I am still giving my boy ebm, but seemed like my supply is reducing...only managed to express about 700ml per day...thus now got to use frozen ebm.

Hi Stumbled by,
How r u?
This week my son reflux is coming back...haiz...
hi.. long time nvr hear from u liao.. Dun wori can give ur son FM milk.. muz train him drink FM milk if not next time he dunwan drink leh..coz used to BM milk liao..

your son is coming to 6 months, u not introducing cereals/other food besides BM ? You had a long way in BM, don't be dishearten. A few of us here, Rae, hui and I gave up long ago before our bb'ies reach 6 months.

My DD's regurgitate her milk at times when she has not eaten for 6 hours, like night feeds. Thus, now I really cover her with waterproof material for night feed! If not, it can be messy, ie need to change clothes, clean her, change clothes myself etc. Not sure if it is considered as 'reflux' cos it happens once in a while..
sorry ladies, long time din chat here... been bz with work & home laptop sent for repair

my son has been sick for past week - slight fever & cough. luckily, fever has gone but still coughing thou.... seems like these syptoms are everywhere.

my son should be using the 250ml last month (3rd mth) but he hardly finished his milk
we did checked with PD y my son is drinking only 3oz & some days 2oz!!! He said it's ok cos every baby develops differently, so long he drinks, tt's most impt. He prefers to drink water than milk *sigh*

but these few days, his appetite has come back.... drinking 4oz liao. Seems like my son prefers to drink less but frequently
and going for his 4th mth jab his Sat...
wat happen to cause the pus? seems like stumbled_by, u & me no luck in bf.... *sob* *sob*........

yes, i agreed with u on the bf info.....too late for info......

you son is 4 months but drinking only 4oz ? If i remember, 4oz is about 110ml ? So u mean he hasn't 'graduated' to bigbottle yet..how's his weight and height gain ?

but does he drink every 3 hour daytime ? How is his weight ? U are lucky he prefers water. Now I have a hard time asking DD to drink water, even tho I mix gripe water into plain water. Today I felt like hitting her when she din want to drink water. Everyday I tried to make her drink about 100ml of water (spread thruout the day) but usually she only drinks average 50-60ml. If not, she will get constipation! When I stop bf 1 mth ago, I realised drinking water can be a REAL problem.. BF ss though little, serves as water...
yaloh... still using 125ml bottles
but his height & weight gain is considered good by my PD... last weighed was 7.3kg and 61cm for length....

depends, he will "asks" for milk <3hrs after his last feed, sometimes, 3-4hrs gone by, he din drink much..... PD oso cannot explained. jus say individual bb has their own growth..... so long as weight & length are acceptable, it's fine.

i gave him water since birth. mayb cos FM is very heaty... dunno y he prefers water to FM....
slowly train ur DD to drink water... increase bit by bit.... when u gg back to work?

I give DD water in between feeds. But on certain days, she really dislikes water. I find it very stressful when it comes to water feeding time.

I give her milk every 3 hours. It's almost like a strict regiment. Sometimes I tweak it a bit in order to suit her sleeping time, ie so that she doesnt 'wait' too long for milk and then miss sleeping time. But most of the time, bcos she wakes up at about the same time, I can stick to the 'milk schedule'. So for your case u only wait till he is hungry then feed ? My DD is super punctual. The problem is delaying her milk time a bit in order to fit into her sleeping time.

I gg back to work 2 months later. Cos it is part time work (due to the IVF thing last year). Trying to look for full time job but difficult....
Hi all,
My son now going 6 months only drink 150ml per feed, and in a day he only drink 700-800ml. That is consider alot for him liao.
I will give him some rice cereal about 1-2 ounce per day, consider very little...cos he refuse to eat, will vomit if force him..
His reflux is not getting better yet, but somehow some day good, someday really bad...
Lately, I brought him chinese chinese massage, tui na, hopefully can help to increae appetite.
I still use the avent smallest size milk bottle too...
My boy also refused to drink water, only take a few sips in between meal.
Jovial also refuse to drink water but will give him b4 milk.. he drinking 100ml FM milk now..but he will cry for milk abt 2.5hr..

ur bb look different !


150ml seems little. Mine is drinking 125ml and she's almost 3 months old. Your bb din drink water no constipation ? Mine will get constpiation so the milk is 'diluted'. Ie although I give 125ml its not really 4 teaspoon...


wow...100ml is fast for your boy! He is just over 1 month ?
Stumbled by,
ya, Jovila face change..ii also make the milk diluted..90ml of water 3 spoon i gave him 100ml of water 3 spoon. he now 37 days old.
Yesterday nite he gave me a shock..9pm he had 100ml milk then not enough so make another 50ml finish n still not enough then he had another 10ml then kp quiet..by the ime he finish drinking is 10+ liao so 11.40pm he cry for milk again...


correction here. I think your bb drinks BM, thats why no constipation. Last time when I did partial BF, my DD also doesn't NEED to drink water and she has no constipation.


wow...your DS is really hungry. Has big appetite..heehee. Sometimes my DD also cries after a meal, but I assume she is going to sleep so I usually ignore her :p usually the crying after meal wun take long.

PS- she doesnt always cry after meal. Only once in a while. Lest u think I 'bully' her ...haha
