IVF Mummies

i have decided to stop ebm & give my DS TFM... feel relieve & relax after making this decision thou sad at the same time. but am glad tt i did gave him some bm since birth
dun let my decision affect you thou


i use hot towel to massage. but sometimes find it doesnt really help so hot towel just place there for fun. I just read up u need to express 6-8 times a day to increase supply! aiyo..no wonder both of us ss so little

now i have block ducts, LC helped me clear but right breast still have very very very low supply. Sigh...wonder if i should just take medicine to stop. But I heard medicine will make breast shrink shockingly. U know anything about this ? How u stoppin your EBM har ? I scare if stop or stop gradually got block ducts again. LC say i have block ducts cos i din express at night...too long interval
U pump only twice a day or less than 6-8 times in the past u didnt have any problems(like block ducts/engorgement) ? So good....:p I din know low ss also will have such problems. I spent money on pump/LC, can buy so many bottles of FM already

yes, confinement ending soon. in fact I have ended myself when the 4 weeks is up few days ago. go under fan lar, bathe with normal water etc. in fact my confinment practises are all No good. wonder if i will pay the price later on :p


nice to hear from u! Looks like TBF menses can still come soon. Lochia took 2 months to clear?! wow...that means i have to have more patience. but later part is staining only right.


u will join us here! I bet u will talk a lot about BF like me..haha
tink 6-8 times of ebm does nt incl latch on rite? i hv stopped latching on since he's only week6

did u ask the LC to go to ur house to clear for u? wat methods did she use to clear blocked ducts? nt sure abt med to stop bm ss & shrink in breasts...... i jus stop expressing tt's all, oso my ss already so pathetic tt i can jus stop like tt. bt i kn of other mums tt they reduced the pumping gradually everyday. Eg. if u pump 6x per day, reduce to 5x, then slowly reduce it. I only hv engorgement on 4th or 5th day after delivery and few days after confinement. No engorgement, no milk bah

u really din bathe or use herbs to bathe?

No, i went to hospital to see LC, since i was there for other purpose. She just used sheer brute strength to massage the block ducts at aerola area. Its even more painful than childbirth! But hey, i used epidural :p

i dun have much ss but can get block ducts and engorgement. thats the irony :p i am not sure if ebm 6-8 times include latch on or not. but u must pump 6-8 times to simulate TBF, then ss can increase. now i am trying that. but now i have other caregivers around to help me, so i follow 'strictly' to the regiment of 6-7 (I have never hit 8 times lar) a day. but night time depends on when my DD wakes up. I only pump when she wakes up, but i din go and feed her. I go and express :p(my mum is helping me to feed her) My DH kept saying i spent too much time on BM, too little time learning how to take care of bb...sigh..how to deal with this dillemma har ? if i were to feed her, coax her to sleep, then express milk at night, think i will be getting even lesser sleep at night....

i stop latching on since week 3. Week 4 onwards she is adamant on latching on..Now i only try out once a day or even lesser..

i used herbs to bathe. but at hospital i already used cold water to wash private parts etc. my confinment is officially over! yuppie.....but i know some people observe 40days confinement..not me.


good luck to your FET attempt next year. Now with one child, I am struggling to cope. Think I may just stop at one, unless 'miracles' happen and I conceive naturally since I have no frozen embryos left.
wow, brute force... can imagine the pain
i oso use epidural

yup, i oso dun hv time to sleep during confinement and only ebm <10x cos most of the time FM and latch on. bt the time, need to catch 40winks, he will wake up cos my DS is a very light sleeper

congrats! ur confinement's over, i oso din follow 40days :p 30days already tak boleh tahan, let alone 40days...... kekekekeke

agreed with hui, only child is very lonely
but it's personal choice

I dont know about you guys, esp hui who has not given birth yet. But I find that I lack patience and love for the child. My DD can be quite demanding and fussy. So at times, i tend to lose patience. I thot its not easy for me to have a child, so i should love her a lot. but i think my love for her is not as great as my parents love for her. Somehow they can shower her with unconditional love. For me, I will see how she behave and the 'love is thus limited'. How to overcome har ?? How to cultivate patience ?

yes, only child is lonely. But with the challenges of bringing up child, and some unexpected hiccups during pregnancy/post-pregnancy (tho' not serious), really need to think thru b4 plunging into it again. But anyway...not easy for me to get pregnant in 1st place so this can jolly well be an 'excuse'..hiaks.
It's not that u can't give ur DD unconditional love... its just the difficulty of getting pregnant + labour pain + the demand of caring for a newborn day in day out + struggling with BF that make you so burnt out. Give urself more time and u'll find that ur DD is really a bundle of joy and one day U'll find that u can't wait for the working hrs to end and quickly go back home to see ur little princess. Before I got married, I'm convinced that I'm not a person who likes kids but now I can't imagine a day without my little girl
Ur confinement is just over so it's natural that u'll feel this way.

Give urself more time and slowly u'll get to know ur DD better and she knows u better too.
i oso lost my patience with DS during confinement
but rite now, looking at him smiling & cooing at me makes me a little quilty over it
tt's y i had made a slient promise to b really, really patience no matter what
They are still bb so dunno how to talk yet. the more impatience we are, the more they cry & make a big fuss. they can sense it

who knows, ur 2nd 1 is an accident :p
am same as you!
not 1 who likes kids. can play with friends' kids & once they cry, will shove them back to the parents :p but it's different now
ya lor baby can sense when we r happy and when we are sad. Funny huh....

I'm still working very very hard to be patient with my DD, hv lost my temper and patience on her few times and I was so so guilty after that. So now I'm very careful with my temper but sometimes still find it hard esp. when I need to sleep and my DD would wake up few times in the night.
guess am lucky cos mil look after DS 24/7 :p mayb cos my hubby work shift & afraid am not able to handle DS alone
we still hv a long way to go, esp when they start sch... will be headache then... kekekeke
am having irritable contraction and now on medication to reduce contraction.. my cervix open 1cm liao.. son now weigh 2466g @ 35 weeks
rAE,blue rabbit,

heehee..thanks for sharing your experience. i guess babies cant talk to us, they can only communicate thru crying and other means. THus at times it can be frustrating.


your mil can cope taking of him 24/7 ? Does she do other things (such as cooking dinner, doing household chores) ? Now my mum and I are looking after my DD. And I can tell that my mum is very tired cos at night I am busy expressing milk when DD wakes up :p


don worry. 35 weeks is quite full term. Hope u can 'tong' till 37 weeks. We will be rooting for u.
yes... if can tong a bit longer will be ideal but if ur son decided to see the world earlier, ther's nothing we & Dr can do
are u at home or hosp? hope to hear from u soon.... & pray u hv a smooth delivery

doubt mil can cope cos can see she's tired too bt i did asked to bring DS home & she said no need worh...... yes, she does housework, cook once in a while and still find time to go temple to pray during 1st & 15th every lunar mth.... kekekeke
tt's of cos if i'm there to take over her lah
minimise pic?

u click the pic u wan to minimise then open the pic.. go to Image then under this Stretch/Skew u click.. then u can minimise your pic..u juz nd to lower down th Horizontal & Vertical will do.. then done already juz save

envious!!!! so near yet so far. my in laws supposed to stay with me soon but i have second thots. maybe everyday send bb to n fro ?? very siong i guess esp in morning n we dun exactly live near, 20 min by car...

u not scare DS will not b close to u if not staying with u at night? he can recognise people?


lazy leh...u know of any forumers who blog besides dodo(is tat her name) in ivf mum to be group ??
kekekeke..... when r they expecting to move in with u??? y hving 2nd thots now??

initially, am afraid my in laws will move in with us cos hubby is the only son
but tink they understand youngsters like to hv their own place. oso, hubby & his sister are raised to be independent since young. And, tink there's 1 occasion where we visited hubby's uncle during a housewarming. The auntie (uncle's wife) commented something & i agreed & replied "Xiang(1) Jian(4) Rong(2) Yi(4), Xiang(1) Zu(4) Nan(2). Mayb they get my hint from there..... kekekekeke :p

tink u hv see if it's convenient to send ur DD to ur in laws everyday or save the hassle and let DD to stay with them & bring her home every Fri nite? am scare lah but he recognises us by our smell & voices. kids nowadays very smart 1 hor... nt like our times *sigh*
am going back tomolo.. yesteday think my boy inside pushing as i can feel very sharp pain @ cervix area..abit gan jiong for tomolo check up
mayb he wants to see the world earlier
tink u better bring along the bag tmr, in case, ur gynae admit u for delivery
do update us here or IVF MTBs thread
take care

me having second thots of staying with them cos I see some friction between my DH and my mum - and they are closer, compared to my in laws and me. I also want to be xian1 xiao3 ren2 hou4 jun1 zi3- in case stay together no good...so better don stay together. once stay together if got problem then they move out, it will be ugly scene. they are not that difficult to get along - but u know. habits are different altho i am the 'woman of the house' but sometimes opinions can be different..

hmm..bring DD home only on Fri night ? I think i wun want that. Cos i will be jealous if she is closer to my in law compared to me! now i realised that my jealousy can be quite strong :pp


keep us updated! today digital life there are a few mothers who have blogs. maybe we can check it out.
hehehehe.... i dunno la, jus in case :p anyway, my experience was bag can bring later. All the hosp (nt sure abt gleneagles thou) requires are the appt card, both hubby & ur IC upon admition. Rest can bring later... but still stuff like maternity pads have to cos change quite often, else hosp charges very ex...
*roll eyes*

understand & agree with u
i will be delivering in TMC

juz a small update.. today check up am dialted 2cm! gynae say anytime can pop.. faster is these few days..done my strep B today
thot ur gynae with gleneagles??? see, told u liao... :p erm, wat's strep B???? TMC is gd, food's yummy too
gynae in Glen E but deliver in TMC..
Strep B i think is when u abt to due gynae send a trip of ur virginal discharge to lab test see got virus anot..

my next appt is 16th May..Gynae ask me walk more leh..tell u..juz now i went pee found brown spotting..then wipe got brown clot ( u know when we come menses that kind of red clot but mine is brown..)
