IVF Mummies


oh...now then i know dilation can happen few days before actual labour! But do u feel contraction pain ?


having block ducts and fever this few days. my bm ss is so pathetic yet it keeps giving block ducts problem. I have this fever thing for 2 or 3 times since I delivered. I know i din latch baby on and rely on pumping , thats why cause block ducts. but..baby din really want to latch on esp right breast and i also lazy :p

have u heard of Cabergoline ? The medicine to stop breastmilk ? Will it cause the breast to shrink ? I know i can reduce pumping frequency to slowly wean off the bm ss, but i scare i get block ducts in the process :p i ask gynea whether breast will shrink but he say no, but he is a guy, probably wun care of such things

hmmm.... as long as it's nt red, tink it's ok bah... ? ur bb's movements >10times/day?

if blcok ducts still persisted, u hv to see the LC again
has ur fever subsized? see a doc....

hv nt heard of Cabergoline but heard b4 there's med to stop BM. And yes, breasts will shrink
read from Jan 07 thread tt our breasts will b "lao lao" too
Hi ladies,
Din post for a long time and very tire every day.
Just a update. I am due for delivery by C-section on 19th May at 37 weeks plus. Looking forward to it and will need all your help on breast feeding tips.

How are you now?? I hope you are getting better?
hw come c-sec?? seems like both u & hui's bb wanted to come out soon :p

for BF, pls latch on as often as poss if can lah.... wich hosp will u be delivering?? the nurses can help in latching etc, if nt request for LC....

Hui & Jolene,
Jiayou!!! Happy Mother's Day, even thou both of u hv nt deliver but still it's close
Stumbled by,
now on off have mild contraction..

bb movement everything ok

feeling ok.. onli today tke leave to zzz coz yest nvr zzz at all.. having mild contaction n tummy harden thru out the nite..

Fever has subsided. But the breast that is painful now has almost no milk supply. din see a doc for fever cos this wasnt first time and i know u only need see doc if it is mensitis (spell.), and by now, i roughly know symptoms from gynae. ya...back to breast with almost no milk supply. there is pus too. So today onwards i put cold cabbage. heard it can also stop milk flow. hopefully this natural way will not cause breast to shrink too noticeably or 'horribly'.
but i think it will become smaller lar..expected. but mine in the first place is small :p even now. AS Long as not 'lao lao' haha...lao lao means sagging is it ?

now my worry is that with the block ducts and lumps and i just stop abruptly today, will these lumps and blocked ducts cause problem in long run ??


yes...u must latch on. I latch on only once in a while, reasons i shall not repeat again :p since its bridge under water. I pump most of the time since Milk supply came but as u can tell from my postings here, i have given up on BF officially today. Pumping is definitely not a good way to increase supply and it often causes problems (for me) such as block ducts, pain, fever etc.
I was hoping for natural but was told due to my previous operation to remove fibroid, do not want me to overexert so insisted on c section. I tot that was a very simple and common operation. Anyway for my safety, that is the best option. And my placetal is aging so afraid not enough nutrients to my bb, so have to get out early at 37 weeks. I tried to talk to doctor but was discourage to go for natural. My legs are very swollen now. have difficulty walking. Will be on leave from Wednesday. So tomorrow is my last day of work, lots of stuff to clear.

Rae / Stumble by,

I am at mount Alvernia. Yes, I will try to latch on as much as possible. Hope I will be successful.

Hope you can hold on till after 37th weeks, by than lungs mature so better. Our bb might come out on the same day. Our bbies are eager to see the world.
hui & jolene,
good to hear both u & babies are doing fine
yes, who knows, both of u delivered on the same day, same time but diff hosp
babies to be borned after week 36 shld be fine according to gynaes, unless really boh bian
me very excited for both of u

starting ML soon too...

icic.... tink for ur own good, c-sec will b better
was walking from side to side towards end of my pregnancy, like a penguin
then u must b very stress cos so little time bt too many things to hand over
but u will be relieved after tt

yes, cold cabbage is 1 method i heard of
hopefully u succeed in stopping the supply. Think u hv to get ur pus treated lst, block ducts etc, will see if ur cold cabbage method helps u or nt..... mine oso small so still ok... else, it's a "burden" kekekeke

tink Lao Lao shld b sagging bah..... our small small breasts shld still b firm
ya.. very excited
.. finalli ML liao..hopefulli am dilated 3cm tomolo..i having mild contraction for days leh but no show or wat so ever leh..
c-sec is easier @ least u can choose when u wan bb to be born.. not like me now hald dangling down there.. C sec i scared most is the urine pipe.. the rest should be ok
Yes, great, your baby has reach full term. So anytime can pop right. Just wait patiently. I am also starting my leave today. So relax and relieve, can rest more before my c sec. Just looking forward to this sat.

Hmm, it's really nice to be at home at last relaxing. I am also excited. Now counting bb movement must be at least 10 x for 12 hours right. Another few days to go and gone are our carefree days.

Are you still on ml?? Back to work??

My confinement lady just called me two days ago. As i expected something unforsee happened!! She has only left with 6 days of permit in Sin and might not be able to help me. To apply might take another 7 days. She is highly recommended by my friend so still prefer her, hope she can make it loh. Anyway, if she can't come, she will get her friend to come instead. I think will not be as good as her. I am really prepare for a hard time. Anyway, have no choice ya, so long as someone is there to help me....

today is 3rd day after i stopped bf. but i still used hand express when feel engorged. but now my breast size seems to have grown. hard to use hand to express leh...hope the engorgement wun lead to further problems. i dunno how to clear the pus, so i am on antibiotics. hopefully the block ducts and pus problem can resolve on its own...

hui/jolene: all the best for your childbirth


I am selling my Medela Mini Electric Pump as I have given up on BF. See details in


If u know anyone who is interested in buying pls PM me.
ur contractions are far apart, i assume??? some ladies dun experience show etc till at labour ward and am 1 of them lah :p if really 3cm, then will admit u to hosp liao...

have u pack ur hosp bag?? yes, must be 10x within 12hrs period....
oh no, ur CL's permit ending soon. if ur CL confirmed asking her friend to do it then better than nothing, hopefully she knows her job. yes, gone are our carefree & peaceful days & nites

had gone back to work since late mar
ct wait to go back to work cos feel like gg mad looking after bb & nt connecting to the world outside :p

icic.... wow, nt bad eh... breasts grown :p really hope u are able to succeed
hi ladies,
Jus to update on behalf of Hui, she had dilated 3cm and will be admitting to hosp later

i will update here once she sms me after she had popped

aiya...breast grown bcos i think slightly engorged. Today I pumped, against the LC advise. She asked me to hand express but so difficult..so I pumped..

kind of missed those days altho it was only 2 days since I last pumped :p

actually 3 cm can still take a long time to go 4cm etc. if she can endure can still 'tong' at home..heehee. I remember when I was 3 cm still okay, and my threshold of pain low too. but i couldnt sleep due to the 5-10min contraction that was why go hospital :p
u mean if we want to stop bf we hv to stop pumping? On dilation, i agreed but some cn b fast :p for me, i was spotting

Updates from Hui as extracted from her smses:

Labour story: 16th May, 6:35pm reach TMC. Hubby do admission while staff brought me to observation rm.

Put under CTG and check cervix, 3cm. Was told I have contraction but cant feel it.
Nurse wan shave me, i told her no need already wax :)

Given Enama (duno hw to spell) do my poo and everything done @7.45pm.

Walk to labour room, on CTG again. So watch TV, joking with hubby n see newspaper.

8.59pm: gynae came and break waterbag. After tt, can feel d real contraction liao. So far still okay.

Till abt 10pm, d pain is terok, was on laughing gas. Smell liao realli high. Numb & dizzy. Pain got closer and worsen. Very pain. hubby catch on my hand & help me on laughing gas.

Manage to fall asleep with pain & laughing gas on but when got pain i will still hv sound. Can still hear pple talking.

Dunno when mid wife & doc come. Then they ask me to push. 4 pple cheering for me while i push wif sleepy eyes. Push for half an hr...... finali son out....

Then i notice is 1.59am liao. BB weighs 2.88kg

*Hui does not opt for epi. She manages to handle the pain with laughing gas till she zzzzzzzzz.... but the pain is terok

<font color="0000ff">Congrats, Hui</font>
Congrats Hui.

Thanks for your update on Hui.

Yes, already pack my hospital bag. Another two days to go.

Stumble by,
Thank you. Hope will not be as painful as i thought.
No prob, Jolene
rem to pack a cardigan & socks (to wear after delivery) for urself as it can be cold in hosp

U r up next
but after u, no one liao??? mayb got to wait for IVF MTBs thread
Thanks, just packed cardigan and socks.
Just a question on do and don't of confinement... Can still turn on aircon at night?? What about fan?? It's really hot this month. Any other advice like washing of hair, showering with herbs.

congrats. Her labour is quite fast. Only about 6 hours plus. perhaps because she is very young.


i dont know leh. Stop pumping I guess cos LC afraid pump will stimulate milk production. So far I am Day 5 into stopping BM. But can still feel engorgement on off. Hope will not be too serious. I use hand express but very slow and not much. did not use pump since Wednesday. I use cold towel instead of cabbage today cos lazy to buy cabbage :p


for me i used aircon cos cant sleep without one. u will feel very heaty the first few days after birth. i think if sleep in aircon important thing is to cover yourself, but this can be hard due to the heatiness u experience..

i wash hair with herbs about once a week. but i still use shampoo. towards the last few days of confinment I broke all rules already. Now I find that my body cannot stand cold and heat.
No probs, tmr is urs and baby's big day to see each other
All the best

My mum's house has no air-con & yes i slept with fan on
but i will wear a cardigan if feeling cold. I worn PJ & my massage lady even advised me to wear socks but i din lah......

i washed my hair with shampoo & herbs every other day but blowed dry as quickly as poss
but if the day is windy or cold, my mum advised me nt to wash
tink for u, ur pain will come once GA wears off (provided if u r under GA)....

icic.... i oso stopped pumping but nt as jialat asu...
are u taking care of ur DD alone??

did ur tummy area darken during pregnancy? mine did
and 3mths after delivery, thou it's lighten but still visible

wondering it is due to the injections we had tt causes it?

anyone of u have such prob?

no, i am not taking care of DD alone. My mum is helping me currently. With my ex-pumping schedule, impossible to take care of DD and pump religiously cos pumping is time consuming. Anyway, now that I have ended pumping, i can spend more time with her.

My tummy area also darken cos of my rashes. Remember I had serious rashes at week 37 ? That was when the tummy darken until very very very jialat. Whole tummy area darken. Now still dark. and i still have the centre line. Do u still have small pouch ? Now I am more concern about small pouch (tummy looks like waist pouch) - about 32inches at its widest! Imagine I used to be 26-27 inches. I am more concern about this cos tummy size is viewed by everybody whereas tummy colour is only viewed by u-know-who unless I wear bikini or 'revealing' sports attire :p

its the hormones that caused it. Melanin (spell) increase that caused it. some people have pigmentation on face. Melanin is the cause behind pigmentation. Count ourselves lucky if our darken area is only in tummy.
tt's gd
yes, can spend more time with DD & even urself

yes, i rem u had bad rashes towards end of pregnancy
i oso still hv centre line thou lighten & yup i hv a small pouch
seems like we hving same headache :p i agreed with u....pouch can b seen by others, unless wear loose tops but no point spending $$$

i went to rustic nirvana for massage & they intro me to buy their massage gel to use during the session but $200+ for 4 tubes & am working temp, where got so much $$$, i can use tt amt to buy FM & diapers for my DS.....

i dun hv a gd figure to wear bikini before pregnancy so aft, it's worst
and yes, it's view only by u-know-who

icic.... my beautician said i'm lucky tt it's on tummy. others on face, neck and armpits...
gotto work on tummy trimming liao
Hi Rae,
Do u encounter any problems when u stop pumping? I'm planning to stop pumping altogether as my ss is very low now and my DD has started eating porridge liao. When I pumped on Sat night, I only got foremilk and no hindmilk, so I stopped pumping on Sun. This morning I noticed that milk is flowing out so I pumped again but also only managed to get foremilk and no hindmilk. I'm not quite sure by stopping it altogether will pose any problems or not.
i dun encounter any problem when i stopped suddenly
mayb am lucky here.... :p u can try to decrease or stop the frequency of pumping & latching on totally. do u encounter the same problems as stumbled_by as she mentioned above?

see my previous postings..i used cold cabbage every hour. I did it for almost five days. Today it is Day 8 already, by day 6, my breast felt better. It wasnt that bad the first few days either, just felt 'something there'. But my ss was really low so i can just end by putting cold cabbage. LC advised me not to pump, use hand express to relief a bit. for u, your ss shd be more than mine, so u should reduce pumping gradually and use cold cabbage like what i advised before.


Your beautician any advise on how to reduce colour of tummy and size of tummy ? I tried to do some leg lifts (lift feet up when lying down) and some 'sit ups', but my sit ups is only very 'mild', i din really go all the way up. So far like no improvement. In fact i think my tummy is the same size since 1 month after delivery. Now is going to 9 weeks after delivery already. means this whole month tummy din really slim down..

i read in other postings u can massage tummy clockwise as many times as possible, or pinch tummy/press tummy inwards. Sounds incredible leh..
Well I don't encounter problems like stumbled_by and in fact, I hv started reduce pumping gradaully 2 months ago until last week where I pumped only 1x per day. It's just that now I want to stop pumping totally and I don't know whether there's anything I need to do so that I don't encounter problems like blocked ducts etc.

Ok I'll see how my breasts react to no pumping at all and see whether cabbage leaves needed or not
I tried hand pumping last night but find it really difficult and painful
icic.... wow, pumping reduced to 1x per day & u still hv supply, tt's nt bad
can give cold cabbage a try

wonder hw's Jolene?
Hi Rae / Stumble by,
I am back. Discharge on Tuesday. C-section is really not easy huh. Mine was with epidural but still vomitted terribly. Glad that it's all over now. My wound still hurt while trying to get out of bed.
Trying to latch baby on at home but she just scream. So no choice have to pump out. But it's not enough to supply her. So on partial formula milk. What is the amount that you manage to pump?? For me the first day is 20ml, yesterday 30ml each time. It's too little for her. On formula , she is drinking 60ml.

My baby is at 2.575kg at birth. Yesterday, went to PD for check out and glad that her weight has increased to 2.6kg. Her weight drop to 2.3 when discharge, was so worried.
hi Jolene,
you r back
..... yes, the wound takes a while to heal so do b careful..... during next 2mths or so, try nt to carry heavy things

u had epidural too. Yes, i oso vomitted once at labour ward after delivery
did the nurse teach u the proper way to latch on in hosp? takes time for bb to settle down
i din immediately pumped out cos most of the time i let bb latche on. it's only on the 3rd week of confinement (i think) tt i pumped out & it's 40ml but dunno y supply dropped after tt
dun worry too much, try pumping frequently & see if ur supply increased or nt.

Babies weight will drop when they discharge
mine's too
btw, wat's ur girl's name?
Hi Rae,
Yes, they taught me, at hospital, I am ok but once we reach home, she just cried non stop. Think she is not comfortable with the position. My hubby was heartpain to see baby struggling. So we decided to pump out. Will not latch her on again, guess she is used to nipple now.

Her name is Cherlyn, Jing en.

It's time for my schedule pumping time again ha. I am so happy, this morning manage to pump out about 60ml, maybe cos the last pump is at 11pm, so rested for 7 hours, therefore have more supply. But I guess the subsequent pump is not so much......
hi ll mummies.. finalli i'm a mummy also

me having sore nipples and everyday onli one task.. pump milk milk.. very tired..here's my Jovial latest pic


congrats! Welcome to motherhood club.

my advice to both of u, since i failed in my BF journey is to LATCH ON! Don't rely on pump to increase supply. It may work for some people, but for others, it doesnt work. Pumping is not as good as latch on.

I regret not having the determination to latch on BEFORE EVERY FEED even though I gave DD FM thereafter. IF possible, latch on at night too, or if not, day time, as often as possible.

Pump only after u latch on. Not saying u cant pump at all, but dont use pump as the only means to give your baby BM.

u increased to 30ml within such a short time, that's good. For me, even when I close shop last week, I din manage to pump 30ml at one go...unless I pump/hand express for one hour! The LC advised me to keep pumping to 30min cos longer duration wun increase supply.

7 hours interval between 2 pumps is too long! I also made that mistake (at night)..found out only very late

Try modified cradle position, that is the best. ur baby is so young (abt a week old ? Sorry i din keep track), she wun be used to bottle teat so soon.


why i ask u not to rely on pumping alone is that it cant empty breast fully. I got fever,block ducts n infection because of this reason. Ultimately I gave up BF because of this too.

Even if your baby cries when u latch her on, u need to keep trying and have more patience. even if she seems to drink little from your breast, still latch her on before every feed.

Hope u all can learn from my mistakes so it wun be in vain.hiaks
Hi Stumble by,
Thanks for your advice. I will try to latch on before feeding her formula. Hope could improve supply. For the past two nights, i wake up at 3am to pump, to shorten the time. I saw some comments from forum that manual pump can yield more. So tried it, surprisingly can achieve 50-60ml. But ultimately is to try latching her on. I will start from tomorrow to latch her on.
Stumbled by,
my bb and my pumping diff by 1hr leh.. i got block dusts n infection but no fever..went to see bf consultant today..

Thanks Stacy


Thank you. When you due and is yours twin boys??

Stumble by,
I still can't succeed latching on. Sigh, no choice have to keep pumping. Hope can at least supply for 3 months.
