IVF Mummies

Wow, your bb drink alot leh.... Every baby will go thru a stage whereby they suddenly grow very fast & drink alot & will slow down abit at a later stage.Mine also drink 120ml when he is 1month plus, dunno y now 5.5 months drink so little..haiz...I think got to do with his teething too. Now he got 4 teeth, 2 at bottom( very big liao), 2 at top( just start to see white colur).
But is ok lah, cos weight got increase.
Now he is 9.11kg at 5 months+.... Cannot complaint too much....haha...

Stumbled by,
That worry me cos he not drinking water....Soon or later I still need to feed him with FM, so if he refuse to drink...then will get constipation...
Also, he poo once every 2-4 days...think his digestive system not very good leh...
Any pic of your gal?

Stumbled y,
if DS drink milk liao he will zzz or give u a smile.. if he drink not enough he will cry..

my SIL son drink 70ml leh..he onli 5 days old..

Jovial still ok lah
Dear all,

I saw this thread, IVF mum. Well, did all of you go through IVF and conceive and give birth to you little ones? I am planning for IVF. I love to hear success stories and advise...

ya...mine also doesnt poo everyday. Like once every 2 days. Sometimes she will poo everyday. But she doesnt have this problem LAST TIME when I mix with BM

I will email u via the yahoo account (I correspond to u before u deliver) my gal's photo. The rest of mothers here who is interested in my gal's photo I can also email u. Want to keep it private

Baby Low,

what is your status now ? Have u decided on hospital and doc ? Maybe u can say more about yourself/what advises u need and we can advise u. Ya..most of us here are new mothers
Dear stumbled,
I knew this is a ivf mommies thread and i am going for ivf next march and i just like to hear from your experience with ivf. thank you so much.
Baby Low,

U need to be strong and resilent to go thru IVF. Since I am quite 'problem free' as far as fertility is concerned, I was very optimistic I will succeed in the 1st try. Furthermore, doc said success rate is between 35-40%(<35 years old). Thus, when it failed the first time, I felt so devastated and sad.

On my 2nd fresh cycle(that means go through injection etc), I wasn't so optimistic yet it succeeded.

However, there were some differences between my 1st try and 2nd try. In terms of when(number of days after egg collection) the embryos were placed back to womb, and also the number of embryos. I also did some extra things as advised by fellow IVF'ers. That may account for my 'success' the 2nd time. But those maybe just 'coincidence'. No can really knows why one cycle succeeds or why one cycle fails.

Be prepared for any wrong things that may come along the way too. Eg some people produce too many follicles during stimulation stage, yet some people dont produce much follicles. Follicles are potential 'eggs' during egg collection. Some people can collect a lot of eggs, but it doesn't translate to equal number of embryos form. I for one, can produce many eggs, but the fertilisation rate (viable embryos) are below average percentage rate.

Don't be too worried at the '2WW'(while waiting for pregnancy test). Don't read too much into the symptoms. I had all the PMS so i thought I failed!

Let us know if u need more advises.
Baby Low,
i success thru ICSI and just gave birth to my litte boy on May 2007

i think i hate most is the ER and the 2ww time..the rest i'm ok with it
dear stumbled_by and hui,
i am so glad to hear from you. which hospital you did you go for ivf/icsi? what did you do during the 2 wk waiting? did you go to work at all while waiting? how much cash did you spend? who was your gynae? did you inform your family about the ivf/icsi? for my case, none of my family will know except for my hubby. did you go to see chinese sinseh to 'tiao' body before ivf/icsi? if yes, when did you stop taking chinese medicine right before er or / and et? did you do acup?

as for myself, i had fail so-iui in may. now i am taking chinese medicine to tiao my body because my body went hay-wired. i see improvement after taking the chinese medicine and i am trying on my own... hoping for miracle. not yet acup. i will be going for lap and hys scope in july. then tiao my body again with chinese medicine and acup. meanwhile, i will try on my own. if need be, next march will go for ivf.

any advice for me for my coming laps and hys scopes?

what is your condition that you need to go through ivf/icsi?

sorry for being so long-winded and thank you for your patience for reading.

hear from you soon.

i did my ICSI in KKH with DR SF LOH. i still work n shop during my 2 weeks wait. i pay abt 1k+ cash. i inform everyone abt my ICSI like my family memebers,frens, bosses and colleague. I did do acu b4 ICSI. I did ICSI is due to hubby's low sperm count. Partly my mense irregular so cant conceived easily..
Baby Low,

I did ivf/icsi cos my hubby sperm's quality and movement not very good. Plus I also din suceed at IUI (mine wasnt SO-IUI), its just IUI using natural ovulation.

Sorry, i din go thru laps or hys scopes ..not sure what is the latter.. I only did the normal hormone checkup and check if fallopian tubes are blocked(they are ok)

I did ICSI with PC Wong at NUH. I did accup and also took TCM. In fact I had TCM and accup DURING IVF, but i don recommend cos in the end i find that my number of eggs diminish (as i responded well in the beginning), but i succeeded (pregnant) nevertheless!

i worked part time while doing IVF. Din work for the first week of 2WW. I tried to minimise PHYSICAL movement in 1st week of 2WW. I din use medisave, thus spent close to $10K. (cant remember exact amount)

i din inform extended family and frens. Only my immediate family knows (my own, not my hubby's) reason being i find its a bit 'extreme' to let others know :p Up to u..
Hi Ladies,
I've given birth to 2 twins on 27 Jun thru emergency c-section.

Kor Kor Izacz at 1.8 kg and di di Kasey at 2 kg.
Initially, both are admitted to the NICU but now kor kor has already been posted to Special Care Unit. Left with di di still fighting in NICU due to breathing difficulties and doc also detected that the valves in his heart are slightly big causing blood back flowing to his lungs.

We are so worried about his condition and maybe that's 1 of the reason why after 4 days of delivery I still can't produce any milk for them.

Take care and rest well. Stress will only cause your milk production to slow down. U may need to invest in a good pump that can simulate bb's suckling.

Congrats! How many weeks are u in pregnancy when u give birth ?
hi catherine,
congrats! are they ivf babies? i will venture ivf next year and hope to hear good news from me
Sori that day u sms me but i never reply coz was busy till i see ur post again then i recall.. Congrats to u..I belief both bb will do well, u muz be strong ya.. keep us posted again.
baby low,
yeah, my babies are under ivf. hope to hear good news from u. When u starting??

it's all rite. Both kor kor and di di are doing well in their individual unit. Hopefully, di di will be off his breathing aids today. Will only visit them tonight.
hi Catherine,
Congratulation.4th day without milk production is quite normal...usually take abt a week or more, depend on individual...
Take care & hope that yours babies will be back home soon...

So the insurance u bought quickly activate them. I am sure u have. Good to hear your didi has good news. Do they look alike ? cos they are fraternal twins..


Saw your email. Forgot to reply. My girl is 3 months old.
stumbled by,
I don't think they look alike. So far no chance to place them side by side to compare.

My milk supply is still very low after 7 days of delivery. If i sleep thru the nite and pump the next morn, i can still hit 40ml. 3 hourly express only hit 20ml, so pathetic. Wanted to give my twins more milk as the kor kor alrerady started to drink 40ml per meal.
Catherine Lam

See the previous advises I gave on mothers on breast Milk. the key is to latch on, not express out. I made the mistake of express out. And my milk supply never increase since day 1
Dear catherine,
i haven't started mine and now waiting for the scope (lap and hysteroscopy). after that will try natural for few months and will embark on ivf next march if needed.
Dear catherine,
i haven't started mine and now waiting for the scope (lap and hysteroscopy). after that will try natural for few months and will embark on ivf next march if needed.
Hi Catherine/Stumbled by,
For my case, I express my milk since my boy was born. I din really latched him on, only a few times. But my supply last till now, my son going 6 months next week. But u must express every 3 hours. I took about 10 days b4 I could express abt 100ml per express.
Now i am trying very hard to maintain & hoping my supply can increase abit more, cos now my boy is drinking 950ml per day. Somedays i only express 800ml.Also my frozen milk left abt 8 packets, think I got to start my fm soon....
So dun give up yet....still can make it de...
Congrats Catherine! Hope your 2 boys are doing fine... dun worry too much on the BM, with constant pumping (& latching on, if poss), it will regulate the flow

ladies, i hv been bz lately so hardly login

my boy started to drink his FM so happy abt it and started to flip as well...
Hi ladies,
Just a little update on my boys. Didi Kacey already posted to the Special Care Unit, the hole in his heart has already mend thru medication too. They are both drinking about 42ml and 25ml of milk now.

My BM so far has increase to 50-60ml.
But sometimes I don't stick to the 3 hrly pumping as I need to visit sons in the hospital. When I'm back home, I'm just too tired to pump and went straight back to bed. Lazy mummy.

I guess for the initial start, would replace my BM with FM first.
I not sure which hospital u r in?
But during my boy was staying in nuh, & whenever I visit him, I will go to the breast pumping room to express milk out, as hospital got provide a very efficient & powerful pump...

Can't be lazy in pumping. If u pump solely, u need to do it 6 to 8 times a day. esp night time too. I made this mistake in the past when I skipped night pumpings...

ya, LY is right. Hospital pump is good. Medela PIS (dual pump is a must)

Started DS on cereals & bb food.... he likes it..
more choices than milk :p

guess both hui's & jolene's babies are >1mth, mayb even 2mths already
hello everyone,
just wondering if all of you were on lucrin before puregon. how long? tedious? always go back to doctor? please advise...

u din wait for 6months to give bb cereals ? Why ? I asked polytechnic nurse/doc they said wait for 6 months. I read TODAY's papers article also said wean baby at 6 months..

What did u start with ? Baby rice ? Once a day ?
Hi Rae

Yes, my girl is now 2 months. After my confinement lady left, have gone over to my mil place in the day. I can still nap in the day. It's tiring. I will return to work end of this month, hope bb more cooperative sleep more in the night.

Stumbled by,
Thanks for all the valuable advice on latching, expressing. Sad to say after my confinement, bb refuse bm, prefer fm, as during than on partial fm so she prefer that. So I stop expressing and that period to stop milk production is really painful. But with fm, more problem surfaces sigh. Think she can't digest well and have colic problem. What formula are you giving?? I started with S26, change to nan. Pd advise nan HA, started yesterday but the taste is really bad and she refuse it this morning.

sorry to hear that u also stop expressing...ur gal smart leh, can differentiate bm n fm..

when i stop bm my gal has constipation..u better pre-empt that too- by giving water.

ya..BF is hard, so far looks like only LY is successful..recently there is article saying most plastic milk bottles is harmful...i felt regretful that myBM cant persist too..

i am giving Friso Gold, heard that its sweeter than other brands, dunno true or not ..right now tyrying Dumex cos heard NZ/aussie brand is better. but my gal already drank friso for 3 mths+. but better try out other brands too(mixture) so that if one day found out cows fr certain country no good at least try different countries...haha
Stumbled by,
Ya, very smart, fm definitely taste better than bm. Too bad I do not have enough to supply total bm else this will not happen. It's also tough expressing.

I tried giving her water but she do not like it and only take a few sip. It's tough feeding her water.

Yes, LY is the best at least can bf for 6 months, that is my initial target but now only 1 month sigh.... But it's already over, no choice, just blame us for not being tough to our little ones. We learn a lesson, for our next one, have to be tough else will not be successful.

Oh really, aussie brand better?? Will see if she can adapt to current fm.

Is your girl 4 months plus now??

How is her sleeping pattern?? Slept thru the night??
dun be sad when stop bm..u will find more timw to rest coz no nd pump milk liao.. i thought bf till 6mths but in th end give bm for 2 weeks nia...i give son tried Enfalac the poo poo ver dry, similac although alot bubble but poo poo not so dry i did try soy milk also the poo poo is damn smelly.. as for drinking water u can try spoon feed her..
Yes, it's true that we have more time to rest. It's really not easy looking after baby. Lucky after my cl left, I went to my mil place in the day and can rest. Certain nights baby is very awake and din have much rest.

Thanks, I will try to spoon feed her. How much milk your son drinking now?? Mine is drinking 100ml but sometimes cant finish.
agreed with Hui, it's not tedious at all

we gave him a bit to test it out, then stop for a few days to see any reactions. lucky, there isn't so we gave him more & till now, ok...
yes, my PD oso said to start at 6mths but still ok if it's at 4mths+... 6mths cos their digestive systems are more stable.... we start him with Heinz Cereals (blue & white box), follow by Heinz container bb food...

yes, once a day in the begining, then slowly increase to 2times/day..... depends on hw well ur bb takes to cereals/bb food etc....

my PD said cannot give sweet stuff to bb as their teeth (thou they dun hv yet) will decay faster.... he even advised to cut down night feeding slowly

wow, very fast hor.... gg to bring my DS for his 5th mth jab on wed.... wher did u bring ur darlings for their jabs? PD or polyclinics?

urs fast as well. Dun feel sad abt bm. i gave DS Nan HA since birth & PD said it's good too. Ur girl drank other fm since birth so needs to take time to adjust the taste....
I started giving my boy fm 2 weeks ago, but he refused to drink. But lately, I use fm to mix in rice cereal & surprisingly, he eat. I am still using Enfaclac, dunno when can finish that can of fm cos my boy is now 6.5months liao. Suppose to change to another catergory but bcos, i got this fm b4 he was born....haiz now got hard time finishing it.

I thought u total bf ? How come try Enfaclac now ?


I go polyclinics for jabs. I will only go to PD when there is something 'puzzling', like last time she regurgitate after feed quite often. My DD is coming to 4th month this week! So she is almost one month younger than your son..heehee.

Why did u decide to start solid ? Is it becaues of certain signals from DS ? Your PD advised u to cut down on night feeding but how long does your DS sleep ? What time to what time ?


My DD sleep from 8pm onwards. Most of the time she wakes up once in the night for feed. I also heard can slowly cut down night feed from 3 months onwards. She is coming to 4months, not 4mths plus. But if cut down on night feed means she mustn't sleep that long in the night right ? Mine can sleep from 8pm to 7am (wake up once for feed)

Day time she is a light sleeper, since 2mths old I think.


ya...giving water is a challenge. I tried spoon feeding but she always 'spit out'. When she was younger she can take more water. Now older, more choosy. Most of the time I put water in the milk bottle. At times I 'dilute her milk', ie give more water but lesser powdered milk.
Dear all,

Anyone here with endometriosis successfully conceive through IVF? Can share here or PM me? Hope to hear from you soon...
I heard bb still can continue to consume the fm meant for bb 6mths & below even thou bb r over 6mths liao.

yup, me too. go polyclinic for jabs & PD if ther's any persisted illness/signs/allergy etcetc. jus brought DS for his 5th mth jab this morning & he kena slight fever but still ok

my DS sleep from 9pm-5/6/7am (depends).... he will wake up for water and 1 feed at 12/1am.....

cos he will lick his mouth when see us eating..... so we let him try 1 small pc of porridge (grain) & he slowly wet & swallowed it and "asked" for more.....LOL
Stumbled by,
I think few days b4 my menses, my supply drop to 700-800ml, so not enough for my son, so instead of using bm to make cereal, i use fm....need to train him for fm too...my son starts to like drinking water liao...especially during cereal feed.

Thanks for the info.
I got hard time feeding him with porridge...Whenever I feed him with new stuff, he will make their funny expression, then follow by choking, the most worrying part is he will vomit out...I even puree his porridge...Thou now he got 6 teeth, but he still prefer drinking milk...
My 2 boys are 1 month now and my supply of BM also drop alot. Morning pumping can only reach 50ml, only enough for 1 baby. Haiz!

Think I'm the next to give up breastfeeding.

You any plans for 2nd child ? haha...Prof Wong asked me whether I want to go for IVF for next child (fresh cycle), I was thinking..where got so much $$ and time ?

Your son still have reflux problem ? My girl more or less 'cured', but at times will still spill out about 1/5 or 1/4 of milk when she drinks too fast.


latch on is the key. Pumping is very hard to keep up supply, unless your supply is 'naturally a lot' or u use pump that is high end that can simulate suckling action, like Medela PIS..


actually is jab at polyclinic free ? I am confused ..
Jovial is drinking 100ml but now duno why he cant finish his milk leh.. then in day every 2hr he wan milk liao...

will bring him to KKH for jab..

Stumbled by,
me now act act play with him then he will drink..Dilut the milk is prevent consitpation..i let him drink watr is to cleat the milk on his tongue..
Stumbled by,
No intention for 2nd child cos cant afford...
Reflux still have but not like last time. He tends to vomit when he choke with saliva or put his fingers inside mouth... which i cant avoid. Think his stomach still not very strong.
U went back to see prof wong recently?

If u go Polyclinic for normal jab is free, but if u opt for 5-in 1 then need pay money.

went to see him for pap smear. Actually do pap smear dont know for what ? I mean we just delivered...

5-in-1 is everytime need to pay is it ?

u dont intend to go back to work ? I am looking for new job, cos current job is only part time
