IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

thank u, thank u..hehe

hi all, hope everyone is doing great here!

I have not been popping by lately as i m getting heavier and its difficult to sit for long.

Just a quick update...........

C-sect scheduled on 9 Feb, which will be exactly my 37th week. one more week to go

Oh u r almost two weeks ahead of me ah? din know that :p jia you too

<font color="aa00aa">36 weeks,
praying hard that i should reach that one more week mark without any hurdles</font>
hi mummies,

lately my back is killing me! any of you also this problem? until my right butt that joint is having sharp pains at certain position!

anyone know any good prenatal massage?
am thinking of u these few days cos wondering if u hv given birth
good luck &amp; all the best
am anxious for you
it's not easy for u to come this far since u r preg with twins.. do keep us update


is ur sitting or sleeping position results to the backache?
hi rae, i dun think so leh.. i try to listen to the proper way of sleeping and sitting already, but still got the pain..
hi ladies,
morning, need to get your advice.
i failed my ivf previously and success thru natural pregnancy. still left 20+ FET....
may I know how did you manage the FET?
thank you...

miss you so much..haha
Times files...very soon u n Rae giving birth

jia you and all the best to you buddies.. Rememeber to sms me ah

Stumbled by,
i got problem when sit too long also...backside pain n i kp moving my butt if the journey is too long.

Congratulation on your pregnancy! FET there's a thread for it..mayb you can see more info there

here's he link:

Thanks rae, stumbledby and hui!

ya loh...me really too tired to think or absorb info lately keke...sure will sms u after my c-sect so that u can update all.
have ur reunion dnr already??
btw, been having ache at my inner thighs area since yest nite.... now walking like penguins :p
I have been having that ache since my 24th week and worsen since 32nd week, now i literally cant walk. My mil pushes me in a wheel chair when i go kkh.

I read and heard that this may be ligament pain or the baby is lying close to ur pelvic bone that it puts pressure on the nerves there? Think our body is preparing for child birth
tink cos u r having twins tt's y experience it earlier....
for me, if gg to sit/stand/turning in bed, i hv to do it slowly
tt's wat my sis said abt bb lying close to our pelvic....

went for check-up earlier. as my weight has dropped again, nurse asked me to do a CTG. After 20mins, was told to see gynae. Gynae said the CTG print-out shows both bb's heartbeats norm &amp; i dun hv contractions yet
*whew* but to continue to monitor bb's movements. must feel bb's movements >10 times thru-out the day (12hrs period), if nt, got to call the hosp for advise

Mum's weight: 64.6kg (down from 64.7kg)
BB'a weight: 3.2kg (up from 2.6kg... yikes :S
EDD: 16 Feb'07
Next appt: 9 Feb'07

Yesterday in the Sunday Chinese papers, there is a report of a 28 years old dentist who conceived naturally and gave birth to triplets. The miraculous thing is that her bbs' weights are all between 2.5-2.7Kg, and she delivered via c-section at 37 weeks! Throughout her pregnancy, she had not much complaints.

Wow...i cant imagine how she did it, plus carryin 3 little ones weighing so normally! and have a trouble-free pregnancy.


So u going for GA or epidural C-section? Yes, sms hui and we will send our regards over to u!


maybe u want to sms hui too when u deliver since her hp no. is here

did u/are u going to buy those maternity loop pad (kotex) or just overnight pads ?

what brand of diapers did u buy har ? the cheapest available ? :p
Stumbled by,
i saw from kiddy palace they sell big pack for maternity pads leh and as for the diaper will try mami poko.. they have one specially for newborn bb

what brand is the maternity pad ? Is it adhesive or loop pad ? Mami poko..i think its the one that 'protects the naval /belly button' one ?
all mummies,
this coming CNY anyoe eating shark fins? am goin to eat abit..yest went fish n co with hubby and i ate two fresh oyster..yummy n fresh..havent touch since preg.. so yest eat two nia to kill craving :p
Stumbled by,
erm.. i duno the brand.. will go see see look look.. as for the pampers for mami poko they have a "U" cut on the center of the pampers so it wouldn't hurts the belly button for new born bb
.. i think is the one u talking abt
thanks hui, will sms u

wow, some women jus have the luxury of trouble-free pregnancy..... she can close shop liao :p
i had bgt Kotex Maternity Loop Pads - 10pads/pack at S$1.50 and oso bgt Sofy nightsafe,35cm types

for diapers, i had called 2 companies to ask for samples :p & they will mail to me. They are:

1) Drypers Consumer Careline - 1800 466 3002
2) Huggies - 1800 484 4437

u gals can call them
yep yep...thats y my pain started early....Oh ya lying down, falling asleep and turning are one hell of task for me.......at times i cry liao

Lets jia u together.......

stumbled by,
mine will be epi-c-sect cos my doc said this is safer than GA

I bought the pureen brand maternity pad (adhesive type i think)heard that the flow would be pretty heavy for first time mums so this was recommended.

after reading a lot on diapers i finally bought the nepia NB cos a lot of mummies were recommending it. Will use and see how is it!
Best Twins,

true..lying down n turning form right to left is realli very diffcult...but bear with it..son u will see your twins

by the way ur's is identical twins?
I ordered it directly from the supplier cos they dont sell it anywhere except seiyu i think as its a japanese brand!

We ivf'ers dont get identicals that easily la.....almost all of us are fraternal

But I heard epidural with c-section u will experience some pain. Is it true ? Or mayb I should ask u post-confinement :p When is your scheduled c-sect date ?

did u buy disposable panties for confinement ? if yes, what brand ?


yalor..identical twins is only when the embryo separate into 2 after conception. For IVF'er, the embryo is already a few days old when placed in the womb. Unless one has history of twins in family, if not, not likely. I have this 'worry' if have twins how to explain to others it is fraternal :p but i guess it is all bridge under water now.
Stumbled by n Best twins,

ya hor.. i forgotten identical is split embryos.. haha.. realli forgetful nowadays..paisei paisei.. that time when i put 2 embryis i myslf hope that one will split into two s my family got history in twins...aiyo.. duno wat my mind doing..keke :p
can I get the number of the suppiler from you?

I have one question.
After birth, will the period come immediately and is that why we need to buy those maternity pads and bring them to the hospital with us?
stumbled by,
me going for c-sect on the 9th feb (this friday)...am already freaking liao! I heard from some twin mommies that we will feel the pulling and tugging of the babies but not really painful, well it should be easier and faster for singletons i guess.

nepia delivery hotline 62262650

hui and stumbled by,
Actually hor....fraternal twins will also run in families, there are women who produce more than one egg per cycle naturally. My cousin family has it. guess what? one of my aunt has 5 children from 3 pregnancies. So both fraternal and identical can run in families.
Hi twinsmom, Yes I agree with you totally, fraternal twins will occur in natural conception too
and for fraternal twins, they will look alike like siblings. I am not at all concerned about explaining to others why they are fraternal etc, the worries are so uncalled for
and me and my hubby are just too happy to have them
Hi Twins mum,

Another few days to go, you must be getting really excited. This is a good day cos it's also my birth day hee. Oh, I am getting older again. Good luck to you and have a smooth delivery. Remember to sms me.

You are next. Also getting very nervous right.
Hi Stacy
How are you? I'm in my 6th week of pregnancy. So far no morning sickness, only a few times feels nausea. I'll be doing my scanning & seeing Dr Sheila on 13/2... looking forward for the scanning

Will keep you guys update.
So great! You 've no morning sickness.Any food craving? Once I 've very strong craving, I must quickly get some food to eat, or else I will start nausea. Now I've to change my eating habit, cannot eat too spicy, too oily, as my digestive system cannot take it. My next appt is on 10/2. Will share with you what I see.You also must remember me to update me.OKIE!
Dear mummies-to-be,

Can I know is there any mummies-to-be have Retroverted uterus and managed to conceive thru' IVF? Is it more difficult to conceive if uterus is retroverted? Thks
Thanks a million everyone

I wasnt feeling very well since yesterday....keep vomiting everything. well, tomorrow is my big day and am starting to get nervous and anxious. Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow.

will update everyone once i am able to surf net.

Take care all and god bless!

happen to read only the last post, yes i m one who had retroverted uterus and managed to conceive successfully thru ivf........all the best.
All Mtbs,

i just recieved a sms from Rae.. she gave birth yesterday liao..whao!! Congrats to her..she's doing fine now..i haven't received Best Twins sms yet

Best Twins,

Rae send regards to you..
Here the details of Rae exciting process :

10th Feb 11pm : light spotting but decide to wait & see attitude.

11th Feb 2.15am: woke up suddenly & felt that there's discharge..Hesitate to check out but decide not to take any chances. so went toliet & there's already spotting on the panty liner.

11th Feb 2.20am: sms hubby to tell him she's going TMC & meet him there. by then mum & aunt had awaken.Had a quick shower, grab bag & mum company her to TMC.

11th Fb 2.55am: Reached TMC, hubby already there. Check in at the front desk..Left bag & mum at the lobby and nurse brought her to delievry suit.

11th Feb 3am: Nurse asked few questions & change into the hospital gown.Provide urine sample.

11th Feb 3.15am: Lie down on 1 of the bed in observation room.Was on CTG yo check bb's heartbeat & contraction.Was asked a few more quest & checked cervix.Was 3cm dilated.so nurse help to shave pubic hair abit then was given gel-likestuff to empty bowel. this was via anus n was told the effect will take 10 mins to 15mins. but less than 5 ins she already in the toliet

11th Feb 3.45am: was brought into the labour ward. HAd opt for epidural & they had called Dr Lim. Hubby & mum was brought to the waitig area by then.

11th Feb 4.15am: hubby was brought into the labour ward & slept awhile. Was given drip, hooked on CTG & BP. These were check at 1/2 hr basis.

11th Feb 5.15am: Dr Lim came to prepare epidural & hubby was told to come back later.Preparation of epidural is 30 mins to 45 mins.

11th Feb 6am: Hubby ask mum to go home 1st as it's a long wait. Hubby continue to sleep till 9.15am.

11th Feb 9.15am: Gynae arrived & checked cervix & is only dilated 4cm ( Rae sigh ) & she say delivery will be arnd eraly/late afternoon. so hubby went hm as they had arranged for a pt cleaner to clean hse.

11th Feb from 9.45am onwards: was alone in the labour ward with nurses came in to check on her and the readings. Body temp was taken note too. Dozed on-off till 12.20pm.

11th Feb 12.20pm: was given 2nd dosage of epidural where i felt the effects of epiudral- shivering! Really no joke, just keep shivering auto, cant control and right leg numb.

11th Feb 1pm: cervix dilated 6cm & having "show" often. so nurse have to keep cahnging pads for me.

11th Feb 2pm: cervix dilated 7cm so nurses asked hr to call hubby to come.

11th Feb 2.35pm: hubby arrived & nurses get him involved in helping her pushing coz by then 8-9cm dilated. Gynae on the way. though on epidural, still can feel abit contractions. she's bad with pushing morever bb's buttock & leg wear near her rib cage
. around this time, there were a few mummies giving birth at the same time. Told the nurses she need a rest so they went to other ward to help out. Lady next door bb arrived after only less than 5 pushes. so nurses came back to help her

Still no luck after a few pushes thou they can see bb's head. By then lack of stamina & discussed with hubby if wanna take a short cut - C-sec. Nurses suggest vaccum. so we opt for vacumm.

11th Feb 3.35pm: Gynae arrived & nurses inform her abt her decision while gynae changed into her gear. Everyone got into action. Abt 15mins pulling n pushing, bb finalli out..What a relief.

whao.. while typing for Rae and waiting for her sms to continue the process i was like sitting roller coaster or seeing drama show waiting for the last episode gan jiong happy ending..haha
