IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


Anyone plan to go for Brazlian waxing before delivery? Anyone do a research whether is safe to do it say 37 weeks? Anyone start to go back massage?

Hmmm...how come no one here go facial, massage and manicure...pedicure..prenatal yoga har...?!

Wan & Hui,

After using, do you think the Clarin Tonic Oil is good enough or should add on with Stretch Mark cream? I am still scouting for one...hopefully can get 1 "power" enough so that i dont need to apply so many things on my tummy.
Bodhi...congrats and am very happy for you lah!
ur determination is very encouraging!
Congrats!!!!!!! Yr effort has pay off. For scrapbook, u can borrow some books from the library to help u in designing the pages.
Yesterday I 've seen Dr and this time round can see my babies more clearer.REally amazing!! Both are abt the same size and developing well.I was given an appt in 19wks to do scanning at ADC by the nurse at the counter, do you know what is all this abt? She only mentioned this is a detailed scan?? I'm so happy that I only need to take dydrogesterone for another few days and start with Dr's prescription of multivitamin,fish oil and calcium. The frequency of appt is reduced to once monthly.
did you know that there's a baby care fair now in Suntec? There's a promotion for Stemcord. It is an organisation that stores the cord blood of the baby. Maybe you can go and take a look if you are interested. Also, I saw this cloth nappy that seems to be good for the baby.

I saw Dr Loh today... he is quite concerned due to the risk presented by my blood test. However, he said that if the cardiac scan and detailed scan are okay, then everything should be okay. I supposed I will start to buy the stuff for my baby then. Dr Loh gave me the multivit and fish oil but not the calcium tablets. Do I have to ask from him?

By the way, anyone using the Pureen diapers? It is selling quite cheaply at the fair but I didn't get any.
Hi All,
I am new in this thread.
Now ard 7wks plus.
I also consider the Down Syndrome test but my hubby worry about the risk.

Hi Bodhi,
Initially intended to go to the fare but gender still unknown yet leh!Quite hard to shop for anything, maybe wait till Great Singapore Sales. Jeni, is your gender known already? Is it we can choose what kind of detailed scan we want (2D/3D)?

Great to have a new Kaki here.The premier fetal test only includes scanning and blood test.This is risk-free. Unless you want to further test, then need to do Amniocentesis, which has 1% risk.
I don't know whether it is a boy boy or girl girl yet but both my hubby wants... hehehe...
Don't think we can choose 2D or 3D as KK does not have 3D scan. So, do you intend to do the PFT?

Many people advised against amnio unless is absolutely necessary as I heard that there is 1 out of 300 miscarriage risk.

Good to hear from you! We will catch up when our pregnancy advance.

Talk to your Gynae on all your tests. Don't keep the questions to yourself. You need to know your own pregnancy. Your Gynae is the best person to answer your individual questions and doubts.

You may want to borrow some pregnancy books at the library. I saw one which is quite helpful. Pregnancy Week by Week. It demonstrate what to expect your pregnancy in a weekly basis. It also include what are the tests that you will need to perform.

Take Care! I am happy for you!
Congrats to all MTB!

Hi Bodhi,

I am 11 weeks now. Still continue with my mani, pedi and facial, but u must tell yr beautician that u r preggie so they can avoid using cream that are not suitable for us. Also they are not suppose to use machines on us. My beautician advice is just to do normal facial. There is a book at Borders (forgot the title) that tells u what u can/cannot do during pregnancy, if u hv time go and flip the book and see what they say abt brazilian wax.

I hv started with the clarins oil cos all my friends swear by it. I apply on my whole body once a day as suggested by the promoter so meaning 1 bottle can last abt 1 mth only. Will go and get another cheaper brand from the pharmacy to apply in the evening. Very kiasu! FYI clarins oil is $78 compared to those Palmers stretch marks that selling abt $20+

Thanks for your info. I am very much appreciated. I thought no one here interested on my topic on taking care of our own body.

When did you start to apply the oil? On whole body? O...i will have a problem now...i dont even feel like bathing, washing my hair, washing my face these days...i'm not sure whether i can apply on my full body. Hmmm...for the benefits of my body..i will just get 1 and see how's thing go.

I will go over to Borders and take a look...aiyoh if can't do brazilian then gonna shave. The after shave effect will be itch on me. Gonna find a solution.....
Hi Jeni,
I would take the PFT,after so much assurance and encouragment by Dr Loh in my last consultation. We decided to stick to Dr since my DH very Tou2Yuan2 with him. What a pity! KKH dun have 3Dscan, then where can we request to have it?
Probably you will get to know gender in your next appt. Then can start shopping and decorating baby's room. I'm really excited abt all these.
i switch when i'm in 12 weeks.

i'm goin back for brazilian waxing
, as for the oil i thin WabBB can ans better coz i on off use onli.

Congrats for all the new MTBS.. vry happy to see u gals here
i think TMC u can opt to do detail scan in 3D, my gynae in Glen E the 3D scan is only when am 28 weeks
. i only know gender when i'm in my detail scan cause bb dun let me see so beforehand i bought some bb use item in unisex colour.

if you just wan to assure bb is fine is either thru 2D scan doc measure bb neck or detail scan.. if you still scared then go for DS test like triple or oscar scan..

I started my facial and clarins only on week 10, before that i was not in the mood for anything, like u said, dont even feel like taking a shower. That kind of lazy and lousy feeling. But suddenly one morning i woke up and wanted to be vain again
We suppose to apply stretch mark cream/oil on our tummy, tighs, bum, breast especially if u r busty, than left with hands and calfs so i might as well apply whole body so i do not need a separate moisturizer.
at the moment, I am not so excited about the gender of my junior as I have something else on my mind. Besides, my hubby is happy with either a girl or boy, so does my family.

As for 3D scan, Dr Douglas Ong at Mt E will take walk in cases. He has 4D scan too. But Dr Loh told me that 2D scan is good enough to detect any problem and 3D/4D scans are quite expensive. Unless necessary, otherwise not encouraged as so far, no proof in regard to whether there is any side effect on the baby from these scans.

Thanks for the info. I just got my husband to buy the Clarins oil at the airport. I think he pays about S$65. Do we need to rinse it with water after we apply. I heard somewhere that is to rinse after apply? Alittle strange to me leh...apply than wash off?

O...good..settled with my tummy "snowy" issue with this Clarins Oil...happy liao :)

Anyone do exercise during pregnancy? Care to share what type of exercise and how do you feel after exercise? I am still thinking, shall i go "climb" the Bukit Timah Hill. I used to do that every weekend. But stop now. My body is getting alittle stiff these days...i think lack of exercise!

Okie Dokie...gonna end here. Need to go and get something to eat "again"...all mother to be here...stay happy and be happy :)

I find their way of application very strange. Want us to apply on damped body (meaning out fr shower right?) than ask to to shower it off again. The promoter told me that i could keep it on but her advice is to apply on damped body. Meaning we should put a bit of water on the skin before we apply. Be careful not to pour too much cos when the oil mixed with water, it does not feel so oily so u might put quite abit thinking that is not enough.

How many weeks are you now? I am not doing any exercise cos i had spotting during week 6, so i rather not take any risk. U want to climb BT hill??? Aiya dont want la, just go for light walking, yoga, something very soft. 1 of my gf did quite a bit of exercise and at week 15 she already start to feel contraction and now she has to stop all forms of exercise and bed rest.
P.S. I might or might not join a yoga class from week 14.

Brisk walking,swimming is the best - to step up on your stamina. U need such stamina when in labour.

but i din go swimming. i only did brisk walk. my antenatal class teacher said brisk walk shd be such that u feel a bit breathless but can still talk (While walking).

Yoga is good for relaxation and opening up your 'muscles' - such as thigh/pelvic floor etc.
Hi gals,
I am back to this forum again... after 2 months...
My boy finally is 2 months old.Have been very busy with bb for p[ast 2 months...sometimes really wish he is back inside the womb. Really no time for myself since he's borned.

How everyone out there? I din managed to look thru all the post as i only randomly read.
Who else had delivered?
whao!! welcome back..Rae n Twins mum given birth
. you can go to this thread at 2007 laters mum there's a thread name IVF mummies

your bb boy so cute! so far how's everything with a new born baby at home?

Ya..go to the thread there as said by hui. Share with us the ups and downs.. I am full term already. Hopefully my D-day will come asap.
hi ladies, am back too
like LY, was bz with my bb boy.....

Bodhi, i continued my facials every month....
inform ur beauticians tt u r preggie and they will kn want to do
Hi Rae,

Thanks for your advice. Me now...no mood at all...gonna wait until one fine day to get the mood back. Wait......:)
Hi mummies , how's everyone , me now in 26th week .. tired every day .. feel like quitting job to rest and enjoy my pregnancy at home ... but hubby say if I quit now 'bo hua' cos I will lose the maternity leave and some medical reimbursement ... guess I continue working til full term .. just feel like taking long leave for a while
Hi Jolene, Rae, Twinmoms, Hui, Winter1, blue rabbit & other mummies whom i left out...

Still remember me? My baby is now 3mths old, hee hee!! Take care!!
very fast u in 26th week le

i'm in my 28 weeks+ and i find that i can't slp at all at nite and my bb n breech position i sit down n eat also very xin ku leh

how are you? missing so long liao. how's bb doing?
hi hui,
i'm fine juz busy with baby.
baby neck quite firm already. now learning to flip halfway. PD says gotta watch out, may flip over anytime.

u jia you! 7 mths already....juz bear with the discomforts...3 more mths and you can cuddle your little darling in your arms

take care!
don't worry, talk to baby...tell baby to turn by 36 wks. that time i also worried baby breech. then gynae told me b4 36 wks still got space to turn (if I didn't remember wrongly). so i talk to my baby lor...and the following mth checkup, baby indeed turned over, hee hee!
Hi Curious,
At last you are back here. Miss you so much. How you doing. Yes, now am in my 3rd trimester, will be 28weeks in another 2 days. Time really flies and now your bb is already 3 months. So how is everything?? Tire and happy??

Rae / LY,
Welcome all mothers back to this thread. So nice to see all of you dropping by....
Must be busy taking care of your darling.

Stumbled by,
You are next, must be really excited..

Any idea when should start to eat durians and drink coconut juice??

Hi Bodhi / Synergy,
Congrats and welcome to mtb.
Thanks Jolene, Hui, stumbled by, Dz
Ya, very busy with bb...
Will visit the IVF mummies next time., & hope to see all of u there soon...
Good luck..
hihi curious, of cos, rem u!
wow 3mths, very fast ya...
must b very cute nw

hihi jolene, very fast too - 3rd tri liao...... prepare everything? must b excited to see ur bb
yes, bz... but tonite with mil so i can do some of my things

hihi LY, r u taking care of ur bb on ur own or ur auntie?
hi jolene, hui,
nice to 'hear' fr u again
no internet access at home so didn't log in during maternity leave.

yes busy but very happy hee hee...so far coping well. hv been looking after baby at nite by myself since we discharged from hospital. baby loves to smile a lot...any relatives carry her during CNY, she also smile.
makes everyone loves her so much.

I had durian throughout my pregnancy. Anytime when I can find durian, I'll eat. But not a lot. As for coconut juice, I didn't drink a single bit. Cos I scared I cough & too cooling for me. Baby skin is nice too leh...

But oh, I ate lots of beef (cooked ones please). Take care all, and keep in touch!

i had durian twice or thrice so far...as for coconut i had it when i'm abt 26 weeks onwards..1 week once
.. i eat durian will order coconut

so nice bb kp smiling
must be during ur pregnancy you kp laughing n smiling leh..nowadays i slp n sit also difficult leh..so tired that i seldom talk to him liao

by the way, now every morning i wake up i feel pain below my tummy n above my virgina area...
even I washed my baby's bottom, she also smile n smile, haha...

ya...i try to think positive and like to laugh when colleagues told me jokes etc...but I also had some unhappy moments during my pregnancy. eg. sometimes pain here & there & upset me etc...

how many weeks are u now? late trimester?

I had pain around my tummy when I was 38 wks. Sometimes the pain could be quite bad until I just felt like sitting or lying down and doing nothing. But then I was in office, so I tried to minimise walking and took taxi home after work when I felt bad. Even the taxi jerked at humps etc I also felt very bad then.

Other days the pain was quite mild but it never went off. I had the pain for abt 1 week, then I requested MC fr my gynae to rest at home at 39wk. My hubby also kept grumbling & asked me not to work anymore. So gynae gave me 1 wk MC till my EDD. On my 2nd day of MC, I gave birth liao.


today i'm in 28 weeks. durng my pregnancy i kp myself happy,laughing and "suan" ppl..haha..esp my male boss kanna "suan" by me alot..hope my bb come out will be like ur's. kp smiling so will brighten up everyone's dayin the family :p

i think mine is around the abdomen area. i only feel a pinch pain on the right side when morning i wake up n stand up form bed. other then that no pian at all..now i sometimes can't sit properly.. duno issit due to bb head is up so feeling like my gastric very umcomfortable
.. slp also cant sp cause can't find good position
