IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


seems that 2 also got chance... let's pray hard...hehe..

i think most likely best twins also delivered since hers is c-section and she said it was last Friday ? Send my regards to Rae! Wow- u talked to her ? Or she sms'ed all these details to u...(HOUR by hour?) Thanks for the detailed info so we know what to expect, in a way!


Mine is 3 embryos. having singleton now.
hey sistas!

me finally got a flight to Bali! really needed to take a break from work and stuff..
will be in my week 24, and doc say ok, but after that cannot fly already.. any tips of bali? places to go, things to buy? me haven't been there since 2001!

also, my pil is telling us not to nail stuff, renovate nursery, paint room and all, cos chinese belief. but if i dun break down my cupboard, i can't fit 2 cots leh.. and after they come out, then i paint, won't the smell be more damagining for them? any advice frens? do you all listen or how ah? if i listen i realy have no space in my house, for 2 babies.. not the running ard space.. jus cot space already a bit tight leh.. pls pls advice..
hi deerdeer, the embryos put in is all 8 cell, grade i not sure.. but the embryologist say not bad.. it was my 2nd try with IVF.

i am 32, coming 33 this december..

dun worry.. worry make things worse..
stumbled by,

twins mum delivered on 9th but she nvr sms me leh..Rae msg me the whole process a day after her deliver.

i rather choos to belief since no harm.. regards abt painting you can use the no smell paint..now they have in market mah
hi hui, but i have already last 2 weekends, thrown away chest of drawers, and moved things, and threw things arleady.. isn't that like causing harm already?
deer deer...

nvm lah..what's done cannot be undone.. but i also regretted a little...:p

ladies.. what are the symtoms u gals experienced prior to confirmation (that it is positive) huh? Can share..?

btw... Happy CNY to each of every sistas here..!!
Hopes & DeerDeer,

during the 2WW, after the last jab i got OHSS..was hospitalized. so i did my blood test in ward.. as for sign other then my cheek super radiant i think no other sign liao..
happy Lunar new year to all!

we born in same year leh. Same as Rae
but u 'lucky' - december kid.


u mean Rae sms u one day after she deliver- so many 'sentences'. wow!! She still remember the timing hur..So energetic after 1 day!


dont worry so much. Just relax. Everybody's symptoms are different.
Stumbled by,

am surprise she can roughly remember the time also.. i still wan joke with her did she note down in the notebook..haha.. but she tell me is a agar agar time also..

can i check with u.. during the 2WW, did you go for daily Progesterone jabs..?

so.. upon confirmation of pregnancy, do u still need to go thru any more jabs..?

some people take progesteron gel, instead of jabs during the 2WW. If u are pregnant, u may or may not need progesterone/HcG(and other) jabs- depends on your condition. I had those jabs bcos I had slight spotting for first few days.
Gong Xi Fa Chai!!

after ET i have my jab done every 2 days..liquid form on the abdomen area.. i think 4 jab onli.. but during my 12 weeks i have heavy bleeding and i nd to inject one jab ( sori duno wat jab but is to "ann tai" wan) in oil form on the thigh.. this jab is damn painful...
stumbled_by , hui..

So if let's say I am tested negative (touch wood) for the blood test, what is the next step? Induce AF and try another cycle?
Hopes and Deer,
don't worry about no symptons as they will come in due time if you are pregnant. As long as your AF is still not here, your chance is high. For me, on my 12th day of my 2ww, I woke up with lots of acne sprouting out of my body and I was shocked. Plus mood swing and tired. But at that time, I thought I was just worried and that's why the mood swing.

there's no need to induce Af as it will come on its own and arrangement will be made with the gynae to discuss about FET.

Hui, I agree with you that that oil jab in the thigh is really painful and I could feel the pain when I walked after that, for a few days.

did anyone do the premier fetal screening for Down Syndrome?
I was told that my due date is supposed to be on the 2nd of Sept which means that I should be 11th week last week but when I went for my ultra scan for the above mentioned screening, the doc told me that my junior was actually 12.5 weeks old according to its measurement (6cm). So how old is actually my junior now? I am confused. Anyone has similar experience?
Hi Jeni,
I was given date to do the test in my week 12.Which package did you choose? Will the scanning be more clearer than the usual ones we did during consultation?
yes, the scanning is clearer and the pictures that they will print for you will be bigger as they need them to do measurement of the thickness of the skin behind baby's neck. I took package B as it is better I suppose. The nurse who took my blood seems to be inexperienced and so, it was quite painful. The nurses in KKIVF did a better job.

if -ive (ytouchwood) then got to quee for FET if you have frozen embryos.

ya lor, the jab goes in like my inner muscle ble black feeling like that..the scan EDD got diff is due to the measurement.. is a plus minus thing so is best we stick to our ET date..if doc told yur the EDD then sick to that usuali i dun bother much on the EDD state on the scan pics coz is onli est
All Mtbs,

anyone know where got sell nice bb sticker for art & craft? i bought some but still not engh leh.. cause will be DIY son's photo album
hi buddies,

just went for check up and bb weight abt 800 gram.. notice once bb grow bigger i cant see clearly wat is wat thru the ultrascan leh..like all cramped together
U can try "Made with Love" - a scrapebook shop in Plaze Singapura at level 3 next to the OP shop or Spotlight. I bought some paper as well as some nice stickers from there. Another shop will be in Takashimaya, if I'm not wrong it's at level 4, opposite Art Friend. Hope this help

yalor...u will only see part by part. and most of the time i am just guessing what is that part, cos gynea is busy reading out the measurements to the nurse..wun have the patience n time to explain everything on the screen.

the pictures printed out - most of the time i dun even know what is it.
Stumbled by,

ya lor, but i keep quiet nvr tell the doc i dun understand the pic so gynae assume i understand. the scan pic cm out other than the head i dun understand the pic at all.
Hi All,

Anyone go facial during pregnancy? From which week you will go? I asked my Gynae and he said can go...but if scare dont go! Alamak!
Hi All,

Just to share. In case, some ladies plan to do Hair Dye and Chemcial Treatment during pregnancy. Is a No, No. Confirm by my Gynae.
Hi ladies,
I went for the premier fetal screening to check the risk of my baby getting Down Syndrome (Also known as Trisomy 21). The risk is low but I was told that instead of Trisomy 21, the risk of my baby getting Trisomy 13 or 18 is 1:556. This is considered relatively high for my age group and I am very worried. Did anyone has similar experience and can advise? The doc told me that if a baby gets it, it will have many abnormalities and usually won't survive after birth. So, regular detail scan was recommended to me to monitor the development of my baby and this leads to the thinking of doing 3D ultrasound scan for my baby. Anyone has done it for your baby before? Is it better than 2D and what's the charges like? I am really worried
Hi Jeni,
I'm still considering want to do the test or not, cos it can give us greater assurance but can also create more anxiety...
but my DH would like me to take it so at least we are more mentally prepared.
When is your test result being revealed? Next appt with Dr Loh or by the Dr who did the test for you?
You mind sharing your age group with us?
Hi Jeni,

Sorry...i am alittle kapo. In my opinion, get advise and get assurance from your Gynae. He or she is the best person to advise you. If the Gynae think you dont need to do and you are comfortable with your condition, than dont do the test. If your Gynae feels that you need to do and you are not at ease with your condition...than just do it. I think when you come to this stage, cost shouldn't be a consideration. If you need to do..you just have to pay for it. Unless you are relectunat to pay than you dont do the test then.

I realise you have this anxiety since 2ww. You should enjoy your pregnancy and dont get yourself worry through out the pregnancy. Is a no good for you and no good for the baby. You may end up pre and post natel blue and depression.

Just relax and stay happy. Talk to your Gynae and he or she is best person to advise you.

You lucky har...no need to do any tests. Me i think confirm need to do. Anyhow..just do lah. Just to have a piece of mind.

Hey...check with you how you do up your scrap book for your pregnancy journey? You bought the plain book and start writing or you get a standard format? I saw a ready made format at Border the other day...so just paste the picture and do the writing on the column designated on the book. I'm not a handicraft person therefore need to seek some opinion. Let me know. Thanks.

Are you the Jo that preparing for your 2nd ivf treatment or the Jo that already achieved it naturally? Me still early stage...so i prefer to keep low profile. Neverthless, if you r the Jo that preparing for your 2nd ivf treatment, please jia you and feel free to let me know if you have any questions for your 2ww. I think you are familiar with the treatment procedures...so just stay relax and enjoy the treatment. Your mind MUST be strong that you wants a baby no matter what the treatment require you to do. Is a mind over body game here! Take Care!

Are you the Jo that preparing for your 2nd ivf treatment or the Jo that already achieved it naturally? Me still early stage...so i prefer to keep low profile. Neverthless, if you r the Jo that preparing for your 2nd ivf treatment, please jia you and feel free to let me know if you have any questions for your 2ww. I think you are familiar with the treatment procedures...so just stay relax and enjoy the treatment. Your mind MUST be strong that you wants a baby no matter what the treatment require you to do. Is a mind over body game here! Take Care!
I just received an email from Dr Loh telling me that at 20 week scan if everything is ok, then it should be fine. He said that 2D scan is enough to pick up any abnomalities if there is any. TOUCHWOOD!!
Actually, Dr Loh just asked if we want to do the test and like Stacy's hubby, we thought doing it will let us be mentally prepared. Haiz...

Stacy, I am going to be 31 soon.
I did the test before CNY and got the result on I think the third or fourth day of CNY.

you are right. I should just relax but it is hard after hearing the outcome so now, I am just trying to stay cool and calm about it.

Thanks for all your advice.
Hi Bodhi

Me the Jo preparing for 2nd ivf lah. So happy to hear your good news! I am very familiar with the procedures already..so I will just relax this round :)
Congrats to you! Fun to have more MTB here.

I understand how you feel. Dun worry everything will turn out fine. Try to look at nice children photo and think your baby will look as cute and normal as them. Hopes it helps. Bcos sometimes I'm also like you worried abt this and that. WOW! You are in 2nd trimester already, so ms is better? I've afternoon appt with Dr Loh later , so excited to see my little ones again..

The premier fetal test is an optional one, so we can decide to do it or not. Not compulsory type. Heard You've switched to pte gynea, which hospital?

i get many A4 colour papers, cute bb 3D stickers from spotlight & Made With Love located at Plaza Singapura. then DIY a simple one.

ya, i know that's why i nvr opt to do. i switch to Glen E Dr Christopher Chong, he got a clinic at Bishan so i usuali go bishan wan. then will be deliver bb in TMC.

Hui, when do you switched there, I mean in you no. weeks of pregnancy? Recently, DH and I are discussing whether to continue with KKh.
