IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Pink d,
If it's just hubby, usually they won't mind cooking for them too. But they'll cook the same food for u n hubby to eat, they won't cook separately.
Laundry, if use washing machine wash and just hang they can help too as well as basic sweeping floor sort of housework.
The yard looks good! But the order seems confusing.. Got activity.. Melody.. Panel.. Got diff color.. Hmm... Which one u getting?
Different cl has different kind of expectations so better ask beforehand... Usually like what grumpus say.. If only hb usually cl will cook for him..

My cl cooks for my whole family.. But cos i have a maid to help out with the hsewk.. Cl no need to wash clothes.. Do hsewk.. She only cook and take care my bbs..

If yr cl is intro my friends.. U can ask them what do the cl duties cover.. So u can have a idea.. But still better to ask the cl directly.. Like who take care of marketing.. Whether yr hse there have market not etc..
Pink d,
My cl only cook for my family including my maid but she don't need to do housework. Then she take care of baby. Very easy going lady. My SIL told her she likes to eat certain confinement food n when she cook more of that particular food, she will ask me to call her to my place to eat. When my parents come n visit me, she even cook lunch for them.
baby, i m also planning to get the play yard to be used with the mat that I bought earlier.

melody means the particular panel has music functions... activity means it has a play toy on the panel..n there is also plain panels... u can customise according to ur preference...

i m tinking of getting the japan set coz the color goes w my living room wall colors..
Baby I m thinking of getting the japan set too, looks better.

Pandawife how's things? U also getting a maid from upview? I selected mine n confirmed today ... Did it chop chop coz difficult for me to bring my baby around searching.
My Sil said she still can get maid with salary $380 with exp in indo, so guess possible to get one same pay as ur current
The mat u bout is the bigger size 2300x1400.. The yard can fit? Yr living hall can fit such a big mat? My hb say its too big ask me to get the smaller size instead.. I told him cos we got two bbs.. So bigger mat can fit two bbs better.. Hmm...

Japan set comes in what color? U mean other than japan, got what else? U bout the 1900mm play mat right? Size just right?

Size of play yard: 1.1m x 1.1m x 0.6m. If buy the 1.9m x 1.3m playmat there will be a small gap if you fix a 6 panels play yard.

Can buy 1 and a half set 6 panels. I bought from Cheong Choon $163 (1 set $109) can choose Activity or Door panel for the 1/2 set. I think in Forum Bulk Purchase Normal set $106. For Melody set add $10.
GAN, is you girl still Fussing??

These 2 days my girl keep fussing and sucking my shirt give her pacifier don't want. Don't know is she hungry? She is already drinking 120ml bm.

My parents keep telling me bm is not enough for, but if j giveher more she will split out after awhile. What should I do??

canu send me the link for the playmat u bought earlier? time for me to invest in one


I contacted Madeline as well... i am the other twin mom
Baby my mat siZe is 1900x1300 think just nice for my gal.

Blissful my gal has been fussing since tue, rarely she is like that... Wonder is there an ingredient called 'fussing' in fm as she been cranky since I gave her total fm as I can't bf her as I m on med. Last nite she cries badly for milk I fed her but she still cry n not drinking n struggle dun want me to carry.=s once my hubby took over, she quiet down abit n took some milk .
Gan, yr baby gal bully you leh. Your hubby carry and she quiet down. For mine, it's the opposite. She usually bully daddy. Poor daddy.. LOLz

were u d one who had very close edd with me back then? d teacher?

is ur ger fussing at a certain timin? colic? my ger will fuss fr 9-11pm on n off. had asked PD, she said its common n what we can do is to carry her like koala bear, her tummy on our tummy, tis is to warm her tummy, givin her comfort. i oso gav her pacifier while doin tat. she will fuss for a while n fall asleep... u may wish to give gripewater or other medication but my PD doesnt recommend. she said d fussin wil usually go off at 3rd month.
Rose, my gal's colic lasted for 1 week, it went off before she turned 1 month. During that time, we try to stir her milk using a spoon, instead of shaking the milk bottle.
Gan, maybe she is angry with you.

Just faith, my gal bully my hub to. Actually sometime to my dad to, when I take over she will stop crying.

Rose, my edd 8 Jan your??
No she just fuss n don't want to sleep, want to be carry. Last nite 8.45 drank 120 bm, 10.30 cry I gave 80ml bm fuss don't want to sleep after awhile of carrying n walking around she slept till about 12.45am cry . I then gave her fm 120ml n she slept till 6 plus

I scare she will be a big fat girl like my hub :p
baby, the 6 panel play yard fits the mat i bought nicely. yeah..i bought the bigger one.. coz wanna fit 3 bbs and adult in there.

i already reserved a place for the play yard.. instead of playpen, it makes better sense to invest in play yard for the 3 of them to play together. i m packing up my playpen already...going to pass to my bro whose wife is popping in Aug...

working wife, sorry, i really cant remember which link.. but the one Gan posted earlier sells mats n play yards...

sala, i thot u were another pax.

bm will not grow fat, fm will...tats wat d PD said. did ur ger poo or pee alot? mayb 80ml not enuff for her. u didnt wake up u ger for midnight feed? she 2 mths liao? how u manage to wean off her night feeding?

try not to walk ard d house, hug her n pat her on d butt.
Rose, I never do anything. I notice when my girl is full she will not wake up for nite feed so nomally I will give her fm. For my elder son pacifier works for him, but my girl don't like pacifier.
Yr girl misses yr BM
she's wondering why she can smell the BM on u but in the bottle is FM tats why she's angry. On daddy got no milk smell, so bo pian drink the FM cos hungry.
When my girl was on FM for 3 days cos of jaundice, she was like tat also. 1st day she still ok let me feed her. 2nd day every time I want to feed her she scream n struggle. My mil hv to slowly coax her. By 3rd day she went on strike refusing to drink until very very hungry.

U shd see my gal too on full BM. She has pig trotters for legs n lotus root for arms :p she's 4.7kg at 7wks. She put on 2kg in 6wks.

Yr girl could be going through a growth spurt. But her 'tank' is fixed size so when u give her more she will spit out, u may just hv to feed a bit more frequently these few days lor.
baby, havent buy yet. now too early.... hmm..i tink its 2300sx1400..cant remember very clearly... brain in a mess these days.. pai seh
rose, my bbs fuss everyday without fail from 7-10pm. my PD calls this HAPPY HOUR. hahaha.. u r right..it will go away on its own.. meanwhile we can only try to make bb as comfortable ...
U hvt buy why u know the yards will fit the mat nicely leh?

Today im super shack... Mum not ard to help me.. Im left with two bbs and a maid.. Both not cooperative today.. Keep fussing.. Dont even have time to take a drink... Somemore my small girl poo all over her diaper and legs.. My arms also kena... Spend long time cleaning both of us up... Shack..
Just took a quick shower and had a few pieces of chocolate.. Small girl sitting in the rocker.. Big girl playing in her cot.. Both didnt really sleep today... Hopefully they will sleep well at night...
blissful fate, things are still the same.. but i have been immune these 2 days coz down with flu. since monday fever, cough, running nose and sorethroat. now stil hv persistent cough n sore throat.. on medication, half the time i m blur blur one...

baby, i saw singapoh's play yard on fb photos..she has the exact same mat as mine..n the play yard fits nicely on top..

i miss eating chocolate ice cream and cakes! yesterday hb digging into a pint of HD berries and cream.....i can only look n drool! miss 4 leaves strawberry shortcake too! hv to wait until the bbs are 6 mths old ...by then they will recover from the cow's milk allergy..or i giv up breastfeeding earlier, then i can indulge...

my 3 bbs are wee hours poo-ers.. all of them poo when they wake up for feed betw 3-4am! everynight i got to clean poo n wash backside half asleep!
I dont have fb account.. Too lazy to setup one.. Hee..

How u wasb bb backside? Carry bb to basin to wash? Do u use body wash or only water?
Yr bbs on bm so will poo more often.. They poo a few times a day?
My bbs only poo once a day.. Sometimes once every two days... Now i will know when they poo by the look of their face... Clever mummy! Hehe...

Do u hv to avoid dairy food too? If u want ice cream but can't , ask yr hub to get frozen yoghurt for u. If u hv yoghurt u can just freeze it.

That day I gave plain yoghurt with fruit purée to my twins. My son ate till cry. He wanted more! I still remember his crying face. Hilarious. Kekeke..

I also wash their backside at the basin with room temperature tap water. No soap. Bathing time then use soap. Dun wanna wash too many times later wash away the natural moisture on their skin.
Grumpus i think you are right, this afternoon, she was not sleeping, so got no choice but to put her on the rocker while i pump milk sitting next to her to company her. she was very excited when she saw me pumping, kicking away and smiling but after 5 mins, she started crying. maybe she was hopping i will latch her.

Anyway lesson learnt, i should work harder to have frozen ebm for unforeseen circumstances! this time i only have 2 packs of frozen ebm for almost 1 week of no bf.

Blissful, no fb acct, using my hubby's to upload baby pics. =)
baby, i use warm water in a basin and cotton. carry baby on top of the basin, splash wash and wipe w the cotton. no body wash.

no leh..my bbs poo average once a day.. only occasionally twice. but each poo is massive amts ...can be quite messy...

singapoh, yeah..hv to avoid dairy products...just before PD says no ddairy pdts, i stock up alot of ice cream..now hb got to finish them himself..

i hv feeding crisis ...my younger boy seems to start to dislike bottle and wanna latch only!! aiyoh.. last few feeds he scream n scream when we try to bottle feed... no choice i latch him... n when he latch..he can be at it for 40 to 45 mins and wanna be cradle hold.. if lying down he will also fuss!

I can help u with the ice cream. Kekeke..

Yr boy so notty ah. One time my gal also like that when I change the teat. Flow too fast she screamed like a mad woman...waaaa!!
talking abt fussing during milk time, my gal has been like that the last 2 evening....today cry as she drank.
Singapoh ya feeding her...she has been quite cranky these couple days. afternoon must carry her when she sleep, put her down cry and when she cry, it's like kena abuse, very loud and whole face red. =S once started crying, take long time to pacify. She is rarely like that.
Initially i thought she is unwell but check, no fever nothing.
I am so busy carrying her, pacifying her that i hardly pump much....even pump also do a quick one before she fuss.
Re: Bottle Rejection

My baby started to reject bottle when 2 mths old. Cried badly if given bottle and refused to drink. Tried to dream feed but once milk went in eyes opened and stopped drinking. There were stressful time when trying to bottle feed but not successful. Each time like going to war. No choice but to latch since then.
