IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Its tiring to bf n take care of bb at d same time. but we mummies must endure to give our precious one d most superior milk in d world - our breast milk!

lets work hard together to pump our milk!!! mooooooo...

talkin bout mad cow disease...
Poor thing regarding your old folks ! Hope u resolve your issues soon with good help. Looking after bbs needs patience and endurance and with your bbs getting older by the day, it will get easier. The other day, my hb was looking after my #1 and she vomitted her dinner everywhere after her milk as could not get to the toilet in time, my hb was so mad at her that he scolded her till she was crying. To me, I will not scold her if she vomit, she can't help it if she wanna vomit right ?

My #2 is 6.1 kg at 2 mths. But I don't think he is fat, got no pig trotters legs and lotus root arms...haha, what a way to put it. No worries about them being fat, as they become bigger and get more mobile, they will not gain that much.

My #2 can take up to 180ml per feed during the day but his last feed is usually 150ml at around 9 pm. He can then sleep through till 5 am. So acutally he take more during the day but miss a night feed at night.
wow, yr #2 can take 180ml per feed. that's alot! my #1 at 3yrs old still has probs finishing 180ml
oops, i'm one of those guilty of scolding my #1 if she vomits everywhere cos i hv to clean up

no lah i'm not concerned that #2 is 'fat'. in fact i'm very happy. i fully expect her to lengthen out soon and lose her pig trotters and lotus roots. my #1 was like tat too. once she started crawling and then walking, all the fats gone already. now at 3yrs old she's in fact getting skinner and skinner and i'm trying to fatten her up more.
莲藕妹...grumpus. Lol.

bubby bear, ur get starts weanin off night feed at 2nd mth n after or gradually fr 1st mth till 2nd mth? lately my ger has been crying fr 9pm onwards, last nite she cried on off till 2am. my CL fed her 120ml at 9pm, 110ml at 1140pm n last 120ml at 140pm which was initiated by me. think she is trying to drag her night feed to 3hrly...but my ger has been crying, n i think she may b hungry so asked my cl to feed her. how did u start weanin off nite feed? but my ger oso colicky lately so not very sure if she is crying for milk or just fussing...its really a guessing game. heart pain seein her cry till face turns 包公. but still very kawaii...
oh, interesting too, my ger seems to b more easily pacified by me. hope tat aft CL leaves, my ger can be 乖乖。

to all mummies becomin panda soon or already a panda (pandawife, u still d queen of panda of course),

I didn't fully bf twins. 1 fm before bedtime but I could fully bf them if I want to.

My gal lived with MIL during weekdays for 5 months. I express and freeze for her. Extremely stressful period for me. I prefer latching and not see what I have.
Rose I m those who goes by demand not schedule. I feed as and when my gal cries for milk, be it 2 or 3 hrly. I only 'schedule' in 1st mth to make sure she drinks every 3 hrs. But as she grew, her sleep at night wld actually lengthen. Since starting second mth, she wakes up every3 or 4 hrs for milk instead of 2hrly, slowly there wld be a 5 hrs stretch at night. And yesterday she broke record n slept from 1030pm to
630am.... We r surprised loh. But this cld be 1 off. I was reading 'what to expect in the first year' the book actually said newborns shld be fed on demand.

Singapoh, early april. Office called n inform my ml ends on 8 apr... Sianz back to working life. But I intend to extend to may to spend time with my gal n train the maid. No choice but to feed her myself as I m alone n my hubby works late, normally home at 9 pm or later.
Yah, my #1 like yours from 2 mths till now 3 yrs, can only take 150ml. I vomit blood feeding her. So my 2 kids are really different when it comes to capacity, maybe its the genetic makeup between the sexes.

At least u got the right to scold since u cleaning...haha But in my case, I was feeding #2 and had to ask my mum to take over and go clean up. Everyone have temper, but what I'm trying to say is some people have more patience than others and taking care of babies also alot of scarifices sometimes. In Pandawife case, can understand her folk's frustration. So as far as possible, rely on ourselves is the best and get paid help. At least maid get paid and its their job, so they cannot complain. With parents, very difficult to deal with.

How old is your bb ? Can she take more than 120ml ? Try to feed her till she is fully satisfied ? Do u use the pacifier ? My bb when he is hungry, he will not want the pacifier but will fuss, so I know he wants milk. With bbs its all trail and error.

I did not purposely wean off night feed. I just have a baby who is a good sleeper and not fussy and I hope he stays that way. I feel that when they eat more, they also sleep longer and their sleeping pattern also changes during the early months.
I remember my #1 is also like that at 2 mths, refuse bottle and only wants breast. I was so fed up, I wean her off breast totally and do bottle feed. When they are hungry enough, they will take anything. Since she is fussing now, now is the time, if u want to wean off and prepare to go back to work.

my bb is 1mth n 1 wk old. yes, i oso intend to feed her more but my CL is conservative, told her increase bm, she said my bb wil vomit milk...wil try when she leaves.
is it normal for bbs to be fussing during feeds at 2-3mths? my girl also start to fuss..

my boy's milk intake drop by half these few days.. usually take 120-140/feed... now become 50-70ml.... like not hungry...
If fussing during feed, maybe the milk flow is not right or not comfortable or need a burp, maybe tummy upset etc. Any changes to your boy's routine or is sick ? When they are sick, they can loose appetite.
bubblybear, he has been like this after the 6in1 jab more than a week ago. he doesnt seem sick..coz after he fuss finish n refuse the milk, he will smile very happily..
Just did my 25th week scan today. Both my boy & gal are at 900g each!!! VERY BIG!! Doc looked at both hubby n my size (we r not big size pp) only asked if we have family history of diabetes which we dont & didn't ask me to control my diet. Am I going to have a hard time carrying both till at least 37 weeks?
My girls also keep fussing.. And i notice they dont like to be left alone in the cot and in the room... So during the day both sleep in the living room...
My girls 3 mths old now.. Time flies... Cant wait till they start to crawl.. Take solids..

did u take any special food beside prenatal vits and fish oil that contribute to ur bbs' weights?

maybe it's a growing stage now, dun worry too much
Just checked Takashimaya baby fair starts from 9 -27 March.

Is it relatively cheaper to buy during bb fair than going to other bb outlets?

One thing I'm not sure is whether to buy a solid wood baby cot or foldable cot ? Any advice, tks

Who's looking after ur bb when u work?
I still considering...

ahhhh...just now saw my mil used her finger to dig her teeth and later use back the same hand to scratch between her toes while watching TV. I was seated beside her and purposely asked her what was it tat she was chewing. She replied innocently "no ahh"...still didnt catch my hint...and carry on with her poking her teeth. I really wish to ask her one day, why she keeps putting her finger in her mouth...its really everytime anywhere...ahhh...how to leave my bb in her care. I so scare everytime she touches bb cheek and face, confirm never wash hand... -__-'''
U think there will be anytin at taka fair we will need?
Dont knw whether its worthwhile to go taka fair... U gals gg?

Can anyone advise me what to do in this case?
Tell my MIL, can you stop digging your teeth and touching your mouth? Even my CL also asked me why my MIL keeps bitting her fingernails...
Rose - my MIL oso similar. She sits on the sofa and scratches her feet and pulled out dead skins. AFter she left, I see all dead skin white white on the sofa. FAINT ... but dunno how to tell her lah..old ppl very sensitive de.

maybe u tell her, it's not hygiene and later she forgets to wash hands and touch ur bb.
rexxie, cannot too direct tell her, wait will have misunderstanding, esp we as daughter-in-law... imagine her daughter oso told her off last time tat she very dirty...she "scolded" her back...

super sianz to see such scene on a super nice cooling Friday.

rexxie, ur mil staying together? u better help to clear her dead skin, if not once your bb is big enuff to put stuff in her mouth...arghhhh...

my MIL will be here after my delivery. Hmm, why dun u ask ur hb to tell her nicely?

I told my hb last time what my MIL did, he just kept quiet. But I think for bb's sake, he will tell her mom not to do such unhygienic thing lor esp got bb liao.
Baby will be going baby fair at taka coz need to buy another set of steriliser to put at my mum's place. So you play with them when they are in the living room? actually what do you play with them har? I seemed to be talking abt the same things and sing the same songs to my gal. =S

rexxie, can check out the cots, stroller and compared with hypermart, sometime can be cheaper at taka! i bot my quinny stroller and infant car seat at hypermart, then discover taka cheaper. somemore i got taka card, can save another 6%. If pigeon, nuk got 20% u can also consider to buy especially if u have taka credit card, i.e another 6% savings.

Rose, initial plan was to put my gal at infant care as my mum travels often to visit my sis. But my mum changed her mind (maybe coz she finds my gal so cute....ha ha) so she offers to babysit her until she is 1 year plus before sending her to childcare coz she worried my gal will fall sick often in infant care. I am employing a helper to help my mum in housework etc coz scared tiring for her. Have just confirmed a helper on wed....expensive!
When my mum travel, most prob as my mil to come my place to supervise or put at my mil place, or if i bu fang xin, take leave. How abt u? u r quitting after your ML?
Rose i quite striaght forward...when my parents or in laws want to carry my gal, i asked did you wash your hand. =P very bad hor
i oso straightforward pax, but depends on who i am talkin to. my parent in law r super traditional type, my CL who is only 7 yrs their junior oso said they r 老古董, stubborn old ppl.
they cannot take such direct remarks one... if its outsider they will scold, if its own children, they will 赌气 n threaten to move back home. so far i neber step on their tails, coz i believe no point arguing with stubborn ppl...but now, i super worried. i intend to take unpaid leave till my ger reach 1yr n put her in child care... coz my mil oso object infant care due to her young age.
I did take some durians 2 weeks back & my MIL will cook bird's nest for me every 1 to 2 weeks. Other than that no special tonic whatsoever. I was still thinking can start to bu & start taking chicken soup, essence. Now I'm thinking twice. Afraid babies too big to carry for my built.
rose, i just told my mil off. she use my bb hanky to go n wipe the bed that bb was napping coz bb puke milk abit. i saw her wiping vigourously.. after tht the hanky MIA.. so i ask her where is the hanky tht she clean the bed with ...she says "what hanky? i only use my hands to touch see if the bed is wet" DUH!!! i super roll my eyes.. n told her i SAW her use a hanky... then she admit n she put the hanky back w the clean ones coz she says the bed is not wet!!!! the hankies are used as bib n also clean bb mouth during feeding leh.....
Haha me too leh.. I also keep saying the say tins and sing the same few songs..
Must go learn a few more songs else bb hear also sian.. Hee

Aiyo y yr mil like to lie.. I can hear u super dont like her liao.. Everyday like war zone.. Do u thk u can manage alone with the maid? Wana try one day to trial? Who knows u can then u can retire yr mum and mil...
wow Panda...your MIL really ah... likes to deny so much even when caught in the act? Argh...
looks like in-laws are tough nuts to crack...
Though I haven popped, I already dun look fwd to the day my MIL takes over the care of my son...
she also has poor hygiene but always acts like she is super clean...

these days her fav remarks are "I wish your son resembles my son...really" and then goes off in a dreamy mode and making me feel inferior/ugly and sub-standard!
It's very interesting to read all these MIL's posts... heehee. Now then I realise how fortunate I am to have my MIL staying with me. My MIL is those super hygenic one. Every now and then, also pull tissues from the tissues box until I so scared to supply tissues at home.

Pandawife, your MIL very mean leh. why she use and put back the hanky with the cleaned ones? for me, i usually use wet wipes to clean for everything. thats why my storeroom is well stocked up with wet tissues. haha. and we make it a point to change her bibs after every feed. if need new one, then pull out from drawer.
Baby, I also sing and play music until I dont know what else she likes. So, lately i download the 心经 from iPhone. She kinda enjoy. And she dozed off in less than 7 mins... hahaahah

aiyoyo...tak boleh lah. think u hav to find a method to retire ur mil liao. dun wait till either one explode. at least she not stayin with u... for me, so far i only complain here, no clashin with my mil or fil in all these years.
old ppl tends to b more defensive n when being caught with their mistakes, they will deny to save face. my fil oso same pattern, but he is more hygiene conscious den my mil.
grumpus it's ok, thanks! intend buy a new one like a present for my mum. he he he =P

singapoh i hope she is good. was telling my mum i hope i m lucky like u got good helper. my mum kept nagging so much $

pandawife hope u get ur 2nd helper soon then can ask ur hubby to retire ur mil
Pink destiny,

My MIL is worse. She will look at my son and says " dunno he look like who?" or "he looks so much like papa".

One day I showed her pix of a bb photo. She said why my son's pix look so old. It was me in the pix hor! I showed my son and he also thought it's him.
Haha Singapoh,
seriously, whats wrong with our folks huh?
Delusional and in denial huh?

One day i might just snap and ask her "why, am i that hideous that my son cannot resemble me?"
My MIL really can be nice at times, and "one-kind" at times.
Like, she perspires a lot when she eats spicy stuffs, and with her mouth stuffed with food, she told me, "look at them, perspire so much...takes after dad lor...not me...see i dun sweat so much one" and beads of perspiration was trickling down her forhead and temples! :p

BTW, u used to fly is it?
Gan, how you manage along at home? My girl wake up at 4am, 7am and 9.30am she poo so have to bath and now feeding her, my breast is full and leaking but can't pump as no one at home.
blissful: dun feel sad ok? Do they at least visit you?
I have come to the conclusion that it's ok if no one loves our child... as long as we love them wholeheartedly, that's enough
Blissful sometimes I carry my gal as I pump if she cries for my attention. Ya difficult to pump coz need to attend to baby first especially if baby is fussing. Whole of last week my gal fuss during the day, I hardly can pump much n night time I was very tired that I didn't wake up to pump, my supply has dropped alot, breast dun feel hard or full. Guess need to rebuild again.... Hopefully can. If u feel stress at home alone, listen to some music...

N I have taken a few breaks from baby care like go facial, pedicure by leaving my gal with my mum or hubby. Help to recharge especially from all the night duties
Pink, yes they did Only once during my confirment. Agree with you as long we love our child. But at least they never give me problem, unlike my hub aunt which is staying with us.

Gan, my parents help me alot but my lazy hub never. Maybe this is our 2nd kid not as excited as before or he know that I have good helper so he can relax. That good so far I did have some break as my mum can't cook this 2 week, my hub, son and me go out for dinner.

Blissful, yup read abt that aunt...sigh...guess every family has some kind of problem of its own huh?
I also hope in times to come, I can get a good helper to help out... coz MIL wanna take care of the baby with a helper ard... she is abt 62 yrs old and she said she could not cope with my FIL... so I need to get a helper b4 I return to wk...

Gan: the occasional breaks are good... im now thinking ahead when would I have time for hairdo and self pampering treats LOL :p
