IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Baby, tks. Do you know when the sales end?

Pandwife, at least you can chase your mil away, my hub aunt is not marry & no one wants her so she have to stay with us. My parents & bro are staying with us till their new flat are ready in 2014 (long story). & I can't stand the way his aunt look after my son, when I scold my son my hub said I creating trouble as indirectly saying his aunt. How can a kid eat junk food early in the morning.


Yr boy is big and can help u. My boy is 3 years plus sometimes like to disturb his siblings. Must be sibling rivalry.
blissful, me n hb went thru 2 mths of hell before the decision came to retire mil. even then also very tricky to do it.. cos of "political" reasons between the two sets of grandparents!

i realised from the experience that there will always be a very big gap between how we wanna bring up our kids and how others of a different generation wanna do it.

my dad says i shld go back to work couple of mths later.. leave the maids n bbs with him n my mum.... i told him they cant bring up my bbs the way i want.. so its better i stay home until they are old enuff to go childcare and learn to socialise..
Ladies, fyi...

(1) Baby Fair 2011 - Taka
9th to 28th Mar 2011

(2) Baby Care festival 2011 - Expo hall 6B
18th to 20th Mar 2011 - 11am to 8pm

(3) Baby Expo - Expo Hall 6A
22nd to 24th Apr 2011 -
Fri and Sat - 11am to 9pm
Sun - 11am to 8pm

(4) Mothercare bb fair - Harbourfront
3-13 Mar

(5) Motherhood Exh 2011
02 to 05 Jun 2011 - Hall 6B - Singapore expo
Thurs to Sun - 11am to 9pm
singapoh, this agency told me her side no transfer maids anymore and it will tk at least 4 weeks for the maid to come and the price remains...

I v scared kena conned by agency...is there any questions I shd arm myself with before going down to the agency?
Those 8 months advance is their loan. They hv to pay agency so much to get here to work. We the employer pay for them first and they work for us to clear their loan. After 8 months or so we will pay them monthly in full.

Usually a fresh maid without passport will take from 6 to 8 weeks. Those with passport ready should take about 3 weeks.

My first agent was JPB. I had to use their maid for at least 7 months. U can read the contract before u sign.

My current agency charge $488 and $588 if it's ex sg maid. We paid $4k+ for our 2nd maid. That includes loan, agent fee and insurance.
Pandawife so far the maids u interview is in person or tele conference? Planning to interview one this wed afternoon
singapoh, Then i tink I am getting fresh maids with no ex sg experience I tink for the cheaper salary quoted...hopefully I can get one soon then...Thanks!
Rostrum Ic.... Forgot to ask is mine tele or video interview. Abit blur.... First time employing a helper. Hope to get 1 by April so that I can train her before I return to work in may.
Singapoh, maybe.
Lucky my son never said why I carry mei mei and have no time for him. He gave me encouragment to breast feed my girl, when I pump and if little he tell me "it's ok mummy" and when alot "wah mummy alot good". God is great to send me such a good son.

Rostum, tks. I'm waiting for taka baby fair

Pandawife, if you can afford to be a home maker that's good. I can't so shall see how it goes, once my girl reach 18 mth I will send her to childcare. Better than staying at home can learn more things. By the time just nice my parents flat will more or less ready & I don't have to worry about my girl.
Gan, u can always call to ask...I also 1st time, lagi blur abt all these...
Ya, better to train the maid before u goes back to work...
blissful, yr son is such a dear...when I read yr post I feel so touched...to tink tt he dun feel jealous but instead encourage u to BF...

I am also looking forward for the taka fair.
No wonder la... Im thinking how come yr bb can lay so well in the pouch.. Haha... Did u try fitting yr boy in the pouch?
I think the pouch is more suitable for hip carry than cradle carry..

When yr bbs took the 6in1 injections.. Did dr give u fever med? How long did it take for the fever to go away? U use baby bonus to pay?

Im not sure when will the sale end.. Cos initially i wana go for the metro 20% sale but it ended on sat.. So when i buy the pouch with the discount i also surprise.. I thk the discount only for mothercare.. U buy above $100 can get member card also..

If video cam interview u got to go to the agency office. I called Indon to interview.


Wah yr boy is so sweet. Hehe.. U in Panda's fb list? What's yr initial. I go kaypoh
Panda/ baby does ur PD do any development assessment for your babies when u bring them for jabs?

Just faith when is ur gal taking the 6 in 1 or 5 in 1 jab?
baby, yes..we were given baby panadol for the bbs to take in case they hv pain or fever.

we din use the bb bonus coz forgot to bring the cards! so we just pay cash first... the package will start from the next jab using bb bonus.
How tall is yr hb? He can use yr medium size sling?
My hb also thinking to get one.. But he is abt 1.8m... Dont knw must get xl size not...

I hvt bring my bbs for the 5in1 japs yet but soon...
baby, the medium sling is too tight for him....can wear, but not gd fit.. he bought large size. my hb is about 1.75m.

hmm..how come ur bbs havent gone for their jabs? u purposely delay? now i need to decide if i wanna take up the whole package with all the non compulsory jabs or do ala cart package... but if pick n choose, i hv no idea which ones to take or not to take..
Panda, your 3 babies are so chubby now..your baby cot is v big... Can fit 3 babies? I only intend to get one cot first n put 2 babies together...if later part need another one then I will get another one.. Where did u get your cot?
My girl just did her 6 in 1. Pd checks her tummy, listens to her heart/lungs, pulls her up by her hands to check her neck control, flips her on her tummy to check neck control also and asks qns abt her behavior.
Grumpus the pulling up is check neck control ar? When I went PD the last time when my daughter was 7 weeks the PD also pulls her up by the hands n she continue to sleep. The nurse was remarking ur Bb likes to sleep. I tot they were trying to wake her up. Was telling my mum how cone the doc so rough in waking her.=p

How many weeks is your gal now? My Bb going for 5 in 1 next Monday when she is 11 weeks.
Most combi models are slightly lighter than maclaren models. But babies outgrow the combi strollers more easily cos it's smaller than maclaren strollers. I have a friend who bought a combi stroller for her girl. Then when her girl turned 3years old, she couldn't fit into the combi stroller so they bought another maclaren xt.
Personally I think it's not necessary to spend $100-200 more on the new 2010 techno xt model. I got the grey 2008 model and it looks as gd and works as well as the black 2010 model. Stroller is not something that will get outdated.
Cos my bbs took 2nd hep jap at 2 mths old.. So 5in1 is to take at 3 mths old.. So they are due soon...
I also hvt put $$ into the cda acc so cant use it for the vacinations..
My pd also pull up her body by her hands to check for neck muscel growth...

Btw gals
Other than the baby bonus of $6000 where govt match dollar to dollar.. There is another baby bonus where its base on no of child.. Eg 1st child is one amt.. Then 2nd child is another amt.. Where we can get cash is it?

My gal took her first 6-in-1 jab when she was 7 weeks old. Had mild fever range at abt 37.5. If poss, I would advise you to get a morning appt for the jabs, cause the fever will usually appear 8 hrs later. then at least you have the whole evening or night time to react. My gal took her jab at abt 230pm. DH and I didnt sleep the whole night, as we keep checking on her. Lucky she did not be carried ard when she was having fever. But we noticed she dont have appetite for milk. We only fed her the fever medicine one time.


I used my gal CDA card to pay for her jab. the package was $400+. The PD is at rivervale mall - the kids clinic. But must bring photocopy of baby birth cert, my nric and the letter from ocbc/scb where it notify you that the account has been opened. Most importantly, please remember to bring the CDA card PIN number hor.

btw, the other payment that you mentioned, I already received $1k on 8th feb. for that, you have to fill up the green form. guess it was given to you when yr gals were discharged from TMC.
singapoh, yup...bb pouch, but i think the mim is adjustable? the pupsik is not.

working wife,.. the brother. he is more experienced n patient...but only mornings halfdays consultations.

Yes, indo maids salary is cheaper. Personally, I like indo maids. Dunno how I end up hiring filipino maid instead... LOL.


My maid dont have even make breakfast for me, not to mention tea-break. Lucky you! FYI, I seldom ask my maid to handle food. At the most, only ask her to help me with food preparation. I still prefer to cook for DH and MIL.... I never for once, ask her to cook a meal for me. I very bad hor? So, I can say, my maid did not learn any chinese cooking for me.
Working wife,
My kids r seeing dr Veronica Toh at raffles hospital.

Yes pulling up by the hands is to check neck muscle development cos when bb get pulled up by their hands their reaction shd be to try and lift their head to follow the sitting up motion. Yr girl managed to sleep through tat ah....hehe

My girl is 7wks now. She took the 6 in 1 at 6wks. No fever at all.
just faith.. yest first time she made food.. most of the time my parents are the chefs. i cant cook to save my life! hahaha....

if she can cook well, i dont mind let her take over the kitchen...with 3 bbs in the house, i rather my parents just focus on taking care of them.

now tht bbs are bigger and spend lesser time sleeping ... we need more time to play with them..

today my little ones night feeds very frequent.. all woke up for milk at 3.5hrs.. my 2nd boy finished 140ml of milk.. n still kept crying for more!! no choice, i made another 30ml..he drank 10ml n knock out...diao...

cant believe that you are still awake at this hour... Pandas don't sleep at all? Hehe... My gal woke up for her 145am feed just now. Until now, she is still sleeping. Her next feed should be around 7am. hmmm... btw, have you changed the teat size for your boy who is still using avent bottle? I already bought the 1m+ teats. Wondering if I should change one of these days. She just turned two months today.
Bing, my fren also told me the same thing. She says she saw most children as big as 3-4 years old n still can sit on Maclaren strollers.. Which I tink is more worthwhile. I tink most likely I m getting the 2008 model since not much difference but might drop by any shops again to ask them show me the 2008 model as I was being shown 2010 model at hypermart only.

I rmb u hving twins also right? Since u got separate strollers for your twins as well, did u buy the clip to clip the 2 strollers out when u bring them out together or we always need 2 adults to push d 2 strollers?
Pandawife my gal also woke up every 3 hrs for her feed today though she drank more than usual 100ml fm. Feeling abit rejected, fm she drank 100. , my yummy bm she drank 80 and is enuff!=s

Grumpus my gal suppose to take her 6 in 1 during the 7 weeks. But coz scared got fever I told the doc I will take the hep B 2nd shot n take 5 in 1 when she is older around 3 mths. Ur gal jaundice ok ?

Just faith so u r not going back to kkh PD? I also tempted not to gobsck but coz of the jaundice no choice but to return n therefore also take the vaccine there.
My girl kept waking up every one n half to two hr last night. I think u, me and panda really become panda already. N now I hv a headache, sore throat n runny nose

My girl still has residual jaundice. But PD is satisfied tat she's fine, growing well n jaundice level under control. So she's been 'discharged' from that issue already.
Just faith, I have already change The teat size 1 week plus today she is 2 my old.

Gan, when you discharge they refer you to kkpd and not polyclinic near your pl?

Gan, no. I didn't go back KKH PD at all. I brought her blood test results to the pte PD, they cleared her long time ago. The pte PD is very near my place. The clinic asst will call me when there r 2-3 patients before me. So shorter waiting time.
